Universal Book Of Mathematics: List Of Entries problem bistromathics bit blackjack Blanches dissection Bólyai, János (18021860)book-stacking problem boole (Stott), alicia (1860-1940) boole, George http://www.daviddarling.info/works/Mathematics/mathematics_entries.html
Ivars Peterson's MathTrek -Algebra, Philosophy, And Fun Mary Everest boole s eldest daughter married Charles Howard Hinton (18531907 Anotherdaughter, alicia, developed an amazing feel for four-dimensional geometry http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathtrek_1_17_00.html
Extractions: Ivars Peterson's MathTrek January 17, 2000 I don't often encounter the words "philosophy" and "fun" right next to the term "algebra." Nowadays, these words don't seem to fit together comfortably. However, the three terms do appear in the title of an engaging little book called Philosophy and Fun of Algebra, written by Mary Everest Boole (1832-1916) and published in 1909. I discovered the book while browsing the online Cornell University Library Math Book Collection ( http://moa.cit.cornell.edu/dienst-data/cdl-math-browse.html ), which consists of 571 volumes that were scanned from originals held by the library. The collection includes a number of historically significant works, by such prominent mathematicians as Jean Bernoulli, René Descartes, G.H. Hardy, and Henri Poincaré, many in French, German, and other languages. It also has a smattering of mathematical curiosities. I have my eye on How to Draw a Straight Line: A Lecture on Linkages by A.B. Kempe and
Extractions: ed. by John Fauvel, Raymond Flood, and Robin Wilson History of science, or more specifically history of mathematics, can be approached in a variety of ways. Traditionally, the focus is on the history of the "great" themes or the "great" minds. In many ways, this emphasis on greatness makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, however, the adjective "great" is rather ill-defined and leaves a lot of room for the furthering of contemporary agendas such as patriotism or the validation of one's own discipline. More importantly, whatever "great" means exactly, the traditional approach tends to overlook the social and institutional contexts in which the great minds lived and in which the great themes took shape. More recently, the history of mathematics has been approached from a more institutional point of view as well. Several studies on the history of mathematics at German universities exist (Leipzig, Rostock, Tübingen) and the history of various mathematical societies has been studied (Circulo Matematico di Palermo, AMS, Finnish Mathematical Society). Obviously, this approach allows for more attention to societal and cultural context, but it does have its drawbacks too. Indeed, the institutional approach leaves very little room for whatever greatness might mean and the inevitable attention to minor themes and minor minds (whatever "minor" means exactly) could obscure the view on the bigger picture. The book under review here is another example of the recent crop of studies into the history of mathematics from an institutional point of view and exemplifies both the strengths and the weaknesses of its genre.
Boole, George 2 They had 5 daughters. Their third daughter, alicia boole, was well knownfor her work in the visualization of genetic figures in hyperspace. http://www.stegen.k12.mo.us/webfolders/aengelmann/BooleGeorge2.htm
Extractions: Ryan Sedgwick 6th hr George Boole George Boole was born on November 2, 1815, in the English industrial town of Lincoln, England. His father's name was John. John Boole was a simple and poor shoemaker. However, he enjoyed science and volunteered at the Mechanic's Institute. He learned many things there and educated John with this information. He even taught his son how to construct optical devices like the telescope. His mother's name was not mentioned and running the household was probably her major occupation. She taught him morally and spiritually and insured that the family environment was kind and gentle. It was said that she instilled in George a love of truth and beauty and believed that character could be developed through art, music, and activities shared by the family. In 1855, at age 35, George Boole married Mary Everest the niece of Sir George Everest. She was a teacher also. Mt. Everest is named for him. They had 5 daughters. Their third daughter, Alicia Boole, was well known for her work in the visualization of genetic figures in hyperspace.
