Extractions: Wie auch sein großer "Bruder", der Monarch , so ist auch der Kleine Monarch eigentlich keine europäische Art. Wie dieser wandert der Schmetterling gelegentlich aus afrikanischen Ländern in den südlichen Teil Europas ein. Ich habe aber Grund zu der Annahme, daß dieser Falter mittlerweile in Griechenland heimisch geworden ist. Ich beobachtete ihn dort nämlich in drei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren im selben Gebiet in Griechenland. Dort konnte ich auch eine Eiablage an einer mir unbekannten Pflanze beobachten. Ich versuchte daraufhin die Zucht an dieser Pflanze und erhielt ein Weibchen und ein Männchen! Dieser Falter konnte also seine Raupennahrung auf eine europäische Pflanze umstellen. Ob er dort allerdings den (milden) Winter übersteht, oder ob er jedes Jahr neu einwandern muß (wie z.B. der Admiral , oder der Distelfalter bei uns in Deutschland) kann ich nicht sagen.
Extractions: Unlike the Monarch , the Plain Tiger is an original European butterfly. Many migrants travel from African countries to Southern Europe. Perhaps one became a resident in Greece, where I observed him for three successive years and where I experimented with breeding on endemic larval host plants. These experiments were successful. Flight period:
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Chrysippus of Soli Centuries: 4th century BC - 3rd century BC - 2nd century BC Decades: 320s BC 310s BC 300s BC 290s BC 280s BC - 270s BC - 260s BC 250s BC 240s BC 230s BC 220s BC 284 BC 283 BC 282 BC 281 BC 280 BC - 279 BC - 278 BC 277 BC 276 BC 275 BC Events Click the link for more information. 207 BC Centuries: 4th century BC - 3rd century BC - 2nd century BC Decades: 250s BC 240s BC 230s BC 220s BC 210s BC - 200s BC - 190s BC 180s BC 170s BC 160s BC 150s BC Years: 212 BC 211 BC 210 BC 209 BC 208 BC - 207 BC - 206 BC 205 BC 204 BC 203 BC 202 BC Events
Biography Search chrysippuschrysippus (c. 280206 Bc), Greek philosopher, the third great leader of the Stoics. A native of Soli in Cilicia (Diog. Laert. VII. 179), he was robb. chrysippus. http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=8050
Danaus Chrysippus Chrysippus - Life History This page shows the life history in pictures of the Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus), a milkweed butterfly found in Malaysia. http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/chinfahshin/history/tiger.html
Danaus Chrysippus Chrysippus (1) Photo of the Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus chrysippus), a Nymphalid butterfly found in Malaysia. The Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus chrysippus). http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/chinfahshin/danaini/chrysipp.html
Chrysippus At PhilosophyClassics.com -- Essays, Resources chrysippus free essays, eTexts, resources and links from PhilosophyClassics.com. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. chrysippus. 280 - 207 *. http://www.philosophyclassics.com/philosophers/Chrysippus/
Extractions: These essays offer analysis of the author's life and works. Many of them have been submitted by users, and are assigned an Editorial Rating on a scale from one to five stars to assist you in evaluating their worth. See also: Note on Essays Editorial Policy No essays about this philosopher have been added yet. Our database is growing rapidly check back soon!
Chrysippus :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius chrysippus. Online Encyclopedia chrysippus of Soli (279207 BC) was Cleanthes s pupil and eventual successor to the head of the stoic philosophy. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/c/ch/chrysippus.html
Extractions: Chrysippus of Soli 207 BC ) was Cleanthes 's pupil and eventual successor to the head of the stoic philosophy. A prolific writer and debater, Chrysippus would often take both sides of an argument. Of his over 700 written works, none survive, save a few fragments embedded in the works of later authors. In Greek mythology Chrysippus was the son of Pelops and Axioche . He was killed by Thyestes and Atreus , his step-brothers. This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice
Entrez PubMed The butterfly Danaus chrysippus is infected by a malekilling Spiroplasma bacterium. Jiggins FM, Hurst GD, Jiggins CD, vd Schulenburg JH, Majerus ME. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1
Wijsbegeerte: Chrysippus Wijsbegeerte door de eeuwen heen. chrysippus (280207 voor Chr.). chrysippus is een veelschrijver, op wiens naam niet minder dan http://home.tiscali.be/musicforhelp/Wijsbegeerte/Oudheid/N_Chrysippus.html
Extractions: Chrysippus is een veelschrijver, op wiens naam niet minder dan ruim zevenhonderd boeken moeten worden gezet, maar die daardoor ook de brede verbreiding van de Stoïcijnse leer sterk in de hand heeft gewerkt. Omdat het waarschijnlijk is dat Zeno, Cleanthes, Chrysippus en de mindere goden onder de oudste Stoïcijnen in hun wijsgerig denken, althans op de voornaamste punten, met elkaar in overeenstemming zijn geweest, behandelen wij hun leer hier als één geheel. zie verder sub Zeno Bron: Vijfentwintig eeuwen filosofie - Dr. A. Roels Terug naar "Wijsbegeerte in de Oudheid"
Laius And Chrysippus - Greek Mythology When Laius reached manhood, Pelops entrusted his son, chrysippus, Golden Horse, to him so that he would teach the boy the charioteer s art. http://www.androphile.org/preview/Library/Mythology/Greek/Laius/Laius_and_Chrysi
Extractions: These Greek myths are based quite closely on ancient fragments, materials until now passed over by modern mythographers. The sources range from poets to historians to playwrights and early Christian polemicists. Thus the form of the stories should be seen as a late one, incorporating in many cases Roman sensibilities. Of course there has never been any one "true" version of any of these stories, as they were told and retold over a span of at least two thousand years across a region ranging across three continents, from the Black Sea to the shores of North Africa, an area now occupied by such countries as Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy and others. Nonetheless, the myths collectively reflect a world view in which male love was wholly compatible with living life in a sacred way, a path to heroism and divinity.
