Buecherdatenbank .:. Comenius-Antiquariat .:. Buchantiquariat.com Translate this page Bern Verlag paul Haup Berner Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Heimatkunde 1949.Bern Verlag paul Haupt 1949. stapeln/ bestellen. finsler .. Tieche, Edouard. http://buchantiquariat.com/buecher/linxuche.php3?suchstr= Ulrich von
Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen Und Philosophinnen Translate this page Filmer, Robert (1588-1653). Fink, Eugen (1905-1975). finsler, paul (1894-1970).Fischer, Aloys (1880-1937). Fischer, Christian Gabriel (1686-1751). http://buecherei.philo.at/phil.htm
Extractions: Philosophinnen A Abaelard, Petrus (1079-1142) Abbagnano, Nicola (1901-1990) Abhinavagupta (9./10. Jh. n. Chr.) Abravanel, Isaak ben Jehuda (1437-1508) Abulafia, Abraham (1240-1292) Aconcio, Giacomo (vor 1515-ca. 1567) Adelard von Bath (gest. ca. 1160) Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) Adler, Max (1873-1937) Adler, Victor (1852-1918) Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969) Ägidius von Rom (Romanus) (ca. 1243-1316) Aenesidemus (1. Jh. v. Chr.) Agamben, Giorgio (geb. 1942) Agnoli, Johannes (1925[?]-2003) Agricola, Rudolf (1444-1485) Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) Aichinger, Ilse Ainesidemos aus Knossos (1. Jh. v. Chr.) Aksapada (2. od. 3. Jh. n. Chr.) Alain (Émile Auguste Chartier) (1868-1951) Alanus ab Insulis (Alain de Lille) (ca. 1124-1203) Albert, Hans (geb. 1921) Albert, Karl (geb. 1921) Alberti, Leon Battista (1404-1472) Albertus Magnus (ca. 1200-1280) Albinus (Albinus Platonicus, Alcinous Philosophicus, Alcinous Didascali Scriptor) (2. Jh. n. Chr.) Albo, Josef (ca. 1380-ca. 1440)
Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen F Translate this page paul finsler (1894-1970). Aloys Fischer (1880-1937). Christian GabrielFischer (1686-1751). Engelbert Lorenz Fischer (1845-1923). Franz http://buecherei.philo.at/philf.htm
Extractions: ... neu aufgenommene Seite Bartolomeo Facio (ca. 1400-1457) Richard Falckenberg (1851-1920) Abu-Nasr Muhammad Ibn-Tarhan Al-Farabi (Alpharabius, Abunazar, Avenasar) (ca. 870-950) D Abu Nasr Mohammed ben Mohammed ben Jarkham al-Farabi (Philosophenlexikon) D Al-Farabi (BBKL) Abu Al-Nasr Al-Farabi (Chris Marvin, The Window)
Fotozentrum.ch Translate this page paul Senn Aufnahmen des bekannten Photoreporters aus den Jahren 1930-1953 Text von Hansfinsler Neue Wege der Photographie Hans finsler (1891-1972) wird in http://www.fotostiftung.ch/html/deutsch/publikat/publikat_content.html
Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Pisa, um 1170 - um 1240) Fields, John (14.5.1863 - 9.8.1932) Fincke, Thomas (1561- 1656) Fine, Oronce (1494 - 1555) finsler, paul (1894 - 1970) Fischer, Ernst http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html
Extractions: Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Heywood Genealogy - Jacob Wiegand 1843. Married NELLIE finsler. Married INA RICHARDSON in October, 1923. St.Peter paul Church, North Utica, Oneida County, New York. http://www.heywoods.info/w/JWiegand01.html
Extractions: FRANK WIEGAND , born in March, 1876; died in 1943. Married IDA HUBBELL HERBERT WIEGAND , born in New York; died July 19, 1883 in West Schuyler, Herkimer County, New York. Buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, North Utica, Oneida County, New York. BERNARD WIEGAND , born in April, 1882; died in 1843. Married NELLIE FINSLER . Married INA RICHARDSON in October, 1923. RAYMOND B. WIEGAND , born March 4, 1884 in Schuyler, Herkimer County, New York; died February 5, 1956 in Newport, Herkimer County, New York. Married MARY MARGARET QUINN BLANCHE JOSEPHINE WIEGAND , born November 4, 1890; died in 1938. Married GEORGE LOUIS in 1911. Buried in St. Mary Cemetery, Oneida County, New York. HAROLD L. WIEGAND
Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Fincke, Thomas (1561 - 1656). Fine, Oronce (1494 - 1555). finsler, paul (1894 -1970). Fischer, Ernst (12.7.1875 - 14.11.1954). Fisher, Sir Ronald (1890 - 1962). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm
Extractions: Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)
Bauhaus-archiv Museum Für Gestaltung - Museum - Ausstellungs-archiv Translate this page dabei mit Künstlern wie Lyonel Feininger, Johannes Itten, paul Klee und FotografenErnst Hahn bei Johannes Itten (Formenlehre), Hans finsler (Fotografie) und http://www.bauhaus.de/museum/archiv_00.htm
Extractions: Die Ausstellung ist einzige deutsche Station der internationalen Wanderausstellung "Friedl Dicker-Brandeis: Life in Art and Teaching" des Simon Wiesenthal Center, Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles, die bisher mit großem Erfolg in Wien, Graz, Cesky Krumlov, Paris und Stockholm zu sehen war. In der Präsentation des Bauhaus-Archivs werden die Bauhausjahre der Künstlerin und ihre Partnerschaft mit dem Bauhaus-Architekten Franz Singer einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bilden.
