Nel Segno Di Masaccio - I Modelli Translate this page Lucas Brunn, Strumento prospettico. benjamin bramer, Strumento prospettico.Sezione X - Imago mundi. Hans Lencker, Strumento per proiezioni ortografiche.
Extractions: Alhazen, Ibn al-Haytham, Tavoletta per esperimenti sulla visione binoculare Sezione II - "Quello che i dipintori oggi dicono prospectiva" Filippo Brunelleschi, Il Battistero di San Giovanni, Prima tavoletta prospettica descritta da Antonio Manetti Sezione IV - Il "modo optimo": Alberti, Donatello, Ghiberti Leon Battista Alberti, Il velo Sezione VI - La scienza del disegno Modello delle architetture rappresentate nella Flagellazione di Cristo di Piero della Francesca I cinque poliedri regolari inscritti nella sfera I cinque corpi regolari (cubo, ottaedro, tetraedro, icosaedro, dodecaedro) Corpi regolari elevati e abscisi Johannes Kepler
STATE CENSUS POWESHIEK CO IA - 1856 - WARREN TOWNSHIP MALES 194 bramer Peter 10 M 9/13 WAR bramer Sarah 6 F 9/13 WAR bramer Susan 8 millwright51/58 WAR Whitcomb Horace 28 M NH lawyer 51/58 WAR WILLIAMS benjamin 30 M
Extractions: STATE CENSUS: POWESHIEK CO IA - 1856 - WARREN TOWNSHIP MALES 194 - FEMALES 186 Names in capitals are heads of families or single listings. Submitted by Ferne Hart Norris The submitter has granted permission to the IAGenWeb Project to utilize the files permanently for free access on IAGenWeb state or county pages. Surname Given Name aAge Sex Born Occupation No/TOWNSHIP ADLEMAN David 28 M PA farmer 33/39 WAR Adleman Elizabeth 3 F 33/39 WAR Adleman John E. 1 M OH 33/39 WAR Adleman Joseph - M IA 33/39 WAR Adleman Susannah 27 F OH 33/39 WAR Andrews Asa 1 M IA 20/25 WAR Andrews Eliza 30 F GERM 20/25 WAR Andrews Elizabeth 11 F GERM 20/25 WAR Andrews Fanny 5 F GERM 20/25 WAR Andrews Jacob 7 M GERM 20/25 WAR Andrews Mary 9 F GERM 20/25 WAR ANDREWS Nicholas 35 M GERM farmer 20/25 WAR Andrews Thomas 5 M OH 20/25 WAR BABZELY Jacob 58 M PA carpenter 2/4 WAR Babzely Mary 37 F PA 2/4 WAR Babzely Sarah 3 F 2/4 WAR Bilney Elvia 19 F IL 30/36 WAR BILNEY John 21 M NY farmer 30/36 WAR Bramer Alice ? 3 F NY 18/23 WAR Bramer Barbara 41 F 9/13 WAR Bramer blotted out 19 M 9/13 WAR Bramer Charley 10 M NY 18/23 WAR BRAMER Christian 44 M SWISS farmer 9/13 WAR Bramer Christina 16 F 9/13 WAR Bramer Elmira 30 F NY 18/23 WAR Bramer Emily - F 18/23 WAR Bramer Henry 12 M 9/13 WAR Bramer James 17 m 9/13 WAR BRAMER L. 32 M NY 18/23 WAR Bramer Lenah 4 F 9/13 WAR Bramer Lucy 14 F 9/13 WAR Bramer Peter 10 M 9/13 WAR Bramer Sarah 6 F 9/13 WAR Bramer Susan 8 F 9/13 WAR BREKENRIDGE Bradish 33 M farmer 47/53 WAR Brekenridge Zerenah 24 F CT 47/53 WAR Brock Andrew 21 M NY 32/38 WAR Brock Ann M. 7 F IL 32/38 WAR Brock Hiram C. 18 M 32/38 WAR Brock Mary A. 46 F NY 32/38 WAR BROCK Selah S. 52 M NY farmer 32/38 WAR CARROLL Jane 14 F OH 57/64 WAR Carroll Mary E. 7 F OH 57/64 WAR Carroll Sarah Ann 8 F OH 57/64 WAR Carroll William 10 M OH 57/64 WAR Castor Alonzo 1 F? IA 67/74 WAR Castor Hannah 30 F OH 67/74 WAR CASTOR James 39 M OH farmer 67/74 WAR Castor John 8 M 67/74 WAR Castor Mary E. 5 F IA 67/74 WAR Clarke Elizabeth 9 F 34/40 WAR Clarke Isabelle 12 F MA 34/40 WAR Clarke John G. 20 M CT 34/40 WAR CLARKE John 46 M IRE farmer 34/40 WAR Clarke Margaret 4 F 34/40 WAR Clarke Mary 10 F 34/40 WAR