Extractions: Väestötieteen historia 1800-luvulla tutkijat alkoivat olla yhä enemmän kiinnostuneita väestöllisten ilmiöiden tarkastelusta. Aivan kuin 1700-luvun lopulla Thomas Malthus julkaisi olettamuksensa väestönkasvun kiihtymisestä ja oletti kasvun jatkuvan geometrisesti, niin vuonna 1825 englantilainen matemaatikko Benjamin Gompertz (1779-1865) havaitsi, että samalla geometrisella kasvulla voidaan kuvata myös kuolevuutta. Todennäköisyys kuolla on korkea juuri syntymähetken jälkeen, tämän jälkeen todennäköisyys kuolla on alhainen aina noin 15:een ikävuoteen saakka, mutta alkaa siitä jälleen kasvaa. Kasvu jatkuu kiihtyvänä ja tulee kaksinkertaiseksi joka seitsemäs vuosi. Tätä tilastollista laskelmaa kutsutaan Gompertzin kuolevuuden laiksi . Tosin nykyisin tuo kaksinkertaistuminen joka seitsemäs vuosi ei enää pidä paikkaansa. Sivua muokattu viimeksi maanantaina 03.11.2003 klo 15:11
Genealogie Pagina 199 (Gezinnen) gompertz, HenriettaHenriette aka Henrietta /gompertz/ o. UNKNOWN Geslacht VrouwelijkKinderen Jacobs, Rafael-Ravel Beer Jacobs, Marcus benjamin g. 24 JUN http://shum.cc.huji.ac.il/~dutchjew/genealog/ndbeli/df_c6.html
Entrez PubMed sjayo@cicero.spc.uchicago.edu In 1825 British actuary benjamin gompertz made a simplebut important observation that a law of geometrical progression pervades http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) Died 20 Nov 1764 in Moscow, Russiagompertz, benjamin gompertz Born 5 March 1779 in London, England Died 14 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=G
Portraits Of Statisticians GNEDENKO, Boris Vladimirovich 19121995. GODAMBE, Vidyadhar P 1926-. gompertz,benjamin 1779-1865. GOOD, Irving John 1917-. GOSSET, William Sealy 1876-1937. http://www.clayton.k12.ga.us/schools/006/tgrafton/AP Stats/Home/portraits_of_sta
Extractions: Portraits of Statisticians This page was recreated by Thad Grafton Return to the AP Statistics Home Page The original page was created by Peter M Lee and the original page is at the University of York, UK Click here for information about sources at the University of York Click here for information about the life and work of statisticians from the University of York A B C D ... Z Complementary information can be found at http://members.aol.com/jayKplanr/images.htm ABBE, Ernst ADAMS, John Couch ADRAIN, Robert ... ANDERSON, Oskar Nikolayevich 1887-1960 = ANDERSON, Oskar Johann Viktor ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur ANDERSON, Virgil ANSCOMBE, Frank J ... BECHHOFER, Robert with SOBEL, Milton (left) and GUPTA, Shanti S (right) BELLHOUSE, David A BENJAMIN, Bernard BERGER, James O BERNOULLI, Daniel ... BOSKOVIC, Rudjer Josip, S.J. 1711-1787 = BOSCOVICH, Ruggiero Giuseppe = BOSCOVICH, Roger Joseph BOWLEY, Sir Arthur Lyon BOX, George Edward Pelham BRADLEY, Ralph A BRAVAIS, Auguste ... CHEBYSHEFF, Pavnutii Lvovich 1821-1894 = TCHEBYCHEFF, Pafnuty Lvovitch = CEBYSEV, Pafnuty Lvovitch CHERNOFF, Herman
MONTEFIORE Families And Relatives Israel MONTEFIORE (c.1805 1879) Sarah Hannah MONTEFIORE Sidney benjamin ErnestBelham MONTEFIORE (c.1835 - 1882) Sidney benjamin gompertz Baron MONTEFIORE http://www.apex.net.au/~tmj/montefiore.htm
Extractions: MONTEFIORE families and relatives Abel Francis MONTEFIORE (1862 - 1923) Abigail MONTEFIORE ( c. 1820 - ) Abigail Esther MONTEFIORE (1790 - 1871) Abraham MONTEFIORE (1788 - 1824) Abraham MONTEFIORE ( - 1847) Abraham MONTEFIORE (1829 - ) Abraham MONTEFIORE ( c. 1874 - 1924) Abraham Israel MONTEFIORE Abramo MONTEFIORE Ada Barrow MONTEFIORE (1848 - 1916) Ada Mary MONTEFIORE ( c. 1864 - 1939) Ada Rachel MONTEFIORE (1841 - 1927) Adah Israel MONTEFIORE (1856 - 1922) Agnes MONTEFIORE (1857 - 1932) Albert Harold MONTEFIORE (1870 - 1940) Albert Lionel MONTEFIORE (1908 - ) Alfred Ernest MONTEFIORE (1890 - 1891) Alexander Arthur Israel MONTEFIORE (1852 - 1876) Alexander Israel MONTEFIORE (1818 - 1892) Alice MONTEFIORE (1848 - 1940) Alice MONTEFIORE (1873 - 1873) Alice Isabel MONTEFIORE (1906 - ) Alice Julia Judith MONTEFIORE (1851 - ) Alice Mary MONTEFIORE (1857 - 1944) Alice May MONTEFIORE (1876 - 1970) Alice May MONTEFIORE (1890 - 1890) Amadio MONTEFIORE Amy MONTEFIORE (1854 - 1944) Amy MONTEFIORE (1859 - 1934) Angelo MONTEFIORE Ann MONTEFIORE ( c.
