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         Godel Kurt:     more books (100)
  1. Kurt Godel: The Album by Karl Sigmund, John Dawson, et all 2006-04-06
  2. The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis by Kurt Gödel, 2008-09-23
  3. On Godel (Wadsworth Philosophers Series) by Jaakko Hintikka, 1999-12-27
  4. A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy Of Godel And Einstein by Palle Yourgrau, 2004-12-28
  5. Ethik und Mathematik: Intuitives Denken bei Cantor, Godel, Steiner (Studien und Versuche) (German Edition) by Gunter Roschert, 1985
  6. Godel Meets Einstein : Time Travel in the Godel Universe by Palle Yourgrau, 1999-11-17
  7. Collected Works: Volume V: Correspondence, H-Z (Godel, Kurt//Collected Works) by Kurt Gödel, 2003-06-05
  8. The God of the mathematicians: David P. Goldman explores the religious beliefs that guided Kurt Godel's revolutionary ideas.(Report): An article from: ... Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life by David P. Goldman, 2010-08-01
  9. Death And Anti-Death, Volume 6: Thirty Years After Kurt Gödel (1906-1978)
  10. There's Something About Godel: The Complete Guide to the Incompleteness Theorem by Francesco Berto, 2009-11-16
  11. Austrian Philosophers: Austrian Logicians, Kurt Gödel, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Popper, Friedrich Von Hayek, Paul Feyerabend, Ernst Mach
  12. Brno: People From Brno, Kurt Gödel, Gregor Mendel, Ernst Mach, Adolf Loos, Milan Kundera, Leos Janácek, Bohumil Hrabal, Jana Novotná
  13. Biography - Godel, Kurt Friedrich (1906-1978): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  14. Incompleteness Proof And Paradox of Kurt Godel

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