Clarke Mary 41 F IRE 34/40 WAR Clarke Sarah M. 16 F NY 34/40 WAR Clarke William 14 M MA 34/40 WAR COCHRAN James 28 M CAN lawyer 51/58 WAR COMSTOCK Charles Jr 29 M NY carpenter 56/63 WAR Comstock Eliza J. 6 F 56/63 WAR Comstock John 4 M IA 56/63 WAR Comstock Lydia - F IA 56/63 WAR Comstock Mary 28 F OH 56/63 WAR Comstock Sarah O. 2 F IA 56/63 WAR Creps Ann Mary 25 F GERM 11/15 WAR Creps Daniel E. 3 M OH 11/15 WAR Creps Enos C. 1 M OH 11/15 WAR CREPS? Randolf 32 M GERM farmer 11/15 WAR Crow Himenia 5 F OH 49/55 WAR Crow Horace M. 3 M IA 49/54 WAR Crow Sarah 7 F OH 49/55 WAR Crow Susan 32 F OH 49/55 WAR Crow William L. G. 1 M IA 49/54 WAR CROW William 34 M IL ?surgeon? 49/55 WAR Cummings Almira 13 F IL 15/18 WAR Cummings Betsy 56 F CT 15/18 WAR CUMMINGS Bradish 59 M MA farmer 15/18 WAR Cummings Charles J. 16 M IL 15/18 WAR CUMMINGS Henry G. 30 M MA 15/19 WAR Cummings Maria 11 F IL 15/18 WAR Cummings Mary C. F NY 15/19 WAR Cummings Mary F. 23 F MA schoolteacher 15/18 WAR Daniel Jane 8 F 6/8 WAR Daniel John 2 M 6/8 WAR DANIEL Marks 37 M MD farmer 6/8 WAR Daniel Mary 11 F MD 6/8 WAR Dible Mary 35 F ON 35/41 WAR DIBLE William 41 M OH farmer 35/41 WAR Drake Charles 14 M OH 12/16 WAR Drake Cyrus 8 M 12/16 WAR Drake Isaac N. 10 M 12/16 WAR DRAKE Isaac 39 M OH farmer 12/16 WAR Drake John L. 18 M OH 12/16 WAR Drake Nancy 37 F OH 12/16 WAR Drake Sarah J. 16 F OH 12/16 WAR Drummond Albert W. 5 M IL 63/70 WAR Drummond Frances 11 F IL 63/70 WAR Drummond Lucy Ann 35 F OH 63/70 WAR DRUMMOND Samuel 44 M PA farmer 63/70 WAR Eaton Emeline 30 F PA 51/58 WAR EATON William 38 M IRE weaver 51/58 WAR ENSOR Darby 37 M MD farmer 8/12 WAR Ensor Dinah 1 F 8/12 WAR Ensor Henry 6 M 8/12 WAR Ensor Lucy 9 F 8/12 WAR Ensor Mary 36 F MD 8/12 WAR Ensor Sarah 11 F 8/12 WAR FRY Abraham 27 M OH farmer 14/17 WAR Fry Barbary 28 F OH 4/6 WAR Fry Bellornd 23 F 14/17 WAR Fry Catherine 20 F OH 3/5 WAR Fry Daniel W. 2 M 14/17 WAR FRY James 27 M OH farmer 3/5 WAR FRY John F. 34 M OH carpenter 4/6 WAR FRY John 24 M OH carpenter 16/20 WAR Fry Julian 53 ? 23/28 WAR Fry Mary R. 21 F OH 16/20 WAR Fry Ransor 1 M 14/17 WAR Fry Robert 13 M 23/28 WAR FRY Thomas 54 M OH farmer 23/28 WAR Fry William 17 M 23/28 WAR Fulton Alice M. 1 F IA 50/56 WAR FULTON Austin 35 M NY farmer 50/56 WAR Fulton Mary 20 F OH 50/56 WAR Fulton Robert 6 M OH 50/56 WAR GOODNOUGT Daniel 22 M NY 29/34 WAR GRAHAM Calvin 26 M NY farmer 59/66 WAR Graham Lucinda 24 F OH 59/66 WAR Griswold Alpheus 10 M OH 52/59 WAR Griswold Edward 12 M OH 52/59 WAR GRISWOLD Edward 42 M NY farmer 52/59 WAR Griswold Hellen 35 F OH 52/59 WAR Griswold Oscar 13 M OH 52/59 WAR Griter Mary 49 F SWISS 17/21 WAR GRITER Nicholas 51 M SWISS farmer 17/21 WAR GUILD Joseph 56 M NY wheelwright 30/35 WAR GWIN Arnold 32 M OH farmer 65/72 WAR Gwin Eliza 9 F OH 40/46 WAR Gwin Franklin 3 M IA 39/44 WAR Gwin Henry W. - M IA 39/44 WAR Gwin Jacob 1 M IA 65/72 WAR GWIN Jesse 31 M OH farmer 40/46 WAR Gwin John 13 M OH 55/62 WAR GWIN John 62 M PA farmer 57/64 WAR GWIN Jonathan 44? M PA 67/74 WAR Gwin Louisa - F IA 65/72 WAR Gwin Luanah 30 F OH 40/46 WAR Gwin Martha 21 F 65/72 WAR Gwin Mary E. 4 F IA 40/46 WAR Gwin Mary 42 F IN 57/64 WAR Gwin Nancy Ann 6 F IA 40/46 WAR Gwin Noah 15 M OH 55/62 WAR GWIN Rebecca 17 F OH 55/62 WAR Gwin Samson B. 2 M