Extractions: MR Some remarks on Dirichlet problem (in: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Potential Theory (ed.J.Kral), Academia, Praha 1975, 125 - 132 . ( MR On a Generalized Heat Potential , Czechoslovak Math. J. MR Henri Lebesgue (on the occasion of 100th anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom.
Seznam Publikaci 120; eduard helly, convexity and functional analysis (Czech) (withJ. Vesely), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29 (1984), 301 312; On http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~netuka/publikace.html
Extractions: Solution of the problem No 10 (author Jan Marik), from 81 (1956), p. 470 (Czech), Casopis Pest. Mat. 94 (1969), 223 - 225 Solution of the problem No 3 (author Jan Marik), from 81 (1956), p. 247 (Czech), Casopis Pest. Mat. 94 (1969), 362 - 364 Smooth surfaces with infinite cyclic variation (Czech), Casopis Pest. Mat. 96 (1971), 86 - 101 The Schwarz-Christoffel integrals (Czech), Casopis Pest.Mat. 96 (1971), 164 - 182 The Robin problem in potential theory, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 12 (1971), 205 - 211 The third boundary value problem in the potential theory (Czech), Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha 1970, 1 - 144 Solution of the problem No 5 (author Jan Marik) from 82 (1957), p. 365 (Czech), Casopis Pest. Mat. 97 (1972), 208 - 209 Elliptic points in one dimensional harmonic spaces (with J.Kral and J.Lukes), Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 12 (1971), 453 - 483 Generalized Robin problem in potential theory, Czechoslovak Math. J. 22 (1972), 312 - 324
Neue Galerie Graz - Jenseits Von Kunst / 4 Mathematik Und Physik Translate this page Wilhelm Frank schildert einige der bedeutendsten Mathematiker und Logiker Österreichsua Wilhelm Wirtinger, Philipp Furtwängler, eduard helly, Abraham Wald http://www.stmk.gv.at/verwaltung/lmj-ng/97/jvk/04.html
Extractions: Wilhelm Frank schildert Funktionalanalysis Johann Radon, Georg Kreisel, Alfred Tauber, Richard von Mises, John G. Kemeny, Paul R. Halmos u.a.). Christa Binder zeigt an Olga Todd-Taussky exemplarisch den Lebensweg einer Mathematikerin in diesem Jahrhundert. Leopold Vietoris G. Helmberg und K. Sigmund Raoul Bott gelten ebenfalls der algebraischen Geometrie (M. Neuwirther). Geometrie kann sehr abstrakt sein, manchmal aber auch sehr anschaulich oder gar spielerisch. An Gruppentheorie , der Disziplin, die mathematisch dem Symmetriebegriff zugrunde liegt. Die Geometrie hat in diesem und im letzten Jahrhundert einige Revolutionen durchgemacht, an denen z.B. in Ungarn und Karl Menger und Kurt Reidemeister in Wien beteiligt waren. , oft auch der "Satz des Jahrhunderts" genannt (P.Weibel und E. Köhler), schlägt eine unerwartete Brücke zu Problemen der (mathematischen) Physik (M. Stöltzner). Ein wichtiger Entropie Ludwig Boltzmann hat damit das ganze Gebiet der statistischen Physik Richard von Mises hat die mathematischen Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Auszugsweise wird der Orginalaufsatz von Leo Szilard Informationstheorie Szilards Autobiographie weist auf seine und seiner Freunde ( ) Beteiligung an der Entwicklung der Atombombe interne Prinzipien (Proportion, Reihe, Serie etc.)
