FFAPAMM - Mot De Rémy Gérard la citation dalbert Einstein n Rémy girard, porte-parole de la FFAPAMM. http://www.ffapamm.qc.ca/fr/saviezvous/mot.asp
Page De Données Généalogiques 6 (Pages Des Familles) Translate this page Père girard, Amable Mère Danais, Josèphte. Retour vers la page principale. Villeneuve,albert aka Cuthbert // n. 1851-01-25 Sexe Homme Parents http://www.shsb.mb.ca/genealogie/ff_5.html
New Page 1 C, 18th Regt. Inf. GREMILLION, girard. Pvt. Fausse River Gds. Co. Mil. Pvt. LafourcheRegt. Mil. *GUIDRY, albert. Pvt. Grivot Rangers Co. Cav.; A, 2nd Regt. http://www.acadiansingray.com/index_of_names-G.htm
Extractions: coordonnatrice de l'ARRTQ Allard, Louise Allard, Yves-Martin Allen, Peter Jeremy Amar, Georges Angers, Alexandra Arsenault, Alban Aubin, Liette Augustin, Jacques Bachand, Eric Barbeau, Manon Barbeau, Michel Barbin, Pierre Bari, Laura Barrette, Simon Barry, Martin Baylaucq, Philippe Beauchesne, Daniel Beaulieu, Michel Beaulieu, Patricia Belzile, Louis Bergeron, Guy Bergeron, Lucie Bergeron, Marc Bergeron, Mathieu Bergevin, Liliane Bernier, Lucette Bilodeau, Jean-Evrard Blais, Pierre Blanchet, Bruno Blouin, Eric Boivin, Patrick Bondarciuc, Nadia Bonenfant, Lise Bornemisza, Nicolas Bouchard, Louise Boucher, Claude
Untitled Document libre La poudre d escampette. girard, albert, Ramdam. girard, Simon, http://www.realisateur.qc.net/pageACTIFS.htm
ChronoBio - Des Dates, Des Dates... Translate this page 1-albert Delègue 2-Bruno Gollnisch 3-Gabriel girard 4-Marion Bartoli 5-GrégoryBasso 6-Comtesse de Ségur 7-Claude Piquemal 8-Thierry Moreau 9-Sophie Garel 10 http://chronobio.asurtech.com/structure.php3?rub=3&id=16884
ODE - Resource List BOOKS Alex The Kid with AIDS by Linda Walvoord girard, albert Whitmanand Co., 1991; And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts, Penguin http://www.ode.state.or.us/stusvc/hiv-aids/resources.htm
Extractions: by Kevin Jennings, Alyson Pub., 1994 Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir by Paul Monette, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988 Come Sit By Me by Margaret Merrifield, Women's Press, 1990 Death by Denial: Studies in Suicide in Gay and Lesbian Teenagers , Alyson Pub. Losing Uncle Tim by Mary Kate Jordon, Albert Whitman and Co., 1989 One Teacher in 10 , ed. by Kevin Jennings, Alyson Pub., 1994 Ryan White: My Own Story by Ryan White, Dial Books, 1991 Students , ed. by Kevin Jennings, Alyson Pub., 1994 Talking With Kids About AIDS by J. Tiffany, D. Tobias, A. Raquib, and J. Ziegler, 1991 The Quilt: Stories from the Names Project by Cindy Ruskin, Pocket Books, 1988
I3051: Aline BERTHIAUME (Jun 1899 - 22 Jul 1922) m 1727 _Francois girard m 1750 _Marie Anne COUILLARD _ m 1727 JeanBaptistegirard _ _Marie albert RAYMOND. http://www.geocities.com/pgagne.geo/d0000/g0000054.html
Extractions: Jean Paul Deschênes BERTHIAUME _Moise DÉSCHÊNES INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time Family 1 Mathilda RHÉAUME Mathilde BONENFANT Narcisse BONENFANT Euphrasie BONENFANT Anthime BONENFANT ... INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time Father: Norbert BOURDON
I1907: Omer BARSALOU (____ - ____) 25 Jun 1944 . BIRTH 25 Jun 1944. Father albert GAGNÉ Mother ClaireMarie Anne RAYMOND Family 1 Gérald TREMBLAY Elizabeth girard. NI0773 http://www.geocities.com/pgagne.geo/d0000/g0000090.html
Extractions: Family 1 Berthe LÉTOURNEAU Dora BARSALOU INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time Family 1 Victoria JUILLET Paul BERTHIAUME Yvette BERTHIAUME INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time Father: Jean-Emile BOHÉMIER
Recommended Books To Read Schoolaged Children At Daddy s on Saturdays by Linda W. girard; albert Whitman Co., 1987 Katie s daddy moves out when he and her mommy get divorced. http://www.the3rdjudicialdistrict.com/recbooks.htm
Extractions: go to hird Judicial District Court home page Books preceded by prices can be purchased from Friends of the Court, Inc. during your Divorcing Parents Class or by calling (208) 384-0977. Katie's daddy moves out when he and her mommy get divorced. Katie is angry, sad, and very afraid her daddy will never come back. Katie learns that even though her parents can't live together anymore, they both still love her, and will always be her mommy and daddy.
Genealogy Data Father girard, Roger Mother girard, Promelie. Family Marriage 9 APR1976 in Rivire StJean, Qc Spouse albert, Danny Gender Male Parents http://www.jmalb2557.com/Gabriel/dat218.html
Genealogy Data Father girard, Honor Mother LeBlanc, Marie. Family Marriage 12 AUG 1936in ShelterBay, Qc Spouse albert, Monique Gender Female Parents http://www.jmalb2557.com/Gabriel/dat217.html
Informations Généalogiques Translate this page ABRAHAM, Marie Philomène ABRAHAM, albert Sexe Masculin Naissance 1871 Occupation girard,Marie Emilie Lucie dite Emilienne Sexe Féminin Naissance 12 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/frederick/dat6.htm
Informations Généalogiques Translate this page DESCHARD, albert, DESCHARD, Marthe, DESCHARD, Marie, à Vézénobres, 30, GARD, LR,France. Famille de girard - de CADOINE. de CADOINE, Isabeau, Naissance 13 . http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jac.deschard/Genea/dat60.htm
Fonds Albert-Laberge (P6) Translate this page Parmi les signataires les écrivains Germain Beaulieu, Jovette Bernier, AlbertBoisjoli, Arthur Buies, Marcel Dugas, Rodolphe girard, Claude-Henri Grignon http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/crccf/fonds/P6.html
Extractions: Plan du site Ressources documentaires Description des fonds et des collections d'archives au CRCCF Université d'Ottawa, CRCCF, Fonds Albert-Laberge Notes biographiques Le Samedi Terroir La Presse La Scouine Quand chantait la cigale Visage de la vie et de la mort La Fin du voyage Le Destin des hommes Fin de roman Images de la vie Le Dernier Souper et La Patrie . Sources : , tome II, p. 993; , p. 729; Albert Laberge sa vie et son oeuvre Lamento et La Scouine
Girard De De Roussilon [en] My Body Is Private by Linda Walvoord girard, Rodney Pate, Walvoordgirard, Kathleen Tucker albert Whitman Co; September, 1992. http://www.archinform.net/arch/21386.htm
(Annie Myra Georgina GERVERS - Steve Joseph Albert GIRARD ) Gwendolen GINSBURG ( 7 JUN 1950 ) Eliza Maud GIPPS ( - 19 NOV 1959 ) George BowdlerGIPPS ( - ) Romeo Joseph girard ( - ) Steve Joseph albert girard (27 JUN http://www.ott.igs.net/~donpark/mcclinto/ind0096.htm