Extractions: Print article Tell a friend Find subscription deals AARDWOLVES AND FOSSAS AND KRAITSOH MY!(animals banned as pets by the New York, NY, Dept of Health)(Brief Article) Harper's Magazine , Nov, 1999 From a partial list of animals banned as pets last June by the New York City Department of Health. All dogs other than domesticated dogs, including but not limited to hyena, dingo, jackal, dhole, fennec, zorro, bush dog, and aardwolf. All cats other than domesticated cats, including but not limited to lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, puma, caracal, jaguarundi, margay. All bears, including polar, grizzly, and black bear. All fur-bearing mammals of the family Mustelidae, including but not limited to badger, ermine, skunk, otter, zorille, and wolverine. All carnivorous mammals of the family Viverridae, including civet, mongoose, genet, binturong, fossa, linsang, and suricate.
Extractions: Print article Tell a friend Find subscription deals Stalking The BLACK-FOOTED CAT.(wild cats in South Africa) International Wildlife , May 3, 1999 A persistent biologist provides the first look into the nocturnal life of a pint-sized predator in South Africa Every muscle in Lamu's small, wiry body tightens. She is now 40 minutes into a nighttime stalk, and her snakelike tail swishes violently as she closes in on a black bustard bedded down, chickenlike, in the brick red sand of the Kalahari Desert. I hold my breath. Lamu is a black-footed cat, one of the least-known felids in the world, and as a bright moon bathes this arid landscape in a natural spotlight, I am able to watch her hunting behavior. The bustard opens one eye warily and for a fraction of a second looks as if it is about to erupt skyward with the insultingly loud scream I have witnessed so frequently before. But Lamu moves fast. Planting her tiny black feet into the ground, she leaps, snagging the bustard as it attempts to fly. The bird, half Lamu's weight, struggles only for seconds before the predator's needle-sharp teeth break its neck. Black-footed cats are dwarfs in the cat world2 to 3 pounds for females, 3 to 5 pounds for males. What we know about them comes mostly from anecdotes, many prompted by their fierce behavior when cornered by dogs.
Extractions: Links about Hyaenidae Hyena Pages - Facts and photos of spotted hyenas, brown hyenas, and aardwolves, as well as pages on hyena evolution and folklore. Family Hyena - General information about the Spotted Hyena. Animals of Africa - Hyenas - Excerpted from the illustrated book Animals of Africa. Hyaenidae - Anatomy, behavior and taxonomy of hyenas, from the Animal Diversity Web on the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology site. Has links to pages for each individual species of hyaenid. Hyenas - A hyena photo gallery and some limited information.
Family: Hyaenidae known to live as long as 13 years. aardwolves are classified in the phylum Chordata,subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Hyaenidae. http://www.virtualology.com/classmammalia/hyaenidae.com/
Extractions: Directory results: See also: Kids and Teens: School Time: Science: Living Things: Animals: Mammals: Hyenas Animals of Africa - Hyenas - Excerpted from the illustrated book Animals of Africa.. Chemical capture of the aardwolf - Information on the aardwolf, and proper procedures for catching wild aardwolves using tranquilizing darts, from the online version of the Capture and Care Manual.. Digimorph - Crocuta crocuta (spotted hyena) - Digital Morphology account of the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, featuring CT-generated animations of the skull and commentary by Dr. Pamela Owen. Fact Sheet Hyena (Striped) - The Living Desert's striped hyena fact sheet, with video file and range map.. Family Hyena - General information about the Spotted Hyena.. Female Hyenas and Male Hormones, A Strange Combination - Article on the "masculinized" female spotted hyena, and how this strange anatomy both helps and hinders her ability to raise cubs.. Hyaenidae - Anatomy, behavior and taxonomy of hyenas, from the Animal Diversity Web on the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology site. Has links to pages for each individual species of hyaenid..
Aardwolf (Proteles Cristatus): Fact Sheet achtigen. aardwolves have a yellow/brown coat with several vertical blackstripes. days. aardwolves are nocturnal and so are hard to study. http://www.animals-online.be/predators/hyena_achtigen/aardwolf.html
Extractions: Scientific name Proteles cristatus English name Aardwolf Nederlandse naam Aardwolf Deutsche name Erdwolf Homepage Aardwolves have a yellow/brown coat with several vertical black stripes. They resemble striped hyenas superficially, but their dentition is different. On the aardwolf's back is a strip of long dark hairs, which form an erectile mane that makes the aardwolf look bigger. Usually there are 2-4 young in a litter. Its gestation period is 90 to 100 days. Aardwolves are nocturnal and so are hard to study. Males, and females when not rearing young, are solitary, shy and elusive. They are sometimes seen in pairs or small groups. They live in burrows, many times taken from aardvarks, because of their proximity to an abundant termite supply. De aardwolf heeft veel weg van een hyena, maar is kleiner en wat lichter gebouwd; hij heeft een spitse snuit, slanke poten en rechtopstaande manen op nek en rug. Zijn geel- tot roodachtig bruine vacht vertoont donkere strepen. Er worden 2-4 jongen geboren in een ondergronds hol. Als de jongen gespeend zijn, voeden beide ouders hen met opgebraakte termieten. Buiten de voortplantingstijd leeft de aardwolf solitair in een territorium rond een hol dat door een aardvarken verlaten is of dat hij zelf heeft gegraven; als er jongen zijn, leeft de aardwolf in familiegroepen. De grenzen van het territorium worden gemarkeerd met geurvlaggen. De aardwolf is een nachtdier met een bijzonder scherp gehoor, waardoor hij zelfs bewegingen van termieten, zijn voornaamste voedsel, kan waarnemen.