Navegants Translate this page es Joan L. Aymerich jllaymer@minorisa.es Jaume Bacardit helly@minorisa.es Antoni hotmail.comMitjanit orquestra mitjanit@hotmail.com HOMEPAGE eduard Molner edus http://www.minorisa.es/portal/directoris/navegants.html
Delftse Hockey En Tennis Club Ring Pass Vr 9 jan, 19.0022.00, Nico Nelis. 22.00-sluiten, eduard Weijgers (H2), Maartenv Rossum (H1). 14.00-sluiten, helly vd Zanden(tennis), Nancy Zwinkels(tennis). http://www.ringpass.nl/convo/weken/2003-51-52-01
Extractions: preloadImages( "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/nieuws.gif", "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/a_nieuws.gif" ); preloadImages( "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/info.gif", "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/a_info.gif" ); preloadImages( "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/hockey.gif", "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/a_hockey.gif" ); preloadImages( "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/tennis.gif", "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/a_tennis.gif" ); preloadImages( "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/c_convo.gif", "http://www.ringpass.nl/_images/navigation/a_convo.gif" ); Een nivo naar boven Bardiensten Activiteitenagenda Bardiensten week 51, 52 2003 en 01 2004 SLEUTEL Marijke Glaudemans Faunapad 1 Di 16 dec Maria vd Boogaart 22.00-sluiten Sebas Talstra (H1), Mark Bruining (H1) Wo 17 dec Jan Sosef 22.00-sluiten Gerard Biegman (trim),Jan Willem Eendebak (trim) Do 18 dec Eduard Bakkers 22.00-sluiten Michel Saris (H7), Tim Misset (H7) SLEUTEL Theo vd Reijken Vr 19 dec Theo vd Reijken 22.00-sluiten
ANOTHER JEWISH VIEW EH NagelOssendrijver, Yoeke Nagel, Florie Neter-Polak, Raymond Nethe, Erga Netz,LB van Nierop, eduard Nusselder, Helena van Oers, helly Oesteicher, Astrid http://www.xs4all.nl/~sivmo/ander2.htm
Extractions: ANOTHER JEWISH VOICE We, Jews in The Netherlands, are in favor of: Ariel Sharons visit to the Tempel Mount was the provocation which put the spark to the finder. Palestinian frustrations were enflamed resulting in a spiral of excessive violence which has gotten out of hand on both sides, Israeli and Palestinian. The numbers of dead and wounded speak for themselves. The root of the problem is the structural inequality between (Jewish) Israelis en the Palestinians. In the past 7 years, the peace process has not managed to put an end to the repression of Palestinians in the occupied territories. Under the Barak-government: land confiscations in favor of extending the building of Jewish settlements has continued; Palestinian homes, especially in and around Jerusalem, have been demolished; policies to drive Palestinians out of Jerusalem are still being enforced and the Palestinians continue to suffer from the restrictions on their freedom of movement. The fact that the standard of living has not improved also contributes to the growing frustration among the Palestinians.
Helfenstein, Alois (1875 - 1927), Chemiker Und Fabrikant Translate this page Hellmann, Jakob (1868 - 1930), Chemiker. Hellmayr, Carl eduard (1878- 1944), Ornithologe. helly, Carl von (1865 - 1932), Mediziner. http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/oebl/oebl_H_6
Extractions: Helfenstein, Alois (1875 - 1927), Chemiker und Fabrikant Helfer, Johann Wilhelm (1810 - 1840), Orientforscher und Asienforscher Helferstorfer, Othmar (Kaspar) (1810 - 1880), Ordensangehöriger Helfert, Joseph (1791 - 1847), Jurist Helfert, Joseph Alexander Frh. von; Ps. Guido Alexis (1820 - 1910), Politiker, Rechtswissenschaftler und Historiker Helfert, Vladimír (1886 - 1945), Musikhistoriker Hell, Gustav (1843 - 1921), Apotheker Hell, Josef (1789 - 1832), Bildhauer Hell, Kamillo (Camillo) Hellenbach, Lazar Frh. von (1827 - 1887), Philosoph und Okkultist Hellensteiner, Emma (Emerenzia); geb. Hausbacher (1818 - 1904), Gastwirtin Heller, Eduard (1879 - 1945), Offizier Heller, Gustav (1857 - 1937), Fabrikant Heller, Hermann Vinzenz (1866 - 1949), Bildhauer, Maler und Graphiker Heller, Isidor (1816 - 1879), Journalist und Schriftsteller Heller, Johann Florian (1813 - 1871), Mediziner und Chemiker Heller, Josef (1855 - 1911), Lehrer Heller, Josef (1876 - 1932), Komponist, Musikkritiker und Lautenist Heller, Kamill (1823 - 1917), Zoologe Heller, Karl Bartholomäus
