Guldin Paul Guldin. Born 12 June 1577 in St Gall (now Sankt Gallen), Switzerland Died3 Nov 1643 in Graz, Austria. Paul Guldin was named Habakkuk Guldin at his birth.
Extractions: Paul Guldin was named Habakkuk Guldin at his birth. He became a goldsmith and worked at that during his teens. Although of Jewish descent his parents were Protestants but Guldin became a convert to Catholicism at the age of 20 and joined the Jesuit Order. At this point he changed his name to Paul. In 1609 he was sent to the Jesuit Collegio Romano in Rome where he studied under Clavius . After this he taught at Jesuit Colleges in Rome and Graz. He was also professor of mathematics at Vienna from 1623 until 1637 when he returned to Graz. In the middle of his years in Vienna he spent some time at the Silesian principality of Sagan. Guldin corresponded with Kepler , but on religious topics not mathematics or astronomy. Guldin's most important work is in 4 volumes. In Volume 1 centres of gravity are considered, in particular he discusses the centre of gravity of the Earth. Volume 2 contains Guldin's Theorem If a plane figure is rotated about an axis in its plane then the volume of the solid body formed is equal to the product of the area with the distance travelled by the centre of gravity Volume 3 contains work on cones, cylinders and solids of revolution.
Paul Guldin Paul Guldin. Paul Guldin, original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June12, 1577 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, died on November 3, 1643
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Paul Guldin , original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June 12 in St. Gallen Switzerland , died on November 3 , mathematician and astronomer. Discovered the Guldinus theorem to determine the surface and the volume of a solid of rotation. This theorem was known in ancient times as Pappus's theorem. He has been a professor of mathematics in Graz and Vienna
Paul Guldin | Mathe Board Lexikon Translate this page Paul Guldin. Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung. Paul Guldin. enPaul Guldin ja?·? Paul Guldin, ursprünglich Habakuk Guldin (* 12.
Extractions: Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung Verbessern Mitmachen en:Paul Guldin Paul Guldin , ursprünglich Habakuk Guldin (* 12. Juni in St. Gallen 3. November in Graz ), war Astronom und Professor für Mathematik in Graz und Wien Lernte zuerst die Goldschmiedekunst, trat zum Katholizismus und nahm dabei den Vornamen Paul an. Kurz darauf tratt er in den Jesuiten orden in München ein. Dort erkannte man sein Talent für Mathematik und sandte ihn zur weiteren Ausbildung nach Rom. Anschließend lehrte er in Rom, Wien und Graz. Sein größtes Werk Centrobaryea erschien in 4 Büchern 1635, 1640 und 1641 in Wien und enthält die baryzentrische Regeln , heute Guldinschen Regeln genannt, mit denen man Volumen und Oberflächen von Rotationskörpern berechnen kann. Diese Regeln wurden allerdings schon ca. 300 v.Chr. von Pappos von Alexandria in seinem mathematischen Lehrbuch beschrieben, so dass es sich hier eigentlich um eine Wiederentdeckung handelt.
