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The Communication Continuum He reduces their natural communication to hoots and shrieks (p.342), and dismissesthe accomplishments of the enculturated apes used in research programs http://www.univie.ac.at/Wissenschaftstheorie/srb/srb/comm.html
Extractions: Go to SRB Archives This review appeared in Volume 7 (3) of the Semiotic Review of Books. The Evolution of Communication. By Marc D. Hauser. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996, xiii, 760 pp. ISBN 0-262-08250-0 The evolution of language is a hot topic. New books on the subject garner attention in the popular media, and their authors are sought for appearance on televised documentaries. Currently, the dominant view is that language evolved wholly within the hominid (human ancestral) lineage, whether beginning early in that lineage at millions of years ago (Pinker 1994) or only more recently with our own species (Bickerton 1995, Noble and Davidson 1996). Human language is thus sharply different from all types of animal communication. The contrasting, minority position (Savage-Rumbaugh et al. 1993, King 1994, Armstrong et al 1995) allows deeper roots for language and precursors to features of human language in animal communication systems. Variations on these two views have been repeated for centuries. Theorists in the first group seize any new scrap of information about the unique properties of human language to bolster their discontinuity view, whereas theorists in the second group search for data from the animal world to bolster their continuity view. The whole enterprise thus begins to resemble an endless ping-pong match with back-and-forth debate but little productive dialogue.
Josep Call Representing space and objects in monkeys and apes. Cognitive Science, 24, 397422. 59,771-785. Call, J. (2001). Body imitation in an enculturated orangutan. http://email.eva.mpg.de/~call/public.htm
Malinda J Carpenter Do apes and children know what they have seen? Joint attention and imitativelearning in children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees. http://email.eva.mpg.de/~carpente/
Extractions: PUBLICATIONS Child Development, 67 Infancia y Aprendizaje Imitation in animals and artifacts (pp. 211-228). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Animal Cognition, 4 Infant Behavior and Development, 21 Infant development: The essential readings (pp. 295-318). Oxford: Blackwell. Developmental Science, 5, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20, Child Development, 73, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 63 (4, Serial No. 255).
H2G2 Links animal intelligence in hard to name Forum. Google Web Directory Science SocialSciences Anthropology enculturated apes. Language in child and chimp. http://www.zyra.org.uk/h2g2.htm
Extractions: Zyra's front page CATEGORIES site index Sources of Bulk Information H2G2 LINKS from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy www.h2g2.com Muse Home Muse Achievements Xyroth as a researcher on h2g2 ... Forum on Research at Xyroth Enterprises News (2001/02) is that there appears to not be any H2G2 now. Also, all the links to it are centralised, so everyone was dependent on it. It might be better next time to have a chaotic-backup or distributed system, so that it is fault-tolerant. The current problem has left all the people at a loss no longer being able to contact each other. In the meantime, if you would like to send me stuff to put on this site I am now taking contributions. I have a list of characters on this site, and would like to get to know you. Reciprocal links can be arranged. News (2001/05) is that H2G2 has moved to www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2 , but the problem of it disappearing will not be forgotten. So as to stop this happening again, a system is being set up so the members know each other rather than it being a dependency-culture. To that effect, see AND ADD TO the Xyroth page of H2G2 characters at: www.xyroth-enterprises.co.uk/h2g2pals.htm
Science - A Alternative Science; Amateur Astronomy; Amphibians; Analytical Chemistry;Animal Biology. apes, enculturated; Apiculture; Applied; Anthropology; http://whoisman.net/sciencea.htm
SRB Review 9 (2) intent of communication, but that it does not necessarily demonstrate a cognitivedifference between apes, monkeys and other enculturated (home reared http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/srb/srb/mindful.html
Extractions: Go to SRB Archives This review appeared in Volume 9 (2) of The Semiotic Review of Books. Reaching Into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes. Ed. by. Anne E. Russon, Kim A. Bard and Sue Taylor Parker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp 464. ISBN 0521 47168 Chapter 4 compares aspects of social intelligence between apes and monkeys, in this case macaques. The research observes a particular level of social skill in post conflict situations, based on activities of a third party. The two third party behaviours investigated are third party mediated reconciliation and consolation of the loser. The varying levels of these behaviours seen between chimpanzees and macaques may partly rest on social constraints which in the more hierarchically organized macaques may interfere with loser support. In addition the argument is put forward that for chimpanzee consolation is really a more intellectually oriented event in that it involves the idea of comprehending the upset mental state of the recipient of consolation without sharing the emotion and thus becoming involved in the conflict. This ability differs from third party intervention, which is seen in macaques, because of the mental aspect of seeing yourself in another's situation. In conclusion Russon argued that the learning involved was not necessarily the main function of the imitation. Rather, by replicating non specific behaviour of favoured demonstrators, such as placing grave markers or sharpening blow gun darts they were participating in the demonstrators social circle. Interpersonal goals are seen in human infants who play peekaboo or replicate the posture and words of others. These interpersonal goals may well reflect the social bases which have been argued to underlay intellectual capabilities in apes. This level of understanding the possible goals of orangutans is quite different from the experimentally induced physically matched, goal directed behaviour regarded as true imitation in many lab situations.
