Personal Composition Of The Siberian Branch Nikolai Sergeevich Dimov Gennadii Ivanovich Filippov Vasilii Vasil evich fomin VasiliiMikhailovich Gadzhiev Il as Mamedovich Goncharov sergei Savost anovich
Extractions: In 1993, CASCA initiated a program of support for astronomy in the former Soviet Union through an appeal for donations (Cassiopeia, No. 80, 7, 1993) to a fund from which small travel grants to deserving young astronomers would be made. This program was made possible through an agreement with the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society, who established a committee to supervise the awarding of the grants in the former Soviet Union (Cassiopeia, No. 82, 5, 1994). By 1994, this program had become part of Cascatrust's charitable activities (Cassiopeia, No. 83, 10, 1994). To date, in two fund-raising campaigns, CASCA members have donated $2400 (US) to the program, and already some twenty young astronomers have benefitted from it. The extraordinary success of the program prompted the CASCA membership present at the 1995 Annual Meeting in Penticton to vote overwhelmingly in favour of extending the program for one more year. In the following, I will present a summary of the grants that have already been made, and a few more detailed reports submitted by individual recipients to Cascatrust, in order to demonstrate how effective this program has become in providing researchers with travel assistance. It is remarkable how much research travel can be done for so little money, and hence how important our contributions are.
Speedskating. Cup Of Russia. 3rd Stage. Allround 10 sergei Lisin Nizhni Novgorod 42,31 11 Aleksei Malyshev Kirov 42,52 12 VladimirBelov St. Petersburg 42,81 13 Igor Perminov Yekaterinburg 42,95 14 Igor fomin
Extractions: Calendar of season 2000/2001 Stage # 3. 13-14 January 2001. Nizhni Novgorod Third stage of the Russian Cup was divided into two parts: sprint and allround. Allrounders competed in Nizhni Novgorod on the ice of "Dinamo"-stadion. Here the complete results from the competition. RusCup-2000/2001. Stage #3. Nizhni Novgorod. "Dinamo". 13 January 2001
Speedskating. Records Of Ukraine Kijev 23.12.1989 Medeo 1.52,92 Andrej fomin, Kijev 11.08.2001 Calgary 1.51,02 Andrejfomin, Kijev 19.02.2002 Salt Lake City 3000m 4.04,58 sergei Priz, Kharkov
Wayne State University Math Colloquium March, 2001. · March 5 sergei fomin, University of Michigan; Looperased walksand total positivity; abstract; sergei fomin s web page. · Wednesday, March 7
Extractions: Wayne State University Mathematics Department Colloquium This page contains the schedule for all departmental colloquia and visiting scholars for the academic year 2000 - 2001. In most cases it also contains a link to an abstract of the talk. For more information about the Department, go to the Mathematics Department Home Page. Our new Seminar Home Page gives detailed information on seminar schedules for the week. Note that all colloquia take place on Monday at 2:45 PM in 169 Education except as noted. Each colloquium is preceded by tea in the Nelson Room in the Faculty-Administration Building (FAB) (on the first floor near the Mathematics Department offices) unless otherwise noted. Here are maps of the campus and the vicinity. There is a student parking ramp just west of FAB. You pay as you enter ($2.00 cash). If that lot is full try the Law School parking lot, which is usually available. Rating System In the spirit of our continuing quest for truth in advertising, each colloquium talk has been assigned a rating of G, R, or X by the speaker. Check the Rating System Page for definitions. - Books And Stuff. Cheap! Author(s) Kolmogorov, AN; fomin, SV / Revised Edition ISBN 0486612260 / Paperback/ 6/1 Author(s) Ketov, SV; Ketov, sergei V. / 1st Edition ISBN 3540674616, S. V.