IA 40/46 WAR GWIN Samson 24 M OH farmer 39/45 WAR Gwin Sarah 10 F OH 40/46 WAR Gwin Sarah 28 F OH milliner 39/45 WAR Haynes Catherine 20 F OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Elizabeth 22 F OH 26/31 WAR Haynes George W. 10 M OH 26/31 WAR HAYNES Henry 25 M OH farmer 27/32 WAR Haynes Jacob 2 M IA 27/32 WAR Haynes John 5 M OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Lucinda 12 F OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Lucinda 33 F OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Margaret 15 F OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Mary J. 21 F OH 27/32 WAR Haynes Peter 3 M OH 26/31 WAR Haynes Phillip 18 M OH 26/31 WAR HAYNES Phillip 56 M PA farmer 26/31 WAR KING John A. 26 M PA carpenter 64/71 WAR Korns Cristina 2 F PA 44/50 WAR Korns John E. 5 M PA 44/50 WAR KORNS John 32 M PA farmer 44/50 WAR Korns Louisa 25 F PA 44/50 WAR Korns Mary E. - F PA 44/50 WAR Lanton Andrew 44 M NY 17/22 WAR Lanton Catharine 26 F NY 17/22 WAR Lanton Ester 9 F NY 17/22 WAR Lanton Harriet 6 F 17/22 WAR Lanton Jeremiah 22 M NY rover 17/22 WAR LANTON William 39 M NY farmer 17/22 WAR Manatt Clarisa 19 F NY 24/29 WAR Manatt Eliza J 7 F IA 38/44 WAR MANATT Ervin 21 M OH farmer 43/49 WAR Manatt James E. 10 M OH 48/54 WAR MANATT James 27 M OH farmer 42/48 WAR Manatt Jemima 33 F OH 48/54 WAR Manatt Jemina 5 F IA 38/44 WAR Manatt John M 14 M OH 48/54 WAR MANATT John 34 M PA farmer 38/44 WAR Manatt Manda 2 F IA 38/44 WAR Manatt Margaret J. 29 F OH 38/44 WAR Manatt Mary Ann 10 F OH 38/44 WAR Manatt Mary E. 5 F IA 48/54 WAR Manatt Rebecca J. 1 F IA 48/54 WAR MANATT Robert 39 M IRE farmer 48/54 WAR Manatt Samson E. 12 M OH 48/54 WAR Manatt Sarah E. 8 F OH 48/54 WAR Manatt Sarah J. 8 F OH 38/44 WAR Manatt Sarah 18 F OH 43/49 WAR MANATT Thomas 25 M OH farmer 24/29 WAR McBurney Annetta 5 F IL 61/68 WAR McBurney Corinthia 10 F IL 61/68 WAR McBurney Elijah 18 M OH 61/68 WAR McBurney Flora 8 F IL 61/68 WAR McBURNEY James 67 M NY farmer 61/68 WAR McBurney Moses 11 M OH 61/68 WAR McBurney Solon 13 M IL 61/68 WAR McBurney Temperance 53 F PA 61/68 WAR McDONALD Joseph 32 M IN farmer 28/33 WAR McDonald Lydia 30 F VA 28/33 WAR McDonald Manda 2 F IN 28/33 WAR McDonald Martha Ann 6 F IN 28/33 WAR McDonald Mary J. 8 F IN 28/33 WAR McDonald Nancy E. 5 F IN 28/33 WAR McDonald Sarah C. 7 F IN 28/33 WAR McGarvy Prudence Ellen 3 F IA 1/1 WAR McGarvy William Thomas 9 M OA 1/1 WAR McGarvy Elizabeth 23 F OH 1/1 WAR McGARVY Graham A. 26 M OH farmer 1/1 WAR MEGISH John 27 M OH farmer 52/59 WAR MILLER John 38 M VT carpenter 24/29 WAR Morrison Alexander 20 M VA 19/24 WAR Morrison George W. 11 M OH 19/24 WAR Morrison James 6 M OH 19/24 WAR Morrison John 4 M OH 19/24 WAR MORRISON John 54 M VA farmer 19/24 WAR Morrison Maria E. 19 F VA 19/24 WAR Morrison Mary Ann - F IA 19/24 WAR Morrison Peggy 42 F VA 19/24 WAR Nagly Catharine 11 F PA 64/71 WAR Nagly Daniel 16 M PA 64/71 WAR NAGLY Daniel 52 M PA farmer 64/71 WAR Nagly Elizabeth 14 F PA 64/71 WAR Nagly Elizabeth 41 F PA 64/71 WAR Nagly John 22 M PA miller 64/71 WAR Nagly Martha 12 F PA 64/71 WAR Nagly Matilda 9 F PA 64/71 WAR Nagly William 24 M PA farmer 64/71 WAR Northup Franklin 37 M OH 54/61 WAR Northup Harriet 21 F ENG 54/61 WAR NORTHUP Nathan 39 M OH blacksmith 54/61 