Eratosthenes--Biography eratosthenes. of cyrene (276194 Bc).
Extractions: ACI Math Department Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276-194 B.c.) Eratosthenes historical setting discovery reference and links ... Math History Biographical Information Eratosthenes was born in what is now Shahhat, Libya in 276 BC. He learned from a variety of teachers, including Lysanias of Cyrene, Ariston of Chios, and Callimachus of Cyrene. These teachers gave him a wide background of study, from philosophy to poetry to mathematics to astronomy. His discoveries and contributions to mathematics show this diversity as well. After spending a few years studying in Athens, after which he traveled to Alexandria to tutor the son of Ptolemy III Euergetes. When his teacher Callimachus passed away, Eratosthenes took over his job as the librarian at Alexandria. This library was the best of the time, and his appointment to the job was a great honor for Eratosthenes. He held the position until his death in 194 BC. Although Eratosthenes showed great ingenuity and intelligence in his studies, he is not known as one of the elite mathematicians of his time. Much of this is due to the fact that he studied so many subjects that he did not finish many proofs or make significant breakthroughs. His work, however, formed the basis for many scholars who followed him and used his work to achieve greatness.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The crater Eratosthenes on the Moon gives its name to the Lunar Eratosthenian The Eratosthenian period in the lunar geologic timescale runs from 3200 million years ago to 1100 million years ago. It is named after the crater Eratosthenes, whose formation marks the beginning of this period. The formation of the crater Copernicus marks its end, and the beginning of the subsequent Copernician Period. Click the link for more information. 194 BC Centuries: 3rd century BC - 2nd century BC - 1st century BC Decades: 240s BC 230s BC 220s BC 210s BC 200s BC - 190s BC - 180s BC 170s BC 160s BC 150s BC 140s BC Years: 199 BC 198 BC 197 BC 196 BC 195 BC - 194 BC - 193 BC 192 BC 191 BC 190 BC 189 BC Events Rome declares war upon Antiochus III the Great, king of Syria. - Eratosthenes eratosthenes. Select a New Paper. By Chris Stewart Email eratostheneseratosthenes was born in cyrene which is now in Libya in North Africa.
Sieve Of Eratosthenes Benchmark This method of finding prime numbers is named after its inventor, Eratosthenesof cyrene (now in Libya), who lived from 276 to 197 BC.
Extractions: [Note: Values have been normalized to fall in the range of 0-10 for aesthetic reasons. Original value ranges are included on the X-axis. Click here for more detailed data and graphs. [Results last updated: Tue Sep 18 12:09:18 2001 CDT] For this test, each program should be implemented in the same way The test programs are written to find the count of the primes from 2 up to 8192 and then print the count. Each program can take a single command line parameter to tell it how many times to find the count. For this test the number of iterations (N) is shown in the current graph above. Visit the detail page to see results for different values of N. The algorithm used is a naive implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The intention was to see how each language compares when using similar data structures and operations, (i.e. arrays, loops, loop counters, integer math ...). Each implementation should match as closely as possible the logic and data structures used in the C version The exceptions here are the purely functional languages: Erlang, Mercury, Haskell(GHC) and SML. Since they don't implement loops and arrays like the imperative languages shown here, the tests for these languages have been written with recursive implementations.
Eratosthenes school of philosophy. eratosthenes also studied under the poet andscholar Callimachus, also born in cyrene. eratosthenes went on
Extractions: Eratosthenes Eratosthenes, a Greek astronomer, mathematician, geographer, scientific writer and poet made a surprisingly accurate estimate of the earth's circumference. He was born [circa] 276 B.C., in the Greek colony of Cyrene, North Africa (now Shahhat, Libya). His teachers included the scholar Lysanias of Cyrene and the philosopher Ariston of Chios, who had studied under Zeno, the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy. Eratosthenes also studied under the poet and scholar Callimachus, also born in Cyrene. Eratosthenes went on to study in Athens and later settled in Alexandria, Egypt, where he became the director of the Library of Alexandria. In the great Library of Alexandria,* he read that a deep vertical well near Syene (now Aswan), in southern Egypt, was entirely lit up by the sun at noon, once a year (June 21st) [the summer solstice. ed.]. Eratosthenes reasoned that, at this time, the sun must be directly overhead, with its rays shining directly into the well. In Alexandria, almost due north of Syene, he knew that the sun was not directly overhead at noon on the same day, because a vertical object cast a shadow. Eratosthenes could now measure the circumference of the earth by making two assumptionsthat the earth is round and that the sun's rays are essentially parallel. He set up a vertical post at Alexandria and measured the angle of its shadow when the well at Syene was completely sunlit. Eratosthenes knew from geometry that the size of the measured angle equaled the size of the angle at the earth's center between Syene and Alexandria. Knowing also that the arc of an angle this size was 1/50 of a circle, and that the distance between Syene and Alexandria was 5000 stadia, he multiplied 5000 by 50 to find the earth's circumference. His result, 250,000 stadia (about 46,250 km) is quite close to modern measurements. [He later altered this figure to 252,000 stadia. ed.]. The formula Eratosthenes used is: D/d =A/a. Where d = distance between Syene and Alexandria, A = 360 degrees assumption of round earth, a = shadow angle of vertical stick, D = to be determined (circumference).
