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Www.grothendieck-circle.org Mathematical texts. Biographical Texts. Photograph Album. Circle Members term goal of the grothendieck Circle is to make publicly by and about Alexandre grothendieck as well as to provide biographical material on grothendieck's life and his origins http://www.grothendieck-circle.org/
Grothendieck grothendieck, installésà Berlin , fuirent l Allemagne nazie (1941) pour le sud de la France. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Grothendieck.html
Extractions: D'origine russe, les Grothendieck, installés à Berlin , fuirent l'Allemagne nazie (1941) pour le sud de la France. Alexander fit ses études à Montpellier qu'il complètera auprès de Dieudonné à Nancy. Il rejoint le groupe Bourbaki en 1949 et sera le premier professeur permanent, avec Dieudonné (1959) du très renommé Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques de Bures-sur-Yvette (France, près d'Orsay). Le site de l' IHES Fields en 1966 avec Paul J. Cohen (U.S.A), Stephen Smale (U.S.A) et Michael Francis Atiyah (Grande-Bretagne). Grothendieck est également récipiendaire du prix Crafoord qu'il refusa en 1988. Les médailles Fields : Taniyama Lions Jacques-Louis
Untitled @article {langfinitefields, AUTHOR = {Lang, S.}, TITLE = {Algebraic groups over finite fields}, JOURNAL = {Amer. J. Math.} http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/talks/intro_comp_modform/biblio.bib
Extractions: Born: place: Senegal area of degree: pre-doctoral education: doctoral institution: Research BOOKS Seydi, Hamet PAPERS Seydi, Hamet ; Restuccia, Gaetana; Bonanzinga, Vittoria; Cangemi, Maria Rosa; Utano, Rosanna Afrika Mat. 32. Faye, Farba; Fedida, Edmond; Seydi, Hamet . (French) [Pseudo-Riemannian structures on three-dimensional simply connected compact manifolds] J. Nigerian Math. Soc. Seydi, Hamet ; Fedida, Edmond Cohomologie des faisceaux de Nash . II. (French) [Cohomology of Nash sheaves. II] Afrika Mat. Seydi, Hamet ; Fedida, Edmond (1986), no. 17, 623626. Seydi, Hamet . (French) [Coherent sheaves in real algebraic geometry] Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry (Boulder, Colo., 1983). Rocky Mountain J. Math. (1984), no. 4, 981982. Seydi, Hamet Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in West Africa on Functional Analysis and its Applications (Kumasi, 1979), 141148, Forum for Functional Anal. Appl., Kumasi, Ghana, 1979. Seydi, Hamet Afrika Mat. Seydi, Hamet . II. (French) [On the theory of excellent rings of characteristic $p$. II] J. Math. Kyoto Univ. (1980), no. 1, 155167.