WAR Northup Thomas 2 M OH 54/61 WAR Nusbaum Christena 42 F PA 10/14 WAR Nusbaum Daniel 12 M OH 10/14 WAR Nusbaum Elizabeth 17 F OH 10/14 WAR Nusbaum George 6 M OH 10/14 WAR Nusbaum John 18 M OH 10/14 WAR Nusbaum Susannah 15 F OH 10/14 WAR NUSBAUM? Nicholas 61 M GERM farmer 10/14 WAR PHILIP Charles 28 M NY farmer 52/59 WAR Plummer Anna 19 F OH 13/17 WAR PLUMMER Caleb 49 M MD farmer 13/17 WAR Plummer Cyrus 2 M IA 13/17 WAR Plummer Elizabeth 13 F 13/17 WAR Plummer Jessup 17 M 13/17 WAR Plummer Julia Ann 8 F IL 13/17 WAR Plummer Julias 5 M 13/17 WAR Plummer Mary 11 F IL 13/17 WAR Plummer Nicholas 14 M 13/17 WAR Plummer Rebecca 43 F OH 13/17 WAR Plummer Sarah - F 13/17 WAR Plummer Thomas 19 M 13/17 WAR Plummer William 7 M 13/17 WAR Price Eliza 42 F MD 7/9 WAR Price Henry 18 M 7/9 WAR Price Jesse 15 M 7/9 WAR PRICE John H. 43 M MD farmer 7/9 WAR Price John 17 M 7/9 WAR Price Ruth 12 F 7/9 WAR Rice Albert C. 3 M IA 22/27 WAR Rice John L. 13 M IN 22/27 WAR Rice John W. 7 M IA 22/27 WAR Rice Lucinda 9 F IA 22/27 WAR Rice Lucy - F IA 22/27 WAR RICE Lyrenes 34 M OH farmer 22/27 WAR Rice Nancy 34 F IN 22/27 WAR Rice Sylvester 1 M IA 22/27 WAR Rogers Caroline 19 F PA 25/30 WAR Rogers Mary E.A. - F IA 25/30 WAR ROGERS Solomon 32 M NY farmer 25/30 WAR Rosacrans Almon 4 F IL 58/65 WAR Rosacrans Ameline 11 F IL 62/69 WAR Rosacrans Crandal A. 1 M IL 58/65 WAR ROSACRANS Crandal 35 M OH carpenter 58/65 WAR Rosacrans Emily 35 F NY milliner 58/65 WAR Rosacrans Euphemia 26 F OH 62/69 WAR ROSACRANS Isaac 37 M OH farmer 62/69 WAR Rosacrans Lodesky W. 7 F IL 58/65 WAR Rosacrans Mary E. 13 F IL 62/69 WAR Rosacrans William H. 1 M IA 62/69 WAR Ross Fletcher 6 M IN 36/42 WAR ROSS H.L. 41 M OH blacksmith 36/42 WAR Ross James M. 3 M IN 36/42 WAR Ross Milton 1 M IN 36/42 WAR Ross Ruth 39 F MA 36/42 WAR Ross Sarah 10 F IN 36/42 WAR SCOLES Abraham 21 M OH farmer 50/56 WAR Scoles Cordelia 32 F OH 46/52 WAR Scoles Delboah ? 15 F MD 45/51 WAR Scoles Elizabeth 8 F OH 51/57 WAR Scoles Joan 12 F OH 46/52 WAR Scoles John K. 12 M OH 51/57 WAR Scoles John 2 M IA 46/52 WAR SCOLES Joshua 65 M PA carpenter 45/51 WAR SCOLES Luanah 30 F OH 51/57 WAR SCOLES Ruben 33 M OH farmer 46/52 WAR Scoles Samuel 7 M OH 46/52 WAR Scoles Sarah J. 6 F OH 51/56 WAR Scott Eliza 37 TN 37/43 WAR Scott Margaret 68 F IRE 37/43 WAR Scott Robert 15 M OH 37/43 WAR Scott William 13 M OH 37/43 WAR SCOTT William 47 M IRE farmer 37/43 WAR Shimer Mary E. 24 F OH 31/37 WAR SHIMER Robert C. 26 M OH farmer 31/37 WAR Shimer William E. 1 M IA 31/37 WAR SKELTON Robert 24 M CAN carpenter 24/29 WAR Snook John 16 M OH 41/47 WAR Snook Julia Ann 18 F OH 41/47 WAR SNOOK Susannah 57 F VA farmer 41/47 WAR Snook Wesley 14 M IA 41/47 WAR Swain Angeline 37 F MD 8/11 WAR SWAIN Edward 41 M MD farmer 8/11 WAR Swain James 4 M MD 8/11 WAR Swain Rosette 3 F MD 8/11 WAR Swain Stephen 1 M IA 8/11 WAR Switzer A.W. 20 M IN 66/73 WAR Switzer Barbara E. 10 F IN 66/73 WAR Switzer Malphus A. 7 M IN 66/73 WAR Switzer Susanah 42 F PA 66/73 WAR SWITZER T.B. 44 M KY farmer 66/73 WAR TOTTEN Henry 69 M RI nurseryman 60/67 WAR WALTER Mary 32 F OH 66/73 WAR Welch Matilda 38 F PA 21/26 WAR Welch Nancy 8 M (?) 