WWW Page Of Helen Zhang ( Heng Zhang) heng zhang s Homepage Welcome to my new home page, too! The very center ofWashington DC is at my finger tip ! Here comes Helen ( heng zhang ). http://www.haoli.org/hzhang/
Zhang Heng Zhang Heng. Born 78 in Nanyang, China Died 139 in China. Heng was amathematician, astronomer and geographer. He became chief astrologer http://www.sinopro.com/zhang.htm
Extractions: In 132 Heng invented the first seismoscope for measuring earthquakes. Heng's device was in the shape of a cylinder with eight dragon heads around the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom were eight frogs, each directly under a dragon head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of a the dragon's mouth into a frog's mouth, making a noise.
Zhang_Heng Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng was born at the time of the Eastern Han (sometimes calledLater Han) dynasty, the second half of the longest lasting Chinese dynasty. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Zhang_Heng.html
Extractions: Zhang Heng was born at the time of the Eastern Han (sometimes called Later Han) dynasty, the second half of the longest lasting Chinese dynasty. The Eastern Han was established in 25 AD after the brief 15 year reign of Wang Mang's Hsin dynasty had replaced the Western Han dynasty. At the time of Zhang Heng's birth the Emperor was Chang-ti, the third of the Eastern Han emperors. The capital of the country had moved to Lo-yang where a large ornate palace had been built. In Encyclopaedia Britannica the aims and achievements of the Han rulers are described as follows:- ... the Han came to require cultural accomplishment from their public servants, making mastery of classical texts a condition of employment. The title list of the enormous imperial library is China's first bibliography. Its text included works on practical matters such as mathematics and medicine, as well as treatises on philosophy and religion and the arts. Advancement in science and technology was also sought by the rulers, and the Han invented paper, used water clocks and sundials, and developed a seismograph. Calendars were published frequently during the period. Over the years that Zhang Heng grew up, Chinese influence and prestige were growing rapidly and reached their peak in around 90 when he was about 12 years old. This was the period during which Ho-ti was the emperor and the court began to be influenced by family members seeking to extend their own power. Zhang, who had been born into an important family, was educated in the moral and political philosophy of Confucianism. For ten years he studied literature and trained as a writer. He published a number of literary works which gained him considerable fame. We shall give more information below on these aspects of Zhang's achievements as well as examples of his poetry. Zhang was thirty years old before his interests turned from literature to scientific matters, and at that time he became particularly interested in astronomy.
References For Zhang_Heng References for Zhang Heng. SK Mo, The ratio of circumference to diameter accordingto heng zhang (Chinese), J. Northwest Univ. 26 (4) (1996), 359362. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Zhang_Heng.html
Extractions: D R Knechtges (trns.), Wen Xuan, or Selections of Refined Literature (Princeton, New Jersey, 1982). J-C Martzloff, A history of Chinese mathematics (Berlin-Heidelberg, 1997). J-C Martzloff, (Paris, 1987). J Needham, Science and Civilisation in China III (Cambridge, 1959). Ngo van Xuyet, Divination, Magie et Politique dans la Chine Ancienne (Paris, 1976). F Ye, The History of the Eastern Han Dynasty (Chinese) (Beijing, 1965). Articles: Z Jin, A critique of "Zhang Heng's theory of a spherical earth", in Chinese studies in the history and philosophy of science and technology (Dordrecht, 1996), 427-432. S K Mo, The ratio of circumference to diameter according to Heng Zhang (Chinese), J. Northwest Univ. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
DBLP: Shi-Heng Zhang Shiheng zhang. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ 2003.2, EE, Francis CM Lau, Shi-heng zhang Optimal gossiping in paths and cycles. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/z/Zhang:Shi=Heng.html
Extractions: List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Francis C. M. Lau , Shi-Heng Zhang: Optimal gossiping in paths and cycles. J. Discrete Algorithms 1 EE Francis C. M. Lau , Shi-Heng Zhang: Fast Gossiping in Square Meshes/Tori with Bounded-Size Packets. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13 Francis C. M. Lau DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de) Fri May 28 13:12:35 2004
DBLP: Ming-Heng Zhang dblp.unitrier.de Ming-heng zhang. 2004. 1, EE, Ming-heng zhang, Qian-Sheng ChengDetermine the number of components in a mixture model by the extended KS test. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/z/Zhang:Ming=Heng.html
