Alexander Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck. search on title find similar wiki printableversion wiki normal version GFDL Alexander Grothendieck
Alexander Grothendieck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia . Alexander Grothendieck. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alexander Grothendieck ( born March 28, 1928 in Berlin), is one of the leading
Extractions: Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 in Berlin ), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with major contributions to algebraic geometry homological algebra , and functional analysis . He was awarded the Fields Medal in and coawarded the Crafoord Prize with Pierre Deligne in . He declined the latter prize on ethical grounds. Because of his mastery of abstract approaches to mathematics, but also because of the many stories told about his retirement and his alleged mental disorders, he is one of the most intriguing scientific personalities of the 20th century Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Mathematical achievements edit Homological methods and sheaf theory had already been introduced in algebraic geometry by Jean-Pierre Serre , after sheaves had been invented by Jean Leray . Grothendieck took them to a higher level, changing the tools and the level of abstraction. Amongst his insights, he shifted attention from the study of individual varieties to the
Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck. Born 28 March 1928 in Berlin, Germany. AlexanderGrothendieck s father was Russian and he was murdered by the Nazis.
Extractions: Grothendieck spent the years 1953-55 at the University of Sao Paulo and then he spent the following year at the University of Kansas. However it was during this period that his research interests changed and they moved towards topology and geometry. In fact during this period Grothendieck had been supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the support beginning in 1950. After leaving Kansas in 1956 he therefore returned to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. However in 1959 he was offered a chair in the newly formed Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques which he accepted. In [2] the next period in Grothendieck's career is described as follows:- It is no exaggeration to speak of Grothendieck's years algebraic geometry , and him as its driving force. He received the
Alexander Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck. Alexander lived with his father, a revolutionary named AlexanderShapiro, and his mother, Hanka Grothendieck, in Berlin until 1933.
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 in Berlin ), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with major contributions to algebraic geometry homological algebra , and functional analysis . He was awarded the Fields Medal in and Crafoord Prize in Table of contents 1 Mathematical achievements 3 External links Homological methods and sheaf theory had already been introduced in algebraic geometry by Jean-Pierre Serre , after sheaves had be invented by Jean Leray . Grothendieck took them to a higher level, changing the tools and the level of abstraction. Amongst his insights, he shifted attention from the study of individual varieties to the relative point of view (pairs of varieties related by a morphism ), allowing a broad generalization of many classical theorems. This he applied first to the Riemann-Roch theorem , around 1954, which had already recently been generalized to any dimension by Hirzebruch). He adapted the use of non-closed ( generic ) points, which led to the theory of
Alexander Grothendieck - Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page Alexander Grothendieck. Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universalen Español. Alexander Grothendieck es un matemático judeo-franco
Extractions: Registrarse/Entrar Ayuda Artículo de la Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español Alexander Grothendieck es un matemático judeo-franco-alemán, nacido en Berlín el 28 de marzo de , que durante la segunda mitad del s. XX ha llevado a cabo un extraordinario proceso de unificación de la Aritmética, la Geometría Algebraica y la Topología, dando gran impulso al desarrollo de estas tres ramas fundamentales de las matemáticas. Su padre Alexander Schapiro (6 de agosto de 1890 ¿1942?) fue un anarquista ruso que participó en la revolución rusa de 1917. Huyendo de la persecución comunista, emigra a Berlín, donde conoció a Hanka Grothendieck ( Hamburgo , 21 de agosto de 1900 Montpellier , 16 de diciembre de 1957), mujer de vida fascinante, vida que narra en su novela inédita Eine Frau hasta la concepción del único hijo que tuvo con Schapiro: Alexander Grothendieck. En los años 1934-39 Grothendieck vive en Hamburgo con una familia adoptiva, mientras sus padres están en Francia y participan en la guerra civil española. En 1939 se reúne con su madre Hanka en Francia. En 1940, al ser alemanes, se le interna en el campo de Rieucros junto con su madre, y estudia en el cercano Instituto de Mende. Mientras, su padre es internado en el campo de Le Vernet, y fue deportado por los nazis en 1942 a Auchswitz, donde desapareció. En 1942 Grothendieck es acogido La Guespy, hogar infantil del Socorro Suizo para refugiados en Chambon sur Lignon, y termina el Bachillerato en el Collège Cévénol.