21/26 WAR Welch Samuel 19 M 21/26 WAR Welch Sarah 17 F 21/26 WAR Welch Susan 14 F 21/26 WAR WELCH William 44 M PA farmer 21/26 WAR Welch Wm. Thomas 10 M 21/26 WAR Wheeler Aaron 3 M IA 7/9 WAR Wheeler Ann 24 F PA 2/3 WAR Wheeler Elizabeth 9 F 2/2 WAR Wheeler Elizabeth - F 2/2 WAR Wheeler Isaac 5 M 2/2 WAR WHEELER John R. 87 M MD carpenter 2/3 WAR Wheeler Martha 9 F 7/9 WAR Wheeler Matilda 6 F 7/9 WAR Wheeler Nancy 35 F MD 2/2 WAR WHEELER Sarah 11 F MD 7/9 WAR WHEELER Willam H. 36 M MD farmer 2/2 WAR WHITCOMB Hiram 45 M NH millwright 51/58 WAR Whitcomb Horace 28 M NH lawyer 51/58 WAR WILLIAMS Benjamin 30 M MD farmer 8/10 WAR Williams Lucinda 25 F OH 8/10 WAR WINCHESTER Benjamin 45 M NY farmer 52/59 WAR Winchester Choloe 41 F NY 29/34 WAR Winchester Claranoy L. 10 F OH 53/60 WAR WINCHESTER Cornelius 42 M NY farmer 29/34 WAR Winchester George 14 M OH 29/34 WAR Winchester Henry 16 M OH 29/34 WAR Winchester James 4 M OH 29/34 WAR Winchester Martha 3 F IA 53/60 WAR Winchester Paulina 19 F OH 53/60 WAR WINCHESTER Pemelia 32 F NY 53/60 WAR Winchester Rosette 21 F NY 29/34 WAR Winchester Sally Ann 1 F 29/34 WAR Winchester Sylvanus 6 M OH 29/34 WAR Winchester Wesley 9 M OH 29/34 WAR Worthington Fanny 10 F 5/7 WAR Worthington John 5 M 5/7 WAR Worthington Joseph 7 M 5/7 WAR WORTHINGTON Joseph? 38 M MD carpenter 5/7 WAR Worthington Mary 11 F 5/7 WAR Worthington Peter 19 M 5/7 WAR Worthington Sarah F MD 5/7 WAR End of Warren Township
Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Burghard Hurt Brameller, A. bramer, MA ~ bramer, Max ~ bramer, William L MichaelK. ~ Brawer, Moshe ~ Brawer, Richard Brawley, benjamin ~ Brawley, benjamin G
Saturday, July 12th, 2003; 1500 Room R 2.05 Peter Palfrader E644 5A65 5AF8 1C0F 9DEC A735 89CD 4B21 6075 59E6 uid benjamin Hill (Mako) mako OK ID OK pub 1024D/258D8781 200006-15 Michael bramer
Extractions: Saturday, July 12th, 2003; 15:00 Room R 2.05 Peter Palfrader L I N U X T A G K E Y S I G N I N G P A R T Y List of Participants (v 1.0) Here's what you have to do with this file: (1) Print this file to paper. (2) Compute this file's MD5 checksum and optionally also its SHA1 checksum. gpg print-md md5 ksp-lt2k.txt (or use md5sum) gpg print-md sha1 ksp-lt2k.txt (or use sha1sum) (3) fill in the hash values on the printout. (4) Bring the printout, a pen, and proof of identity to the keysigningparty (and be on time!). MD5 Checksum: [ ] SHA1 Checksum: [ ] 001 [ ] Fingerprint OK [ ] ID OK pub 1024D/97199FC3 2003-06-16 Daniel Frein Key fingerprint = B708 5BAF FC92 AD2D 8F8F 5DEF A090 FBD3 9719 9FC3 002 [ ] Fingerprint OK [ ] ID OK pub 1024D/090DD8D5 2000-11-08 Ingo Saitz Key fingerprint = B2A3 7622 D32A 0D1C CE3F 3DF2 E17A D7B5 090D D8D5 uid Ingo Saitz 003 [ ] Fingerprint OK [ ] ID OK pub 1024D/E356EFC0 2002-11-09 Marcus Holthaus (IMSEC/2003) Key fingerprint = A918 E6C0 D216 A5A2 052B C836 E7C9 DBAF E356 EFC0 004 [ ] Fingerprint OK [ ] ID OK pub 1024D/28FA388A 2001-12-08 Matthias Kretz Key fingerprint = 6FA4 1ECF 1F6C 87AE ACE8 5723 CA0E 169C 28FA 388A uid Matthias Kretz uid Matthias Kretz 005 [ ] Fingerprint OK [ ] ID OK pub 1024D/AE4E425C 2000-07-30 Nikolaus Rath (born 1983-08-13 in Essen, Germany) Key fingerprint = 5B93 61F8 4EA2 E279 ABF6 02CF A9AD B7F8 AE4E 425C uid Nikolaus Rath
Anchorage Daily News | UAA Dean's List Elizabeth Agi. Nousheen Ahmed. benjamin Ahrens. Joel Ainsworth. Adam Akers. HeidiAlexie. Theresa Boyle. Nicholas Bradley. Mary bramer. Alana Branson. Tracy Brayton.
