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         Born Max:     more books (100)
  1. My Life and My Views by Max Born, 1960
  2. Der Aufbau Der Materie: Drei Aufsatze Uber Moderne Atomistik Und Elektronentheorie (1920) (German Edition) by Max Born, 2010-05-22
  3. Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance, Being the Waynflete Lectures Delivere in the College of St. Mary Magdelen, Oxford, in Hilary Term by Max Born, 1951
  4. The restless universe. Figures by Dr. Otto Koenigsberger. Authorized translation by Winifred M. Deans. by Max (1882-1970). BORN, 1951-01-01
  5. The End of the Certain World: The Life and Science of Max Born, the Nobel Physicist Who Ignited the Quantum Revolution by Nancy Thorndike Greenspan, 2005-03-24
  6. Science and Conscience: World of Two Atomic Scientists, Max Born and James Franck by J W B Lemmerich, 1983-06
  7. Fundamental Interactions and Twistor-like Methods: XIX Max Born Symposium (AIP Conference Proceedings / Mathematical and Statistical Phsyics)
  8. Adiabatic Theorem: Quantum mechanics, Max Born, Vladimir Fock, Eigenvalue,eigenvector and eigenspace, Perturbation theory (quantummechanics), Hamiltonian ... mechanics), Spectrum(functional analysis)
  9. Hochschullehrer (Edinburgh): Max Born, Charles Glover Barkla, Donald Nicol, Donald Michie, John Hutton Balfour, Richard Gregory, Robert Sibbald (German Edition)
  10. Academics of the University of Cambridge: Frederick Sanger, Max Born, Martin Lowry, Edward Waring, William Rivers, Raymond Williams
  11. Ehrenbürger Von Göttingen: Carl Friedrich Gauß, Otto Hahn, Manfred Eigen, Max Born, James Franck, Otto von Bismarck als Ehrenbürger (German Edition)
  12. Jewish Refugees: Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, Franco Modigliani, Max Born, Stefan Zweig, Billy Wilder, Paul Wittgenstein, Abba Mari
  13. Hochschullehrer (Cambridge): Isaac Newton, Bertrand Russell, Ernest Rutherford, C. S. Lewis, Max Born, Joseph John Thomson, Paul Dirac (German Edition)
  14. Person (Breslau): Johann Heinrich Zedler, Max Born, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wolfgang Thierse, Fritz Haber, Willibald Alexis, Christian Wolff (German Edition)

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