Document Sans Titre egnatio danti, een Florentijnse wiskundige, maakte in 1573 bekend in La prospettivadi Euclide dat door verdere toevoeging van een concave spiegel het, tot nu
Extractions: DE ONTDEKKING VAN DE FOTOGRAFIE EERSTE FOTOGRAFISCHE OPNAME- EN BEHANDELINGSTOESTELLEN DE CAMERA OBSCURA De fotografische camera is ontstaan uit de camera obscura (= donkere ruimte). Reeds eeuwen geleden ontdekte men dat licht, dat door een klein gaatje in een donkere ruimte valt, op de tegenovergestelde wand een, op zijn kop staand, beeld geeft van het tafereel buiten de ruimte. De kennis van het optische princiep van camera obscura beelden kunnen tot Aristoteles getraceerd worden en zijn gebruik als tekenhulpmiddel tot Giovanni Battista della Porta. Het gebruik van de camera als observatiemiddel van zoneclipsen zonder de ogen te beschadigen door directe observatie werd door een aantal schrijvers vermeld. De eerst gepubliceerde illustratie ervan vindt men in 1545 in De radio astronomico et geometrico liber van de Hollandse fysicus en wiskundige Reiner Gemma Frisius. Leonardo da Vinci kende eveneens het verschijnsel van de camera obscura en maakte daar, op de door hem gebruikelijke manier, aantekeningen en schetsen van. In 1558 beschreef de Italiaanse natuurkundige Giovanni Batista della Porta in zijn boek Maggiae naturalis voor het eerst de camera obscura als een hulpmiddel bij het tekenen. In de tweede aanvullende editie, die 31 jaar later verscheen, breidde Porta zijn praktisch gebruik uit tot de portretkunst, waarbij het onderwerp, in volle zon, voor de opening in een vensterluik geplaatst werd.
BNCF-EUI. Mostra: Gli Strumenti Del Cartografo Translate this page PRESENTAZIONE GENERALE DELLA MOSTRA 4. GLI STRUMENTI DEL CARTOGRAFO. Astrolabio 1568/ attribuito a egnatio danti / Ottone / Diametro 250 mm Firenze, IMSS, inv. Web/MostraStrumenti.htm
Hal's Picks In 1999 In the 1570 s, egnatio danti began the work that would be culminated nearly 100years later by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, in which the cathedral San Petronio
Extractions: This file last modified 4/15/03 In about 1637, a French mathematical genius named Pierre de Fermat wrote in the margin of his copy of Arithmetica by Pythagorus, that he could prove that there were no solutions to the simple variation on Pythagorus' Theorem, a z + b z = c z Of course it is unreasonable to put together a list of the 100 most important books of the century. On the other hand, it is a lot of fun for a scientific bibliophile like me to think and argue about what ought to be on such a list. I think that the Morrisons may have given a few of the good books a status of excellence they probably don't deserve, but I was also delighted to see that some of my favorites (Gamov's "One Two Three ... Infinity" and Monod's "Chance and Necessity") are included. On the other hand, I would have put in Eigen and Winkler's "The Laws of the Game" and Hofstadter's "Godel, Escher, and Bach". The book list is accompanied by an article "Forced to Choose" (p. 545), in which a number of notable authors (including Roald Hoffman, John McPhee, E. O. Wilson, Berndt Heinrich, Kurt Vonnegut, and Carl Djerassi) express their opinions.
Bell Catalog - Ss annotazioni del medesimo ; riuista da frate egnatio danti cosmografo del
Extractions: Call Number: 1662 Sa Sabellico, Marco Antonio, 1436?-1506. Croniche che tractano de la origine de Veneti e del principio de la cita e de tutte le guere da mare e terra facte in Italia, Dalmacia, Grecia, e contra tuti li infideli / composte per lo excelentisimo mesere Marco Antonio Sabellico e volgarizate per Matheo Vesconte de Sancto Canciano ; con gratia et previlegio. Milan, Gottardo da Ponte [ca. 1510]. [8], cclxxxiii, [1] l. ; 33 cm.
