- Das Kausalgesetz und seine Grenzen (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft) by Philipp Frank, 1988
- Einstein: sein Leben und seine Zeit. Mit einem Vorwort von Albert Einstein. by Philipp. [EINSTEIN] FRANK, 1979-01-01
- Einstien His Life And Times by Philipp Frank, 1947
- Modern Science and Its Philosophy by Frank Philipp (ed and Intro), 1961
- Philosophy of Science; the Link Between Science and Philosophy by philipp frank, 1957-01-01
- Philosophy of Science. The Link Between Science and Philosophy. by Philipp Frank, 1957-01-01
- Das Kausalgesetz und seine Grenzen by Philipp Frank, 1932-01-01
- Studies in Mathematics and Mechanics Presented to Richard von Mises by Philipp (Introduction by) Frank, 1954
- Relativity and Its Astronomical Implacations by Philipp Frank, 1943-01-01
- Die Differential-Und Integralgleichungen. Volume I Mathemtischer Teil. Vol. II Physikischer Teil by Philipp, And Richard V. Mises Frank, 1961-01-01
- Foundations of Physics: Volumes I and II: Foundations of the Unity of Science Volume I Number 7 by Philipp Frank, 1969
- In Honor of Philipp Frank by Robert Sonne Cohen, 1965-01-01
- Philipp Frank 1884-1966: Expression of Appreciation As Arranged in the Order Given At the Memorial Meeting for Philipp Frank
- Die Differential-und Integralgleichungen Der Mechanik Und Physik, II Physikalischer Teil by Dr. Philipp and Dr. Richard V. Mises Frank, 1961