- A final course in nomography, (Bell's mathematical series) by Selig Brodetsky, 1920
- The Meaning of Mathematics. by Selig Brodetsky, 1929
- The Mechanical Principles of the Aeroplane (1921) by Selig Brodetsky,
- Nazi extermination of the Jews: Speeches by Selig Brodetsky, 1944
- A first couse in nomography (Bell's mathematical series. Advanced section) by Selig Brodetsky, 1949
- The intellectual level of Anglo-Jewish life by Selig Brodetsky, 1928
- The meaning of mathematids, (Benn's sixpenny library.[no. 84]) by Selig Brodetsky, 1929
- Our policy at the 18th Zionist Congress by Selig Brodetsky, 1933
- Memoirs: from ghetto to Israel by Selig Brodetsky, 1960
- Britain's legacy to Israel: The fourth Selig Brodetsky memorial lecture (Selig Brodetsky memorial lectures;no.4) by Edwin Samuel, 1962
- European Jewry today (Selig Brodetsky memorial lectures;no.8) by S Levenberg, 1967
- The use of the scientific method in bio-medical research: The ninth Selig Brodetsky memorial lecture (Selig Brodetsky memorial lectures;no.9) by Isaac Berenblum, 1967
- Hebrew and the Jewish renaissance: The first Selig Brodetsky memorial lecture (Selig Brodetsky memorial lectures;no.1) by Eliahu Elath, 1961
- The new face of Israel (Selig Brodetsky memorial lectures;no.6) by James Parkes, 1964