IEI_publications sergei Duvanov. Kazak NGOs Squeezed Institute for War and Peace Reporting, September15, 2000. Akezhan Kazhegeldin. Moscow News 410 April 2000. Nikolai fomin. More results from MusicaBona Classical Music Shop Slava fomin Mikhail Yegorov tenor, Olga Borodina - mezzo-soprano, sergei Alexashkin - bass IgorYan - tenor, Nikolai Okhotnikov - bass, Slava fomin - soprano, Nikolai
EXile - Issue #167 - Bardak Calendar where it is?). DISCO. DJ sergei Krylov. 23.00 Kult (Watering Holes).DJ fomin. 00.00 Garage (Watering Holes). June 4. ROCK. Underwood.
Extractions: Moscow-based alternative newspaper Name: Password: remember me Register... All Issues This Issue This Column Advanced... Text ads and links at affordable rates. at exile ru for more info Home Archive Club Guide Restaurant Guide ... About Us Hide sidebars (Alt+S) May 29 ROCK Dety Picasso B-2 (Live Muzak) Inna Zhelannaya Sixteen Tons (Live Muzak) Zerno Bunker (Live Muzak) Green Town 18.00 Poslednie Dengi (Good luck finding it) Telenn Gwad Woodstock (Sucks) BLUES Formula 1 DISCO Propaganda (Watering Holes) DJ`s Groove, Novak, Air, Pussy Garage (Watering Holes) Dj Gatek Kult (Watering Holes) Party Steppin Session: DJ'sGormon, Altero, Benatreep Ballentine's (Watering Holes) May 30 ROCK Piknik Sixteen Tons (Live Muzak) Multfilmyi Bunker (Live Muzak) Aquarium B-2(Live Muzak) Garik Sukachyov Sport- bar (See American food) Orange 18.00 Poslednye dengi (in your poopie hole)
EXile - Issue #169 - Bardak Calendar JAZZ. Sanchez Quartet. 21.00 Le Club (Live Muzak). DISCO. DJ sergei Krylov. 23.00Kult (Watering Holes). DJ fomin. 00.00 Garage (Watering Holes). JUlE 2. ROCK. Rada
Extractions: Moscow-based alternative newspaper Name: Password: remember me Register... All Issues This Issue This Column Advanced... Text ads and links at affordable rates. at exile ru for more info Home Archive Club Guide Restaurant Guide ... About Us Hide sidebars (Alt+S) Zemfira: sports a divorcee look. June 26 ROCK Mouse On Mars B-2 (Live Muzak) Moscow-Luna Sixteen Tons (Live Muzak) Indigo Bunker (Live Muzak) Vmeste Kitaisky Lyotchik (Live Muzak) BLUES No Problem B. B. King (Live Muzak) JAZZ Igor Buttman Quartet Le Club (Live Muzak) DISCO Propaganda (Watering Holes) DJ`s Groove, Novak, Air, Pussy Garage (Watering Holes) Dj Gatek Kult (Watering Holes) Steppin Session Party : DJ'sGormon, Altero, Benatreep Ballentine's (Watering Holes) June 27 ROCK Kalinov Most Sixteen Tons (Live Muzak) Kradenoe Solntse Bunker (Live Muzak) B-2 (Live Muzak) Vladimir Kuzmin Sport- bar (See American food) Sun Music Kitaisky Lyotchik (Live Muzak) Tax Free Papa John's (Watering Holes) BLUES Sound Cake B. B. King (Live Muzak)
Mendeleev Communications, Author Index: F fomin Alexandr S, see Minachev Khabib M Mendeleev Communications, 1993, 3(4), 166.fomina Lyudmila Yu, see fomine sergei M Mendeleev Communications, 1998, 8(3
Extractions: Keskiviikkona, 3. maaliskuuta 1999, nro 17 Huippuhiihtäjiä syntyy suuressa kilpailijajoukossa Karjalan 30. hiihtojuhla pidettiin viime viikonloppuna ... Viime sunnuntaina päättynyt Karjalan 30. hiihtojuhla erosi edukseen viimevuotisesta. Merkkipäivä innoitti varmaan järjestäjiä tekemään siitä kiinnostavan ja mieleenpainuvan. Ohjelma oli monipuolinen ja ladut olivat loistokunnossa. ... Järjestäjien suurin saavutus taisi olla se, että mukaan oli saatu tasavallan kaikkien piirien ja kaupunkien joukkueet, vaikkakin