Thomas Fincke Translate this page thomas fincke. Studium ua in Heidelberg Finck(e), thomas (6.1.1561 - 24.4.1656).Lebensdaten WWW-Biographien Print-Biographien Werk Bibliographien Lebensdaten.
Extractions: UB-Signatur: LSN B-AE 014 Afterward he attended many universities: Jena, Wittenberg, Heidelberg (matriculated 6 February 1582), Leipzig (matriculated summer of 1582), Basel (studies medicine in 1583), and Padua (from 6 November 1583 to 1587). Weder in HEIDI noch im Zentralblatt MATH ist ein Nachweis vorhanden. Thomas Fink's Geometria rotundi und ihr Einfluss
Content Listing Two Sonnets from Drifting Worlds. D. M. thomas. The Turtle's Dream. thomas M The Growth of the Church. thomas M. Disch. Gravity Failing. Gary fincke
Extractions: Bekannte Mathematiker mit Bezug zu Heidelberg, d.h. Mathematiker, die in Heidelberg lebten, studierten oder lehrten oder Mitglieder der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften waren. Schicken Sie Ihre Anregungen, Fragen und Kritik zu dieser Seite an Neu Autobiographie von Leo Koenigsberger (1837 - 1921): Mein Leben im Netz Eine Reihe bekannter Mathematiker werden in der Historischen Entwicklung Der Auszug aus St. Andrews Archiv oder von Eric Weisstein's Scientific Biography.
150 (Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / V. Bind. Faaborg - Gersdorff) Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - fincke, Jacob, 1592-1663, Professor- fincke, thomas, 1561-1656, Professor, Mathematiker og Læge.
BPJ Author Index "F" -- 1950-2004 fincke, Gary Centralia, 34 (Summer 1984), 3439. The Merge Arrow, 36 (Summer1986), 37-38. Fitzsimmons, thomas Rim to Rhythm, 6 (Summer 1956), 31.
Danes In Italy: Survey2 Translate this page 1582, Holstenius, Fredericus. 1582 (1), Boeneburg, Heidenriech von. 1583,fincke, thomas. 1583, Rantzau, Melchior. 1583/85, Lindeberg, Peter. 1584,Blome, Schack.
Extractions: Bording Jacob Lorck Melchior 1552 c. Carnarius 1552 p. Brockenhuus Lave Paslick Caspar 1554 c. Rantzau Daniel 1554 p. Pistorius Johannes Black Hans 1555 c. (1) Lorichs Andreas Jacobsen Balthasar Benzius Johannes Taddeus Johannes Rasmus (Erasmus) 1560 c. (1) Schardt Johan Gregor van der Poulsen Mads (Matthias) 1565 c. Markdanner Caspar Lemvig Anders Pratensis Johannes Peder Paul Kyrning Carl Lindenov Hans Kyrning Carl Foss Desiderius Hansen Ramel Henrik 1568 a. Trehou Gregorius 1568 c. Theophilus Nicolaus 1569 p. (2) Pratensis Johannes 1569 p. (2) Peder Richius Andreas Schardt Johan Gregor van der Huitfeld Jacob Hamsfort Cornelius Barnekow Johan Barnekow Morten Buchwald Heinrich von Hegelius Christian (Cimber) Mourid(t)sen Isak Qualen Josua von Rantzau Christopher Rantzau Gert Rud Hans Rud Johan Rud Knud Rasmus (Erasmus) Hegelund Christen Mortensen Laetus Erasmus Lauridsen Hans Michaelis Nicolai Mikkelsen Niels Buchwald Godske von Rantzau Hans Swaue Johan Vietinghof Lorentz Buchwald Paul von Rantzau Breide Erasmi Giliermus Gutslof Jonathan Rosenkrantz Axel Urne Lave Christine, m. Sforza
Personindex (F - J) Personregister (F J) fincke, Jacob (-1570) Ansedel Ansedel Tavla 2 fincke, thomas(1561-1656) Ansedel Ansedel Ansedel Ansedel Tavla 2 Flojera, Anna Elisabeth
I15824: Carsten BAGGE (____ - ____) INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004020932 . thomas fincke. 1777 6 Jan 1561 - 24 Apr 1656.