Suchmir.Info: Jaques Britt Translate this page Jaques Britt), Trachten-Moden (Habsburg), Sportswear (helly Hansen), Accessoires AlbertoDaniel Hechter Kaiser Wilvorst Basefield eduard Dressler Lerros Boss http://suchmir.info/jaques-britt
Reuters AlertNet Lite - Homepage Regional chief eduard Kokoity says he will meet Saakashvili only when Georgia admits isthat the Georgians have missed the train, said Damien helly, the ICG s http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L06205320.htm?_lite_=1&via=lnav
Clasificaciones Pirena'2000 Translate this page 085856. 1. P. N. 49. eduard BARCELÓ. ESP. Purina Pro Plan. 095741. 2.P. N. 50. KARINE BRUNNERQ. FR. helly Hansen. 123629. 3. P. N. 48. FRANCISCOCEBRIÁN. ESP. http://edicionesdesnivel.com/nieve/nieve001.htm
Extractions: Premios ... Andoni Cedrún Fiel a su cita anual, Pirena'2000 (Gran Premio Purina Pro Plan) ha constituido un auténtico reto para los 200 integrantes de la expedición, 52 equipos de 14 países y 500 perros, se trasladan con 75 vehículos y conviven durante 15 días y 15 noches inolvidables en los más bellos parajes de los Pirineos. Ha cumplido su DÉCIMO ANIVERSARIO y se consolida como la carrera de trineos más estable y con más repercusión mediática de Europa. PIRENA está abierto desde la pasada edición a todo tipo de perro, tanto nórdico como de cualquier otra raza, mientras tengan capacidad y preparación para practicar este deporte. Este año ha habido una sola categoría en trineos y una sola categoría en pulka.
Tibor Radó Siberia. There he met the mathematician eduard helly, and studiedmathematics under the latter s tutelage in the prison camp. Due http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/history/biographies/rado/
Extractions: Eduard Helly, and studied mathematics under the latter's tutelage in the prison camp. Due to the chaos of the communist revolution and ensuing civil war, he was unable to return to Hungary until 1920. He then attended the University of Szeged where he studied with and with Frigyes Riesz, under whose direction he wrote his Ph. D. thesis in 1922. Afterwards he served as an assistant and Privatdozent at Szeged. In 1928 he was awarded a fellowship by the Rockefeller Foundation, which he spent working with in Munich and with Paul Koebe and Leon Lichtenstein in Leipzig. In 1929 he came to the U. S. as a visiting lecturer at Harvard and Rice University. Marshall Hall, Jr. Henry B. Mann , Erwin Kleinfeld and Herbert Ryser Ph. D. theses at Ohio State. Plateau's Jesse Douglas , were the first to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution (cf. ), a result which completed more than half a century's work on the classification of compact surfaces by many major mathematicians, including Riemann , and Weyl . In 1945 he was selected to give the American Mathematical Society Colloquium Lectures on his work on surface area (cf.
Displaying Dictionary Terms Starting With Letter HE hellicograph Hellin s law Hellin, Dyonizy helly s fixative helly, Konrad helmet hennotannicHenoch s chorea Henoch s purpura Henoch, eduard henochschoenlein http://www.dictionarybarn.com/dic-HE.php
Famous Mathematicians With An H Percy Heawood Daniel Hecht Erich Hecke Earle Hedrick Poul Heegaard Hans Heilbronneduard Heine Werner Heisenberg Ernst Hellinger eduard helly Hermann von http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_H.htm
::Gesundheitswelt:: Translate this page garantieren. Günter. Dirk. helly. Georg. Jola. Monica. Birgit. ..Gesundheitswelt eduard Bodem Gasse 3 A-6020 INNSBRUCK TEL. 0512/39 15 49. http://www.gesundheitswelt.at/ibk/team.htm
Extractions: Wir sprechen mit Ihnen über Ihre Ziele und stellen Ihnen ein auf Sie persönlich zugeschnittenes Trainingsprogramm zusammen. Unser staatlich geprüftes Trainerpersonal steht Ihnen jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung. Rund um die Uhr sind unsere TrainerInnen für Ihre Fragen zur richtigen Benützung der Geräte zur Stelle. Und so können wir den Erfolg Ihres Trainingsprogramms garantieren. Dirk Helly Georg Jola Monica Birgit
Mode Marken Bei Wer-zu-wem.de Translate this page eduard Dressler Herrenmode, Dressler Familie (de), Dressler Großostheim, hellyHansen Segelkleidung, helly Hansen (dk), helly Hansen München, Angebot. http://wer-zu-wem.de/marken/mode.html