pienilukuiset. VIKTOR KIURU S. 1 Tasavallan budjetti hyväksytty ensi käsittelyssä Hallitus ja kansanedustajat pysyivät omilla kannoillaan vakioveron suhteen MIRJA KEMPPINEN Karjalan Sanomat ... Istunto sai suurta huomiota, sillä siinä käsiteltiin kaksi hyvin tärkeää asiaa, tasavallan budjettia vuodeksi 1999 ja Sergei Katanandovin ehdottamia muutoksia vakioverolakiin. S. 2 Kalevalan sankarit asuvat Äänisen rantakadulla Lumi- ja jääpatsaiden kilpailu kuului eepoksen juhlallisuuksiin MARINA TOLSTYH Karjalan Sanomat Uuden Kalevalan 150-vuotisjuhlan tapahtumat päättyivät Petroskoissa lumi- ja jääpatsaiden näyttelyyn. Lumesta ja jäästä syntyneet Kalevala-eepoksen sankarit ovat kotiutuneet tällä kertaa Äänisen rantakadulle.
Extractions: Source: The China Post Maxim Fomin, a member of the Belarus Ballet, rehearses his role in "Swan Lake" at the National Theater in Taipei. overs of classical ballet in Taiwan will soon have the opportunity to enjoy full-length productions of "Don Quixote" and "Swan Lake." Featured this time is the Belarus Ballet on its first visit to Taiwan. He is also a dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet. Under his leadership, the Belarus Ballet's repertory including classics like "Swan Lake," "Sleeping Beauty," "The Nutcracker," "Don Quixote," "Les Sylphides" and "Coppelia," has preserved the exquisite beauty of the original choreography and at the same time injected innovative elements in the art of dance.
Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 23/04/1891 Nascimento Música Fatos Rússia Nascimento de sergei Prokofiev (compositor FatosRússia Morte do compositor russo Evstigney Iptovich fomin 27/04
News Gimaev, deputies of Prime Minister Minister of industry Mr. sergei Efremov, and ofthe Russian Federation in Turkish Republic Mr. Nikolai fomin and Trade
Extractions: The official visit of governmental delegation and business circles of Bashkortostan to Turkey took place between August 25 and 29. The official delegation included Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Mr. Rafael Baidavletov, Head of President administration Mr. Ildar Gimaev, deputies of Prime Minister - Minister of industry Mr. Sergei Efremov, and Minister of architecture and transport Mr. Rashit Sattarov, Head of Government staff Mr. Fatih Kazakbaev, Minister of foreign relations and trade Mr. Boris Kolbin, Representative of Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry in Ufa Mr. Zinnur Mardanov, Heads of administrations of Ufa Mr. Pavel Kachkaev, Aghidel Mr. Vladimir Fedorov and Ufa region Mr. Mikhail Mineev. The first officials to meet with Bashkortostans official delegation on Turkish land were the Counselor of the Russian Federation in Turkish Republic Mr. Nikolai Fomin and Trade Representative of Russia in Turkey Mr. Vladimir Fitin. They discussed the today's state of the friendly country and its economic relations with Russian Federation. The trade turnover between Turkey and Russia makes up 70 % from the total index. In general, Turkey is interested in fuel-raw material and gas supplies. The main task for perspective is to enlarge the export range from our country. Besides, it is sometimes rather difficult for Russian producers to find their way to the Western European market. In this sense, Turkey may become a beneficial land for export activities. Thus, more information is needed about market demands and offers.