An Fear Rua - The GAA Unplugged Brothers based in Mater Dei College, in upstate New York, in the USA waspreviously known to many in academia for his work with enculturated apes. http://www.anfearrua.com/ViewSectionDetail.asp?docid=4
An Fear Rua - The GAA Unplugged Brother Larry, as you may already know, is a renowned American Anthropologistwell known for his pioneering work with enculturated apes. http://www.anfearrua.com/ViewSectionDetail.asp?docid=742
Studies Of Animal Cognition Tomasello, M. Call, J. (1994) Social cognition of monkeys and apes. learning ofactions on objects by children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees. http://www2.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/animals.html
Extractions: STUDIES OF ANIMAL COGNITION Return to Index Adams-Curtis, L.E. (1987) Social context of manipulative behaviour in Cebus apella. American Journal of Primatology 12:325. Allen, C., " Animal cognition and animal minds Allen, C., and Bekoff, M. (1997) Species of Mind . Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Anderson, J. R. (1983) Responses to mirror image stimulation and assessment of self-recognition in mirror- and peer-reared stumptail macaques. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 35(b):201-212. Beck, B.B. (1976) Tool use by captive pigtaied monkeys. Primates 17:301-310. Beckoff, M., and D. Jameison. (1996). Readings in Animal Cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Bennett, J. (1988). Thoughtful brutes. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 62: 196 - 211. Bickerton, D. (1990) Language and Species. University of Chicago Press. Chalmers, David. 1999. Bibliography on Animal cognition Cheney, D. L., Seyfarth, R. M. (1980) Vocal recognition in free-ranging vervet monkeys. Animal Behaviour 288:362-367. Dasser, V. (1988) A social concept in Java monkeys. Animal Behaviour 36:225-230.
The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Evolutionary Psychology imitation of objectrelated actions in human-reared, juvenile great apes. of deferredimitation of object manipulation in an enculturated juvenile chimpanzee http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Keyword/E/EP.html
KLI Theory Lab - Authors - Jesse M. Bering in enculturated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal Cognition 5 4958. ethologyand sociobiology Povinelli, DJ/Bering, JM 2002. The mentality of apes http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/AuthPage/B/BERINGJesseM.html
Animal Learning, Language, And Cognition Click on The apes for detailed biographies, pictures, research findings and more twoyear old male orangutan who was crossfostered, enculturated and taught http://www.psyking.net/id31_m.htm
S. Shanker | Department Of Philosophy - York University E. Sue SavageRumbaugh, Stuart G. Shanker, and Talbot J. Taylor, apes, Language and worldinto which the child is entering is a reflexively enculturated world. http://www.arts.yorku.ca/phil/faculty/shanker.html
Enculturated Apes Books Search for books related to enculturated apes. That is what is meant bythe hypothesis of evolution not enculturated apes. directNIC Search. http://www.doubleload.net/enculturated-apes.shtml
Other External Links Intelligences A582220 animal itelligence in hard to name Forum Google Web Directory- Science Social Sciences Anthropology enculturated apes Language in http://www.xyroth-enterprises.co.uk/links.htm
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Extractions: The scientific study of animals and their environment. Elementary Amphibians Birds Fish Invertibrate Zoology Mammals Intermediate Aardwolves Acanthocephala Animal Behavior Annelida Arachnida Arthropda Bats Beekeeping Biogeography of Animals Bivalvia Crustacea Field Zoology Gastropoda Gnathostomulida Gross Anatomy Helminths Hemichordata Insecta Mollusca Myriapoda Neurology Protozoa Advanced Acarology Acoelomates Animal Development Aplacophora Aquatic Insects Bat Detectors Birth Defects Brachiopoda Bryozoa Cephalopoda Chilopoda Chordata Diplopoda Echinodermata Enculturated Apes Endocrinology Echiura Kinorhyncha Lophophorates Malacology Mate Choice Merostomata Minor Protostomes Monoplacophora Nematoda Nematomorpha Nemertea Neuroanatomy Neurophysiology Onychophora Opiliones Parental Care Phoronida Platyhelminthes Polyplacophora Porifera Pseudocoelomates Frontier Animal Viruses Bodily System Development Cell Assembly in Embryos Central Nervous System Synapses Genetics of Behavior Interactions between Bodily Systems Learning Memory Molecular Neurogenetics Motion Perception Neural Computation Spatial Perception Stem Cell Development Synaptic Plasticity Synaptic Transmission Visual-Motor Integration Radiata Reptiles Rhombozoa Rotifera Scaphopoda Scorpions Sexual Conflict Sipuncula Solfugids Spiders Tardigrades Trilobita Urochordata Vertebrate Anatomy Vertibrate Embryology Vertebrate Physiology Zooarchaeology Click here to go back to the projects page Click here to go back to our home page