Blending Faith And Science Opeil stands in an illustrious fourcentury line of Jesuit scientists thatincludes astronomer christopher clavius, polymath Athanasius Kircher and
Extractions: Rev. Cyril Opeil, SJ. (Photo by Gary Gilbert) An experimental physicist who studies uranium alloys, Fr. Opeil stands in an illustrious four-century line of Jesuit scientists that includes astronomer Christopher Clavius, polymath Athanasius Kircher and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin, among many others. At Los Alamos, known for its secret origins in the Manhattan Project, but where researchers today map chromosomes as well as the national power grid, Fr. Opeil will do spectroscopic readings and electron-structure measurements on uranium to shed light on basic properties of the element. "My work is pure science," said Fr. Opeil, one of a handful of American Jesuit physicists, several of whom are at the Vatican Observatory. "The aim is a better understanding of the nature of surface electrons in single crystal uranium and its oxides."
Galilei - A Jezsuiták Tanítványa? tanították, a matematikait, ami akkor Euklidészt, a ptolemaioszi asztronómiátés az optikát jelentette, csaknem mindig christopher clavius tartotta.
Extractions: Crombie, Wallace is de Soto Galilei Maior (propter quid (vera scientia) Wallace Wallace Duhem Carugo, majd Crombie Pereira, Francisco Toletus Clavius Juvenilia, ahogyan Antonio Favaro Editio Nazionale -ban Clavius reportationes reportationes feltûnôen nagy számát szerte Európa könyvtáraiban". Clavius hoz, De caelo De genaratione et corruptione Favaro, Carugo Carbone perugiai professzor Additamenta ad commentaria D. Francisci Toleti in Logicam Aristotelis Toletus Additamenta az a Additamenta ugyan nem szerepel, de Valla részletesen tárgyalja. "A kérdés egy korábbi expozíciója található Toletus logikai szövegében, lényegesen rövidített formában, és minden jezsuita, aki csak tanított a Collegio Romanóban, áldozott idôt rá és mind a lehetôsége mellett toglalt állást, akárcsak Galilei." Arisztotelésztôl származik az a nem tökéletesen záródó körkörös bizonyítási eljárás, "amelyben olykor a konklúzióból egy qia propter quid progressus progressio
Asimovs Hus, Den Talende Sten half of the sixteenth century, European scolars were Latinizing theirnames and Christoph Klau became christopher clavius
Extractions: - to kriminalnoveller af Isac Asimov (1920-1992) T Hvordan ser en talende sten ud ? H e r ligner den en halv marcipangris med silicone-glinsende overflade, tragtformede ører og fire små klør til at grave med. Den bor på en radioaktiv asteroide og lever af gammastråling - den kan læse dine tanker og har lært at tale en smule engelsk, bevæger sig ved lagvis glidende forskydning! - et pragtfuldt sammenkog af 50-er ideer, det nyopfundne smøremiddel silicone, hvis eneste biologiske anvendelse i vore dage er som brystimplantat, den dødsensfarlige gammastråling fra radioaktivt nedfald, koldkrigs-lignende overvejelser om primitivt sprog og mulige tanker hos andre civilisationer - Rumskibet er ramt af en meteorit og den eneste overlevende er Stenen, der dog snart udånder i armene på vore to rum-detektiver. Dens hviskende allersidste ord bliver: "On the Asteroid" - På asteroiden - et gådefuldt svar der alligevel fører til skattejagtens mål, koordinaterne for den værdifulde asteroide. Nu var det en yndet sport for læseren, dengang i de gode gamle Science Fiction-dage, at finde de værste usandsynligheder eller umuligheder i novellerne (og det var ikke let hos Asimov, han var en dreven kemiker og godt inde i alt sit andet stof). I denne novelle finder detektiverne tilsidst
5sc1 christopher clavius SJ may have denied the physical truth of Copernicus hypothesisin his early writings, but he was actually one of the more openminded
Knihovna ÚMV / Library Of IIR - Catalogue Clavius Translate this page Knihovna ÚMV / Library of IIR - catalogue clavius. Michael(1) Hargreaves,Clare(1)Hargreaves,Ian(1) Harkavy,Robert E.(1) Harlow,Carol(1) Harmon,christopher C.(1
C.E. 1500 - 1599 the first firing tables. christopher clavius (1583 CE) clavius was calledthe Euclid of the 16th century. His most important achievement
Extractions: LEONARDO DA VINCI (1505C.E.) Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian painter, draftman, sculptor, architect, and engineer. This WELCOME TO THE MUSEUM will lead you to the main gallery which includes Oil Painting, Engineering and Futuristic Designs, Drawings and Sketches, and Life and Times of Leonardo da Vinci.
Nuestra Comunidad Página 7 Translate this page 16 de octubre de 2000 Número 90 Página 7. christopher clavius (1538-1612).Dr. Ernesto Meneses*. C. ristóforo fue uno de los primeros