Roger Apery, 1916-1994: A Radical Mathematician again took up his mathematical production that had been interrupted by the war; hewrote his doctoral thesis in algebraic geometry under paul dubreil and René
Extractions: The Mathematical Intelligencer , vol. 18, n° 2, 1996, pp. 54-61 Traduction française par Pierre Karila et Mireille Saunier A Spaghetti Lover His father Georges Apéry, a Greek born in Constantinople in 1887, came to France in 1903 to prepare for studies at the École Nationale Supérieure dIngénieurs at Grenoble. Enlisting as a volunteer as a way to obtain French citizenship in 1914, he took part in the Dardanelles campaign in 1915 and was brought back to France aboard a hospital ship after contracting typhoid. Later he was allowed to travel to Rouen, where he married Justine Vander Cruyssen. She had gallicized her family name to Delacroix and, not liking the name Justine, called herself Louise. It was in Rouen that their only child, Roger Apéry, was born on November 14, 1916. His childhood was spent in Lille until 1926, when the family moved to Paris. Installing the family in a cold-water flat on the rue de la Goutte dOr in the 18 th arrondissement, his father counted on the situation improving so they could move to better lodgings. But Georges Apéry, like so many others, was a victim of the 1929 economic crisis: he lost his position as an engineer and, being judged too old, was never again able to work in his field. His job was custodian at the Ministère des Anciens Combattants. Louise gave piano lessons here and there, but the hope of better days died out and for the rest of their lives they remained in the run-down apartment, with communal toilet, no gas, and heat only from the old cast-iron stove in the kitchen. Lighting was by lamps until, after the Second World War, Georges Apéry himself installed electricity.
Chriscomstock Since I live close to Canada, I see great names like Denis Dubreiland paul Mauris. Just a couple weekends ago I got to see Denis
Extractions: When is a picture worth a thousand words? NOW! Below: Closes the #2 on Feb. 24, 2003 My name is Chris Comstock, I am eighteen years old and live in St. Albans Vermont, which is only 15 minutes from the Canadian border. Although, I live in a small state I have the opportunity to attend tournaments with some of the biggest names in our sport. Bill Sinks and Karen Curavoo live in the southern part of the state. I am pretty close to New York, so I see people like Ray Darling, Benji Dwyer, John Ruggerio. From New Hampshire I see Harry Bean, Josh Stark and a guy named Eric Guevin, who will be a very powerful force to reckon with very soon. Since I live close to Canada, I see great names like Denis Dubreil and Paul Mauris. Just a couple weekends ago I got to see Denis Dubreil pull Gabe Accardi at the Can-Ams. It was the first time I ever saw Denis lose, and probably one of the best matches I have ever seen. The great "Stormin" Norman Devio also had a great day. As for me I have only been armwrestling for about 2 years now, with very little success. That is okay though, I am still a newcomer and I know it will take time and I have the patience to wait for it. Nobody wins his or her first tournament and every time I pull I get stronger and smarter, so with a little bit of patience I will progress.
Auteurs DUPUIS, paul ELLISRichard S. A Weak convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations.
Extractions: OUVRAGES DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE Auteurs Titres DACOROGNA, B. DACOROGNA, Bernard Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations DACUNHA-CASTELLE, D. DACUNHA-CASTELLE, D. - DUFLO, M. DACUNHA-CASTELLE,D DACUNHA-CASTELLE,D DACUNHA-CASTELLE,D DAGAN, G. Flow and Transport in Porous formation DAHLHAUS, The analysis of nonstationary time series and curve estimation with locally stationary models (preprint) DAIGNEAULT, A. DARBOUX, G. DARBOUX, G. DARBOUX, Gaston DARBOUX, Gaston DARBOUX, Gaston DAVID ET MICHAUD DAVIES, B. Integral transforms and their applications DAVYDOV, A.Y - LIFSHITS, M.A - SMORODINA, N.V, ed. Local properties of distributions of stochastic functionals de BERG, M. - van Kreveld, M. - OVERMARS, M. - SCHWARZKOPF, O. Computational geometry DEBES, P. DEGENNE, A. DEHLING, H. - MIKOSCH, T. - SORENSEN, M. Ed Empirical Processes techniques for dependent data DEHORNOY, P. - DYNNIKOV, I - ROLFSEN, D. et al. DELFS, H. - KNEBUSCH, M. DELIGNE, P. DELIGNE, P. - MILNE, J.S. - OGUS, A. - SHIH, K-Y. DELLACHERIE, C . - MEYER, P-A DELLACHERIE, C. - MAISONNEUVE, B. - MEYER, P-A DELLACHERIE, C. - MEYER, P-A
Transactions Of The American Mathematical Society RS Irving, Noetherian algebras and the Nullstellensatz, in Séminaire d AlgèbrePaul dubreil 31ème année (Paris 197778) (MP Malliavin, ed.), Lecture Notes
Extractions: Retrieve article in: PDF DVI TeX PostScript ... Additional information Abstract: We study prime and primitive ideals in a unified setting applicable to quantizations (at nonroots of unity) of matrices, of Weyl algebras, and of Euclidean and symplectic spaces. The framework for this analysis is based upon certain iterated skew polynomial algebras over infinite fields of arbitrary characteristic. Our main result is the verification, for , of a characterization of primitivity established by Dixmier and Moeglin for complex enveloping algebras. Namely, we show that a prime ideal of is primitive if and only if the center of the Goldie quotient ring of is algebraic over , if and only if is a locally closed point - with respect to the Jacobson topology - in the prime spectrum of . These equivalences are established with the aid of a suitable group acting as automorphisms of . The prime spectrum of is then partitioned into finitely many `` -strata'' (two prime ideals lie in the same
Fiches Familiales Translate this page Uni avec DUTILLEUX Paulette. 8 enfants sont nés de cette union 1. MESTRE JeanPaul . Union avec dubreil Denise. 2. MESTRE Jacques . Union avec DERVILLE Anne.