George Boole then half his age 1855; his children were Mary Ellen, Margaret, alicia, Lucy and Blackrock,Cork; honoured in naming of boole Library and the boole Crater on http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/b/Boole,G/life.htm
Extractions: 1815-1864; b. 2 Nov., Lincoln city; son of John Booke, shoemaker and impecunious maker of mathematical instruments; left school at 14 to work as schoolteacher; self-taught in continental languages and independent student of Laplace and Lagrange; contrib. Cambridge Journal of Mathematics =x), essential to the digital foundations of computer technology later developed by Claude Shannon (MIT) in 1938; issued The Mathematical Analysis of Logic An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854); m. to Mary Everest - then half his age - 1855; his children were Mary Ellen, Margaret, Alicia, Lucy and Ethel (b.1864), author of The Gadfly (1897); FRS and Keith Prize of Edinburgh Univ., 1857; fostered adult education in Lincoln and Cork; d. of pneumonia, 8 Dec., Blackrock, nr. Cork, having walked in a down-pour to lecture all day at College; bur. Blackrock, Cork; honoured in naming of Boole Library and the Boole Crater on the moon. WJM top Criticism
Creating Solid Networks 120cell, a 4D polytope consisting of 120 truncated dodecahedra and 600 regulartetrahedra, first described in a 1910 paper written by alicia boole Stott (a http://arpam.free.fr/hart.htm
Extractions: SOLID-SEGMENT SCULPTURES George W. Hart Abstract Several sculptures and designs illustrate an algorithmic technique for creating solid three-dimensional structures from an arrangement of line segments in space. Given a set of line segments, specified as a position in 3-dimensional space for each endpoint, a novel algorithm creates a volume-enclosing solid model of the segments. In this solid model, a prismatoid-like strut represents each segment. The method is very efficient with polygons and produces attractive lucid models in which the sides of the "prismatoids" are oriented in directions relevant to the structure. The algorithm is applicable to a wide range of structures to be realized by 3D printing techniques. As an artist of constructive geometric sculpture, I often visualize forms and then need to develop new techniques which enable me to create them. [5-10] This paper describes a new method for creating geometric structures which correspond to a given arrangement of line segments. The procedure is an essential step in my design of several recent sculptures. Figure 1 shows a 10 cm diameter sculpture titled Deep Structure , consisting of five nested concentric orbs. Each of the five has the same structure as the outer, most visible, orb: there are 30 large 12-sided oval openings, 12 smaller 10-sided openings, 80 irregular hexagonal openings, and 120 small rectangular openings. Oval "corkscrew spirals" in the 12-sided openings connect the layers with each other. The concept is based on familiar concentric ivory spheres which are traditionally turned on a lathe and hand carved, with holes in each layer providing access to the inner layers. However, Figure 1 is created in plaster by an automated 3D printing process, without any human hand. After I design such a sculpture as a computer file, it is fabricated in a machine which scinters, laminates, or solidifies thousands of very thin layers. [2] This piece and the next were printed by Zcorp [16].
Cubes Another pioneer in the study of higher dimensions was alicia booleStott (18601940). She was the daughter of George boole (1815 http://www.ams.org/new-in-math/cover/cubes2.html
Extractions: The origins of n -dimensional geometry have many roots. One stimulus to the development of n -dimensional geometry was the general ferment that resulted from the realization that Euclid's 5th postulate was independent of his other postulates. As unintuitive as the possibility initially seemed, there was a plane geometry which stood on an equal mathematical basis to Euclidean geometry and in which given a point P not on a line l , there were infinitely many lines through P parallel to l . The attention that the geometry developed by Janos Bolyai and Nicholai Lobachevsky fostered resulted in many attempts to put geometry into a broader context. Geometry did not end with the tradition handed down via Euclid's Elements and the analytical geometrical ideas that algebratized what Euclid had done. There appears to be some consensus that it was Arthur Cayley (1821-1895), a British mathematician who earned a living by being a lawyer, who first called attention to the need for a systematic study of the properties of geometry in n dimensions. Cayley did this work partly in connection with his efforts to understand the relationships between Euclidean ideas and projective geometry.
Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche Charlotte Barnum(18601934) alicia boole Stott (1860-1940) Ruth Gentry (1862-1917)Winifred Edgerton Merrill (1862-1951) Leona May Peirce (1863-1954) Helen e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm
43 Femmes Mathématiciennes 18581931) Mary Emily Sinclair (18781955) Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (17801872)Pauline Sperry (18851967) alicia boole Stott (18601940) Olga Taussky http://www.mjc-andre.org/pages/amej/evenements/cong_02/part_suj/fiches/femmes.ht
Extractions: Grace Chisholm Young (18681944) This book includes essays on 43 women mathematicians, each essay consisting of a biographical sketch, a review/assessment of her work, and a bibliography which usually lists most of her mathematical works, a few works about her, and occasionally a few other references. The essays are arranged alphabetically by the women's best-known professional names. A better arrangement would have been by the periods within which the women worked; an approximation to that can be achieved by using the list in Appendix A of the included women ordered by birthdate. With its many appendices and its two good indexes, the bibliographic structure of this book is excellent. This together with its reviews of the work of many less-known women mathematicians makes it a valuable contribution to the history of mathematics.
Fractal Of The Day (FotD) By Jim Muth polytopes. As a matter of interest, the word polytope was inventedby alicia boole, the daughter of logician George boole. In http://home.att.net/~Fractals_3/FotD_03-01-14.html
Extractions: Perhaps the first sign of impending boredom with fractals is the desire to add multiple layers, as if a single-layer fractal needed something to give it more interest. Then again, perhaps my devotion to single-layer fractals is an individual quirk of mine, caused perhaps by my typical male tendency to concentrate on one task at a time. After all, multiple layers works very well in the case of music, which is candy for the ears; why not in the case of fractals, which are candy for the eyes? I named today's image "Polytope Paradise" . I can give no logical reason why I chose such a name, since a polytope is a geometrical figure, existing in n-dimensional space and enclosed by a finite number of planes or hyperplanes. The strings of bubbles in today's image are enclosed by curved 2-D surfaces rather than planes, and therefore cannot truthfully be considered polytopes.
Russell Towle's 4D Star Polytope Animations Even when a person is blessed with some extraordinary faculty for visualizing objectsin higher spaceas was alicia boole Stott, a century agoit is a matter http://dogfeathers.com/towle/star.html
Extractions: Russell Towle's 4D Star Polytope Animations You need the QuickTime player for these animations. For Win95 users, I recommend that you DO NOT install QuickTime as a browser plug-in. When I installed it as a plug-in, it clobbered my MS Internet Explorer 4.0. Bytes Contains: Screen Shot Download (USA) Download (Japan) (click) 3-3-52v.zip 3-3-52v.zip (click) ... 52-3-5v.zip Japan web host space provided by Junichi Yananose These may be the first animations ever made of the solid sections of four-dimensional star polytopes. To get a better idea of just what these "polytopes" are, one should read H.S.M. Coxeter's "Regular Polytopes" . Briefly, plane polygons are two-dimensional polytopes, and polyhedra, three-dimensional polytopes. Where polygons are bounded by line segments, and polyhedra by polygons, a 4-polytope is bounded by polyhedra. Just as we may have any number of planes in three dimensions, in 4-space we may have any number of 3-spaces. Two 3-spaces might be a millionth of an inch apart and yet have no common point (thus the popular idea of parallel universes). It follows that, given a fixed direction in the 4-space, we can take solid sections of objects in the 4-space, perpendicular to that direction. If you find these concepts difficult, you are not alone. Even when a person is blessed with some extraordinary faculty for visualizing objects in higher spaceas was Alicia Boole Stott, a century agoit is a matter of years, and considerable patience, before much progress is made in the subject.