Extractions: List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... EE Ming-Heng Zhang, Qian-Sheng Cheng : Determine the number of components in a mixture model by the extended KS test. Pattern Recognition Letters 25 Qian-Sheng Cheng DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de) Fri May 28 13:12:35 2004
Recherche Inventeur - Invention heng zhang en 0.113 s. Ø Site(s)trouvé(s) 1 à 1. 14. Inventeur ( Zhang Heng ), Lieu ( Chine ). http://www.awake2life.com/ericc/phpmyannu/search.php3?mots=Heng Zhang&and=0
Zhang Heng Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng () (78 AD 139 AD) was an astronomer, mathematician,artist and literature scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China. http://www.fact-index.com/z/zh/zhang_heng.html
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Zhang Heng AD - AD) was an astronomer mathematician , artist and literature scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China Born in today Nanyang County Henan In the year he corrected the calendar to bring it into line with the seasons. In , Zhang invented the first seismoscope for measuring earthquakes . He theorized that the universe was like an egg with the stars on the shell and the earth as the yolk. Zhang Heng was the first person in China to construct a rotating celestial globe . He also invented the odometer. In one of his publications pi
Microchip Names (Z) ZDUNCYK JENIFER M ZDUNCYK ZHANG ZE YANG ZE6 ZEA VERA ZHANEL ZHANG DUODUO ASTEROID 1802 ZHANG heng zhang LIXIN MS. ZHANG YAN CHINA ZHANG YANG ZHANG YIN ZHANG YIN http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/overview/microchip/names2z2.html
Extractions: Click the link for more information. mathematician Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
Extractions: Click the link for more information. Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese characters simplified (with respect to Chinese characters) may also be used to refer to the off-the-cuff simplifications employed in hand-writing, which classically are not official but generally widespread. This latter meaning is not the one discussed by this article, unless otherwise noted. Click the link for more information. Wade-Giles Wade-Giles , sometimes abbreviated Wade , is a Romanization (phonetic notation and transliteration) system for the Chinese language based on Mandarin. It developed from a system produced by Thomas Wade in the mid-19th century, and reached settled form with Herbert Giles's Chinese-English dictionary of 1912. It was the main system of transliteration in the English-speaking world for most of the 20th century.
Davis Cup - Players Jiaheng zhang, China, PR, Flag of CHN. Date of Birth, 09 Nov 1971. Placeof Birth, Height, Weight, Handed, Unknown. Singles Ranking, Doubles Ranking, http://www.daviscup.com/teams/player.asp?Player=10001768
Fast Gossiping In Square Meshes/Tori With Bounded-Size Packets Authors, Francis CM Lau, Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Shiheng zhang,Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Publisher, IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=507151&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF
Zhang Heng Zhang Heng. Used with permission of Zhang Heng (78139) was a Chinesemathematician searching for the value of pi. His use of the http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/Graphicartists/Prints/scistamp/math1/03
Personal Web Page Preview Xiaotao Hao, Jin Ma, Deheng zhang, Ying-Ge Yang, Hong-Lei Ma, Chuan-Fu Cheng, andXiang-Dong Liu Comparison of the properties for ZnO Al films deposited on http://www.imre.org.sg/personal/getListing_action.asp?strID=xt-hao
1998 Publications E Wu, heng zhang, SJ Campbell and SR Bulcock, Crystal Structure of a QuaternaryNdCo-Si-B Compound - Refinement of Synchrotron Radiation Data , J.Alloys and http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/s-campbell/98pubs.htm
Extractions: 1998 Publications G. Klingelhöfer, S.J. Campbell, G M Wang, P. Held, B. Stahl and E. Kankeleit, "Iron Ore Processing - In Situ Monitoring", Hyperfine Interactions 111, 335-339 (1998). S.J. Campbell, E. Wu, W.A. Kaczmarek and G. Wang, "Barium Ferrite Ball Milled in Vacuum", Hyperfine Interactions 112, 243-246 (1998). E Wu, Heng Zhang, S.J. Campbell and S.R. Bulcock, "Crystal Structure of a Quaternary Nd-Co-Si-B Compound - Refinement of Synchrotron Radiation Data", J.Alloys and Compounds 264, 232-235 (1998). W.A. Kaczmarek and S.J. Campbell, "Transformations in Oxides - Dry and Wet Mechanochemical Processes", Materials Science Forum 269-272, 259-264 (1998). W.A. Kaczmarek, S.J. Campbell, E. Wu, B. Idzikowski and K-H Müller, "Structural and Magnetic Phases in Ball Milled Strontium Ferrite", Materials Science Forum 269-272, 455-460 (1998). C. Stiller, E. Wu, S.J. Campbell, A. Kerr, W.A. Kaczmarek, J.S. Williams, J.Eckert and L Schultz, "Mechanically Alloyed and Rapidly Quenched Fe-Zr-B-Cu : Mössbauer Investigation", Materials Science Forum 269-272, 425-430 (1998). M. Hofmann, S.J. Campbell, R.I. Smith, S.J. Kennedy, X.L. Xhao and A.V.J. Edge, "Competing Magnetic Interactions in La0.8Y0.2Mn2Si2", Materials Science Forum 278-281, 455-460 (1998).