I2290: Anne (ABT 1768 - ____) Rebecca gompertz. . Family 1 Alexander gompertz +Gottfriedgompertz. INDEX. HOME. benjamin G. SILK. N765 1 Jan 1859 - AFT 1914. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pnlowe/marks/g0000077.html
I7015: Elizabeth (____ - ____) benjamin FLETCHER. Geldern; DEATH 12 Apr 1914, Emmerich; BURIAL Emmerich. FatherSelig KEMPENICH Mother Hala WINDMÜLLER Family 1 Leopold Alexander gompertz http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pnlowe/marks/g0000099.html
Stepnet over veroudering. Het verouderen van de mens is in 1825 voor het eerstin een model vervat door benjamin gompertz. Dat model wordt http://www.stepnet.nl/stepnet/pagina.asp?pagkey=4442&functie=itempresentatie&ite
Discussion Of The Paper By Jack C. Yue on the deviation of mortality rates from the gompertz law at advanced ages is abundant,starting with the study of benjamin gompertz himself (gompertz,1825 http://longevity-science.org/DYue.html
Extractions: This is an interesting study, which suggests and applies new rigorous statistical methods to test the validity of the Gompertz law at extreme old ages. The author also suggested an explanation why the Gompertz law fails at older ages, based on the idea of population heterogeneity. It is important to discuss the scientific background related to this study because the significance of this work could be more fully appreciated in the context of previous findings. The current situation with applicability of the Gompertz law to extreme old ages is paradoxical. On the one hand, it is well known for a long time that the Gompertz law is not applicable to mortality rates at advanced ages the observed mortality rates are always lower than predicted by the Gompertz model, and, not surprisingly, the actual numbers of survivors to extreme ages is always higher than predicted by the Gompertz law. The picture below illustrates the mortality deceleration observed at advanced ages contrary to the predictions of the Gompertz law: Paradoxically, the Gompertz law and the Gompertz-Makeham law are nevertheless often applied to estimate the oldest-old mortality rates by extrapolation in order to "close" the life tables. When confronted with the question why these "wrong" formulas are used, the demographers/actuaries usually reply that this is not an important issue, because life expectancy at birth is not very sensitive to the way how exactly the life tables are closed. The same "wrong" formulas and related assumptions are often used for graduation (smoothing procedures) of the mortality trajectories at advanced ages. It is extremely important, therefore, to know exactly how a particular life table was closed and/or graduated, before using it for testing of any statistical models. If the Gompertz or the Gompertz-Makeham laws were already introduced into the data by the method of life table construction/graduation, these data would not be useful for statistical hypothesis testing.
Extractions: Introduction There is a growing interest to the topic of aging and to the search for a general theory that can explain what aging is and why and how it happens. There is also a need for a general theoretical framework that may allow researchers to handle an enormous amount of diverse observations related to aging phenomena. Empirical observations on aging have become so numerous and abundant that a special 4-volume encyclopedia, The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Aging, is now required for even a partial coverage of the accumulated facts (Ekerdt, 2002). To transform these numerous and diverse observations into a comprehensive body of knowledge, a general theory of species aging and longevity is required. This theory is also important for understanding and forecasting the trends of human mortality and longevity. the possibility that with advancing age the rate of mortality asymptotes to a finite value x are 0.439 for women and 0.544 for men
About Annuities In other words, benjamin gompertz noted that the death rate (deaths per unit population,measured, for example, in deaths per year per thousand population http://home.golden.net/~pjponzo/annuities-2.htm
HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning GO Gomme, Sir George Laurence (18531916) Knight Author Founder of the Folklore Society(3) gompertz, benjamin (1779-1865) Mathematician and Actuary (1) gompertz http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personGO.htm
Videnscenter På Ældreområdet. Hvorfor ældes Vi Så Forskelligt aldringen. Opdagelsen blev gjort af den britiske aktuar benjamin gompertzi 1825, hvorfor den er blevet kaldt gompertz lov. Ifølge http://www.aeldreviden.dk/Temaer/aldring/Hvorfor_aeldes_vi.html
SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act, benjamin Franklin class submarine, benjaminG. Humphreys. benjamin Godard, benjamin gompertz, benjamin Goodrich. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Benjamin,_Baron_Bri
GOMPERTZ Definition benjamin, English actuary, 17791865. See gompertz hypothesis, gompertz law.Toys and Blankets. Miami Rooms. New York Hotels. Travel Discounts. Hotels Online. http://www.books.md/G/dic/Gompertz.php
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page James (686*) Glenie, James (103) Gödel, Kurt (824*) Gohberg, Israel (640*) Goldbach,Christian (160) Goldstein, Sydney (350*) gompertz, benjamin (114) Gongora http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm
Encyclopedia Of Actuarial Science James (17101757) Early mortality tables Estonian Actuarial Society Facultyof Actuaries Franckx, Edouard (19071988) gompertz, benjamin (17791865 http://www.wileyeurope.com/legacy/wileychi/eoas/contents.html
Extractions: The articles highlight the broad topics and business areas, emphasizing the cross disciplinary nature of this project within the actuarial profession. Premium Principles (PDF) Stop Loss (PDF) Pensions: financing, risk, and accounting (PDF) (PDF) History of Actuarial Profession (PDF) DFA - Dynamic Financial Analysis (PDF) (The above PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this you can download it free of charge here CLASSIFICATION OF ARTICLES