Neue Seite 1 Translate this page boole, George (2.11.1815 - 8.12.1864). boole, alicia (Stott) (1860 - 1940). Boone,William (1920 - 1983). Stott, alicia boole (1860 - 1940). Strabo (63 v. Chr. http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm
Extractions: Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)
THE COSMIC BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Y2K Sweepland Curves Trifolium, OF. Witch of Agnesi, Utility. Team Management. alicia boole Stott, FieldManager. Gertrude Cox, Coach. Field Manager. alicia boole Stott. Coach. GertrudeCox. http://www.cosmicbaseball.com/00scr.html
Extractions: The Sweepland Curves were created on December 19, 1998 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The team consists primarily of mathematical curves but also includes a couple of baseball-type curves just to keep things varied. Last season, their first, the Curves finished in second place, just 2 games behind the Pre-Raphaelites in the Underleague which is a pretty decent showing for a rookie team. For Season 2000 the Curves have made no changes to the roster which makes sense considering how well they did during their rookie season.
1860 - Vikipeedia 25. mai James McKeen Cattell, USA psühholoog (suri 1944); 29. mai Isaac Albéniz,hispaania helilooja (suri 1909); 8. juuni alicia boole Stott; 22. http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/1860
Extractions: redigeeri redigeeri 1. jaanuar George Washington Carver USA botaanik (suri 11. jaanuar Marie Bashkirtseff , kunstnik 25. jaanuar Charles Curtis USA asepresident (suri 29. jaanuar William Jacob Baer USA maalikunstnik (suri 29. jaanuar Anton TÅ¡ehhov , vene kirjanik (suri 20. veebruar Mathias Lerch , tÅ¡ehhi matemaatik (suri 29. veebruar Herman Hollerith perfokaartide leiutaja (suri 1929) 13. m¤rts Hugo Wolf austria helilooja (suri 15. m¤rts Walter Frank Raphael Weldon , briti zooloog, biomeetria rajaja (suri 19. m¤rts William Jennings Bryan USA poliitik (suri 2. mai D'Arcy Thompson biomatemaatika rajaja (suri 3. mai Vito Volterra itaalia matemaatik ja matemaatiline bioloogia (suri 9. mai J. M. Barrie , Å¡oti kirjanik (suri 25. mai
The Ambo-600-Cell The mathematical structure was first discovered by alicia boole Stott,and described in her 1910 paper on semiregular polytopes . http://www.georgehart.com/zomebook/expanded-120-cell.html
Extractions: Here is a rather large 4D polytope project for brave Zomers with plenty of time and parts. Visualize the 120-cell, then just separate adjacent pairs of dodecahedra with a pentagonal prism. As three dodecahedra surround each edge of the 120-cell, the expanded 120-cell will have three pentagonal prisms surrounding a triangular prism in the corresponding places. The bases of the triangular prisms come together in groups of four, making regular tetrahedra in the places corresponding to the 120-cell's vertices. Every vertex of this expanded 120-cell is identical-the meeting place of one dodecahedron, three pentagonal prisms, three triangular prisms, and a tetrahedron. So it is a uniform polytope. There are two types of edges, those that are dodecahedron edges and those that are tetrahedron edges. Both types of prisms contain both types of edges. Every pentagon is the junction of a dodecahedron and a pentagonal prism; every square is the junction of a pentagonal prism and a triangular prism; every triangle is the junction of a triangular prism and a tetrahedron. The cells immediately surrounding each dodecahedron combine to form a rhombicosidodecahedron, so the structure can also be seen as 120 intersecting rhombicosidodecahedra. Another way to derive it is by expanding the 600-cell. The mathematical structure was first discovered by Alicia Boole Stott, and described in her 1910 paper on "semiregular polytopes". This model was constructed and photographed by Mira Bernstein and Vin de Silva with the help of a crew of eight students at Stanford. They counted that it requires 1260 balls, 960
Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Oskar (459*) Bolzano, Bernhard (790*) Bombelli, Rafael (2012) Bombieri, Enrico (801*)Bonferroni, Carlo (262*) Bonnet, Pierre (368*) boole, alicia (Stott) (340 http://www.newturk.net/index111.html
Extractions: HOVERFLY-2 INDOOR HELICOPTER Hoverfly is a great little helicopter. It comes attractively finished and ready to fly. Its small, tough and quiet - and it flies indoors. Yet it handles just like its bigger brothers. You have a web site and you want to earn money, then click here. We recommend you the Otherlandtoys.co.uk, Commission Junction Program
