HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 15. frobenius, georg Ferdinand (18491917) The Hutchinson Dictionary ofScientific Biography; January 1, 1998 frobenius, georg Ferdinand http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona
Frobenius frobenius, georg. (18491917). Nemecký matematik, který se zabývalteorií reprezentací v teorii grup. Udelal také mnoho práce http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Frobenius_Georg.html
Extractions: Frobenius, Georg Nìmecký matematik, který se zabýval teorií reprezentací v teorii grup. Udìlal také mnoho práce v algebøe, kde je po nìm pojmenována Frobéniova vìta, která udává podmínky øeitelnosti soustavy lineárních rovnic. zabýval se také øeením rovnic v okolí singulárních bodù.
WIEM: Frobenius Georg Ferdinand skolavpohode.cz Titulní stránka Matematika Lexikon, frobenius, georg (18491917) Nemeckýmatematik, který se zabýval teorií reprezentací v teorii grup. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00e1ec.html
Extractions: Frobenius Georg Ferdinand (1849-1917), matematyk niemiecki. Profesor politechniki w Zurychu (1875-1892) i uniwersytetu w Berlinie (od 1892). Autor prac z zakresu teorii grup i ich reprezentacji (wspó³praca z I. Schurem) oraz teorii liczb. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry
Skolavpohode.cz Lex, Fridman, Alexandr (18881925), zaregistruj se - uvidí to.Lex, frobenius, georg (1849-1917), zaregistruj se - uvidí to. Lex, http://www.skolavpohode.cz/prehled.asp?predmetID=5
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Ferdinand georg frobenius. (Redirected from frobenius). Server will be down formaintenance on 200405-12 from about 0200 to 0300 UTC. Picture of frobenius. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frobenius
Extractions: (Redirected from Frobenius Ferdinand Georg Frobenius October 26 August 3 ) was a German mathematician, best-known for his contributions to the theory of differential equations and to group theory Frobenius was born in Charlottenburg , a suburb of Berlin , and was educated at the University of Berlin . His thesis was on the solution of differential equations, under the direction of Weierstrass . After its completion in , he taught in Berlin for a few years before receiving an appointment at the Polytechnicum in Zurich (now ETH Zurich ). In 1893 he returned to Berlin, where he was elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. edit Group Theory was one of Frobenius' principal interests in the second half of his career. One of his first notable contributions was the proof of the Sylow theorems for abstract groups. Earlier proofs had been for permutation groups. His proof of the first Sylow theorem (on the existence of Sylow groups) is the one still used today. More important was his creation of the theory of group characters and group representations , which are fundamental tools for studying the structure of groups. This work led to the establishment of the
Ferdinand Georg FROBENIUS (1849 - 1917) Translate this page Ferdinand georg frobenius (1849 - 1917). Matemático alemán. Fue nombrado profesorde la universidad de Berlín en 1882 enseñando en Berlín y Zurich. http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/frobenius.htm
Biografia De Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg Translate this page frobenius, Ferdinand georg. (Berlín, 1849-Charlottenburg, 1917)Matemático alemán. Profesor en la Universidad de Berlín, sus http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/frobenius.htm
Extractions: Enlaces Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg (Berlín, 1849-Charlottenburg, 1917) Matemático alemán. Profesor en la Universidad de Berlín, sus trabajos versaron sobre la teoría algebraica de los grupos finitos y sobre la sistematización del álgebra a la luz de la axiomática y la lógica matemática. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio
Extractions: Ferdinand Georg Frobenius (1849-1917) was a German mathematician, best-known for his contributions to the theory of differential equations and to group theory Frobenius was born in Charlottenburg , a suburb of Berlin , and was educated at the University of Berlin . His thesis was on the solution of differential equations, under the direction of Weierstrass . After its completion in 1870, he taught in Berlin for a few years before receiving an appointment at the Polytechnicum in Zurich (now ETH Zurich ). In 1893 he returned to Berlin, and was also elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Group Theory was one of Frobenius' principal interests in the second half of his career. One of his first notable contributions was the proof of the Sylow theorems for abstract groups. Earlier proofs had been for permutation groups. His proof of the first Sylow theorem (on the existence of Sylow groups) is the one still used today. More important was his creation of the theory of group characters and group representations, which are fundamental tools for studying the structure of groups. This work led to the establishment of the Frobenius reprocity law and the definition of what are now called Frobenius groups.