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France Died 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium danti,egnatio Pellegrino Rainaldi danti Born 1536 in Perugia, Italy Died 1586 in
Extractions: Ce séminaire se propose de poursuivre les réflexions engagées ces trois dernières années au centre Koyré sur la formation des savoirs à l'époque moderne, en se centrant sur l'émergence d'un domaine de savoir qui est celui des arts, distinct à la fois de celui des métiers et des sciences spéculatives, ce que sanctionne l'Encyclopédie, Dictionnaire raisonnée des sciences des arts et des métiers. . L'instauration de l'art comme domaine d'exercice d'un savoir obéissant à des caractéristiques propres porte alors un nom, la « réduction en art ». Réduire en art est rassembler des savoirsépars, fragmentaires, et aussi non-écrits, les mettre en ordre méthodique à l'aide des mathématiques, de la rhétorique et de la figuration, afin de faciliter les choix techniques, et diffuser par l'écrit et le dessin, l'art ainsi formalisé, pour le rendre accessible au plus grand nombre. Toute une littérature technique s'inscrit dans ce modèle et le fait évoluer. Des historiens de l'art, des sciences et des techniques interviendront au cours de trois journées d'étude pour interroger leurs différents domaines sur cette question de la réduction en art.
Sacrobosco - Editions Of The Tractatus De Sphaera emendata distinta in capitoli da Pieruincentio Dante de Rinaldi con molte etutili annotazioni del medesimo rivista da frate egnatio danti cosmografo del
Texto_Cámara Obscura Translate this page Tal invención se atribuye igualmente al astrónomo florentino egnatio danti (1537-1586),quien en su obra Prospettiva di Euclide (1573), da a conocer un
Extractions: Todas las especulaciones que condujeron a la elaboración de la perspectiva geométrica centralizada, -el ojo único de Brunelleschi, el "intesector" , el "velum" o la "ventana de vidrio" -, hubieron de tener un fundamento experimental definitivo en la denominada "cámara obscura" . Seguramente Leonardo da Vinci (1452-15l8) obtuvo una verificación muy satisfactoria de sus ideas sobre la perspectiva, gracias a su empleo. En una de sus anotaciones dice: "Las imágenes de múltiples y distintos cuerpos se reproducen en un agudo orificio a través del cual, y por medio de líneas que, cortándose, generan pirámides contrarias, se proyectan cabeza abajo sobre la primera pared obscura". El nombre de "cámara obscura" , (hoy cámara oscura ), deriva de " CAMERA OBSCURA " , términos con los que, originariamente, se designaban determinadas habitaciones donde, una vez conseguida la oscuridad, se practicaba un pequeño orificio en una o en varias de sus paredes, a través del cual era proyectada sobre el muro opuesto o sobre una pantalla situada ante él una imagen invertida de la vista exterior. (Fig.7)
«Name» Frankfurt etc. Frangenberg, Thomas 1988 egnatio danti s optics cinquecentoaristotelianism and the medieval tradition, Nuncius 3338.
Extractions: Auge, Wahrnehmung Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes Revue internationale de philosophie Philosophy International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Journal of the History of Ideas , Historisch-literarische Abteilung 45:1-6. Nuncius Renaissance Studies Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medecine Canadian Journal of Philosophy , supplementary vol. 16:109-147. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Journal of the History of Ideas Gazette des Beaux Arts The Personalist Journal of the History of Ideas Journal of the History of Ideas HEIHOBEL Leonhard SCHMEISER
Sims Reed 10, VIGNOLA, Jacopo Barozzi da (15071573). Le due regole della prospettiva pratica con i comentarij del RPM egnatio danti. Rome. F. Zannetti. 1583. details.