Cours De Mécanique - Guldin Translate this page guldin paul. Paul Guldin est surtout connu pour la redécouverte de deux théorèmesquil publia dans son Centrobaryca (1635-1641) et qui portent son nom
Cours De Mécanique - Biographies Translate this page mort.(CD Encarta 97). Retour chap.8. guldin paul (1577-1643). Biographieplus complète. Mathématicien suisse surtout connu pour
Extractions: BIOGRAPHIES SOMMAIRES CORIOLIS Gustave Gaspard: Mathématicien français (Paris 1792 - Paris 1843) [Biographie plus complète] Il est notamment connu pour un théorême de mécanique ( théorême de CORIOLIS) concernant l'accélération dans les mouvements composés et qui intervient, en particulier, dans l'étude des courants aériens. (Acad. Sc. 1836) - (Le Petit Robert, dictionnaire illustré des noms propres, 1995) Ingénieur et mathématicien français qui mit en évidence les "forces centrifuges composées", dites de Coriolis. Cet ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées est l'auteur d'importants travaux en mécanique. En 1835, il démontra que l'accélération d'un mobile dans un référentiel en rotation est soumis à une complémentaire (force de Coriolis) perpendiculaire au sens de déplacement du mobile dans ce référentiel. Bien que de faible intensité à la surface de la Terre, cette force, produite par la rotation de la planète, influence la direction des courants marins et aériens. Elle produit une déviation vers l'est et explique, par exemple, le mouvement circulaire des ouragans. (CD Encarta 97) [Retour chap.4]
Paul Guldin Paul Guldin. Paul Guldin, originál jméno Habakkuk Guldin, narozenýna Cerven 12, 1577 v St. Gallen, výcarsko, umrel na Listopad
Paul Guldin - Wikipedia Translate this page Paul Guldin. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Paul Guldin,ursprünglich Habakuk Guldin (* 12. Juni 1577 in St. Gallen
Extractions: Paul Guldin , ursprünglich Habakuk Guldin (* 12. Juni in St. Gallen 3. November in Graz ), war Astronom und Professor für Mathematik in Graz und Wien Lernte zuerst die Goldschmiedekunst, trat zum Katholizismus und nahm dabei den Vornamen Paul an. Kurz darauf tratt er in den Jesuitenorden in München ein. Dort erkannte man sein Talent für Mathematik und sandte ihn zur weiteren Ausbildung nach Rom. Anschließend lehrte er in Rom, Wien und Graz. Sein größtes Werk Centrobaryea erschien in 4 Büchern 1635, 1640 und 1641 in Wien und enthält die baryzentrische Regeln , heute Guldinschen Regeln genannt, mit denen man Volumen und Oberflächen von Rotationskörpern berechnen kann. Diese Regeln wurden allerdings schon ca. 300 v.Chr. von Pappos von Alexandria in seinem mathematischen Lehrbuch beschrieben, so dass es sich hier eigentlich um eine Wiederentdeckung handelt. Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge Andere Sprachen English Diese Seite wurde zuletzt geändert um 23:24, 23. Feb 2004.
Liste Translate this page Girard Albert Gödel Kurt Graßmann Hermann Günther Green George Gregory JamesGrimaldi Francesco Maria Guldberg Cato Maximilian guldin paul Haas Wander
Paul Guldin Toys Games. Click Here. Encyclopedia. Main Page See live article, Paul Guldin.Paul Guldin, original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June 12, 1577 in St.
Extractions: Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Outdoor Living Main Page See live article Paul Guldin , original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June 12 in St. Gallen Switzerland , died on November 3 , mathematician and astronomer. Discovered the Guldinus theorem to determine the surface and the volume of a solid of rotation. This theorem was known in ancient times as Pappus's theorem . He was a professor of mathematics in Graz and Vienna
Paul Guldin, S.J. 1577 to 1643) applications of. guldin's Rule. guldin's Rule. paul guldin was born Habakuk guldin in Saint Gall, Switzerland to a Jewish family and in 1643 died in Gratz. He later converted to Catholicism and changed his name to paul. ordained a Jesuit priest. paul guldin's second volume of De centro gravitatis
Extractions: applications of Guldin's Rule Guldin's Rule Paul Guldin was born Habakuk Guldin in Saint Gall, Switzerland to a Jewish family and in 1643 died in Gratz. He later converted to Catholicism and changed his name to Paul. Paul entered the Jesuit Society as a Coadjutor Brother, and after a few years he was asked to become a Jesuit Scholastic and then was later ordained a Jesuit priest. Paul Guldin's second volume of De centro gravitatis contains what is known as Guldin's rule: "If any plane figure revolves about an external axis in its plane, the volume of the solid so generated is equal to the product of the area of the figure and the distance traveled by the center of gravity of the figure." Guldin did not know that the fundamental theorem which bears his name and which he used extensively, is found in a somewhat vague form in the Collection of the well-known Greek mathematician Pappus (ca. A.D. 300). Nevertheless Guldin has been unjustly accused of plagiarism by earlier writers. This defamation has been thoroughly refuted, however, by recent historians expert in that period, such as Paul Ver Ecke, who shows that the translation of Pappus available to Guldin, and faithfully quoted by him, lacked the theorem in question. Furthermore, he demonstrates that the accusation against Guldin is weakened by the fact that various geometers who lived at about the same time as Guldin did not credit Pappus with this theorem but Guldin. Among these writers is the noted astronomer Kepler, who presented applications of Guldin's theorem. The injustice of the slight to Guldin is emphasized in an article in Science Magazine (Science vol. 64, #1652 8/27/26 p. 205.)