SVSU The Hyperspace of alicia boole Stott, Top. 2. Lienhard, John. No.880alicia boole Stott. Engines of Our Ingenuity. 2000. 25 July 2000. http://www.svsu.edu/writingprogram/femmes/braun-rick-01.htm
Extractions: There is little information on Hypatia, but what is known of this ancient mathematician certainly indicates that she was greatly regarded as a teacher and a scholar. The oldest accounts of Hypatia are in the Suda , a 10th-century encyclopedia alphabetically arranged and drawing on earlier sources. Other facts also come from the writings of the early Christian church, preserved letters from one of her pupils, Synesius, and the Latin compilation known as the Patrologiae Graecae Hypatia, born around 370 A.D., was the daughter of Theon, who was considered one of the most educated mathematicians and philosophers in Alexandria, Egypt. Theon, a well-known scholar and mathematics professor at the University of Alexandria, surrounded Hypatia with an environment of knowledge. It is said that Theon disciplined Hypatia not only in her education, but with a "physical routine that ensured a healthy body as well as a highly-functional mind" (3). There is evidence that Hypatia was regarded as physically beautiful and wore distinctive academic apparel.
Geoffrey Ingram Taylor GI Taylor was a grandson of George boole and alicia Stott was his aunt. He attendedschool in Hampstead, and there he began to find his love of science. http://indykfi.atomki.hu/indyKFI/MT/taylor_g.htm
Extractions: http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Taylor_Geoffrey.html Geoffrey Ingram Taylor Born: 7 March 1886 in St John's Wood, London, England Died: 27 June 1975 in Cambridge, England G I Taylor was a grandson of George Boole and Alicia Stott was his aunt. He attended school in Hampstead, and there he began to find his love of science. At the age of 11 he attended a series of children's Christmas lectures on The principles of the electric telegraph and these made a strong impression on him. He was introduced to William Thomson at one of these lectures and Lord Kelvin told him he had been friendly with Geoffrey Taylor's grandfather George Boole. In 1899 Taylor went to University College School and in 1905 he won a scholarship to study at Trinity College, Cambridge. There he read mathematics, attending lectures by Whitehead, Whittaker and Hardy. After taking part I of the mathematics tripos he moved towards physics taking part II of the physics tripos. He then won a scholarship to undertake research at Trinity College. One of his first pieces of research was a theoretical study of shock waves where he extended work by Thomson. This work won him a Smith's Prize. In 1910 he was elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College. The following year he was appointed to a meteorology post and his work on turbulence in the atmosphere led to his publication
GEMATRIA Supplement II The first application of the method is credited to Mrs. alicia boole Stott, andit is elaborated by Hinton, who shews that a fourdimensional figure is http://www.odeion.org/gematria/gemsup-ii.html
Extractions: (EXPLANATORY OF CHAP. I.) Mere words of natural significance fail to interpret spiritual ideas unless a figurative meaning can be added to them. By type and symbol alone can the essence of Truth be conveyed. In myth and parable the poet, prophet and religious teacher in all time present to us the realisations of their spiritual sense. And not in the imagery of words alone, but in architecture, and its allied arts, some of the most sublime of human conceptions have been conveyed. Architecture has been the interpreter to man of the Universal Truths, those which express the Mind and Works of the Creator, for Architecture is the witness to the Formative principles which underlie Nature, and speaks of the Immutable Foundations. And these are expressed in the symmetry of geometric forms, co-related by Measure and Number. Thus Architecture constitutes a higher language adapted to sacred uses. Now in the Greek Gematria we have what may be termed the Architecture of Language , for the Gematria unites both elements, both modes of expression, and in a wonderful accord, since words are therein related in their sense to Number, by their Number to Geometry, and by their Geometry again to Building.