Alexander Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck. Alexander il s jeho otcem, revolucionár jmenoval AlexanderaShapira, a jeho matka, Hanka Grothendieck, v Berlín until 1933.
Alexander Grothendieck - Wikipédia Translate this page Alexander Grothendieck. Un Alexander Grothendieck est un mathématicienfrançais, né le 28 mars 1928 à Berlin (Allemagne). Il
Alexander Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck. Alexander lived with his father, a revolutionary named AlexanderShapiro, and his mother, Hanka Grothendieck, in Berlin until 1933.
Extractions: Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Outdoor Living Main Page See live article Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 in Berlin ), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with major contributions to algebraic geometry homological algebra , and functional analysis . He was awarded the Fields Medal in and coawarded the Crafoord Prize with Pierre Deligne in . He declined the latter prize on ethical grounds. Because of his mastery of abstract approaches to mathematics, but also because of the many stories told about his retirement and his alleged mental disorders, he is one of the most intriguing scientific personalities of the 20th century Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide")
Encyclopedia4U - Alexander Grothendieck - Encyclopedia Article alexander grothendieck. His father, a revolutionary named Shapiro, died in Auschwitz.With his mother, Hanka grothendieck, alexander survived in Vichy France.
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 in Berlin ), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with monumental contributions to functional analysis and then to algebraic geometry . He won the Fields Medal in Born to Jewish parents, he was a displaced person during much of his childhood due to the upheavals of World War II . His father, a revolutionary named Shapiro, died in Auschwitz . With his mother, Hanka Grothendieck, Alexander survived in Vichy France. After the war, young Grothendieck studied mathematics in France , initially at Montpellier ; he came to Paris in . He wrote his dissertation under Laurent Schwartz in functional analysis, from . He was at this time a leading expert in the theory of topological vector spaces. However he set this subject aside by in order to work in algebraic geometry and homological algebra Homological methods and sheaf theory had already been introduced in algebraic geometry by Jean Leray and by Jean-Pierre Serre , but Grothendieck took them to a higher level. Among his insights, he shifted attention from the study of varieties to pairs of varieties related by a morphism, allowing a great generalization of many classical theorems such as the
Grothendieck Biography of alexander grothendieck (19280BC) alexander grothendieck. Born 28 March 1928 in Berlin, Germany alexander grothendieck's father was Russian and he was murdered by the Nazis. grothendieck moved to France in 1941 and
Extractions: Grothendieck spent the years 1953-55 at the University of Sao Paulo and then he spent the following year at the University of Kansas. However it was during this period that his research interests changed and they moved towards topology and geometry. In fact during this period Grothendieck had been supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the support beginning in 1950. After leaving Kansas in 1956 he therefore returned to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. However in 1959 he was offered a chair in the newly formed Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques which he accepted. In [2] the next period in Grothendieck's career is described as follows:- It is no exaggeration to speak of Grothendieck's years algebraic geometry , and him as its driving force. He received the