Guldin, Paul Translate this page paul guldin. paul guldin wurde 1577 in St. Gallen geboren und starb 1643in Graz. Der gelernte Goldschmied trat 1597 dem Jesuitenorden bei.
Extractions: Paul Guldin wurde 1577 in St. Gallen geboren und starb 1643 in Graz. Der gelernte Goldschmied trat 1597 dem Jesuitenorden bei. Dort wurde er in Mathemetik ausgebildet und lehrte dann Mathematik an Schulen in Rom und Graz und später auch an der Universität in Wien. Bekannt ist Guldin durch seine Regeln zur Bestimmung von Rotationskörper-Volumina . Des weiteren verfasste Guldin unter anderem Schriften über die Bewegung der Erde als Folge von Gravitationswirkungen und über Logarithmen und Kegelschnitte. Weiterhin behandelte er 1635 in seiner "Centrobaryca" die Bogenlänge der archimedischen Spirale In seinem Werk De dimensione Linearum Spiralium ("Über die Länge der Spirallinie") stellt er folgende falsche These auf: "Die Linie der Spirale erster Umdrehung ist der Hälfte des Umfangs des ersten Kreises gleich." Dieser Fehler entstand aufgrund der unzulässigen Übertragung der von Archimedes für die Flächenbestimmung entwickelten Methode. Guldin ersetzt Teile des Spiralbogens durch Kreisbögen, so wie Archimedes Teile der Spiralfläche durch Kreissektoren nähert, und berechnet den Grenzwert der Summe dieser Kreisbögen für eine beliebig feine Unterteilung. Jedoch vergisst er, im Gegensatz zu Archimedes
Extractions: Joseph Lister's classic work of 1867, "On the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery." Lister, Joseph (1827-1912). "On a new method of treating compound fracture, abscess, etc., with observations on the conditions of suppuration," in Lancet (1867): 95-96. WITH: "On the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery," in Lancet (1867): 353-356, 668-669. Together two volumes of the Lancet, 4to. [2], 818; [2], 826 pp. The Dibner Library obtains another Herald of Science: A set of Acts of Parliament relating to the longitude problem. Recently the Dibner Library acquired a collection of Acts of the British Parliament and two period newspaper articles relating to the longitude problem and calendar reform. The purchase of the set was made possible with the Special Collections Endowment Fund. The importance of solving the problems of longitude and calendar reform were critical to the history of science and technology and this collection will enhance the research and exhibition values of the Dibner Library's holdings. "An Act for rendering more effectual an Act made in the twelfth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, 'An Act for providing a publick reward for such person or persons as shall discover the longitude at sea', with regard to the making experiments of proposals made for discovering the longitude" (1762)
Biography-center - Letter G .edu/art/collections/bio/a11421.html. Gauguin, paul. rfrost/frost .com/biography/guino.htm. guldin, paul.
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 558 biographies
The Anniston Star - Residents Receive PCB Settlement Checks paul and Joyce guldin stand in their backyard next to Choccolocco Creek paul and Joyce guldin never expected $999.30 from Monsanto Company.
Extractions: SECTIONS Front Page News Anniston Oxford Jacksonville Calhoun County Clay County Cleburne County Randolph County Talladega County Legislature State Nation World Sports Lifestyle Entertainment Business Religion Technology Community Classroom Opinion Columns Obituaries Almanac Classifieds ISSUES Iraq 9/11 Memorial PCBs Incineration McClellan Message Board SEARCH Search Archives: Browse Articles Web Directory DIRECTORIES Star Homes Local Churches Local Businesses SERVICES Get The Star Advertise About Us Contact Us Crossword Jigsaw Puzzle Society Make Me Smile WEATHER Current Bill Wilson/The Anniston Star Paul and Joyce Guldin never expected $999.30 from Monsanto Company. Now that they are holding this check for PCB-related property damages, they aren't sure what they are going to do with it. To cash or not to cash is the question. About 5,000 property owners along Choccolocco Creek and Lake Logan Martin are receiving similar checks as a result of the recent disbursement of the $43.7 million Dyer and Shelter Cove vs. Monsanto class action settlement. About $21 million was allocated to environmental cleanup and $10.9 million is now being disbursed to the class members.