Welcome Project. The eratosthenes Project is named in honor of eratosthenesof cyrene (now known as Libya, North Africa). Erastothenes (275
Extractions: Hello and welcome to the Sun Shadow Investigation Project. In less than one-half of an Earth orbit around the Sun, two seasons from now, you are encouraged to take part in a science collaboration as a participant in a global Eratosthenes Project. The Eratosthenes Project is named in honor of Eratosthenes of Cyrene (now known as Libya, North Africa). Erastothenes (275-195 B.C.) was a scholar, and for many years was the Director of the Library of Alexandria . Eratosthenes made many contributions to Science and Mathematics but it was his accurate measurement of the Earth's circumference, using differences in the Sun's altitude and shadows between two different locations, that we seem to remember him mostly for. On the day of the 2004 September Equinox, the 22nd , it is anticipated that students from both the southern and northern hemispheres will measure the mid-day altitude of the Sun and combine this with measurements made by faculty and students at Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito . the host school for SunShIP , to determine the circumference.
Parabool (4) 10e eeuw nC Dit handschrift bevatte onder andere Archimedes Methodenleer der mechanischeLeerstellingen, aan eratosthenes (eratosthenes van cyrene, 276194vC
DseWiki: SiebDesEratosthenes Translate this page eratosthenes von cyrene (276-194 v.Chr.) war der erste, der den Durchmesserder Erde genau abgeschätzt1 hat. Einige Jahrzehnte
Astronomy On-Line: How To Measure The Size Of The Earth Information on eratosthenes. Born at cyrene 275 BC; Studied at Alexandriaand Athens; Appointed Director of the Alexandrian Library 236 BC;
Extractions: How to measure the size of the Earth This project invites you to measure the circumference of the Earth, in a collaboration with other Astronomy On-Line groups. To do so, you will have to read carefully the instructions given here and then to contact other groups which are interested in this type of project. You may wish to contact actively those groups which are located more or less at the same geographical longitude as your own. But this is not an absolute condition. You may also place a message about your interest in the Astronomy On-Line Communications Archive. You may do so via the Marketplace (Group Communications' Shop). The measurement is not very difficult, and as long as the weather is not too bad and you can see the Sun, you should be able to obtain quite accurate results. The organisers shall be happy to hear about your experience and look forward to your report(s). They will be brought in the Astronomy On-Line Newspaper. Good luck! From November 17, you may find the provisional report about this project here How big is the Earth?
Eratosthenes eratosthenes invented a method for efficiently constructing tables of primenumbers. This method, the Sieve of eratosthenes , It goes like this.
Extractions: Eratosthenes invented a method for efficiently constructing tables of prime numbers. This method, the "Sieve of Eratosthenes", It goes like this. First, write down a list of integers beginning with 2 and ending with some number, say, 20: Then mark all multiples of 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 x x x x x x x x x Move to the next unmarked number, which in this case is 3, then mark all its multiples: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 x x x x x x x x x x x Continue in this fashion, marking all multiples of the next unmarked number until there are no new unmarked numbers. The final result is in fact the last table given, so the primes not exceeding 20 are
Eratosthenes eratosthenes (276 195 B.C.) eratosthenes used geometry to estimate the circumference of the Earth. eratosthenes measured the altitude of the noontime sun at Alexandria at its maximum on Jun 21st.
Extractions: Eratosthenes used geometry to estimate the circumference of the Earth. Eratosthenes measured the altitude of the noontime sun at Alexandria at its maximum on Jun 21st. On that date, the Sun is directly overhead at noontime at Syene, in southern Egypt (latitude = 23.5 degrees north). The zenith distance is the angle from the zenith to the point where the Sun was at noon; it is also 90 degrees minus the altitude. At Syene, the zenith distance was degrees; at Alexandria it was about 7 degrees. He knew how far it was from Alexandria to Syene, so he used geometry and the difference in zenith angle to estimate the size of the Earth. Eratosthenes also measured the tilt of the Earth axis by 23.5 degrees, which gives us the seasons
An Ancient Assessment Of Alexander The Great An ancient assessment of Alexander the Great. The Alexandrinian scientist Eratosthenesof cyrene published his topographical studies in the third century BCE.
Extractions: Alexander the Great The Alexandrinian scientist Eratosthenes of Cyrene published his topographical studies in the third century BCE. They are now lost, but the geographer Strabo of Amasia quotes their conclusion in his Geography Alexander was responsible for a new opinion about civilization and barbarism. The translation was made by L. Jones. Eratosthenes Now, towards the end of his treatise -after withholding praise from those who divide the whole multitude of mankind into two groups, namely Greeks and Barbarians, and also from those who advised Alexander to treat the Greeks as friend but the Barbarians as enemies- Eratosthenes goes on to say that it would be better to make such divisions according to good and bad qualities; for not only are many of the Greeks bad, but many of the Barbarians are refined - Indians and Arians for example, and, further, Romans and Carthaginians, who carry on their governments so admirably. And this, Eratosthenes says, is the reason why Alexander, disregarding his advisers, welcomed as many as he could of the men of fair repute an did them favors. home index ancient Persia ancient Greece ... Alexander
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Extractions: Please click here to return to the main site map index. Shopping online for eratosthenes or just looking for more information about eratosthenes? Here at we aim to provide the most comprehensive resource of sites selling eratosthenes and links to online resources such as search, information and price comparison tools that should quickly ensure you find sites containing information about eratosthenes or directly selling eratosthenes or releted products/services. Whilst we do not sell eratosthenes directly the independent shopping and information links provided will ensure that you find the web sites that do sell eratosthenes quickly, simply and at the best prices available ensuring you get the best deals online.
Nardia Symonds : Greek Mathematics In mathematical circles eratosthenes is famous for the method of findingprime numbers, known as the Sieve of eratosthenes.
Extractions: Thales Pythagoras Zeno Euclid Eratosthenes Archimedes Eratosthenes of Cyrene BC Erathosthenes is known as an astronomer and a mathematician. The two things he is famous for are calculating the circumference of the Earth and the development of a method for calculating all prime numbers. His calculation for the circumference of the Earth was around 46,000km, which is remarkably close to the current measured value. Next page Greek Mathematics home page