2000 Publications heng zhang, SJ Campbell and AVJ Edge, Formation and Structure of RareEarth IntermetallicCompounds R3Co29M4B10, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 12, L159 http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/s-campbell/00pubs.htm
Extractions: 2000 Publications W Schäfer, W Kockelmann, A Kirfel, W Potzel, F J Burghart, G M Kalvius, A Martin, W A Kaczmarek and S J Campbell, "Structural and Magnetic Variations of ZnFe2O4 Spinels - Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies", Materials Science Forum 321-324, 802-807 (2000). F J Burghart, W Potzel, G M Kalvius, E Schreier, G Grosse, D R Noakes, W Schäfer, W Kockelmann, S J Campbell, W A Kaczmarek, A Martin and M K Krause, "Magnetism of Crystalline and Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ", Physica B 289-290, 286-290 (2000). S.J. Campbell, M. Hofmann and A.Calka "The Synthesis of TiN by Ball-Milling - A Neutron Diffraction Study", Physica B 276-278, 899-900 (2000). Heng Zhang, S. J. Campbell and A V J Edge, "Formation and Structure of Rare-Earth Intermetallic Compounds R3Co29M4B10, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, L159-L166 (2000). Heng Zhang, S. J. Campbell, H S Li, M Hofmann and A V J Edge, "Mössbauer Study of Rare-Earth Intermetallic Compounds R3T29Si4B10", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, 5021-5032 (2000). M. Hofmann, S.J. Campbell and S J Kennedy, "Competing Magnetic Interaction in La0.8Y0.2Mn2Si2 - Coexistence of Canted Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism"
Fall 2002 Class Schedule - Mathematical Sciences Section 1 Maryland 104, W 4, TA Pamela Pei, M 12-1. Section 2 - NEB 12, Th1030, TA heng zhang, T 2-4. Section 1 - Maryland 104, W 3, TA heng zhang,T 2-4. http://www.mts.jhu.edu/ams/undergraduate_programs/course_descriptionsfa02.html
Extractions: Shaffer 3 MTW 12 Prof. Donniell Fishkind MTW 10-11 Section 1 - Maryland 201 W 4 TA: Babis Antoniou W 3-4 Section 2 - NEB 12 Th 9 TA: David Silver M 2-3 Section 3 - Maryland 217 Th 10:30 TA: Dave Hutchison T 4-6 Section 4 - Maryland 109 Th 12 TA: Xiaoling Wu T 2-4 Section 5 - Maryland 114 Th 1 TA: Xiaogong Zhong M 4:30-6:30 Section 6 - NEB 12 Th 2 TA: Xiaoling Wu T 2-4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS II
Öйú¿Æѧ¼¼Êõ´óѧ Jian Yang, GuangHui Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Xian-Ming Liu, Yu-heng zhang, Yi-Tai Qian,Pressure-controlled fabrication of stibnite nanorods by the solvothermal http://mse.ustc.edu.cn/detail.php?siteid=1317&tplset=deptc1&pid=1320&catalogid=1
University Of Science And Technology Of China Jian Yang, GuangHui Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Xian-Ming Liu, Yu-heng zhang, Yi-Tai Qian, Pressure-controlled fabrication of stibnite nanorods by the solvothermal http://mse.ustc.edu.cn/en/more.php?siteid=1328&tplset=depte1&siteid=1328&pid=242