Bramer Benjamin Bramer. Born 15 Benjamin Bramer was fostered by his sister andher husband Bürgi after the death of his father. Bürgi tutored
Extractions: Benjamin Bramer was fostered by his sister and her husband after the death of his father. tutored Bramer in mathematics and Bramer became interested in combining mathematics with architecture. He went with to Prague when he was 16 years old and remained there for about five years. Bramer directed constructions of fortifications and castles within the district of Hesse-Kassel north of Bavaria. He was appointed master builder to the court in Marburg in 1612. In 1629 he directed the construction of fortifications of Marburg castle and fortifications of the town. He also directed the construction of a fortress at Rheinfels (1625) and fortifications in Kassel (1630-1634). In 1635 Bramer was appointed master builder of the fortress of Ziegenhain. His first publication was on the calculation of sines. He also published on the vacuum, holding similar views to Galileo . He followed Alberti (1525) and (1604) when in 1630 he constructed a device that enabled one to draw accurate geometric perspective. The instrument had been described in a 1617 publication. Bramer designed several other mathematical instruments.
Columbia Co. Cemetery Master - Vab-Van - Cliff Lamere Boskerck John H. Bk 919 Van Boskirck John Bk 1066 Van Bramer Adaline Bk 1471 VanBramer Alice Bk 1476 Van Bramer Bartley Bk 1470 Van bramer benjamin Bk 14
Extractions: OAS_AD('Top'); Columbia County Master Cemetery List Vab-Van by Lawrence V. Rickard Internet preparation by Clifford W. Lamere Vab-Van Var-Vry Return to Index Letters (clicking on BACK is usually quicker) List of Book Numbers and Cemeteries HOME ( Main Website) 2737 entries. BOOK NUMBER SURNAME GIVEN NAME Vab-Van Var-Vry Return to Index Letters (clicking on BACK is usually quicker) List of Book Numbers and Cemeteries HOME ( Main Website) OAS_AD('Bottom');
Bramer, Benjamin bramer, benjamin. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this Zentalkirche des hessischen Hofbaumeisters benjamin bramer " Hessenland, Heimatzeitschrift fuer Kurhessen, 49
Extractions: Bramer, Benjamin Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Felsberg, Germany ca. Feb 1588 Died: Ziegenhain, Germany 17 Mar 1652 Dateinfo: Birth Uncertain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Cleric, Scientist His father was a minister; his foster father, Joost Bürgi, was an instrument maker and mathematician (who is also in this catalogue). No clear information on financial status. 3. Nationality Birth: German Career: German Death: German 4. Education Schooling: No University Secondary: Joost Bürgi directed Bramer's education, incl. tutoring him in mathematics. University: none. 5. Religion Affiliation: Protestant (unclear whether Lutheran or Reformed) 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Mathematics, Military Engineering 7. Means of Support Primary: Engineering, Patronage 1603 or 1604, Bramer accompanied Buergi to the imperial court at Prague. 1609, he returned to Kassel. 1612, Landgrave Moritz of Hesse-Kassel appointed Bramer the master builder of the court in Marburg. 1618, advised Count Christian von Waldeck on building a church (war prevented its being built).
References For Bramer References for benjamin bramer. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Articles W Medding, Das Projekt
Biography-center - Letter B Babington, benjamin Guy. .com/gpe/drvbravit.html. bramer, benjamin.
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 1183 biographies Baade, Walter
Extractions: For the core data on which the following table is based, I am indebted to Virginia Cameron, the Village Historian of Fabius, (P.O. Box #117, Fabius, NY, 13063, 315-683-9446), and to Sandra K. Walling . Virginia compiled the original list, and Sandra thoughtfully made a copy available to me. Sandra and I have made (and are still working on) several additions and corrections. Virginia's data is in black font, while our additions/corrections are presented in a light gray color and enclosed in square brackets. Sandra's information has been taken from the AGO muster rolls on My material has come mostly from the AGO muster rolls on a CD that is part of Sierra's Generations Family Tree, version 5.2. I have attempted to identify and appropriately credit data not from either of these two sources. If you detect any obvious errors or have any information to add, please drop me a note Sec-Lot Soldier Notes O-10 His grave has a government-issue monument.