Mathematicians From DSB Translate this page Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 1768-1830. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. frobenius,georg Ferdinand, 1849-1917. Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642. Galois, Evariste, 1811-1832. http://www.henrikkragh.dk/hom/dsb.htm
Extractions: Validate html Abel, Niels Henrik Argand, Jean Robert Artin, Emil Beltrami, Eugenio Bérard, Jacques Étienne Bérard, Joseph Frédéric Berkeley, George Bernoulli, Johann (Jean) I Bernoulli, Jakob (Jacques) I Bertrand, Joseph Louis François Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bianchi, Luigi Bjerknes, Carl Anton Bjerknes, Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bolyai, Farkas (Wolfgang) Bolyai, János (Johann) Bolzano, Bernard Bombelli, Rafael Borel, Émile (Félix-Édouard-Justin) Bouquet, Jean-Claude Briot, Charles Auguste Cantor, Georg Carathéodory, Constantin Cardano, Girolamo Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Cayley, Arthur Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich Clairaut, Alexis-Claude Clausen, Thomas Clebsch, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Colden, Cadwallader Collinson, Peter Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Cramer, Gabriel Crelle, August Leopold d'Alembert, Jean le Rond de Morgan, Augustus Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph Descartes, René du Perron
Great Mathematicians Variations. Canter, georg, (18451918), Germany, Creator of Set Theory.frobenius, georg, (1849-1917), Germany, Theory of Matrices. Lamb, Horace, http://www.sali.freeservers.com/engineering/maths.html
Extractions: Free Web site hosting - Freeservers.com Web Hosting - GlobalServers.com Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet ... Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95 Home Page About Me Contact Me Photo Gallery 1 Photo Gallery 2 Family Album Engineering Stuff Sports Stuff Tennis Page Favorite People Links Galore Cool Links Kerala Page About Calicut HTML Tutorial Guest Book Home Page Engg. Home CFD Engg. Books ... NITT Faculty The finest mathematicians of all time who had a profound influence in the development of pure and applied mathematics Name Period Country Field of Contribution Descartes, Rene France Invented Analytical Geometry Fermat, Pierre de France Gregory, James Scotland Numerical Interpolation Newton, Isaac England Inventor of Differential and Integral Calculus Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhem Germany Along with Newton he is also credited for invention of Calculus Raphson, Joseph England Numerical Integration Rolle, Michel France Rolle's Theorem Bernoulli, Jakob Swiss Mathematical Probability and Elasticity L'Hôpital, Guillaume François France L'Hôpital Rule Bernoulli, Johann
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius Ferdinand georg frobenius. georg frobenius s father was Christian Ferdinand frobenius,a Protestant parson, and his mother was Christine Elizabeth Friedrich. http://umm.kou.edu.tr/math/Ferdinand Georg Frobenius .htm
Extractions: Died: 3 Aug 1917 in Berlin Germany Georg Frobenius 's father was Christian Ferdinand Frobenius, a Protestant parson, and his mother was Christine Elizabeth Friedrich. Georg was born in Charlottenburg which was a district of Berlin which was not incorporated into the city until 1920. He entered the Joachimsthal Gymnasium in 1860 when he was nearly eleven years old and graduated from the school in 1867. In this same year he went to the University of Göttingen where he began his university studies but he only studied there for one semester before returning to Berlin Back at the University of Berlin he attended lectures by Kronecker Kummer and Weierstrass . He continued to study there for his doctorate, attending the seminars of Kummer and Weierstrass , and he received his doctorate (awarded with distinction) in 1870 supervised by Weierstrass . In 1874, after having taught at secondary school level first at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium then at the Sophienrealschule, he was appointed to the