Extractions: Family 1 Antonette Mikkelsdatter MUSDALSLIEN Anna Torgersdatter BJØRGE _Johannes Torgersen VEDUM Torger Johannessen BJØRGE _Jens Jenssen JAHR ... INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004 02:09:32 BIRTH : 1795, Fåberg NATURALIZATION : 1865, Bosatt Bjørstadbakken, N. Ål, Fåberg. 6b
(Holmgeir FILIPSSON - Thomas FINCKE ) Index of Persons Holmgeir FILIPSSON thomas fincke 31522 individuals, 16039families from file D\BK5\GEDCOM\DIS7585.GED (13 Feb 2004). Index of Persons.
PERSONAJES ILUSTRES thomas fincke (1561-1650).
Extractions: HOMBRES ILUSTRES Thomas BARTHOLIN (1616-1680) Thomas Bartholin fue el segundo de los seis hijos de una célebre familia de médicos iniciada por Caspar Bartholin "el Viejo" y su mujer, la hija de Thomas Fincke (1561-1650). Cuando su padre murió en 1629, su cuñado Ole Worm tomó la custodia del joven Thomas. Ole Worm era un famoso profesor de medicina y fundador de los estudios sobre la antigüedad nórdica. Como era usual en su familia, además de medicina estudió filosofía, arqueología, leyes, árabe y filología. Sus trabajos más importantes sin embargo se realizaron en campo de la anatomía. Durante sus tres años de estancia en Leyden, fué alumno de Johannes de Wale (1604-1649) quién le empujó a publicar una nueva y mejorada edición del libro de su padre sobre anatomía. Esta fue la primera de una serie de ediciones publicadas a partir de 1641 con la ayuda de Wale y de Sylvius. Es de destacar que las nuevas ediciones reconocían los descubrimientos de Gaspar Aselli y William Harvey. En 1640, el enfermo de tuberculosis pulmonar, Bartholin marchó a París y luego a Orleans, Montpellier finalmente a Padua donde recuperó de su salud. En el invierno de 1643, Bartholin visitó Roma y Nápoles donde se ganó la amistad de de Marco Aurelio Severino. Durante una excursión a Venecia le nombraron miembro de la academia. Durante este período escribió una tesis sobre dientes fósiles de tiburón que pensaba que tenían valor en medicina y en 1645 publicó su trabajo "De Unicornu".
Earliest Uses Of Symbols For Trigonometric And Hyperbolic Functions Last revision June 27, 1999 Sine. In 1583, thomas fincke (or Finck) (15611656)used sin. Cosine. In his Geometria rotundi (1588) thomas fincke used sin. com.
Extractions: Last revision: June 27, 1999 Sine. In 1583, Thomas Fincke (or Finck) (1561-1656) used sin. (with a period) in Book 14 of his Geometria rotundi. Cajori writes that "perhaps the first use of abbreviations for the trigonometric lines goes back to ... Finck" (Cajori vol. 2, page 150). In 1624, Edmund Gunter (1581-1626) used sin (without a period) in a drawing representing Gunter's scale (Cajori vol. 2, page 156). In 1632, William Oughtred (1574-1660) used sin (without a period) in Addition vnto the Vse of the Instrvment called the Circles of Proportion (Cajori vol. 1, page 193, and vol. 2, page 158). According to the trigonometry article at the University of St. Andrews website, the first use of sin in a book (thus disallowing Gunter's use) was in 1634 by H?rigone. However, the use by Oughtred would seem to predate that of H?rigone. Cosine. In his Geometria rotundi (1588) Thomas Fincke used sin. com. for the cosine. In 1674, Sir Jonas Moore (1617-1679) used Cos. in Mathematical Compendium (Cajori vol. 2, page 163).
