Science In Poland - Famous Poles banach stefan, 1892 1945, Mathematician he founded modern functional analysisand made major contributions to the theory of topological vector spaces; he
Stefan Banach - Information An online Encyclopedia with information and facts Stefan Banach Information,and a wide range of other subjects. Stefan Banach - Information.
Extractions: Social sciences and philosophy ... pl:Stefan Banach Stefan Banach March 30 August 31 ), a Polish mathematician , one of the moving spirits of the Lvov school of mathematics in pre-war Poland (see: Lviv ). He was largely self-taught in mathematics; his genius was accidentally discovered by Hugo Steinhaus . When World War II began, Banach was President of the Polish Mathematical Society and a full professor of Lvov University . Being on good terms with Soviet mathematicians, he was allowed to hold his chair during the Soviet occupation of Lvov. The German occupation of the city in resulted in the mass murder of Polish academics. Banach survived, but the only way he could work for a living was by feeding lice with his blood in a German institute where typhoid fever research was conducted. His health undercut during the occupation, Banach died before he could be repatriated from Lvov, which was incorporated into the Soviet Union, to Poland after the war. Teoria operacji liniowych , 1932) is regarded as Banach's most influential work. He also initiated and edited the
Stefan Banach Stefan Banach (18921945) Matematyk. Od 1924 prof. uniwersytetu weLwowie i czlonek PAU. Od 1939 czlonek Akademii Nauk Ukr.SRR.
Extractions: Matematyk. Od 1924 prof. uniwersytetu we Lwowie i cz³onek PAU. Od 1939 cz³onek Akademii Nauk Ukr.SRR. Wspó³za³o¿yciel czasopisma "Studia Mathematica" i jeden z inicjatorów "Monografii Matematycznych". Banach by³ jednym z twórców analizy funkcjonalnej. Wraz ze swymi uczniami (S. Mazurem, W. Orliczem, J. Schauderem) stworzy³ szko³ê lwowsk±, która wraz ze szko³± warszawsk± wyd¼wignê³a matematykê polsk± na jedno z czo³owych miejsc w ¶wiecie. Autor monografii "Théorie des opérations linéaires "(1932), pierwszej na ¶wiecie ksi±¿ki po¶wiêconej ogólnej teorii przestrzeni liniowo-metrycznych.
Extractions: Stefan Banach 30. März in Krakau 31. August in Lwów ) war ein polnischer Mathematiker . Sein Vater war Stefan Greczek (wobei dies nicht völlig gesichert ist), seine Mutter Katarzyna Banach. Er wuchs in einer Pflegefamilie auf (bei Franciszka Plowa und ihrer Tochter, Maria Puchalska). Von 1902 bis besuchte er das Vierte Gymnasium in Krakau. Nach der Matura arbeitete er in einer Krakauer Buchhandlung und studierte gleichzeitig als Autodidakt Mathematik . Zwischen 1911 und war er Student am Polytechnikum in Lwow und legte dort ein Teilexamen, das so genannte Halbdiplom, ab. Nach Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs arbeitete er als Aufseher beim Straßenbau. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Krakau verdiente er seinen Lebensunterhalt mit Nachhilfestunden; er studierte weiterhin Mathematik auf eigene Faust. Im Jahre lernte der Mathematiker Hugo Steinhaus Banach zufällig kennen und begann, sich für ihn zu interessieren. Ihre Bekanntschaft mündete in einer gemeinsamen Publikation und einer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit. Dank Steinhaus' Bemühungen erhielt Banach bis 1922 eine Assistenzstelle am Lehrstuhl für Mathematik an der Abteilung für Mechanik des Politechnikums Lwow, bei
Stefan Banach - Wikipedia Stefan Banach. Stefan Banach (urodzony 30 marca 1892 w Krakowie zmarl31 sierpnia 1945 we Lwowie) matematyk polski o swiatowej slawie.
Banach Stefan Banach. Born 30 March 1892 in Kraków, AustriaHungary (now Poland) Died31 Aug 1945 in Lvov, Ukraine. Stefan Banach went to school in Kraków.
