Jorgen's Life - Fiske - Grinda igen. Denna gången var det en 7 hektos aborre som landades. Vi fickäven 3 små braxar på 3500 gram, alla återutsattes. Precis
Extractions: D et här hände i år(1996) den 3:e augusti. Jag, Andris och Baiba hade hyrt stuga i Grinda två veckor nu och det var vår sista dag på ön. Vi hade fått mycket fisk, många aborrar över halvkilot, ett tjogtal braxnar med topp på 1 kilo plus några gäddor på strax över kilot. Innan vi begav oss av så sa vi ¨vi måste fånga lite fisk till avslutningsmiddagen.¨ V i rodde med vår hyrda roddbåt ut till vårt favoritställe i Hästholmssundet. Redan på första kastet högg det, och en aborre på 6 hekto landades. Vi fick en massa mindre aborrar som vi släppte tillbaka när det högg rejält igen. Denna gången var det en 7 hektos aborre som landades. Vi fick även 3 små braxar på 3-500 gram, alla återutsattes. Precis innan vi skulle åka därifrån drog en jättebrax ner mitt flöte, jag lyckades få upp den till vattenytan, den var runt 2-2,5 kilo, men den lyckades slita sig strax innan vi skulle ha håvat in den. Vi fortsatte ro runt ön och precis då vi lämnat sundet så högg det på Andris spö. Det var en gädda på 1,4 kilo som landades. Middagen var säkrad, det blev aborrfileér och gädda med en god sås som vi gjorde själva(utan receptbok).
Jorgen Stadje, Private Technical Projects: Optics GalvanometresDeflection had to be carried out by something small and lightweight,preferably one hundredth of a gram, at the same time fast and taking a
Extractions: I felt an urge to have my own laser. I managed to get a 2 milliwatts Helium-Neon laser manufactured by NEC for a bargain price and started experimenting with holograms and various types of deflection. Deflection was fun, because it could be used to draw figures on the wall, or make funny lighting effects in general. Using a minimum of electronics and a heavily geared-down motor, I built this rotating mirror unit. It had four mirrors, mounted on a gearwheel that could rotate in different speeds and run backwards and forwards for various periods of time. The mirrors were actually mounted inside the gearbox, glued directly to the output gearwheel. Great for discotheques. This picture shows what it looked like in my laser lab in the basement, experimenting with the rotating deflector. The light glow from the output hole of the laser is not an artefact in the picture. HeNe lasers do emit in other wavelengths (blue), although not with the same power and directivity as the red beam. The glow is not blue, because the gas storage tank of the laser tube emits a lot more in orange, and I used daylight film, attenuating blue light. Everything culminated as I decided to build an X-Y deflector, to be able to draw pictures on the wall with my laser. It took a large effort of fine mechanics and magnet technology. I had to sit down at the drawing table and start calculating. The mechanics was built on a sturdy aluminium plate, mounted on shock absorbers (the round metal cans), with set screws, to be able to be fine tuned and directed properly.
Billboard : P'Gram Execs Take Lead In Latin America @ HighBeam Research brazil, arturo gavito, marco bissi, polygram managing P apos;gram execs take RosawhomUniversal Music International (UMI) chairman/CEO jorgen Larsen calls
HOLBAEK 1801 CENSUS, 1 FEB 1801 FHL FILM 39029 BUTTRUP SOGN 37 Mette Christensdtr 38 1st wife Maren Jensdtr 3 dere born jorgen Sorensen 41 381st forpager paa gaarden 2 Margrethe Hedevig Fogh 48 2nd wife Hans gram 22 u
Extractions: HOLBAEK 1801 CENSUS, 1 FEB 1801 FHL FILM 39029 BUTTRUP SOGN, MERLOSE H., HOLBAEK 1801 CENSUS Buttrup Bye Lovenberg Hovedgaard Markhuus Gilbert Laurs Tharlov 26 u forvalter ved Godset Sophie Elisabeth Thaulov 23 his soster Carl Georg Reinhard 23 u skriverkarl Soren Herschen 18 skriverdreng Soren Eriksen 21 serv Maren Jensdtr 28 Hans Pedersen 61 1st udrider ved godset Ane Kristine Jorgensdtr 61 1st wife Ane Cathrine Jorgensdtr 58 e2nd wife's soster Karen Sorensdtr 56 e1st serv Kobbelhusene Nybroehuset Lars Pedersen 57 1st jordlos hmd markhuus Karen Olsdtr 50 1st wife Jens Larsen 20 u dere born Hyroleshuset Niels Jensen 34 1st jordlos hmd Karen Pedersdtr 47 1st wife Maren Nielsdtr 10 dere born Johanne Nielsdtr 7 Holger Nielsen 4 88 people Severinsminda Andreas Avesgaard uder Lovenborg
History Of Actuarial Science Published By Pickering & Chatto with Life Assurance (1869); Wesley Stoker Barker Woolhouse, On an Improved Theoryof Annuities and Assurances (1869); jorgen Pederson gram, Standard Deviation
Extractions: History of Actuarial Science 10 Volume Set Edited by Steven Haberman and Trevor A Sibbett The History of Actuarial Science is the first collection of its kind. This edition covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century. It gives an essential insight into how actuarial principles have developed throughout history. In 110 texts, the most important progressions in actuarial thought are preserved, with scholarly annotation placing the pieces in historical context. Trevor Sibbett and Steven Haberman, with the support of the Institute of Actuaries have compiled the most significant pamphlets from the year 220 to those written in the early twentieth century. 1 85196 143 7: 10 Volume Set: £695/$1150 Volume 1 Domitius Ulpianus, Ulpian's Table (200); Company of Parish Clerks, London's Dreadful Visitation (1657); John Graunt, Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality (1662); Christiaan and Ludwig Huygens
Extractions: links Froogle Search: Starbucks Espresso Roast Whole Bean Coffee, Two (2) 16-Ounce FlavorLock Bags (2 Pounds Total)> - The world's largest online marketplace for freelance talent. CSS Page Layout Templates, Free Site Templates - ... infosec daily: blogs Outside stories ITM launches integrated suite to manage the business of IT Workflow, overview
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Göpel, Adolph (251) Gordan, Paul (58*) Gorenstein, Daniel (369*) Gosset, William(416*) Goursat, Edouard (156*), Gräffe, Karl (140) gram, jorgen (85*) Grandi
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Göpel, Adolph (251) Gordan, Paul (958*) Gorenstein, Daniel (1300*) Gosset, William(416*) Goursat, Edouard (156*) Gräffe, Karl (140), gram, jorgen (85*) Grandi
Liste Der Mathematiker | Mathe Board Lexikon jorgen Pedersen gram(Dänemark, 1850-1916); Paul Guldin (Schweiz/Österreich, 1577-1643). H.