Vybory-99. Okruga Aleksandr Sergeevich (KPRF) Antonceva Zinaida Grigor evna (ROS) fomin Yurii Alekseevich(KTR SPS) Konov Yurii Ivanovich (LDPR) Magdes yan sergei Luk yanovich
Extractions: 11 noyabrya 1999 Spisok kandidatov po odnomandatnym okrugam na saite CIK (nepolnyi: ne hvataet Moskvy i eshe dvuh desyatkov okrugov) Spisok kandidatov po Moskve na saite Mosgorizbirkoma Spisok kandidatov po Sankt-Peterburgu i Lenoblasti na i
ICDERS And IWOMIC (1997) Prof Nikita fomin, Prof sergei Frolov, Prof A Koichi Hayashi, Prof Jean Herzberg,Dr David A Jones, Dr Allen Kuhl, Prof JHS Lee, Prof Michel Lefebvre, Dr Assad Masri,
Extractions: LOCATION AND TRAVEL 16th ICDERS will be held in Cracow, August 3 - 8, 1997. ICDERS Meetings held to date: 1. Brussels (1967) Belgium 6. Stockholm (1977) Sweden 11. Warsaw (1987) Poland 2. Novosibirsk (1969) USSR 7. Gottingen (1979) Germany 12. Ann Arbor (1989) USA 3. Marseilles (1971) France 8. Minsk (1981) USSR 13. Nagoya (1991) Japan 4. San Diego (1973) USA 9. Poitiers (1983) France 14. Coimbra (1993) Portugal 5. Bourges (1975) France 10. Berkely (1985) USA 15. Boulder (1995) USA Original contributions will be selected for presentation in the following areas: Ignition dynamics Spray combustion Non-ideal detonations Laminar flames Droplet combustion Initiation of detonation Turbulent combustion Reacting systems Explosions Non-premixed combustion Gaseous detonations Blast waves Heterogeneous combustion Heterogeneous detonations
Ðóññêèé Òàíöåâàëüíûé Ñïîðò. Ðåéòèíã IDSF Standard Galeev Albert Sgibneva Anastasia Russia 30; 896 Gladkikh sergei - Gladkikh Tatiana PortenkoAlexei - Petrisheva Polina Russia 27; 941 fomin Roman - Maximova,66315,
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of FO fomin, Vasilii, Voronezh State University, fomin, A. 1974. fomin, sergei, St. PetersburgState University, 1982. Fond, Simson, University of California, Berkeley, 1975.
Extractions: Soale, Domenico - Cerasoli, Giola Italy Draper, Craig - Chouprakova, Irina England Galchun, Alexei - Demina, Tatiana Russia Di Toro, Federico - Favero, Genny Italy Khadjiev, Denis - Balabaeva, Jana Russia Antoshin, Dmitri - Kolobova, Alla Russia Mikheev, Sergei - Sidoran, Anastasia Russia Kotlov, Maxim - Uspenskaia, Elena Russia Avdeev, Mikhail - Oksengoitt, Anna Russia Bekmametov, Stanislav - Urban, Natalia Russia Lenski, Mikhail - Postelniak, Alexandra Russia Zakharov, Valeri - Mitiakina, Natalia Russia Darin, Nikolai - Tutushina, Iulia Russia Pelekh, Sergiy - Ruda, Anna Ukraine Para, Oktavian - Cravciuc, Elena Moldavia Vinogradov, Vladislav - Mouravieva, Anastasia Russia Kazmirchuk, Evgeni - Poliakova, Ksenia Russia Kutepov, Denis - Vasilieva, Marina Russia Lapine, Alexei - Tsykaliuk, Olga Russia Bartosevich, Pavel - Karpunina, Marina Russia Chubarev, Andrei - Vlasova, Veronika Russia Skok, Stepan - Alisevich, Olga Russia Sokolov, Alexandr - Vetkovskaia, Maria