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Stefan Banach Banach founded modern functional analysis and made major contributions to the theory of topological vector spaces. In addition, he contributed to measure theory, integration, and orthogonal series. In his dissertation, written in Lvov in 1920, he defined axiomatically what today is called a Banach space. The name 'Banach space' was coined by . Banach algebras were also named after him. A Banach space is a real or complex normed vector space that is complete as a metric space under the metric induced by the norm. The completeness is important as this means that Cauchy sequences in Banach spaces converge. A Banach algebra is a Banach space where the norm satisfies Many important theorems are named after Banach. There is the Hahn -Banach theorem, the Banach- Steinhaus theorem, the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, the Banach fixed point theorem and the Banach- Tarski paradoxical decomposition of a ball. His open mapping of 1929 used set-theoretic concepts introduced by
Stefan Banach Stefan Banach. Born 30 March 1892 in Kraków Lvov , (now Ukraine ).Stefan Banach s father was Stefan Greczek. The first thing Banach.htm
Extractions: Died: 31 Aug 1945 in Lvov , (now Ukraine Stefan Banach s father was Stefan Greczek. The first thing to notice is that Banach was not his father's surname, but Banach was given his father's first name. Stefan Greczek was a tax official who was not married to Banach's mother who vanished from the scene after Stefan was baptised, when he was only four days old, and nothing more is known of her. The name given as Stefan's mother on his birth certificate is Katarzyna Banach. She is thought by some to have been the servant of Stefan's mother, while others claim that she was a laundress who took care of Stefan when he was very young. In later life Banach tried to find out who his mother was but his father refused to say anything except that he had been sworn to secrecy over her identity. Stefan Greczek was born in a small village called Ostrowsko, some 50 km south of Kraków. It was to Ostrowsko, to his grandmother's home, that Banach was taken after his baptism. However, when Banach's grandmother took ill, Stefan Greczek arranged for his son to be brought up by Franciszka Plowa who lived in Kraków with her daughter Maria. Although Banach never went back to live with his grandmother, he did visit her frequently as he grew up. Maria's guardian was a French intellectual Juliusz Mien and he quickly recognised the talents that Banach had. Mien taught the young boy to speak French and in general gave him an appreciation for education.
Banach Stefan Banach (18921945) Teorien for Banachrom skaut for alvor fart dåStefan Banach s bok Théorie des opérations linéaires kom i 1932.
New Page 1 banach stefan, urodzil sie w 1892, zmarl w 1945, matematyk, twórca podstaw analizyfunkcjonalnej, wspóltwórca lwowskiej szkoly matematycznej, jeden z
Extractions: Banach Teorja operacyj, t. l Operacje linjowe Theorie des operations lineaires (1932). Z nazwiskiem Banacha wi±¿e siê paradoks Banacha—Tarskiego, wg którego kulê mo¿na rozbiæ na kilka niemierzalnych (a wiêc bardzo dziwacznych) czê¶ci, z których daje siê z³o¿yæ dwie takie same kule. Banach jest autorem 58 prac, które publikowa³ sam lub ze wspó³pracownikami i uczniami. Wokó³ Banacha i Steinhausa powsta³ silny o¶rodek badawczy, zwany lwowsk± szko³± matematyczn±, prowadz±cy badania w zakresie analizy funkcjonalnej. W okresie miêdzywojennym by³ to najsilniejszy o¶rodek badawczy w tej dziedzinie na ¶wiecie; od 1929 wydawa³ w³asne czasopismo specjalistyczne o miêdzynarodowym zasiêgu „Studia Mathematica", publikuj±ce prace z zakresu analizy funkcjonalnej. Ulubionym miejscem pracy Banacha by³a Kawiarnia Szkocka, znane miejsce spotkañ matematyków we Lwowie. Ciekawsze z problemów matematycznych dyskutowanych w czasie takich spotkañ zapisywano w specjalnym zeszycie, przechowywanym w Kawiarni. Tak powsta³a s³ynna -» Ksiêga Szkocka.
Extractions: Banach lectured in mathematics at the Institute of Technology in Lvov and eventually became a professor at the University of Lvov. His best-known work is the Theorie des operations lineaires (Theory of Linear Operations, 1932). Banach algebra and Banach spaces, the latter an important class of vector spaces, were named after him.