Extractions: Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung Verbessern Mitmachen Einige berühmte Mathematiker (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge bzgl. Nachname): (Übernommen aus der int. WP) A B C D ... Z Andrej Andrejewitsch Markow Russland James Clerk Maxwell Schottland ), eigentlich Physiker
EJIFCC Vol 13 No 2: A Common Calibrator ... jorgen gram Department of Thrombosis Research, University of Southern Denmark anddepartment of Clinical Biochemistry, Ribe County Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark.
Extractions: eJIFCC Vol 13 No 2 A Common Calibrator Does Not Secure Harmonisation of Commercial t-PA and PAI-1 Antigen Measurements Moniek P.M. de Maat Department of Thrombosis Research, University of Southern Denmark and department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ribe County Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark and Gaubius Laboratory TNO-PG, Leiden, the Netherlands Jorgen Gram Department of Thrombosis Research, University of Southern Denmark and department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ribe County Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark Jorgen Jespersen Department of Thrombosis Research, University of Southern Denmark and department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ribe County Hospital, Esbjerg, Denmark Cornelis Kluft Gaubius Laboratory TNO-PG, Leiden, the Netherlands Background. There is no common standardisation of different commercially available kits for both t-PA and PAI-1 antigen. Aim. The aim of this project was to study whether the exchange of the kit calibrator with the common calibration materials of the WHO would harmonise the results produced by five different commercially available t-PA and PAI-1 antigen kits when analysing the SSC secondary standard. Methods.
Comp.lang.beta - Index For 2000 - Sorted By Subject on ) 31 May 2000 134712 Atle; 02 Jun 2000 113757 Flemming gram Christensen; 20Jun 2000 152316 Atle; 20 Jun 2000 230639 jorgen Lindskov Knudsen; 21 Jun
Extractions: Newsgroup comp.lang.beta Index for 2000 - sorted by subject Last updated: 31 Dec 2000 06:00:09 News Repository active threads/2000 date/2000 poster/2000 "BETA book" available for download in PDF '' (lbl: .... :lbl) - Learn how to SPEED UP your INTERNET connection by 70-100% for FREE! .NET in One Day .NET in One Day - 2001 Schedule 1999 comp.lang.beta archive now available 1A215966 Visio for Linux 6th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems - COOTS '01 7E010FC78 Relevant information. 8E010FC78 Relevant information. 21 Dec 2000 23:03:25
Comp.lang.beta - Index For 1998 - Sorted By Subject Jun 1998 100113 Lars Balker Rasmussen; 28 Jul 1998 121218 Flemming gram Christensen. Feb1998 171054 Wim Boot; 11 Feb 1998 142053 jorgen Lindskov Knudsen;
Extractions: Newsgroup: comp.lang.beta Index for 1998 - sorted by subject Last updated: 31 Dec 1998 06:00:18 News Repository active threads/1998 date/1998 poster/1998 $1 MAKES $1000 $600$ OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER $600$ REWARD-OFFER$600$.. REWARD- -Easy money better than MLM! 100s of FREE catalogs! 3814 1997 comp.lang.beta archive now available Accessing DATA-Files with BETA afternoon shift supervisor Alternative interaction between conc. objects
Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Gordan, Paul (958*) Gorenstein, Daniel (1300*) Gosset, William (416*) Goursat, Edouard(156*) Govindasvami (237) Gräffe, Karl (140) gram, jorgen (1066*) Grandi
Extractions: HOVERFLY-2 INDOOR HELICOPTER Hoverfly is a great little helicopter. It comes attractively finished and ready to fly. Its small, tough and quiet - and it flies indoors. Yet it handles just like its bigger brothers. You have a web site and you want to earn money, then click here. We recommend you the, Commission Junction Program
Plan De La Asignatura Translate this page Ed. Prentice Hall. jorgen gram. Erhard Schmidt. SISTEMAS Y CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓNSe realizará un examen teórico-práctico en las siguientes fechas
Diskussionsfora -> Protien Og Kulhydrater Efter Træning begrænsningen). Jeg tror bare ikke på at grænsen ligger ved 2030 gram.Thomas. jorgen Bodholdt, Indsendt 22. Oct 2001, 1409. Quote Post. Medlem
Newsgroup Message Re I feel a bit discriminated, jorgen Lindskov Knudsen RE I BetaBook exercises,Atle Re BetaBook - exercises, Flemming gram Christensen Service Management