B Index Robert (204*) Boys, Vernon (291*) Bradwardine, Thomas (128) Brahe, Tycho (479*)Brahmagupta (247) Braikenridge, William (274) bramer, benjamin (180) Brashman
Kinderhook, Columbia County, NY, Bapotism Records June 11, 1769. benjamin. Johannes Vredenburgh. Annatje Mores. benjamin Vredenburgh benjamin Vredenburg. Catharine Cooper. Aug. 31, 1800. Aug. 3, 1800. David. Jacob Van bramer. Cataleyntje
Burton Cemetery bramer, Minnie, December 15, 1879, August 15, 1970. bramer, Roy As/o A. Minnie,2m 19d, February 27, 1901. DAVISSON, benjamin L. July 15, 1833, May 15,1909.
Extractions: May 5, 1934 June 8, 1934 BAKER William F. BEABER July 15, 1868 BEABER April 21, 187? BEABER April 17, 1872 BEARD Addie I. BEARD Cynthia A. w/o David BEARD David BEARD Reed E. BECKER Leeta BECKER Otto BEERKLE (tomb buried) July 8, 1878 BEISEL Emma F. BEISEL Thomas J. BERT January 1, 1845 BEST January 9, 1855 BEST Sarah w/o Silas February 8, 1856 BILDERBACK Gabrial (broken stone) August 1, 1843 BILDERBACK Getty February 10, 1870 BILDERBACK Rachel February 12, 1857 BILLARDS BRAMER Anna M. BRAMER August BRAMER Frederick W. s/o Mary February 5, 1878 (broken stone) BRAMER George brother of Katie August 5,1871 June 20, 1944 BRAMER Gottlieb F. BRAMER Katie sister of George February 5, 1875 April 12, 1933 BRAMER Minnie December 15, 1879 August 15, 1970 BRAMER February 27, 1901 BRANSTEETER Elisabeth w/o Nathan September 6,1895
Global Tree Search Results Fenna bramer from Family Tree Stefan and Jana Harmsen Sex F. John benjamin bramer from Kile/Kyle
Virtuelle Pantographen Translate this page 1617, bramer, benjamin Bericht und Gebrauch eines Proportional Lineals, nebenkurtzem Underricht eines Parallel Instruments. Marburg {\bf 1617}, in 4to.
Extractions: [Bessoni, Jacobi:] Theatrum oder Schawbuch, Allerley Werckzeug und Ruestungen / des ... Mathematici Jacobi Bessoni auss dem Delphinat. Mit einer Erklerung Franc. Beroaldi, auf alle und jede Figuren, desgl. mit nothwendigen ... Vermehrungen ... illustrirt: Durch Julium Paschalem. Und nun letzlich auss der Lateinischen und Frantzoesischen Sprach in die Hochteutsche Sprach verdolmetschet [Jacques Chouet]. Muembelgart : Foillet 1595.
