Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page e regente dinamarquês Ebbe Hamerik 13/08/1625 Nascimento Matemática Fatos DinamarcaNascimento de erasmus bartholin (matemático dinamarquês) 14/08/1777
Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Birgitte Thott erasmus dom over Seneca hvis man læser ham som hedning, skrev han kristent Alleredei 1651 havde bartholin efterlyst en dansk udgave af værket; han
Extractions: Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Birgitte Thott Søg KVINFO Nyt Biblioteks Nyt Forord DKL Kreditering ... Avanceret søgning Dokumentation Vidste du at den fri abort blev indført i 1973? Og at der 3 år efter blev indført ligeløn? Kvindekilder dokumenterer den nye kvindebevægelses kamp for kvinders ret til at bestemme over egen krop og eget liv. Læs mere i Kvindekilder Tilbage til resultatliste Birgitte Thott Thott, Birgitte 1610-62, oversætter, forfatter. *17.6.1610 på Fårupgård, Jelling sg., 8.4.1662 i Sorø. ~14.10.1632 med godsejer Otte Gøye, *14.2.1604 på Skørringegård, Falkerslev sg., 23.4.1642 på Turebyholm, Tureby sg., s. af godsejer Henrik G. og Birgitte Brahe. Fürstenspiegel Muligvis var det netop på Rosenholm, BT stiftede bekendtskab med Otte Gøye, som hun blev gift med som 22-årig. Han døde i 1642, uden at der var født børn i ægteskabet. BT synes at have taget to niecer til sig, Elisabeth og Sophie T. Som ung blev Elisabeth T., som BT holdt til Studeringer og gode Bøgers Læsning, dødeligt syg. BT passede hende og lod hende underholde sig med at oversætte et kristent opbyggelsesskrift, skrevet på engelsk af T. Fuller. Under titlen Gode Tancker udi onde oc verre Tider Efter at være blevet enke, blev BT siddende på godset Turebygård, nu Turebyholm, på Sydsjælland, hvortil hun nu indkaldte lærere. Først og fremmest lærte hun grundigt latin, desuden hebraisk og sandsynligvis også græsk. 1661 oversatte hun i al fald et lille moralfilosofisk værk af den græske stoiker Epiktet
Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Kirstine Meyer I sin alderdom udgav hun erasmus bartholin, 1933, et skrift om Rømers svigerfader?Rasmus bartholin, der især er berømt for sin opdagelse af lysets
Extractions: Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon - Kirstine Meyer Søg KVINFO Nyt Biblioteks Nyt Forord DKL Kreditering ... Avanceret søgning Dokumentation Vidste du at den fri abort blev indført i 1973? Og at der 3 år efter blev indført ligeløn? Kvindekilder dokumenterer den nye kvindebevægelses kamp for kvinders ret til at bestemme over egen krop og eget liv. Læs mere i Kvindekilder Tilbage til resultatliste Kirstine Meyer Meyer, Kirstine 1861-1941, lektor. *12.10.1861 i Skærbæk sg., 28.9.1941 i Kbh. Forældre: farver, gårdejer Niels Janniksen Bjerrum (1826-80) og Christiane Degn (1826-77). ~7.11.1885 med matematiker Adolph Constantin M., *20.5.1854 på Børglumkloster, Børglum sg., 18.12.1896 i Kbh., s. af godsejer Georg Theodor M. og Johanne Schibsbye. Børn: Johannes (1896). 1902 udgav KM sin Lille Naturlære for elever i alderen 12-14 år, en bog, der blev banebrydende for den elementære fysikundervisning. Samme år grundlagde hun Fysisk Tidsskrift , som hun redigerede frem til 1913. Dette tidsskrift blev forum for drøftelser af undervisningsmæssige spørgsmål, men orienterede desuden om fysikkens dengang nyeste landvindinger, bl.a. radioaktive stoffer og deres stråling. Også personligt formåede KM at følge med videnskabeligt. I 1899 fik hun Videnskabernes Selskabs guldmedalje for artiklen Om overensstemmende Tilstande hos Stofferne , trykt 1900, en sammenlignende undersøgelse af 30 forskellige stoffer med hensyn til tryk, rumfang og temperatur. Hun disputerede 1909 på en afhandling om