Extractions: Daily News job openings David Angaiak Roger Aspelund Grant Breager Jaime Bresse Wendell Brower Benjamin Carney Travis Cunningham Sara Dale Christopher Davis Dawn Fitzpatrick Stephanie Greoneveld Andrew Griffin Joshua Guenthner Kristi Hamilton Jennifer Hobbins Dylan Honebrink Deanna Hracha Eric Mathews Melanie O'Dell Neilee Price Collette Pugmire Christian Ringvold Argene Kae San Jose Sarah Sena Sara Thorpe Daniel Tumenas Michael White April Whitmire Elizabeth Wilson Jennifer Aanensen Glen Aasland Devie Abaya Joie Abner Warren Adams Christopher Adamson Elizabeth Agi Nousheen Ahmed Benjamin Ahrens Joel Ainsworth Adam Akers Heidi Alexie Michael Alley
HEADS OF HOUSEHOLD 1870 - OWEN COUNTY, INDIANA Morg 326 Blair, James Wash 366 Blair, Mary Jeff 246 Blake, benjamin Jeff 241 EzraWash 369 Bradford, Wm Wash 340 Bradley, Edward Wash 359 bramer, Joseph Morg
Extractions: Spencer, IN 47460 Price: $8.00 + $2.50 postage. SUGGESTIONS: Use your browser's [FIND] or [SEARCH] feature to query the surname you are seeking. This list is in alphabetic order but the township and page number can be used for geographical proximity. Multiple spellings should be attempted when searching for a particular surname. If that fails try a fragment of the surname. You can even search for an unusual given name if you like. John is not a recommended try. The fields below are last-name, first-name, township, and census-page. Kindly use your [BACK] button to return to where you originated.
ICDM '04 USA) ( ICDM Steering Committee * Max bramer, University of of Dortmund(Germany) * Gregory PiatetskyShapiro, KDnuggets (USA) * benjamin W. Wah
Extractions: 01 mai 2004 ICDM '04: The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Brighton, UK November 1-4, 2004 ) published by Springer-Verlag. IEEE ICDM Best Paper Awards will be conferred at the conference on the authors of (1) the best research paper and (2) the best application paper. Application-oriented submissions will be considered for the best application paper award. Important Dates - June 1, 2004 Paper submissions Tutorial proposals Workshop proposals Panel proposals August 5, 2004 Paper acceptance notices September 1, 2004 Final camera-readies November 1, 2004 Tutorials and Workshops November 2-4, 2004 Conference All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Detailed instructions are provided on the conference home page at
Filename 7thuscav From!MTOPLIFF Wed Nov 25 Samuel McCormick Henry Dose John McDonnell Farrier John McEagan benjamin Wells John JamesTroy John Rivers Frederick Lehman Charles Von bramer Blacksmith Henry
Extractions: Search ... Student Awards Student Awards Below are lists of recent winners of these awards. In the case of the Senior Academic Awards, the names of all past recipients (back to 1960) appear on plaques outside the geography department office. Senior Academic Awards Judith Y. Aker Matthew A. Genchur Leann C. Chaney Brian D. Temple Beth A. Anslinger Erich E. Halstead
Dutchess County, NY Cemetery Records Online, Reformed Church #3 8, a. 81 y. 8 m. Van bramer, Betsey, w. of Jacob, of Sharon, d. 1794, Aug. 24, a.25 y. 13, a. 62 y. Van Steenbergh, benjamin,, d, 1818, Feb, 18, a. 55 y, 5 m.