Extractions: Allgemeine Informationen Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekte Geschichte Gesucht ... Neuerwerbungen aktuelle Neuerwerbungen: Übernahme aus der Textilmanufaktur 55 Teppiche aus der Textilmanufaktur, entstanden zwischen 1962 und 1990 nach Entwürfen von Inge Götze, Carola Helbing, Rosemarie Hildebrand, Karin Jarausch, Ilse Maria Krause, Carmen Nolting, Ulrich Müller-Reimkasten und anderen. Inge Götze, "Fregatte",
Geometria Tanszék Matsumoto személyében a finsler geometriai kutatások vezeto egyénisége lépettközvetlen Lajos mellett J. Grifone, a toulouse-i paul Sabatier Egyetem http://www.math.klte.hu/html/History/geometria.HTM
Extractions: Geometria Tanszék A Geometria Tanszék élére 1973-ban Tamássy Lajos nyert kinevezést. Rögtön kettõs kihívással kellett szembenéznie. Egyrészt: megõrizni azt a pozíciót, amelyet a debreceni differenciálgeometriai iskola a hazai és a nemzetközi tudományos közéletben kivívott - s ez csak úgy sikerülhetett, ha abban a szellemben, s annak a magas szakmai és emberi m ércének a kívánalmai szerint építi tovább az isko lát, amelyet az elõdök, Varga Ottó és Rapcsák András reprezentáltak. Másrészt, meg kellett felelnie azoknak az új követelményeknek, amelyeket a rendkívüli módon fölgyorsult fejlõdés támasztott, s amelyek egye tlen - bár talán már kissé elkoptatott - szóval modernizáció ként jellemezhetõk. Annak megvilágítására, miben is állt ez az utóbbi kihívás, szólnunk kell arról, hogy a differenciálgeometri ban az 50-es évektõl kezdve túlzás nélkül drámainak mondható változá sok mentek végbe, mind gyor saságuk, mind pedig mélységük tekintetében. Új fogalmi és technikai apparátus épült ki, s hódított meg egyre újabb és újabb területeket, napról-napra további követõket nyerve. A klasszikus tenzorkalkulus, elveszítve eddigi egyedu ralkodó szerepét, mindinkább a perifériára szorult. A differen
DEPARTMENT OF GEOMETRY His visit was that of the leading personality within the field of finsler geometry Tamássy,he had as cotutor professor J. Grifone of paul Sabatier University http://www.math.klte.hu/html/History/geometry.HTM
Extractions: DEPARTMENT OF GEOMETRY 1. In 1973, Lajos Tamássy was appointed Head of the Department of Geometry. Right from the start, he faced a double challenge: On the one hand, walking in the footsteps of his predecessors, Ottó Varga and András Rapcsák, he had to preserve the internationally acknowledged position of the Debrecen school of Dfferential Geometry; on the other hand, he had to fulfil the requirements posed by a rapid and accelerating development, i.e. the requirement of modernization. Indeed, it must be pointed out that beginning inthe fifties, truly dramatic changes have taken place in Differential Geometry. A new conceptual and technical apparatus emerged, continually extending its scope, and winning always more adepts. Classical tensor calculus lost its dominant position and found itself driven to the periphery. Sensitive to change, theoretical physicists, too, began to use the new language. Classical mechanics was given firm geometric foundations in the new spirit, and the physical applications of differential geometric methods came to constitute an independent discipline. Under these circumstances, sticking to the old methods would have resulted in irretrievable bakwardness. Lajos Tamássy has led the Department from 1973 to 1988. During these fifteen years, as many dissertations have been written under his guidance. He also succeeded in significantly furthering the international connections of the Department. Particular mention is due to the very fruitful Japanese connection, which started in 1975, with a visit to Japan of professor Tamássy. Following this, professor M. Matsumoto of Kyoto University spent a semester in Debrecen as a visiting professor. His visit was that of the leading personality within the field of Finsler geometry. Cooperation with him and his fellow workers still continues unabated. Acknowledging the scientific achievement of professor Matsumoto, as well as his merits in fostering cooperation, the University Council of the KLTE has made him
Abbildungen Bauhaus Bis Fotoform Translate this page vor Gebirgstunnel - Naehe Lago de Iseo 23,5 x 17,5 Wolff, Dr. paul Zoom ( 76996 Stillebenmit Glaesern 29,5 x 23,5 finsler, Hans Zoom ( 20651 Bytes ), Tisch mit http://www.galerie-david.de/abb_bauhaus.htm
Atlas Conferences Xth National Conference of finsler and Lagrange Spaces and Applications. February1114, 1998. Craiova, Romania. Mathematics. Organizers paul Popescu. http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/calendar/d/faaa00