Extractions: Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Banach, Stefan
Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center stefan banach. 00956 Warszawa 10, Poland. ul. niadeckich 8. P.O.Box 21. Office room 426. phone (48-22) 522 82 32, 628 01 92. fax (48-22) 622 57 50, 629 39 97. How to get to banach Center and some
Banach, Stefan encyclopediaEncyclopedia banach, stefan, ste fän bä näkh PronunciationKey. banach, stefan , 18921945, Polish mathematician.
Extractions: Banach, Stefan Pronunciation Key Banach, Stefan , Polish mathematician. He was educated at the Institute of Technology in Lviv; his doctoral thesis laid the foundations of modern functional analysis, which he continued to work at throughout his life. He also made fundamental contributions to general topology, set theory, the theory of measure and integration, and the general theory of linear spaces, or vector spaces, e.g., (1932). He introduced and developed the concept of complete normed linear spaces, now called Banach spaces. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Stefan Banach -- Encyclopædia Britannica Subscribe. My Account. All Encyclopædia Britannica. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Websites. Video and Media. Dictionary. Thesaurus. Not sure of the
Banach Space Bulletin Board Welcome to the banach Space Bulletin Board. This server has links to preprints of papers in banach space theory Short biography of stefan banach. Biography of John Rainwater.
Extractions: Welcome to the Banach Space Bulletin Board. This server has links to preprints of papers in Banach space theory and related fields and archives of messages that have been sent to all subscribers to the associated list. In addition, the Recent section lists the most recent papers that have been added to the archive. The archive itself is a subset of the functional analysis section of the math archive at Los Alamos. The list has recently switched software from majordomo to mailman. This may result in some temporary problems and some adjustments for users. Electronic mail access and the Banach List Most Recent Preprints Address Book Messages Messages from January 1, to date. Messages from The archive The mathematics archive at Los Alamos A more friendly interface to the archive at Los Alamos. Retrieving files from the archive by using a web browser. Using email to access the archive. Instructions for submitting files. If you are outside of the United States, you can use a mirror site.
Banach Biography of stefan banach (18921945) stefan banach's father was stefan Greczek. The first thing to notice is that banach was not his father's surname, but banach was given
Extractions: Stefan Banach 's father was Stefan Greczek. The first thing to notice is that Banach was not his father's surname, but Banach was given his father's first name. Stefan Greczek was a tax official who was not married to Banach's mother who vanished from the scene after Stefan was baptised, when he was only four days old, and nothing more is known of her. The name given as Stefan's mother on his birth certificate is Katarzyna Banach. She is thought by some to have been the servant of Stefan's mother, while others claim that she was a laundress who took care of Stefan when he was very young. In later life Banach tried to find out who his mother was but his father refused to say anything except that he had been sworn to secrecy over her identity. Gymnasium During his first few years at the Gymnasium Banach achieved first class grades with mathematics and natural sciences being his best subjects. A fellow school pupil recalled Banach at this period in his life (see [3]):- Banach was pleasant in dealings with his colleagues, but outside of mathematics he was not interested in anything. If he spoke at all, he would speak very rapidly, as rapidly as he thought mathematically. ... Wilkosz was a similar phenomenon. Between the two of them there was no mathematical problem that they could not speedily tackle. Also, while Banach was faster in mathematical problems, Wilkosz was phenomenally fast in solving problems in physics, which were of no interest to Banach.
Banach Center Publications Proceedings of selected conferences and semesters held at the International stefan banach Mathematical Center. Contents, abstracts, some text from 1998.
Alfred Tarski Centenary Conference stefan banach International Mathematical Center, Warsaw, Poland; 28 May 1 June 2001.
Extractions: In celebration of the centenary of his birth, the Tarski Centenary Conference will focus on his contributions to logic, the foundations of mathematics, philosophy, as well as on the continuing influence of his work. Opening : Monday 28 May, 9:00 h, Mathematical Institute, 8 Sniadeckich street, room 403, 4th floor Plan of lectures Attending the sessions of the conference does not require earlier registration. Registration desk will be open on Sunday 27 May , since 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Banach Center , 25 Mokotowska street, and on Monday 28 May , since 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Science, 8 Sniadeckich street, 4th floor. Zofia Adamowicz (Mathematical Institute, Polish Academy of Science),