Extractions: Rhinebeck #3 Special Thanks to Holice Young for transcribing this work! Row, Sarah w. of Doctor William, d. 1843, Jan. 1, a. 55-1-8. Ruggles, Catharine w. of John W., d. 1835, Nov. 20, a. 47-11-5. Ruggles, James S. Ruggles, William W. Sands, Elizabeth Schell, Christian d. 1825, Mar. 18, a. 46 y. Schell, Julius Schell, Margaret w. of Richard, d. 1825, Oct. 9, a. 82 y. Schell, Richard d. 1791, Aug. 2. Schryver, Eve w. of Martin, d. 1847, July 28, a. 87-5-6. Schryver, Maria w. of John B., d. 1840, May 18, a. 60 y. Schryver, Matrinus d. 1836, Feb. 28, a. 82-11-16. Schryver, Nicholas V. d. 1835, Mar. 11, a. 28-7-18. Schryver, Stephen L. Schultz, Abraham b. 1781, June 10, d. 1843, June 18, a. 62 y. 8 d. Schultz, Anna w. of Peter, b. 1757, Dec. 2, d. 1832, Sep. 17. Schultz, Christina Schell w. of Abraham, d. 1839, Nov. 14, a. 57-2-7. Schultz, Peter
REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT ROLL-V To Z Van Alen, Lucas I. 1650, 1650. Vredenburgh, benjamin, 450, 200, 650. Van Buren,Anthony, 25, 25. Van Valkenburgh, Jehoikim, 750, 750. Van bramer (Widow), 265,265.
Extractions: REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT ROLL KINDERHOOK, COLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW YORK MAY 27, 1809 ASSESSMENT ROLL OF THE REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATES IN THE TOWN OF KINDERHOOK MADE THE 17TH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR 1809 AGREEABLE TO AN ACT FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES, ETC. V TO Z Names of Possessors or Reputed Owners Value of Real Estate Value of Personal Estate Total Van Alstyne, John P. Vosburgh, Jacob B. Van Alen, Abraham Van Buren, Abraham Van Alen, James I. Vosburgh, John A. Vosburgh, Abraham, Jr. Van Alstyne, Nap Van Hoesen, Dirck Van Hoosen, George A. Vosburgh, Cornelius B. Van Schaack, Maria Vallet, Stephen Van Hovenburgh, (Widow) Van Hovenburgh, John Van Vleck, Abraham I. Van Vleck, Abraham Van Vleck, Isaac A. Van Vleck, Henry Van Vleck, Aaron Vosburgh, Barent E. Vosburgh, Herman Van Schaack, Peter Van Alen, John L., Jr. Van Valkenburgh, Conradt Van Slyck, James Van Alen, Jacobus L. Van Ness, John Van Alstyne, John Van Alstyne, Isaac Van Alstyne, Abraham Van Valkenburgh, Cornelius Van Alen, Cornelius S.
BOOK Key Bishop Author J Bishop Title Turbo Pascal Precisely Hall Year 1993 BOOK Key bramer Editor M bramer Title Practical Y Title ArtificialIntelligence Theory and Practice Publisher The benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Brayman Their son, James HOPKINS m. Mary bramer/BRAMAN/BRAYMAN. My Fuller Line Descendantsof Varsell Fuller grandson of benjamin and Content Fuller through their son
Extractions: RESEARCH ON BRAMAN/BRAYMAN I am attempting to connect my FULLER - HOPKINS - BRAMAN/BRAYMAN, etc. lines. There are numerous intermarriages between these lines. The given names of Varsel, Seth and Cornelius are scattered throughout. This should be considered a 'research' page. I am trying to combine all of our facts and speculations in one place making it easier to put this puzzle together. Here's a quick DIAGRAM
University Of Alaska Anchorage Aspelund, Isabelle Atkins, Allen Bailey, Saloua Bakkali, benjamin Balivet, Robert NicholasBradley, Margaret Brady, Megan Brady, Mary bramer, Shawn Bramley
Extractions: SARANAC - Jordan McGee had 11 points, eight rebounds and three steals to lead Laingsburg to a 57-48 win and a berth in the Class C district final at Saranac. The Wolfpack (15-5) face Pewamo-Westphalia at 7 p.m. Friday. "(P-W is) playing really good basketball right now," Laingsburg coach Greg Mitchell said. "We have an awesome traditional rivalry going. That's how it should be in the district finals." Ryan Powell also had 11 points for Laingsburg (15-5) and Bubba Curtis added 10. Blake Seymour had six assists. Ben Jerome led Bath (8-14) with 15 points.