The Old Zoological Museum The only remains of this first university museum is a fragment of a (later restored)memorial tablet to Professor thomas fincke, thomas Bartholins
Extractions: Past and Future The history of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen By: Torben Wolff Abstract INTRODUCTION museum. The same applies geologically to the circular Cretaceous Paramudra fossil on the floor to the left, now in the Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Few museums have had an origin as complicated as that of the Copenhagen Zoological Museum, which mostly owes its fame to its old age and the richness of particularly Arctic and marine animals brought back from a great number of expeditions. 17th CENTURY COLLECTIONS: THE ANATOMICAL PERIOD The 17th century represents a Danish Golden Age of anatomical studies of the organs and their function and of natural history collecting. In addition to his handbook, Anatomicae institutiones His brother-in-law, Ole Worm (1588-1654), was a true polyhistor (Schepelern 1971 . He had studied medicine, botany, etc. at foreign universities for 12 years. Visits to a variety of collections of curios had greatly inspired him to build up his own museum of minerals and soils, dried plants, seeds and fruits, stuffed animals, dried fish and crustaceans, shells and corals together with "artificiosa": archeological specimens, ethnographical artefacts and art objects. Especially the zoological section shows that its founder was aiming at acquiring tangible examples of curiosities mentioned in current publications and was particularly rich in Nordic and Arctic animals, e.g., the skull of a narwhale, a stuffed polar bear and a live great auk.
Extractions: Earliest Uses of Symbols for Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions Last revision: Oct. 1, 2000 Sine. In 1583, Thomas Fincke (or Finck) (1561-1656) used sin. (with a period) in Book 14 of his Geometria rotundi. Cajori writes that "perhaps the first use of abbreviations for the trigonometric lines goes back to ... Finck" (Cajori vol. 2, page 150). In 1624, Edmund Gunter (1581-1626) used sin (without a period) in a drawing representing Gunter's scale (Cajori vol. 2, page 156). However, the symbol does not appear in Gunter's work published the same year. In 1626, Girard designated the sine of A by A, and the cosine of A by a (Smith vol. 2, page 618). In a trigonometry published by Richard Norwood in London in 1631, the author states that "in these examples s stands for sine t for tangent sc for sine complement tc for tangent complement sc for sine complement tc for tangent complement sec for secant " (Smith vol. 2, page 618). In 1632, William Oughtred (1574-1660) used sin (without a period) in Addition vnto the Vse of the Instrvment called the Circles of Proportion (Cajori vol. 1, page 193, and vol. 2, page 158).
Lehrstuhlkalender2001 Translate this page Martin fincke und Dr. thomas Krüßmann an einem Empfang zur Verabschiedung desGeneralkonsuls der Russischen Föderation in München, Herrn Dr. Michail A
Extractions: Teilnahme von Prof. Dr. Martin Fincke und Dr. Elena Gricenko (Irkutsker Staatliche Wirtschaftsakademie) an dem vom Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft der Universität Bremen (Prof. Dr. Gerd Winter) organisierten Seminar "Reforming Administrative Infringement Law in the CIS States: The Case of Tajikistan" in Bremen Intensivwoche im Rahmen des Interdisziplinären Seminars "Schwachstellen im Transformationsprozess Russlands und der Ukraine: Institutionen, Macht und Gewalt im Alltag" unter Beteiligung einer Gruppe Studierender von der Juristischen Fakultät der Staatsuniversität St. Petersburg unter Leitung von Frau Dr. Tatjana M. Kljukanova
Homepage Dr. Thomas Krüßmann< Translate this page Dr. thomas M. Krüßmann, LL.M. Dr. Dr. hc Martin fincke SchwerpunkteWirtschaftsstrafrecht, Organisierte Kriminalität. Adresse
Thomas Fincke Article on thomas fincke from, licensed from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Return to World History (home) Main Article Index thomas fincke.
Extractions: World History (home) Encyclopedia Index Localities Companies Surnames ... This Week in History Thomas Fincke (January 6, April 24 ) was a Danish mathematician and physicist , and a professor at the University of Copenhagen for more than sixty years. Fincke was born in Flensburg Schleswig and died in Copenhagen . His lasting achievement is found in his book Geometria rotundi ), in which he introduced the trigonometric functions tangent and secant
Index Finale VIIIX, XI, XII-XVI Finch of Fordwich, John, baron XII fincke, Anna XIfincke, Dorothea XI fincke, Margaretha XI fincke, thomas XI Finer, Michel
Biographisches Lexikon Inhaltsverzeichnis F Translate this page Feodora, Prinzessin zu Schleswig-Holstein 8, 104 Feyerabend, Kurt 3, 107 Fick, H(e)inrichClaus von 6, 94 Fidus 10, 123 fincke, thomas 5, 91 Findorff, Jürgen