Extractions: EUCLID. Elementa geometria. Venice. Erhard Ratdolt. 1482 (25 May). details SCHEDEL, Hartmann (1440-1514). Liber chronicarum. Nuremberg. Anton Koberger, for Sebald Schreyer and Sebastian Kammermeister. 1493 (12 July). details VITRUVIUS. [De architectura libri decem] per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tabula. Venice. Giovanni Tacuino. 1511 (22 May). details VITRUVIUS. Como. Gotardo da Ponte. (1512) 1521. details PFINTZING, M. Die geuerlicheiten und einsteils der geschichten des loblichen streytparen und hochberumbton helds und Ritters herz Tewrdannckhs. Nuremberg. Hans Schonsperger the Elder. 1517. details DURER, Albrecht. Die Unterweisung der Messung mit dem Zirckel un Richtscheyt. Nuremburg. 1525. details DURER, Albrecht. Etliche underricht, zu befestigung der Stett, Schlosz, und Flecken. Nuremberg. Hieronymus Andreas Formschneider. 1527. details HOLBEIN. Historiarum Veteris Testamenti Icones ad uiuum expressae. Lyons. Joannes Frellonius. 1547. details DOSIO, Giovanni Antonio. Cosmo Medici Duci florentinor et senens Urbis Romae aedificiorum illustriumquae supersunt reliquiae summa cum diligentia a Ioanne Antonio Dosio stilo Ferreo ut hodie cernuntur descriptae et a Io Baptista de Cavaleriis Aeneis Tabulis Incisis repreasentatae. (Florence). 1569.
Book Review The American Historical Review, 106.1 The egnatio danti built gnomons in Florence, Bologna, and Rome during the 1570s to collectdata for calendar reform, while Pope Gregory XIII finally established a
Extractions: Set up your online account for the first time. AHA members can go to the AHA individual membership section to locate their member numbers. If you are not a member of the American Historical Association, you can: Join the AHA and receive many member benefits including print and electronic issues of the American Historical Review. Purchase a research pass to gain two hour access to the entire History Cooperative web site. You will have full access to current issues of the American Historical Review (104.3-present). Note: the Research Pass does not provide access to JSTOR's holdings of the American Historical Review. Instititutions can: Subscribe to this journal and receive print and electronic issues.
Amherst College News Releases: Another important contribution of The Tower of the Winds is the first translationof an unpublished treatise on the winds by egnatio danti, the 16thcentury
Extractions: AMHERST, Mass.- In a new book, The Papacy and the Art of Reform in Sixteenth-Century Rome: Gregory XIII''s Tower of the Winds in the Vatican ($85, 344 pp., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004), Nicola Courtright, professor of fine arts at Amherst College, explains the import of the "Tower of the Winds," a three-story Vatican apartment built and painted to celebrate Gregory's greatest achievement: calendar reform and creation of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. The tower, she writes, "proclaimed with assurance not only Gregory's political and religious authority over the capital," but also his "domination of nature, time, and past and present cultures." In response to the Protestant Reformation, Gregory, who led the Roman church from1572 until his death in 1585, rebuilt and restored many of Rome's streets, churches and public monuments-and remade the calendar. Courtright writes, "The [Gregorian] calendar's purpose has become obscured in our post-Enlightenment age, because it was not changed for the sake of scientific accuracy." The Tower of the Winds "made clear to contemporaries the inextricably intertwined relationship of Gregory's calendar reform to his mission to renew faith and lead the Christian world toward redemption."
Iteronline Treccani - Percorsi 'Visite Guidate' Translate this page Le due regole della prospettiva pratica di M. Jacomo Barozzi da Vignola, con icomentarij del RPM egnatio danti dellordine de Predicatori Matematico
Extractions: Non esiste una sola prospettiva. I metodi che gli uomini hanno elaborato per mettere in prospettiva sono diversi come le società che li hanno usati e li usano. La prospettiva artificiale ebbe origine nel Quattrocento, in contrapposizione alla prospettiva naturale (teoria della visione). Fra le varie definizioni depoca, particolarmente efficace quella di Leonardo: "Prospettiva non è altro che vedere un sito dietro un vetro piano e ben trasparente, sulla superficie del quale siano segnate tutte le cose che gli stanno dietro: le quali si possono condurre per piramidi al punto dellocchio, ed esse piramidi si tagliano su detto vetro". more geometrico
Desenhos De Arquitectura: 1521-1616 Translate this page Vignola, Jacopo Barozzi (1497-1573), Le due regole della prospettiva pratica diMJB da V., con I commentari del RPM egnatio danti ( ). Roma, F. Zannetti.