From Kgs@logic.at Mon May 12 125038 2003 From Kgs@logic.at (KGS Translate this page and Empowerment Chair Mitchell Ash (Wien) 10-11 Uhr Karl Sigmund (UniversitätWien, A) ?,Versichern beruhigt Alfred Tauber,eduard helly und die http://www.logic.at/pipermail/kgs-list/2003-May.txt
Extractions: From kgs@logic.at Mon May 12 12:50:38 2003 From: kgs@logic.at (KGS) Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 13:50:38 +0200 Subject: [KGS] Announcement: Marie Duzi: Concepts, Language and Ontologies Message-ID: Marie Duzi VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Concepts, Languages and Ontologies (from the logical point of view) Department of Database Analysis and Artificial Intelligence TU Wien Zemanek Room (ground floor) Favoritenstraße 9-11 1040 Wien Outline: 1) Terminology - Ontology 2) Traditional "theories of concept" and the connected problems 3) Underlying philosophy and logic: Transparent intensional logic (TIL) 4) Concepts as abstract procedures 5) Concepts and language 6) Conceptual lattices 7) Conclusion From kgs@logic.at Mon May 12 12:56:52 2003 From: kgs@logic.at (kgs@logic.at) Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 13:56:52 +0200 Subject: [KGS] Announce: =?iso-8859-15?Q?=D6STERREIC?= =?iso-8859-15?Q?H?= UND DER NATIONALSOZIALISMUS Message-ID: Sorry for the inconvenience I forgot to include the time: Marie Duzi VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Concepts, Languages and Ontologies (from the logical point of view) Wednesday, 14. May 2003 16:00 Department of Database Analysis and Artificial Intelligence TU Wien Zemanek Room (ground floor) Favoritenstraße 9-11 1040 Wien Outline: 1) Terminology - Ontology 2) Traditional "theories of concept" and the connected problems 3) Underlying philosophy and logic: Transparent intensional logic (TIL) 4) Concepts as abstract procedures 5) Concepts and language 6) Conceptual lattices 7) Conclusion
Ann Intern Med -- Table Of Contents (June 20 2000, 132 [12]) had no interest in science whatsoever until my junior year in high school, when Imet Dr. Elizabeth helly. Peter Alter, eduard M. Walthers, and Bernhard Maisch. http://www.annals.org/content/vol132/issue12/index.shtml
Extractions: In this Issue Articles Brief Communications Academia and Clinic Reviews Abroad Perspectives Editorials On Being a Doctor On Being a Patient Letters Medical Writings: Book Notes Currents Ad Libitum Ancillary Content Summaries for Patients PDF of Contents Services Subscribe One-time access Activate online subscription Access Personal Archive In this Issue Articles Brief Communications Academia and Clinic Reviews Abroad Perspectives Editorials On Being a Doctor On Being a Patient Letters Medical Writings: Book Notes Currents Ad Libitum Ancillary Content Summaries for Patients PDF of Contents Services Subscribe One-time access Activate online subscription Access Personal Archive TABLE OF CONTENTS 20 June 2000 Volume 132 Issue 12 Previous Issue Next Issue The Cost-Effectiveness of Sildenafil Kenneth J. Smith and Mark S. Roberts In an analysis biased against use of sildenafil, the costeffectiveness of sildenafil treatment for erectile dysfunction compared favorably with that of accepted therapies for other medical conditions. Abstract/Editors' Notes Full Text PDF Summary for Patients
History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 18831941) *MT. Charles Albert Fischer (1884-1922); eduard helly (1884-1943)*SB; George David Birkhoff (1884-1944) *MT; Leon Chwistak http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html
Extractions: Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan 1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT Baudhayana (c. 700) Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT Apastamba (c. 600) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520) Katyayana (c. 500) Nabu-rimanni (c. 490) Kidinu (c. 480) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB Meton (c. 430) *SB
MA 704 Senior Seminar > Purpose > Purposes is a simple property to formulate, but convex bodies posses a surprisingly richstructure. The study of convex sets was revolutionized by eduard helly. http://segue.middlebury.edu/index.php?site=math0704a-s04§ion=5340&action=sit