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : For the purpose and extent of this list, see list of mathematical topics A-C D-F - G-I - J-L M-O P-R S-U ... V-Z G2 (mathematics) G-delta set Gabriel's horn Galilean transformation ... Gaussian quadrature Guassian rational Gauss-Jordan elimination Gauss-Legendre algorithm Gauss-Markov Gauss-Markov process ... Gauss's law Gauss-Wantzel theorem Gelfand-Naimark-Segal Gelfand representation General linear group General number field sieve ... Geometric shape Geometric solid Geometry Geometry of numbers Gergonne point Germain ... Gosset, William Sealey Gowers, William Timothy Graded algebra Gradient Gradient descent Graftals ... Guldin, Paul Gumbel, Eric H infinity Haar integral Haar measure Haar wavelet ... Harmonic series (music) Harsanyi, John Hash function Hash table Hasse diagram Hausdorff, Felix ... Helix Hellman, Martin Heng, Zhang Henkin Henkin, Leon Henstock-Kurzweil Integral Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral Heptadecagon Herbrand, Jacques Herbrand theory Herbrand universe Hereditarily finite set Charles Hermite Hermite polynomials ... Hessian Hestenes, David
Résultats De La Recherche Translate this page Auteur grothendieck, alexander (13 articles) grothendieck Numdam grothendieck,alexander On the de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties., Alexander&for
Papers SGA 6 (my translation, 1994) grothendieck, alexander. Classes of sheaves and the RiemannRoch theorem. Selections from Recoltes et Semailles. grothendieck, alexander. Les orphelins, etc
Extractions: Preprint, 1984 Abbena, Elsa; Grassi, Antonella Hermitian left invariant metrics on complex Lie groups and cosymplectic Hermitian manifolds Preprint Aberbach, Ian; Huneke, Craig A theorem of Briancon-Skoda type for regular local rings containing a field Ch. 2 in "Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision" Abhyankar, Shreeram Invariant Theory and Enumerative Combinatorics of Young Tableaux Ch. 2 in "Algebraic Geometry and its Applications" Abhyankar, Shreeram Square-root Parametrization of Plane Curves Current Science, 63, 5, 9/1992 Abhyankar, Shreeram Resolution of singularities in various characteristics Discrete Applied Math. 31 (1991) 81-96 Abhyankar, Shreeram; Chandrasekar, Srinivasan; Chandru, Vijaya Intersection of algebraic space curves J. Reine Angew. Math. 276 (1975) 149-166 Abhyankar, Shreeram; Moh Tzuong-tsieng Embeddings of the line in the plane Preprint, 1995 Abkulut, S. Lectures on Seiberg-Witten Invariants Talk, Univ. of Chicago, 5/28/97 Abramovich, Dan Stable reduction for fibred surfaces Lecture notes Abramovich, Dan
Résultats De La Recherche Translate this page 13 réponses grothendieck, alexander Résumé des résultats essentiels dans lathéorie des produits tensoriels topologiques et des espaces nucléaires.
A MAD DAYS WORK FROM GROTHENDIECK TO CONNES AND KONTSEVICH THE the present synthesis.alexander grothendieck dominated the rst ten years of the a very small geographical region. alexander. grothendiecks grandfather was probably a member
Grothendieck Topology At a time when cohomology for sheaves on topological spaces was well established,alexander grothendieck wanted to define cohomology theories for other
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index In mathematics , a Grothendieck topology is a structure defined on an arbitrary category C which allows the definition of sheaves on C , and with that the definition of general cohomology theories. A category together with a Grothendieck topology on it is called a site . This tool is used in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry schemess , but also for flat cohomology and crystalline cohomology. Note that a Grothendieck topology is not a topology in the classical sense. At a time when cohomology for sheaves on topological spaces was well established, Alexander Grothendieck wanted to define cohomology theories for other structures, his schemess . He thought of a sheaf on a topological space as a "measuring rod" for that space, and the cohomology of such a measuring rod as a rough measure for the underlying space. His goal was thus to produce a structure which would allow the definition of more general sheaves or "measuring rods"; once that was done, the model of topological cohomology theories could be followed almost verbatim. Start with a topological space X and consider the sheaf of all continuous real-valued functions defined on X . This associates to every open set U in X the set F U ) of real-valued continuous functions defined on U . Whenver U is a subset of V , we have a "restriction map" from F V ) to F U ). If we interpret the topological space