Extractions: Durer situa-se ainda na tradição dos `tratados práticos` medievais. Wolfflin cita Durer: "Todas as criaturas são definidas pela sua proporção, pelo seu peso e pelas suas medidas". Wolfflin acrescenta: "Saber medir as coisas é saber compreendê-las". Durer situa-se num tempo intermédio, entre uma prática empírica, que conhece e utiliza, e uma prática consciente instaurada por uma linguagem por conhecimentos científicos. "( ) uno de los aspectos más positivos de las academias en lo siglo XVI fuera el de establecer una primera convencionlización del lenguage gráfico de la arquitectura de modo que se pudieran producir documentos más precisos y con ciertas comunes a todos los casos ( )" (Sainz, 90, 49). As artes do desenho são, na Academia, a pintura, a escultura e a arquitectura.
Catalogue 46 - Hugh Pagan Online Rev. Padre M. egnatio danti dell Ordine de Predicatori Professo Publication Venezia, Pietro Bassaglia 1743. £1,900, more info.
Deux Règles De La Perspective Pratique De Vignole Translate this page par aROOTS. Deux règles de la perspective pratique de Vignole. DEEGNATIO danti, PASCAL DUBOURG GLATIGNY (TRADUCTION) Prix éditeur
History & Info - Astronomical Basis Of Calendars, History In the great Basilica of San Petronio, a solar observatory was erected in 1576 byEgnatio danti, a mathematician and Dominican friar who worked for Cosimo I
Extractions: The principal astronomical cycles are the day (based on the rotation of the Earth on its axis), the year (based on the revolution of the Earth around the Sun), and the month (based on the revolution of the Moon around the Earth). The complexity of calendars arises because these cycles of revolution do not comprise an integral number of days, and because astronomical cycles are neither constant nor perfectly commensurable with each other. What are different measures of the year? How did Cassini prove Kepler was right? The tropical year is defined as the mean interval between vernal equinoxes; it corresponds to the cycle of the seasons. Our calendar year is linked to the tropical year as measured between two March equinoxes, as originally established by Caesar and Sosigenes. The following expression, based on the orbital elements of Laskar (1986), is used for calculating the length of the tropical year: 365.2421896698 - 0.00000615359 T - 7.29E-10 T
Påsken Det var dog først i 1582 at Pave Gregor XIII af astronomen og domenikanermunkenEgnatio danti lod sig overbevise om nødvendigheden af en kalenderreform, den
Extractions: Kejser Constantin Men eftersom tidens kalendere ikke havde en årslængde, der svarede til et "rigtigt" solår, fjernede den vedtagne dato for forårsjævndøgn sig langsomt fra det tidspunkt, hvor jævndøgnet rent faktisk lå. Efterhånden var uoverensstemmelsen så stor, at Kirken måtte tage problemet op igen. Pave Gregor XIII en kalenderreform Denne kalenderreform Santa Maria degli Angeli
5th ICHC abstract was distributed.); Righini Bonelli, ML Il globo terrestre diEgnatio danti. (Paper was probably not presented(?).); Ristow, WW
Extractions: (Warsaw) Held in honor of 500th anniversary of day of birth of Copernicus, "some 20 miles north of Warsaw in a pleasant lake-side setting where the Dom Pracy Tworczej combined all the necessary facilities in one building." (Fletcher). Main coordinators were J. Babicz, H. Ostromecka, K. Buczek, E. Campbell, C. Koeman, A. Smet, E. Pognon, F. Grenacher. Attendance figures vary from 75 from 18 countries to 100 from 20 countries. Conference languages were English, French, German, Russian, The theme was the effect of Copernicus's ideas on post-16th century cartography, but papers actually varied widely over European cartography of the last 500 years. Exhibitions were on maps of Poland, 15th-20th centuries, at the Biblioteca Narodowa in Warsaw; on the literature of the history of Polish cartography; on Buczek's Monumenta Poloniae Cartographica , mostly destroyed during early days of World War II;