Query_Scandinavians In ItalyL la Cour, Janus Andreas bartholin, 18371909, DK, Painter, 1908 (6), 1908, Roma,Tivoli, Laetus, erasmus, 1526-1582, DK, Scholar, 1573/74, 1573/74, Venezia, Padova,Study, H71,
RedNova News HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT Of The PETROGRAPHIC an understanding of the behavior of light passing through transparent minerals commencedwith the observation of double refraction by erasmus bartholin in that
Extractions: Anden del. Kjøbenhavn. In two volumes (bound as one) of 327 + 499 pages, Frederik Winkel Horn in 1881 summarized the "history of the Danish literature from its beginning until our time". Facsimile images of the pages were scanned in 600 dpi bitonal and are presented here in 120 dpi grayscale. Project Runeberg uses this work as a source of author biographies when publishing electronic editions of Danish literature. To this end, the long chapters are divided into smaller HTML files, one for each author, with bidirectional links to our presentations of Nordic Authors . This division is yet done only for chapters I and VI. Contents Middelalderen Reformationstiden Den lærde Tid Holberg og hans Samtid ... Det nittende Aarhundrede Alphabetic index A B C D ... V, W
Roemer, Ole Christensen 1662, he was sent to the University of Copenhagen, where he studied withThomas and erasmus bartholin. From what followed I assume a BA.
Extractions: Roemer, Ole Christensen Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Aarhus, Denmark, 25 Sept 1644 Died: Copenhagen, 19 Sept 1710 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Merchant Christen Pedersen Roemer was a small merchant. It is known that when he died (1663 at the latest) he left Ole a great many navigational instruments and books; it appears then that he must have been, at the least, fairly well off. I will say, on the basis of this, affluent. 3. Nationality Birth: Aarhus, Denmark Career: Copenhagen, Denmark and France Death: Copenhagen, Denmark 4. Education Schooling: Copenhagen 1662, he was sent to the University of Copenhagen, where he studied with Thomas and Erasmus Bartholin. From what followed I assume a B.A. 5. Religion Affiliation: Lutheran : Lutheran 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Astronomy, Optics Subordinate: Physics 7. Means of Support Primary: Academia, Government, Patronage He lived and studied with Erasmus Batholin, who was impressed enough with his work to entrust to him the editing of Tycho Brahe's manuscripts. From 1664 to 1670 he edited Tycho's manuscripts.
Galicia Hoxe Translate this page aínda que ten notables precedentes no alemán Georg Bauer (1494-1555), que asinabaco seudónimo Agricola, e no dinamarqués erasmus bartholin (1625- 1689).
Extractions: Actualizada: 19:20 h DESCUBRIR Mércores 10 de marzo de 2004 SUPLEMENTOS océano internet descubrir universidade revista das letras ... (sobre)vivir CANLES manual de estilo libros musica-concertos o debate SERVICIOS web-cams buscador-ligazóns ARQUIVO portadas (pdf) especiais HEMEROTECA EN 'EL CORREO' portada cine arte ocio ... tarifa publicidad O estudio dos minerais Unha canteira, explotación industrial na que é preciso un coñecemento detallado dos minerais Xerardo Neira No desenvolvemento da mineraloxía teñen moito que ver outras dúas ciencias, a física e a química, e unha técnica ou arte, a minería. Esta actividade remóntase ós tempos do Paleolítico, posto que xa naquela época os ancestros do home moderno explotaban minas de sílex, que usaban para a construcción de ferramentas. Máis tarde, as artes do lume, ou sexa, a olería e a metalurxia, conduciron á explotación mineira doutro tipo de xacementos, os de