Stoics & Moral Philosophy chrysippus. Without chrysippus, there wouldn t have been any Stoicism Anon. chrysippus (280-207) wasn t the founder of Stoicism. http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa081198.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About History Ancient / Classical History Home ... Trojan War Hero Achilles - Troy zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); Atlas and Places - Where? Ancient Greece - Greek Ancient Rome - Romans ANE Egypt Persia Israel... ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About Ancient / Classical History newsletter. Search Ancient / Classical History Stoics and Moral Philosophy Related Resources Stoa Poikile Dateline: 08/11/98 With Alexander's conquests, the Hellenic city-state gave way to Hellenistic empire. As distinctions between Greek and barbarian fell, individuals were suddenly aware of the greater whole to which they belonged. Stoicism arose as an attempt to comprehend the new cosmopolitan order. It lasted for five hundred years during which time it had a major impact on Christianity, the idea of natural law, and moral virtue. Chrysippus Chrysippus (280-207) wasn't the founder of Stoicism. That honor goes to Zeno (c 336-264). He wasn't even the second head of the
Ancient Historical People Beginning With The Letter C Catullus Famous Roman poet. chrysippus Stoics Moral Philosophy Zeno, Cleanthes, and chrysippus on the rational universe. Cicero http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_peop_c.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About History Ancient / Classical History Home ... Trojan War Hero Achilles - Troy zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); Atlas and Places - Where? Ancient Greece - Greek Ancient Rome - Romans ANE Egypt Persia Israel... ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About Ancient / Classical History newsletter. Search Ancient / Classical History Articles on Major Figures in
Extractions: To expand search, see Greece . Laterally related topics: Diophantus Aristotle Archimedes Euclid ... Philolaus , and Archytas The Mathematics and the Liberal Arts pages are intended to be a resource for student research projects and for teachers interested in using the history of mathematics in their courses. Many pages focus on ethnomathematics and in the connections between mathematics and other disciplines. The notes in these pages are intended as much to evoke ideas as to indicate what the books and articles are about. They are not intended as reviews. However, some items have been reviewed in Mathematical Reviews , published by The American Mathematical Society. When the mathematical review (MR) number and reviewer are known to the author of these pages, they are given as part of the bibliographic citation. Subscribing institutions can access the more recent MR reviews online through MathSciNet Biggs, N. L. The roots of combinatorics. Historia Math. (1) As the author explains, the most ancient problem connected with combinatorics may be the house-cat-mice-wheat problem of the Rhind Papyrus (Problem 79), which occurs in a similar form in a problem of Fibonacci's
Forums - View Profile: Chrysippus View Profile chrysippus. chrysippus. Registered User. Signature. Prof C Atherton UCLA. Find all posts by chrysippus. Find all threads started by chrysippus. http://www.prwatch.org/forum/member.php?u=674
Extractions: Page Danaus chrysippus alcippus Wingspan: 2 1/2 - 2 3/4 inches Status: In Stock This butterfly really has a different look than most of the other butterflies we carry. Both sides of the Danaus chrysippus alcippus are beautiful, we probably prefer the underside as it has some nice yellow coloring and excellent detail. Both sides have rich orange and brown coloring. If it looks somewhat like the Monarch butterfly that's because they're both Danaus species. Origin: Africa. This butterfly is available in a Custom 6x7 display Custom 6x7 display Butterfly Ordering Info: Unless sold out, all real butterflies are available for sale in acrylic frames either as part of our standard products or as part of a custom display. Visit Gallery pages View Cart / Check Out Gallery Guide: Butterfly Pictures Pages Acrylic Framed Real Butterflies Pages Butterfly Wing Art Page Unique Items Page Oak Framed Real Butterflies Page Butterfly Jewelry, more
Extractions: Lives index THE LIVES AND OPINIONS OF EMINENT PHILOSOPHERS I. CHRYSIPPUS was the son of Apollonius, and a native of either Soli or Tarsus, as Alexander tells us in his Successions; and he was a pupil of Cleanthes. Previously he used to practise running as a public runner; then he became a pupil of Zeno or of Cleanthes, as Diocles and the generality of authors say, and while he was still living he abandoned him, and became a very eminent philosopher. II. He was a man of great natural ability, and of great acuteness in every way, so that in many points he dissented from Zeno, and also from Cleanthes, to whom he often used to say that he only wanted to be instructed in the dogmas of the school, and that he would discover the demonstrations for himself. But whenever he opposed him with any vehemence, he always repented, so that he used frequently to say: In most respects I am a happy man, For in that matter I am far from fortunate. And he had such a high reputation as a dialectician, that most people thought that if there were such a science as dialectics among the Gods; it would be in no respect different from that of Chrysippus. But though he was so eminently able in matter, he was not perfect in style.
Danaus Chrysippus (African Monarch) Danaus chrysippus (African Monarch). (Phylum Arthropoda; Class Hexapoda; Order Lepidoptera; Family Nymphalidae; Subfamily Danainae). Larva. Pupa. Adult. http://www.museums.org.za/bio/butterflies/danaus_chrysippus.htm
Chrysippus chrysippus van Soli (280206vChr). Stoïsch filosoof. Korte intro (Generic Science). chrysippus op IEP X-refer School of Mathematics (St. http://www.ichthustref.nl/hoofdmap_links/lexikonfilosofen/filosofen-lexicon/Chry