Guldin, Paul guldin, paul. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical order, changing his name from Habakkuk to paul. It is of interest
Extractions: Guldin, Paul Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: St. Gall, Switzerland, 12 June 1577 Died: Graz, Austria (Ge), 3 Nov 1643 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Unknown No information on financial status. 3. Nationality Birth: St. Gall, Switzerland Career: Italy and Germany Death: Graz, Austria 4. Education Schooling: Collegio Romano, D.D. 1609, he was sent to Rome by the Jesuit order for further education. He studied at the Collegio Romano under Clavius. I assume a B.A. As a Jesuit he would have had a doctorate in theology, even though he does not appear to have advanced to the fourth vow. 5. Religion Affiliation: Jew, Catholic. He was of Jewish descent, but his parents were protestant and he was raised as such. But in 1597 he converted to Catholicism and entered the Jesuit order, changing his name from Habakkuk to Paul. It is of interest that the order recognized his talents rather late; although he received the full education, he remained a "spiritual coadjutor" and was not admitted to the fourth vow. Can this mean that the order chose not to recognize the talents of a Jew? 6. Scientific Disciplines
G Index Xu (1507) Guarini, Guarino (962*) Guccia, Giovanni (582) Gudermann, Christoph(568) Guenther, Adam (533) Guinand, Andrew (529*) guldin, paul (210*) Gunter
Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page James (1638-1675) Grimaldi, Francesco Maria (1618-1663) Gudermann, Christof 1798-1852)Guldberg, Cato (1836-1902) guldin, paul (1577-1643) Hadamard, Jacques
Guldin Biography of paul guldin (15771643) paul guldin. Born 12 June 1577 in St Gall (now Sankt Gallen), Switzerland Main index. paul guldin was named Habakkuk guldin at his birth
Extractions: Paul Guldin was named Habakkuk Guldin at his birth. He became a goldsmith and worked at that during his teens. Although of Jewish descent his parents were Protestants but Guldin became a convert to Catholicism at the age of 20 and joined the Jesuit Order. At this point he changed his name to Paul. In 1609 he was sent to the Jesuit Collegio Romano in Rome where he studied under Clavius . After this he taught at Jesuit Colleges in Rome and Graz. He was also professor of mathematics at Vienna from 1623 until 1637 when he returned to Graz. In the middle of his years in Vienna he spent some time at the Silesian principality of Sagan. Guldin corresponded with Kepler , but on religious topics not mathematics or astronomy. Guldin's most important work is in 4 volumes. In Volume 1 centres of gravity are considered, in particular he discusses the centre of gravity of the Earth. Volume 2 contains Guldin's Theorem If a plane figure is rotated about an axis in its plane then the volume of the solid body formed is equal to the product of the area with the distance travelled by the centre of gravity Volume 3 contains work on cones, cylinders and solids of revolution.
Spiralen In Naturwissenschaft, Technik Und Kunst - Guldin, Paul Translate this page 4. Forscher. 4.8 paul guldin. paul guldin wurde 1577 in St. Gallen geboren undstarb 1643 in Graz. Der gelernte Goldschmied trat 1597 dem Jesuitenorden bei.
Extractions: Dieses Dokument wurde während der Pojektwoche duch Susanne Helbig, Kareen Henkel und Jan Kriener des Beruflichen Gymnasiums für Technik "Julius Weisbach" erstellt. Paul Guldin wurde 1577 in St. Gallen geboren und starb 1643 in Graz. Der gelernte Goldschmied trat 1597 dem Jesuitenorden bei. Dort wurde er in Mathemetik ausgebildet und lehrte dann Mathematik an Schulen in Rom und Graz und später auch an der Universität in Wien. Bekannt ist Guldin durch seine Regeln zur Bestimmung von Rotationskörper-Volumina. Des weiteren verfasste Guldin unter anderem Schriften über die Bewegung der Erde als Folge von Gravitationswirkungen und über Logarithmen und Kegelschnitte. Weiterhin behandelte er 1635 in seiner "Centrobaryca" die Bogenlänge der archimedischen Spirale In seinem Werk "De dimensione Linearum Spiralium" ("Über die Länge der Spirallinie") stellt er folgende falsche These auf: "Die Linie der Spirale erster Umdrehung ist der Hälfte des Umfangs des ersten Kreises gleich."