arxilas ou minerais metálicos. A minería coñecería un grande auxe na época do imperio romano, como se pode apreciar nas Medulas (León) ou en Almadén (Cidade Real), pero no aspecto científico, os mineraloxistas daquela época andaban algo despistados: era crenza estendida que se podía fabricar unha "pedra filosofal'' coa capacidade de transformar calquera materia en ouro. A mineraloxía científica non aparecería ata o século XVIII, aínda que ten notables precedentes no alemán Georg Bauer (1494-1555), que asinaba co seudónimo Agricola, e no dinamarqués Erasmus Bartholin (1625- 1689). O primeiro escribiu
CONTENTS Thomas bartholin founded the Danish Medical school and the Hungarian Janos the scholars,we might mention Pietro Bembo, Torquato Tasso, erasmus from Rotterdam
Extractions: GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA AND ITS HISTORY 1. Faculties and degrees The University of Padova is a state university, as are most universities in Italy. There are almost 63.000 students on a total population of about 300.000 inhabitants. There is no campus system. Our relations with other academic institutions and research centres all over the world, from America to China and Australia, are extremely active through exchanges of students, teachers, information and publications. At present the University of Padova consists of thirteen schools: Agriculture, Economics, Law, Pharmacology, Engineering, Arts, Teacher Training, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Psychology, Statistical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Beginning with the academic year 2001-2002 a new University Education System has been introduced in Italy, which include a first three year level (degree), a second two year level (specialized degree), specialization schools and three year research doctorates. The distinction of what in the past was a single five year degree level into the two level of three and two years is the most important news. Besides, according to the new system, the universities can offer courses of at least one year, outside the normal academic sequence, the so called
CWP At // Kirstine Bjerrum Meyer Wrote a biography of the Danish natural philosopher erasmus bartholin,Radiumog radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler (Radium,_Kirstine_Bjerrum@944123456.html
Extractions: Meyer edited a major part of the collected works of Hans Christian Ørsted and included in it her essay presenting his biography, "The Scientific Life and Works of H. C. Ørsted". Wrote a biography of the Danish natural philosopher Erasmus Bartholin, Radium og radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler (Radium, Radioactive Materials, and New Discoveries Concerning Radiation). Discovered Ole Roemer's notebook "Adversaria" in the archives of the University of Copenhagen Library in 1910. She provided valuable information for the history of science in her research of this document.
Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of sc Barrow}\footnote{{\sc Sir Isaac Barrow}, \born 1630, \died 1677} } \newcommand{\bartholin}{{\scbartholin}\footnote{{\sc erasmus bartholin}, \born 1625
Extractions: BIRTH : 1748, Lesja, OP DEATH : AFTER 1801, Lesja Prestegård ? NATURALIZATION : Bosatt på Jordhøy, Lesja, OP ? Family 1 Sophia Amelia BRANDT Pauline Pedersdtr Rønn JORDHØY Niels Brandt JORDHØY Peder ALSTRUP INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 02/13/2004 02:09:32 OCCUPATION : Akademiker
Rasmus Bartholin :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Rasmus bartholin. Online Encyclopedia Rasmus bartholin (Latinized Erasmusbartholinus; 16251698) was a Danish scientist and physician.
