Past Notable Women Of Mathematics UCLA. dame mary Lucy cartwright (b. 1900) Biography from MacTutorArchive. Ruth Moufang (19051977) Biography from MacTutor Archive.
Extractions: Computing Community: Please help us expand this section. Send TAP your information on historical women in computing and mathematics by clicking on the "submit" icon below. Submit information Feedback The meaning of these concepts I naturally could not yet grasp, but they acted on my imagination, instilling in me a reverence for mathematics as an exalted and mysterious science which opens up to its initiates a new world of wonders, inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Hypatia of Alexandria (370-415) Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil Marquise du Châtelet (1706-1749) Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750-1858) Sophie Germain (1776-1831) Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (1780-1872) Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) Biography from MacTutor Archive Biography from the
Archive Handlist Ina (1917) *BURNETT, Helen D. (1919) Mrs LAYBOURNE *cartwright, dame mary (1919)CHILTON, Margaret (1918) Mrs POWER DAWSON, Katherine M. (1918) Mrs EVANS
The Mathematical Association - Supporting Mathematics In Education DSc, FRS 1948 Sir Harold Spencer Jones MA, ScD, FRS 1949 A Robson MA 1950 ProfessorHR Hasse MA, DSc 1951 dame mary L cartwright MA, DPhil, ScD, FRS 1952 KS
List Of English Language Poets Phoebe Cary; Lewis Carroll (18321898); William cartwright (1611-1643); Charles Causley; DavidGascoyne; John Gay (1685-1732); dame mary Gilmour; Allen Ginsberg (1926 of English language
Cartwright cartwright rock cartwright cartwright chesterton heath cartwright forest kristinlake jim cartwright cartwright ryan cartwright dame lucy mary alexander joy
Women In Math: Biographies C. Caldwell, Patricia A. Callahan, Jacquie cartwright, dame mary Lucy(1900 1998) cartwright, mary 1999 Obituary in Amer. Math.
New Horizons For Women Trust (Inc) Butler Janice Campbell dame Silvia cartwright Ann Chapman Curtis Brenda Cutress RaewynDalziel dame Miriam Dell Lee Marion Lineham Joanmary Longcroft Dianne
The Mathematical Gazette Index For 1990 To 1999 83.32. Lily Atiyah, dame mary cartwright, 494, November 1998, Obituary.Michael Atiyah, Geometry and Physics, 78, March 1996, Special. Colin
Extractions: Author(s) Title Page Issue Category Steve Abbott Editorial March 1996 Special Steve Abbott A circuitous way to differentiate November 1999 Note 83.53 Steve Abbott A difference method for July 1995 Note 79.31 Steve Abbott Averaging sequences and triangles March 1996 Note 80.2 Zohair Abu-abbas and Mowaffaq Hajja A note on the Fermat point of a tetrahedron March 1995 Note 79.21 Ken Adams How polite is March 1993 Note 77.02 The fundamental theorem of arithmetic dissected March 1997 Article R. McNeill Alexander Walking and running July 1996 Article Reg Allenby Almost pavings of patios November 1999 Note 83.54 How long is a game of snakes and ladders? March 1993 Article Some velocity and position calculations. March 1994 Article A simple proof of the Lagrange identity on vector products November 1999 Note 83.67 D. V. Anderson On an accelerometer March 1997 Note 81.16 D. V. Anderson Iterations for the square root November 1996 Note 80.49 Ian Anderson Snap July 1992 Note 76.05 Johnston Anderson Seeing induction at work December 1991 Article Johnston Anderson and Andy Walker Partitions into square-pairs March 1999 Article Johnston Anderson and Keith Austin Paradigms of proof November 1995 Article Elizabeth J. Andrews
Facts On File, Inc. Bari; Bhaskara; dame mary cartwright; Leonhard Euler; Abu Kamil; HelenaRasiowa; ShingTung Yau. Tables, charts, and diagrams include Absolute
Finished Projects Caroline Herschel. Katy s presentation on Florence Nightingale, Megan spresentation on dame mary Lucy cartwright. Libby s presentation
FamousMathe Marjorie Lee Brown dame mary Lucy cartwright AlKhwarizimi Abu Raihan (see alsoAl-Biruni) Hypatia of Alexandria Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Leonard Eugene
CAMEL-Women-Biographies dame mary Lucy cartwright, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott; Olga TausskyTodd,from St Andrews, Agnes Scott, MathNews. There are also
