Biografia De Bartholin, Erasmus Translate this page bartholin, erasmus. (Roskilde, 1625-Copenhague, 1698) Físico y matemáticodanés. Profesor de medicina y matemáticas en la Universidad
Extractions: Enlaces Bartholin, Erasmus (Roskilde, 1625-Copenhague, 1698) Físico y matemático danés. Profesor de medicina y matemáticas en la Universidad de Copenhague, fue un viajero infatigable que adquirió una notable cultura científica. Descubrió la doble refracción en los cristales de calcita. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio
Índice Alfabético - B Translate this page Barth, Karl Barthélemy, René Barthelme, Donald Barthes, Roland Barthez, Paul-JosephBartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste bartholin, erasmus Bartholomew, John George
The Galileo Project bartholin, erasmus 1. Dates Born Roskide, Denmark, 13 Aug. KirstineMeyer, erasmus bartholin, et Tidsbillede, (Copenhagen, 1933).
Extractions: Bartholin, Erasmus 1. Dates Born: Roskide, Denmark, 13 Aug. 1625 Died: Copenhagen, 4 Nov. 1698 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Physician, Academic Caspar Bartholin, Physician, Academic. He died when Erasmus was four. No clear information on financial status. 3. Nationality Birth: Roskide, Denmark Career: Denmark Death: Copenhagen, Denmark 4. Education Schooling: Copenhagen, B.A. and M.A.; Leiden; Padua, M.D. Taught initially by private teachers, then attented Latin school. 1642-4: Univ. of Copenhagen, B.A. in 1644. M.A. in 1647. Studied math. at the University of Leiden for several years beginning in 1645. 1651: studied mathematics in France and Italy, ultimately at Padua where he was Consiliarius for the German Nation and Vice-syndicus for the university. M.D., 1654 at Padua. 1654-6: travelled and studied in Italy. 5. Religion Affiliation: Lutheran. 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Mathematics, Optics Subordinate: Medicine, Astronomy Major contribution to science was his study of Icelandic spar. Writings in pure math. were fairly numerous but not of great importance.
The Galileo Project with Brahe, Magini, Peder Soerensen, Caspar Bauhin, his sonin-law Caspar bartholinand Ole Worm, and his grandsons Thomas and erasmus bartholin, and no doubt
Extractions: Fink [Fincke], Thomas 1. Dates Born: Denmark, 1561 Died: Denmark, 1656 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Merchant And Alderman (Mag) He was prosperous enough that he left some sort of inheritance to Fincke. I find later that the father had married into the Thorsmede family, one of the richest bourgeois families in Denmark. After some thought I am listing him as affluent rather than wealthy. 3. Nationality Birth: Denmark Career: Denmark Death: Denmark 4. Education Schooling: Strassburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Padua, Pisa; Basel, M.D. Until 1577 grammar school in Flensburg. 1577-1582, studied under Dasypodius in Strasbourg. Later attended Jena, Wittenberg, Heidelberg (matric. 1582), Leipzig (matric 1582), Basel (studied medicine, 1583), Padua (1583-1587), and Pisa (1586). In Padua Procurator of the German Nation (1583), Consiliarius of the German Nation (1586), instrumental in founding of a type of regent (coemiterium) for the German Nation (1587). 1587, received M.D., Basel. I assume a B.A. or its equivalent. 5. Religion
WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines 87. Timeline for erasmus bartholin (java), Search Google for erasmusbartholin, erasmus bartholin, Scientist, 08/13/1625, 11/04/1698, 73.
WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines 86. Timeline for erasmus bartholin (java), Search Google for erasmusbartholin, erasmus bartholin, Scientist, 08/13/1625, 11/04/1698, 73.
Editing Erasmus Bartholin - Edit - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Rasmus bartholin Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Rasmus bartholin (Latinized erasmus bartholinus; August 13, 1625 -November 4, 1698) was a Danish scientist and physician. As part
Rasmus Bartholin Rasmus bartholin. Rasmus bartholin (Latinized erasmus bartholinus;16251698) was a Danish scientist and physician. As part of his
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Rasmus Bartholin (Latinized Erasmus Bartholinus ) was a Danish scientist and physician. As part of his studies, he travelled in Europe for ten years. Professor at Copenhagen University, first in Geometry, later in Medicine. He was a younger brother of Thomas Bartholin Rasmus Bartholin is remembered especially for his discovery (1669) of the double refraction of a light ray by Iceland spar ( calcite ). He published an accurate description of the phenomenon, but since the physical nature of light was poorly understood at the time, he was unable to explain it. Only after Thomas Young had proposed the wave theory of light, an explanation became possible. Rasmus Bartholin, Hafniæ 1669. English translation: Experiments with the double refracting Iceland crystal which led to the discovery of a marvelous and strange refraction, tr. by Werner Brandt. Westtown, Pa., 1959.