Linuxtag_karlsruhe_aktueller_stand.gpg benjamin Hill (Mako 1024G/2F6DD0731998-07-07 pub 1024D/258D8781 2000-06-15 Michael bramer michael AT
Extractions: ./linuxtag_karlsruhe_aktueller_stand.gpg pub 1024D/97199FC3 2003-06-16 Daniel Frein sub 1024g/8D032B16 2003-06-16 pub 1024D/090DD8D5 2000-11-08 Ingo Saitz uid Ingo Saitz sub 2048g/995290FA 2000-11-08 pub 1024D/E356EFC0 2002-11-09 Marcus Holthaus (IMSEC/2003) sub 2048g/FC5D9FC6 2002-11-09 [expires: 2004-10-29] pub 1024D/28FA388A 2001-12-08 Matthias Kretz uid Matthias Kretz uid Matthias Kretz sub 1024g/6D74FC63 2001-12-08 pub 1024D/AE4E425C 2000-07-30 Nikolaus Rath (born 1983-08-13 in Essen, Germany) uid Nikolaus Rath sub 4096g/B5E64462 2000-07-30 pub 2048R/CD1A52B9 2000-02-26 Nikolaus Rath (born 1983-08-13 in Essen, Germany) uid Nikolaus Rath uid Please use first address (Nikolaus AT only! uid Please use key AE4E425C instead if you are able to! pub 1024D/5706A4B4 2002-02-26 Simon Richter uid Simon Richter uid Simon Richter uid Simon Richter uid Simon Richter uid Simon Richter sub 1024g/A24C5E26 2002-02-26 [expires: 2003-02-26] sub 1024g/9841B52F 2003-03-10 [expires: 2004-03-09] pub 1024D/95FECA34 2002-01-04 Volker Gueth uid Volker Gueth uid Volker Gueth sub 2048g/5D5AC1DD 2002-01-04 pub 1024D/3F3E6426 1999-09-27 Guido Guenther
Columbia (Pioneer-IOOF-City) Cemetery - Boulder County, Colorado Apr 1888, CO, CSA Bottoms, GM, b. 28 Mar 1834, CSA Bounds, benjamin F, d 1846,MO, CSA Bradford, Daniel Webster, b. 11 Dec 1840, IL, CSA bramer, Edward J
Extractions: Boulder, CO 80302 Lat: 40°00'30"N, Lon: 105°16'57"W View Map This cemetery dates back to 1800's and is well cared for. This is not a complete listing of burials! If you have additional burials to add, please visit the Records Submission Form . Total records = 254. Contributor's Index: Abbey, William L , b. 3 Oct 1839, IL, [CSA]
Contributions And Support - Queens Borough Public Library Branch Manager Ruth Herzberg and Jimmy Van bramer join Flushing Friends Ted and tosome 40 people, along with Branch Manager Harriet benjamin, in attendance.
Extractions: Make a Note! ... View Newsletter in PDF format As many of you are aware, Queens Library is well into its campaign to save our libraries from further budget cuts. We staged a huge rally at Flushing Library with the American Library Association (ALA) which served as the kickoff to the national campaign for libraries. In addition, we have supported members of our Queens delegation to the City Council who have been staging rallies of their own in front of branches in their districts to stand firm against further cuts. We've also launched a petition drive to fight the cuts, which is surpassing our goals, and we have inserted one sheet in every Library Links newsletter. Councilmember Hiram Monserrate, Director Gary Strong, Assemblymember Jose Peralta join area residents and branch customers in front of Corona Branch in April for rally protesting budget cuts which eliminated Saturday service.
Index To Marriage Records, 1908 - 1928 11134. ,A0243 (1). Valentine. ,benjamin. ,1915. ,18183. ,A-0243 (2). Valentine. 1917.,24678. ,A-0243 (3). Van bramer. ,Foster. ,1908. ,1702. ,A-0258 (1).
Welcome To LISTSERV 1.8e Max bramer, University of of Minnesota (USA) * Katharina Morik, University of Dortmund(Germany) * Gregory PiatetskyShapiro, KDnuggets (USA) * benjamin W. Wah