ETH-Bibliothek: Archiv Der ETH Zürich Translate this page Favre, Alphonse. Felix, Walter R. Fiedler, Ernst. Fiedler, Wilhelm. finsler, paul.Forschungsgemeinschaft Städtebau. Frey-Wyssling, Albert. Friedlaender, Immanuel. http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/eth-archiv/nachlaesse.html
Extractions: A Abt, Roman Ackeret, Jakob Aebli, Werner Alexandroff, Pavel Sergejewitsch ... Attenhofer, Adolf B Bachmann, Markus Rudolf Bader, Walter Baer, Hans Bagdasarjanz, Benjamin ... Burri, Conrad C Cramer, Karl D Daenzer, Walter Deschwanden, Josef Wolfgang von Dieterle, Walter Dunkel, William ... Duthaler, Otto E Eggert, John Egli, Ernst Eiberle, Kurt Einstein, Albert ... Escher-Diener, Eduard Felix F Fanno, Gino Farbmusterkollektionen Favre, Alphonse Felix, Walter R. ... Fueter, Eduard G Gebhart, Paul Gerber, Hans Gerecke, Eduard Gnehm, Robert ... Guyer-Freuler, Eduard H Heer, Oswald Heim, Albert Heim, Arnold Heim-von Brasch, Elisabeth ... Hurwitz, Adolf J Jaccard, Paul Jacobi, Jolande Jaray, Paul Jung, Carl Gustav K Kaiser, Ernst
Differential_geometry Information, Explanation, Recent Texts The finsler metric is much more general structure than Riemannian metric. by RWRDarling Differential Equations (with CDROM) by paul Blanchard Geometrical http://essential-facts.com/primary/math-plus/Differential_geometry.html
Extractions: refined (including recent related patents.) (Redirected from Differential geometry In mathematics , differential topology is the field dealing with differentiable functions on differentiable manifolds . It arises naturally from the study of the theory of differential equations . Differential geometry is the study of geometry using calculus . These fields are adjacent, and have many applications in physics , notably in the theory of relativity . Together they make up the geometric theory of differentiable manifolds - which can also be studied directly from the point of view of dynamical systems Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Intrinsic versus extrinsic 2 Technical requirements 3 Branches of differential geometry/topology 3.1 Contact geometry ... 5 External links Intrinsic versus extrinsic Initially and up to the middle of the nineteenth century , differential geometry was studied from the extrinsic point of view: curves surfaces were considered as lying in a Euclidean space of higher dimension (for example a surface in an ambient space of three dimensions). Starting with the work of Riemann , the intrinsic point of view was developed, in which one cannot speak of moving 'outside' the geometric object because it is considered as given in a free-standing way. The intrinsic point of view is more flexible, for example it is useful in relativity where space-time cannot naturally be taken as extrinsic. With the intrinsic point of view it is harder to define
OSU Math - Ph. D. Dissertations 1909-1979 OF PROJECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS 1936 RADO, TIBOR, advisor HUMMEL, paul M CONTINUED TRANSFINITEREAL NUMBERS, GENERAL ORDERS, RIEMANNIAN AND finsler SPACES 1936 http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/history/phds/1909.html
Lop Despre un triunghi special din geometria hiperbolicã. Blaga, paul. ClujNapoca. kozma@math.klte.hu.Busemann s hyperbolicity in finsler geometry (20-30 min). http://math.ubbcluj.ro/~bolyai/lop1.html
Extractions: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY ON THE OCCASION OF TWO CENTENARIES ANNIVERSARY OF JÁNOS BOLYAI (18021860) LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Name Locality E-mail Title Alamo, Nieves Malaga, Spain alamo@uma.es Hyperbolic honeycombs and relativistic velocities space Almeida, Paulo Lisbon, Portugal palmeida@math.ist.utl.pt Adèles in noncommutative geometry Andrica, Dorin Cluj dandrica@math.ubbcluj.ro New results concerning the number of critical points in small codimensions Balan, Vladimir Bucureºti, Romania vbalan@mathem.pub.ro 1. Generalized Maxwell and Lorentz equations on first-order geometrized jet spaces 2. Equiharmonic tori into strictly locally homogeneous spaces", (with Vic PATRANGENARU). Bitay László Cluj, Romania Despre un triunghi special din geometria hiperbolicã Blaga, Paul Cluj-Napoca pablaga@CS.UBBCluj.Ro Stratified supermanifolds Bojarski, Bogdan Warsaw, Poland bojarski@panim.impan.gov.pl; B.Bojarski@impan.gov.pl Riemann -Hilbert Problem,Fredholm pairs and bordism. Boloºteanu, Carmen Câmpulung Muscel, Romania C_bolosteanu@yahoo.com