1995 Index of Volume 46 (1995). 46,12 Especial double issue ProfessorPaul dubreil (In memoriam ). J. Alev et F. Dumas, Automorphismes
Extractions: Especial double issue : Professor Paul Dubreil (In memoriam ) J. Alev et F. Dumas Full text (PDF) Ladislav Beran , Meanders in lattices, Full text (PDF) Ladislav Beran , Length of ideals in lattices, Full text (PDF) T. S. Blyth and M. H. Almeida Santos , Congruences associated with inverse transversals, Full text (PDF) G. Cauchon , Une fonction eulerienne formelle, Full text (PDF) and J.L. Nicolas , On practical partitions, Full text (PDF) Pierre Antoine Grillet , A precedence theorem for semigroups, Full text (PDF) U. Hebisch and H.J. Weinert , On the Rank of Semimodules over Semirings, Full text (PDF) Lila Kari and Gabriel Thierrin , Languages and monoids with disjunctive identity, Full text (PDF) , On free products of bicyclic monoids, Full text (PDF) Marie-Paule Malliavin , Dimension injective des produits croisÅs, Full text (PDF) C. Marchionna Full text (PDF) Anne-Marie Nicolas Full text (PDF) G.B. Preston , Products of inverse semigroups, Full text (PDF) Paulo Ribenboim , Ordering the set of antichains of an ordered set, Full text (PDF) Boris M. Schein
Project Euclid Journals 5 M. Brion, Sur l image de l application moment, Séminaire d algèbre PaulDubreil et MariePaule Malliavin (Paris, 1986), Lecture Notes in Math., vol.
Extractions: Zentralblatt Math Identifier : To Table of Contents for this Issue [1] J. Arms, R. H. Cushman, and M. J. Gotay, A universal reduction procedure for Hamiltonian group actions Mathematical Reviews: Zentralblatt-MATH: [2] M. F. Atiyah, Convexity and commuting Hamiltonians , Bull. London Math. Soc. Mathematical Reviews: Zentralblatt-MATH: [3] M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott
Publications Of Michel Van Den Bergh M. Van den Bergh, Regular rings of dimension three, S\ eminaire d alg\`ebre PaulDubreil et MariePaule Malliavin (Paris, 1986), Lecture Notes in Math., vol.
Extractions: Generated Tue Feb 3 12:03:16 2004 using btparse SWIG and Python L. Le Bruyn, M. Van den Bergh, and F. Van Oystaeyen, Graded orders , Birkhauser Boston Inc., Boston, MA, pp. vi+208, 1988. I. Reiten and M. Van den Bergh, Two-dimensional tame and maximal orders of finite representation type , Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (1989), viii+72. I. M. Musson and M. Van den Bergh, Invariants under tori of rings of differential operators and related topics , Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (1998), viii+85. Abstract: M. Van den Bergh, Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces , Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (2001), x+140. Abstract: Top M. Van den Bergh, A duality theorem for Hopf algebras , Methods in ring theory (Antwerp, 1983), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., vol. 129, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 517-522, 1984. S. Caenepeel, M. Van den Bergh, and F. Van Oystaeyen, Generalized crossed products applied to maximal orders, Brauer groups and related exact sequences , J. Pure Appl. Algebra