Extractions: Rasmus Bartholin (Latinized Erasmus Bartholinus ) was a Danish scientist and physician. As part of his studies, he travelled in Europe for ten years. Professor at Copenhagen University, first in Geometry, later in Medicine. He was a younger brother of Thomas Bartholin Rasmus Bartholin is remembered especially for his discovery (1669) of the double refraction of a light ray by Iceland spar ( calcite ). He published an accurate description of the phenomenon, but since the physical nature of light was poorly understood at the time, he was unable to explain it. Only after Thomas Young had proposed the wave theory of light, an explanation became possible. Rasmus Bartholin, Hafniæ 1669. English translation: Experiments with the double refracting Iceland crystal which led to the discovery of a marvelous and strange refraction, tr. by Werner Brandt. Westtown, Pa., 1959. This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice
Extractions: Java Tutorials Virtual Microscopy Movie Gallery Downloads ... Resource Center Sunlight and almost every other form of natural and artificial illumination produces light waves whose electric field vectors vibrate in all planes that are perpendicular with respect to the direction of propagation. If the electric field vectors are restricted to a single plane by filtration of the beam with specialized materials, then the light is referred to as plane or linearly polarized with respect to the direction of propagation, and all waves vibrating in a single plane are termed plane parallel or plane-polarized The polarizers illustrated in Figure 1 are actually filters containing long-chain polymer molecules that are oriented in a single direction. Only the incident light that is vibrating in the same plane as the oriented polymer molecules is absorbed, while light vibrating at right angles to the polymer plane is passed through the first polarizing filter. The polarizing direction of the first polarizer is oriented vertically to the incident beam so it will pass only the waves having vertical electric field vectors. The wave passing through the first polarizer is subsequently blocked by the second polarizer, because this polarizer is oriented horizontally with respect to the electric field vector in the light wave. The concept of using two polarizers oriented at right angles with respect to each other is commonly termed crossed polarization and is fundamental to the concept of polarized light microscopy.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The mineral Minerals are natural compounds formed through geological processes. The term "mineral" encompasses not only the material's chemical composition but also the Mineral structures . Minerals range in composition from elements and simple salts to very complex silicates (with most organic compounds usually excluded), with thousands of known forms. The study of minerals is called mineralogy. Click the link for more information. calcite carbonate Carbonate is a compound ion with a charge of -2 and an elemental formula of CO . An aqueous solution of carbon dioxide contains a minute amount of H CO , called carbonic acid, which dissociates to form hydrogen ions and carbonate ions. It would be a fairly strong acid if carbonic acid existed in pure form, but the equilibrium favors carbon dioxide and so such solutions are fairly weak. In biological systems the enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes this interconversion between carbon dioxide and carbonate ions.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Listed are persons whose achievements have been important also outside Denmark For alternative meanings, see Denmark (disambiguation). The Kingdom of Denmark is the smallest Nordic country, situated in Scandinavia, in northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, on a peninsula and a number of islands north of Germany and Poland, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Additionally, the territories of Greenland and the Faroe Islands are under Danish sovereignty, while enjoying home rule. Click the link for more information. Pure and Applied Mathematics Harald Bohr Harald Bohr (22 April 1887 - 22 January 1951) was a Danish mathematician, and younger brother of the physicist Niels Bohr. Many friends remarked that the two men were unusually close, even for brothers. Early in the lives of the brothers, Harald was thought to be more likely to be successful. Harald Bohr worked in mathematical analysis, founding the field of almost periodic functions. He was also an excellent soccer player; he won an Olympic silver medal at the 1918 International Olympics with the Danish national soccer team.
The Lake County Astronomical Society After studying mathematics and astronomy he became the personal assistant toErasmus bartholin, lived in his house and finally became his son inlaw.
Baade, Walter US (Ger.-born) Astronomer Astrophysicist Frederic Auguste Fr. sculptor; sculpted Statue of Liberty _18341904Bartholin, erasmus Danish phys. physician; discovered double
Extractions: Java Tutorials Virtual Microscopy Movie Gallery Downloads ... Resource Center Sunlight and almost every other form of natural and artificial illumination produces light waves whose electric field vectors vibrate in all planes that are perpendicular with respect to the direction of propagation. If the electric field vectors are restricted to a single plane by filtration of the beam with specialized materials, then the light is referred to as plane or linearly polarized with respect to the direction of propagation, and all waves vibrating in a single plane are termed plane parallel or plane-polarized Introduction to Polarized Light - The human eye lacks the ability to distinguish between randomly oriented and polarized light, and plane-polarized light can only be detected through an intensity or color effect, for example, by reduced glare when wearing polarized sun glasses. In effect, humans cannot differentiate between the high contrast real images observed in a polarized light microscope and identical images of the same specimens captured digitally (or on film), and then projected onto a screen with light that is not polarized. The first clues to the existence of polarized light surfaced around 1669 when Erasmus Bartholin discovered that crystals of the mineral Iceland spar (more commonly referred to as calcite ) produce a double image when objects are viewed through the crystals in transmitted light. During his experiments, Bartholin also observed a quite unusual phenomenon. When the calcite crystals are rotated about their axis, one of the images moves in a circle around the other, providing strong evidence that the crystals are somehow splitting the light into two different beams.