List Of People By Name: Ba-Bd 1954), actor. Bart. Barth, Marisa Ferretti, Canadian senator; bartholin,erasmus, (died 1698), Danish mathematician; Bartholomew, Freddie
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index List of people by name A B C D E F ... Br - Bs - Bt - Bu - Bv - Bw - Bx - By - Bz Baa-Bab Bac Bad-Baf Bag ... Baz Bacall, Lauren , (born 1924), US actor Bacardí, Facundo, merchant, founder or Bacardi Bacaredda, Antonio Bacaredda, Ottone Bacchelli, Riccardo, novelist Bacchylides , (died c. 467 BC), poet Bacciarelli, Marcello, Polish painter Bacharach, Yair , (born 1639), German rabbi Bach, Barbara
Biography-center - Letter B cgibin/pbio?245290; bartholin, erasmus;bartholin, Thomas www
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 1183 biographies Baade, Walter
Biblioteca Universitaria Di Genova: Fondi Antichi E Speciali - Aprosio1 Translate this page a. 1667-68. Ms.E.VI.17. Barrault, G. 6 lettere. a. 1672-73. Ms.E.VI.10. bartholin,erasmus. 1 lettera. a. 1654. Ms.E.VI.4. bartholin, Kaspar. 25 lettere. a. 1676-78.
Extractions: a home b dove siamo ... Angelico Aprosio , proveniente da Ventimiglia. La parte più preziosa pervenuta consiste nella corrispondenza che il padre Aprosio intrattenne con i maggiori intellettuali europei del XVII secolo. [Cfr.: A. I. Fontana, Epistolario e indice dei corrispondenti del P. Angelico Aprosio , "Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia", 42 (1974), nn. 4-5, p. 339-370]. Mittente N. lettere Date Manoscritto (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1667 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1677 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 2 lettere a. 1651-52 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1672 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1680 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1654 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. s.d. Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1647 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1666 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) 1 lettera a. 1671 Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) (a Giovanni Nicol Cavana) 1 biglietto a. s.d. Ms.E.VI.11 bis (Firma illegibile) Giovanni Francesco 1 lettera a. 1665
Biblioteca Universitaria Di Genova: Fondi Antichi E Speciali - Copisti Translate this page Ms.E.VI.10. autografo. Barsotti, Matteo. Ms.C.VIII.27 (cc. 460-461). bartholin, erasmus.Ms.E.VI.4. autografo. bartholin, Kasper. Ms.E.VI.4. autografo. bartholin, Thomas.
Extractions: Fondi manoscritti Tratto dall'Inventario Topografico dei manoscritti, compilato da Antonio Tamburini. Successivo 2/4 Copista Segnatura del Manoscritto Note A.R. Ms.F.II.5 Abate Giovanni Agostino Ms.E.IV.30/Ms.E.VIII.11 autografi Acuna de Ms.E.VIII.16 (9-10) autografi Adimari Alessandro Ms.E.VI.5 autografo Adimari Angelo Maria Ms.E.VI.5 autografo Adriani, Lorenzo Ms.E.VI.18 autografo Adriani, Lorenzo Ms.E.VI.10 autografo Agostini, Tommaso Ms.E.VI.19 autografo Alaudini, Attilio Ms.E.VI.6 (45) autografo 1593 Alberti, Alberto Ms.E.VI.22 autografo Alberto da Sospello Ms.E.V.28 autografo Albertone, Gio Luigi Ms.E.VI.19 autografo Albuzio, Ludovico Ms.G.II.9 autografo? Alessandrini, Giovanni Andrea Ms.E.VIII. (47) autografo Alizeri, Federico Ms.E.I.24 Allacci, Leone Ms.E.V.17 autografo Alunno, Francesco Ms.G.VI.18 Ambrogio da S. Carlo Ms.E.V.28 autografo Ambrosino, Reinaldo Ms.E.VI.10 autografo Angelo (?) Ms.E.VI.11 bis autografo Angelo da Sancino Ms.E.V.28 autografo Antero Maria di S.Bonaventura (Agost. ; al secolo Micone Ms.E.II.4 bis / E.V.28
Genaral Index To NewRBW Barthema, Ludovico The Travels of Lewis Barthema or Vetoman. bartholin, CasparDe terre, aere, et igni. bartholin, erasmus De figura nivis dissertatio.
RØMER Ole Rømer boede i København i to perioder, i ungdommen hos lederen af Rundetårn,erasmus bartholin og senere som professor efter sit betydningsfulde
LEDERE OG UDSEENDE på toppen. vikar erasmus bartholin. 166076. Professor i matematik,1657 Under ham kom tårnet for alvor til at fungere. Også kendt
I14780: Erasmus BARTHOLIN (CIR1620 - ____) erasmus bartholin. CIR1620 . OCCUPATION Matematiker; BIRTH CIR1620;NATURALIZATION 1656, Prof. Geometri og Med. Københavns univ.
Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 1901 - 1961) Barlow, Peter (1776 - 1862) Barocius, Franciscus (1537 - 1604) Barrow,Sir Isaac (1630 - 1677) bartholin, erasmus (1625 - 1698) Bateman, Harry
Extractions: Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Barrow, Sir Isaac (1630 - 1677). bartholin, erasmus (1625 - 1698).Bateman, Harry (1882 - 1946). Battaglini, Guiseppe (1826 - 1894).
Extractions: Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)
ERASMUS BARTHOLIN (ROSKILDE 1625 - COPENAGHEN 1698) Translate this page erasmus bartholin (ROSKILDE 1625 - COPENAGHEN 1698). Fisico danese,appartenente di una famiglia di illustri scienziati. Scoprì
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Isaac Barrow Born Oct 1630 in London, England Died 4 May 1677 in London, Englandbartholin, erasmus bartholin Born 13 Aug 1625 in Roskilde, Denmark Died 4