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         Birkhoff George:     more books (56)
  1. Short history of the family Birkhoff by George Birkhoff, 1910
  2. Asymptotic properties of the solutions of ordinary linear differential equations containing a parameter with application to boundary value and expansion problems by George David Birkhoff, 1908
  3. Geometry, by George David Birkhoff, 1933
  5. Collected Mathematical Papers Volume 2 by George D Birkhoff, 1950-01-01
  6. Collected Mathematical Papers Volume 3 by George D Birkhoff, 1968-01-01
  7. The scientific work of Maxime Bocher by George David Birkhoff, 1919
  8. Proof of a recurrence theorem for strongly transitive systems ;: Proof of the ergodic theorem by George David Birkhoff, 1931
  9. The generalized Riemann problem for linear differential equations and the allied problems for linear difference and q-difference equations (Amer. acad. of arts and sciences. Proc) by George David Birkhoff, 1913
  10. Collected Mathematical Papers 3 Volumes by George D Birkhoff, 1968
  11. The Mathematical Nature of Physical Theories by George D. Birkhoff, 1943
  12. A mathematical theory of aesthetics and its application to poetry and music: A course of lectures, under the auspices of the Rice Institute Lectureship ... 5, and 6, 1932 (The Rice Institute pamphlet) by George David Birkhoff, 1932
  13. Three public lectures on scientific subjects,: Delivered at The Rice Institute, March 6, 7, and 8, 1940 (Rice institute pamphlet. Jan. 1941) by George David Birkhoff, 1941
  14. Collected Mathematical Papers Volume 1 by George D Birkhoff, 1950-01-01

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