Ecole Des Chartes. Le Corps Enseignant Translate this page Cette page présente les professeurs, maîtres de conférences, et chargés de cours enseignant à l Ecole nationale des chartes. Elle mentionne
Extractions: Organigramme Les conseils Corps enseignant Les partenaires Le corps enseignant LISTE DES NOMS Bernard BARBICHE Marie-Béatrice BOUGER Pascale BOURGAIN Annie CHARON Bruno DELMAS Sylvie FAYET Gérard GIORDANENGO Marianne GRIVEL Anita GUERREAU-JALABERT Alain GUERREAU Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN Jean-Michel LENIAUD Christine NOUGARET Philippe PLAGNIEUX Olivier PONCET Gautier POUPEAU Marc SMITH Françoise VIELLIARD Agnès d'ANGIO Chargée de cours. Enseignement : histoire et archives des entreprises Bernard BARBICHE Professeur. Enseignement : histoire des institutions, archivistique et diplomatique de l'époque moderne Domaine de recherche : histoire des institutions de l'époque moderne, histoire religieuse, histoire des relations internationales, diplomatique pontificale. Principales publications : Sully, l'homme et ses fidèles , en collaboration avec Ségolène de Dainville-Barbiche, Paris, Fayard,1997. Les institutions de la monarchie française à l'époque moderne , Paris, PUF, 1999.
Extractions: Google News about your search term The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to up to four mathematician s (not over forty years of age) at each International Congress of International Mathematical Union , since and regularly since at the initiative of the Canadian mathematican John Charles Fields. The purpose is to give recognition and support to young mathematical researchers having already made important contributions. Year Location Winners Beijing China Laurent Lafforgue Vladimir Voevodsky ... Germany Richard Ewen Borcherds, William Timothy Gowers Maxim Kontsevich , Curtis T. McMullen Z¼rich Switzerland Efim Isakovich Zelmanov, Jacques-Louis Lions, Jean Bourgain, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Kyoto, Japan Vladimir Drinfeld, Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones, Shigefumi Mori, Edward Witten Berkeley, California , USA Simon Donaldson, Gerd Faltings, Michael Freedman Warsaw Poland Alain Connes William Thurston ... Charles Fefferman , Grigory Margulis, Daniel Quillen Helsinki Finland Enrico Bombieri ... Heisuke Hironaka , Sergei Petrovich Novikov, John Griggs Thompson Moscow Russia Michael Francis Atiyah Paul Joseph Cohen ... United Kingdom Klaus Roth
Fields Medal - InformationBlast Fields Medal Information Blast. Fields Medal. The Fields Medal isa prize awarded to up to four mathematicians (not over forty years
Extractions: The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to up to four mathematicians (not over forty years of age) at each International Congress of International Mathematical Union , since and regularly since at the initiative of the Canadian mathematican John Charles Fields. The purpose is to give recognition and support to young mathematical researchers having already made important contributions. Year Location Winners Beijing China Laurent Lafforgue Vladimir Voevodsky ... Maxim Kontsevich , Curtis T. McMullen Zürich Switzerland Efim Isakovich Zelmanov, Jacques-Louis Lions, Jean Bourgain, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Kyoto Japan Vladimir Drinfeld, Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones, Shigefumi Mori, Edward Witten Berkeley, California USA Simon Donaldson, Gerd Faltings, Michael Freedman Warsaw Poland Alain Connes William Thurston ... Charles Fefferman , Grigory Margulis, Daniel Quillen Helsinki Finland Enrico Bombieri ... Heisuke Hironaka , Sergei Petrovich Novikov, John Griggs Thompson Moscow Russia Michael Francis Atiyah Paul Joseph Cohen ... United Kingdom Klaus Roth, Rene Thom Amsterdam Netherlands Kunihiko Kodaira
Fields Medal Fields Medal The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to up to four mathematicians (notover forty years of age) at each International Congress of International
Extractions: The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to up to four mathematicians (not over forty years of age) at each International Congress of International Mathematical Union , since and regularly since at the initiative of the Canadian mathematican John Charles Fields. The purpose is to give recognition and support to young mathematical researchers having already made important contributions. Beijing China Laurent Lafforgue Vladimir Voevodsky ... Maxim Kontsevich , Curtis T. McMullen Zürich Switzerland ): Efim Isakovich Zelmanov, Jacques-Louis Lions, Jean Bourgain, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Kyoto Japan ): Vladimir Drinfeld, Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones, Shigefumi Mori, Edward Witten Berkeley, California USA ): Simon Donaldson, Gerd Faltings, Michael Freedman Warsaw, Poland Alain Connes William Thurston Shing-Tung Yau ... Pierre Deligne , Charles Fefferman, Grigory Margulis, Daniel Quillen Helsinki Finland Enrico Bombieri ... Heisuke Hironaka , Sergei Petrovich Novikov, John Griggs Thompson Moscow Russia Michael Francis Atiyah Paul Joseph Cohen ... Sweden ): Lars Hörmander