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï in India Died 670 in India Braikenridge, William Braikenridge Born 1700 Died1762 bramer, benjamin bramer Born 15 Feb 1588 in Felsberg, Germany Died 17
Public Key Server -- Error .de sig B2B1C67C benjamin Heuer benjaminHeuer@tonline benjamin Heuer sig EB79923D Maximilian Rehkopf sig 258D8781 Michael bramer
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Robert (2607*) Boys, Charles (291*) Bradwardine, Thomas (128) Brahe, Tycho (479*)Brahmagupta (247) Braikenridge, William (1247) bramer, benjamin (180) Brashman
Index For First Names Beginning With B (Family Pages) Shown) Barbara Jean Bevier (b. Not Shown) Barbara Jean bramer (b. Not b. NotShown) Ben Urlin Devine (b. Not Shown) benjamin Alderman benjamin
Die Bibliotheken Des Hans Friedrich Hollstein Und Des Johann Translate this page I, 18454, bramer, benjamin, Kurtzer Bericht/ eines Schreg/ oder Winckel Instruments/ darmit alle auß und eingebogene Schregen abzunehmen, Marburg, Egenolff, 1615,
Extractions: Die Bibliotheken des Hans Friedrich Hollstein und des Johann Ferdinand Herberstein For Signatur Verfasser Titel Ort Verlag Jahr Hol Herb SonstigeVorbes Rückensig II Abela, Giovanni Francesco Della descrittione di Malta isola nel mare siciliano con le sue antichita, ed alte notitie libri quattro Malta Bonacota Herberstein, Johannes Ferdinand D 59 I Adonis Compendium fortificatorium oder kurtze Anleitung nach heutiger Art Städte und Orter zu befestigen Schleßwig Holwein E 249 III Albizzi, Antonio Principum christianorum stemmata Augsburg Kraus Herberstein, Johannes Ferdinand Herberstein, Johannes Ernest III Albrecht, Andreas Zwey Bücher, das erste von der ohne und durch die Arithmetica gefundenen Perspectiva, das andere von dem dartzu gehörigen Schatten Nürnberg Fürst Hollstein Herberstein, Johannes Ferdinand Ärarischer Ei nband I Albrecht, Andreas Eigentlicher Abriß und Beschreibung eines sehr nützlich und nothwendigen Instruments zur Mechanica . . . Nürnberg Fürst, Witwe und Erben Hollstein E 118 I Alciati, Andrea Diverse imprese accommodate a diverse moralità . . .
Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogy And History bramer (Brammer), Henry, McCorkle (McCorcheal), Robert. bramer (Brammer),John, McCoy, Benj (benjamin). Brammer, Joseph, McCoy, Charles.
Extractions: Lawrence County, Ohio Tax listing was transcribed from original Lawrence County, Ohio tax records by John L. E. Jones for the Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogical Society. Transcribed for the Lawrence Register on January 4, 2000 by the late Ken Clark. Adams - Kingrey Knarer - Yingling Adams, Phillip Knarer, Rachel Adams, Richd (Richard) Knarer, Jacob Adams, Robert Koons (Coons,Kouns), Christian Adams, Solomon Koons (Coontz,Coons), Henry Alford, John Koons (Koonce), Saml (Samuel) Anderson, Henry Koons (Kounce), Jacob Ankrim, Henry Koons (Koonce), Philip Ankrim, Saml Koons (Koonce, Kouns), Geo Ashley, Holt (Hall) Kreily, Micheal Austin, Geo Laffoon, Danl (Daniel) Baker, George Lambert, Johnathan Ballard, Stephen Lambert, Tho
Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogy And History Boyd, John, Martin, benjamin Sr. Boyd, Robt, Martin (Martian, David.Bradshaw, Moses, Martin (Martian), William. bramer, Jas, Masters, Stephen.
Extractions: Lawrence County, Ohio Tax listing was transcribed from original Lawrence County, Ohio tax records by John L. E. Jones for the Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogical Society. Transcribed from those records for the Lawrence Register on January 4, 2000 by the late Ken Clark. Acord - Jackman Jayne - Yingling Acord, Zur Jayne, Isaac Adams, Richd (Richard) Jayne, Greenburg Adams, Solomon Johnson (Johnston), Stephen Alford, John Jones, Wm (William) (2) Allen, Wesley Jones, Elizabeth Anderson, William Jones, John (2) Anderson, James Jones (Jons), Joshua Ankrim, Henry Joynes, Elizabeth Ankrim, Saml Justice, Wade Ashley, Holt (Hall) Kelley, Joshua Austin, Geo Kelley, Jos (Joseph) Bagley, John Kelley, Tabitha Baird, Robert Kelly, Luke Baker, George Kelly, Charles Ballard, Harris Kelly, Reuben Ballard, Jesse Kelly, John