Frobenius Ferdinand georg frobenius. Born 26 Oct 1849 georg frobenius is bestknown for his work in group theory. He received his doctorate http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Frbns.htm
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Georg Frobenius is best known for his work in group theory. He received his doctorate from the University of Berlin in 1870 after working under Weierstrass In his work in group theory, Frobenius combined results from the theory of algebraic equations, geometry, and number theory, which led him to the study of abstract groups. He published Uber Gruppen von vertauschbaren Elementen in 1879 which looks at permutable elements in groups. He collaborated with Issai Schur in representation theory of groups and character theory of groups. His paper Uber die Gruppencharactere on group characters is of fundamental importance. It was presented to the Berlin Academy on July 16 1896 and it contains work which Frobenius had done in the preceeding few months. In a series of letters to Dedekind , the first on 12 April 1896, his ideas on group characters quickly develop. Ideas from a paper by
Extractions: Name des Hrsg. / Autors Vorname Geb. / Gest. A Abbot Edwin A. Abel Niels Henrik Ahrens Wilhelm Apollonius 3./2. Jh. v. Chr. Archimedes v. Chr. Aristoteles v. Chr. Artin Emil B Bachmann Paul Bardey Ernst Bianchi Luigi Bieberbach Ludwig Blaschke Wilhelm TAzM-Bd.08 Bliss Gilbert Ames Blumenthal Otto Bocher Maxime Boltzmann Ludwig Bolyai Janos (Johann) TAzM-Bd.04 Bolyai Wolfgang Bolza Oskar Bonola Roberto WH-Bd.IV Boole George Borel Emile Born Max Börnstein R. Bortkewitsch L. von Boutroux Pierre WH-Bd.XXVIII Brill Alexander von Bruhns Carl Christian Bruns Heinrich Burkhardt Heinrich C Cantor Georg TAzM-Bd.02 Cantor Moritz Caratheodory Constantin TAzM-Bd.18 Cartan Elie Joseph Carvallo R. Castelnuovo Guido Cesaro Ernesto Chittenden Brace Christoffel Elvin B. Clebsch Alfred Crantz Paul Curtze Maximiliam Czuber Emanuel WH-Bd.XXIV D Dalwigk F. v.
TAzM_Titelliste Translate this page 1910 (Teubner-Verlag 1910). frobenius, georg Gedächtnisrede auf Leopold Kronecker.1893. Hilbert, David Zum Gedächtnis an Karl Weierstraß. 1897. http://www.weiss-leipzig.de/teubner-archiv-zur-mathematik-titelliste.htm
Lab Helpline FAQ Search Results Originator German mathematician georg frobenius (18491917),amjor contributorto group theory, which subsequently became important for quantum mechanics. http://www.robresint.co.uk/LS/environlabs/quoteweek/qotw_search_results.asp?sear
Georg Poulsen Florman Asger Fredslund Niels FridNielsen Ole Friis Mette frobenius Mogens Frohn BroenJensen Carsten Jensen Flemming Jensen Torben Jetsmark georg Julin Bent http://www.foredragsholdere.dk/Poulsen Georg.htm
Kronecker, Leopold Scientific Biography). frobenius, georg Ferdinand (18491917) (TheHutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography). Interview Author http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0828272.html
Extractions: Kronecker, Leopold [l A O O u r] Pronunciation Key Kronecker, Leopold , German mathematician. After making a fortune in business he devoted his attention to mathematics and became professor at the Univ. of Berlin in 1883. Noted as an algebraist, he was a pioneer in the field of algebraic numbers and in formulating the relationship between the theory of numbers, the theory of equations, and elliptic functions. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Leopold Kronecker Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1810-1893) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography) Frobenius, Georg Ferdinand (1849-1917) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography) Interview: Author Amir Aczel discusses concepts of infinity (Talk of the Nation Science Friday (NPR)) By the numbers. (athletes' uniform numbers)