Extractions: Biographies of Women Mathematicians Collections Individuals Collections Many biographies of women mathematicians may be found at the extensive History of Mathematics collection, at St Andrews University, Scotland. Others (many modern) are listed at the Women Mathematicians Project , at Agnes Scott College, U.S.A. 4000 Years of Women in Science lists several women mathematicians (with photos ). A few biographies of women mathematicians have been published in mathNEWS , the University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics student newspaper. A text called Math Odyssey 2000 by Clem Falbo for a liberal arts course provides a few others. For a print listing, see Biographies of Women Mathematical Scientists and History of Women in Mathematical Sciences from the Women in Math Project (directed by Marie Vitulli). Another list: Distinguished Women of Past and Present: Mathematics, a collection by Danuta Bois. Individual Women Mathematicians Hypatia of Alexandria , from
The Scientist - My Mentor, My Self well with the reflections reported in autobiographical remarks I have read by someoutstanding female mathemati cians, such as dame mary cartwright and Olga
Extractions: Letter By Henry Heatherly In regard to the article on mentoring in the Oct. 28, 1991, issue of The Scientist [page 19], I find the comment that "it has become crucial for older, white, male scientists to become comfortable mentoring people who are not carbon copies of themselves" to be an inaccurate reflection of the way things are. I am one of those "older, white, male scientists." In my 23 years of being a professor of mathematics, I have had about as many female graduate students as males. My first doctoral student was a black man. Neither I nor any of my colleagues feel uncomfortable with female or minority graduate students. I personally have done much to help junior colleagues in their research: male or female, black or otherwise. In only one respect do I (or my colleagues, to the best of my knowledge) look for "clones"; namely, we are looking for talent. And it comes in all sizes, shapes, colors, and genders. Of course, the above remarks are based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. But they fit in well with the reflections reported in autobiographical remarks I have read by some outstanding female mathemati- cians, such as Dame Mary Cartwright and Olga Taussky-Todd. They also fit in well with comments made by many female mathematicians and black mathematicians with whom I have become acquainted. Almost every one of these people expresses high regard for their doctoral adviserswho, for the mathematicians to whom I refer, were all males, white, and "older."
New Scientist Web Links have an easy way to explore and understand the pioneering efforts of 24 women inthese fields, from Hypatia of Alexandria to dame mary Lucy cartwright. The
Newsletter, ON SHOW, Royal Agricultural Society Of New Zealand Ken and mary McKenzie wish to express our grateful Guest of Honour Her Excellencydame Silvia cartwright. dame Silvia continued to charm the many attendees and
Extractions: The FMG Rural Excellence Award continues to grow in profile. Following an extensive advertising campaign, entries have shown significant increases in some Districts. The calibre of contestants is of the highest quality thus ensuring the competition remains at the forefront of the agricultural calendar. District judging is taking place at present with the final judging late April and the presentation function being held in Timaru on 29th May. Likewise, The National Bank Ewe Hogget Competition has attracted a good level of entry and based on last years line-up, the quality of stock presented to the judges will be of a high standard. This competition is one which gives recognition to the commercial producer and lies very well with our own mission statement: To recognise and reward excellence in agri-business.
Ninemsn Encarta - Encyclopedia Article Centre - Writers & Poets Lewis * Carson, Rachel Louise * Carter, Angela * cartwright, Jim * Carver Santos *Chrétien de Troyes * Christie, dame Agatha mary Clarissa * Christine
Notre Dame Theatre Chronology 78 JB cartwright William Mills Daphne cartwright Beverly Watson Loretta Anderlohr,Marge Singler, mary Barany, Carol from University of Notre dame Archives.
Notre Dame Theatre Chronology 98 1968 Sponsoring/Producing Organization Notre dame/Saint mary s Charles P. LehmanCostumes by mary Kay Vrancken Maltilda B. cartwright Judith Muench Big Jule
College Of Notre Dame - Class Notes Summer '03 She will soon be teaching at Sacred Heart of mary School in Dundalk My daughter hasalso enjoyed the campus at Notre dame of MD 00 Tara cartwright completed her