Amazon.com: All Products Search Results: Aardwolves Aardwolf, Mammals, Wildlife Gallery, Namibia kg. Special characteristics aardwolves live monogamy. Mostly land. Huntingaardwolves are loners when they are searching for food. They http://www.independentcommerce.com/icDirectory/keyword.asp?keyword=aardwolves
Entrez PubMed We examined oxygen consumption and total evaporative water loss of aardwolves (Protelescristatus) at temperatures within and below their thermal neutral zone http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=9
I-une.com: Carnivora > Hyaenidae Sponsored Links. Site Listings. Hyena Pages Facts and photos of spotted hyenas,brown hyenas, and aardwolves, as well as pages on hyena evolution and folklore. http://dir.i-une.com/Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/
Excite España - Directorio - Hyaenidae 5. Hyena Pages, Facts and photos of spotted hyenas, brown hyenas, andaardwolves, as well as pages on hyena evolution and folklore. http://www.excite.es/directory/Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata
Tim's Page It lives in a pack of forty to fifty aardwolves. This means it is nocturnal. The maleAardwolf does all the hunting while the female aardwolves watch the pups. http://www.havasu.k12.az.us/starline/akeller/tim.htm
Extractions: Hi, my name is Tim. I'm eight years old. My hobbies are soccer and football. I like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I hope you like my work. The Aardwolf by Tim T he Aardwolf is a cute animal because it has a puppy's face and the body of a dog. It has tan fur and black stripes. It has a one foot long tail that is very bushy. It has tall ears and a slim body. It is like a hyena because it has tall front legs and short back legs. The word Aardwolf means "earth wolf". When it is scared its hair stands up. The Aardwolf is a shy creature and hides when it senses its enemy. It kills its prey by slashing its throat. Its diet is bugs and small mammals. I think the Aardwolf is a neat animal to study. T he Aardwolf lives in the habitat of the Highlands , Dry Grasslands and the Deserts of Africa. It can be found in South Africa, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Senegal, Burkina, Botswana, Namibia, Somalia, Lesotho and Swaziland. The Aardwolf and the Hyena live in the same places. It can't live anywhere else because it is the only habitat that contains its food. I think the Aardwolf has a busy life. T he Aardwolf is a mammal. The Aardwolf is warm-blooded. The Aardwolf has two to four babies. It lives in a pack of forty to fifty Aardwolves. The Aardwolf lives in a burrow that is like an ant hole, but larger. It is a good home because it has an entrance that only the Aardwolf can fit through. The Aardwolf spends its days sleeping and nights hunting. This means it is nocturnal. The male Aardwolf does all the hunting while the female Aardwolves watch the pups. When the babies are born, they are blind and can't hunt. The Aardwolf is both the prey and the predator because it eats bugs and small mammals and is the prey to the lions. The Aardwolf protects itself by going into its burrow. The Aardwolf can live in the wild for forty years. I would not like to be this animal because I would be eaten by lions.
NA Teams 99 - Team Info NATT HOME THE TEAMS NA Teams 1999. TIE RESULTS to event list toplayer/team list. Sunburst vs aardwolves 5 2. (click on names http://www.natabletennis.com/teams/teams1999/teamtie99.asp?Match=2203
NA Teams 99 - Team Info NATT HOME THE TEAMS NA Teams 1999. TIE RESULTS to event listto player/team list. aardwolves vs Mexico Girls 5 3. (click http://www.natabletennis.com/teams/teams1999/teamtie99.asp?Match=4026
Lanier Scent marking, the physical act of depositing a social odor, may serve to intimidatenonclan aardwolves as well as synchronize female estrus (Sliwa and http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/Entomology/courses/en570/papers_2000/lanier.html
Extractions: Abstract Keywords : Mammal, pheromone, communication, behavior, scent marking, scent odor Introduction Researchers of chemical ecology tend to study insects. This has been due to several factors, of which moral concerns, quantity, and life span are but a few. Insect models are more accessible to researchers as they are relatively less complex have a short lifespan, tend to be hard wired behaviorally (are more instinctual), and are prolific. Due to the absence of the "fuzzy factor" which elicits feelings of warmth and protection, insects typically illicit an aversion reaction in humans, that culminate in being squished. The "fuzzy factor" can be attributed to large eyes, an infantile head, a short nose, a soft rounded look, and a possible innate instinct in humans to hold and protect small cute animals (Temple Grandin, personal communication). Insects can be studied in controlled laboratory conditions without raising an ethical and moral concern. Whereas, most mammals elicit the "fuzzy factor" in humans and as thus are often considered unacceptable as research animals. The study of mammalian chemical ecology has been primarily field behavioral observations with some chemical analysis and identification. The study of mammalian scent marking has resulted in several hypotheses about the role of scent marks, as well as some understanding about when and where they occur. Mammalian semiochemicals (chemicals used for communication) are not the same as pheromones in that they are often a mixture of chemical compounds, and the response they invoke is not scripted. Scripting refers to pre-programmed behavioral responses to detection of specific scents and/or pheromones. The use and interpretation of scent marks by mammals is dependent on past experience, context, and age of animal (Beauchamp et al., 1976). A few of the chemical compounds that form various carnivore scent marks have been isolated (Goodwin et al., 1999; Rasmussen et al., 1997a; Gorman and Trowbridge, 1989).
Carnivores Genus Nimravus, Archaelurus, Dinaelurus, Aelurogale, Pseudaelurus. Family Hyaenidae(Hyenas and aardwolves). Subfamily Protelinae (aardwolves). Genus Proteles. http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/mammals/mami005.html
Extractions: CARNIVORA In the table below, if the name is in RED , all species in the group are extinct. Superfamily: Canoidea Family: Canidae Genus: Hesperocyon, Enhydrocyon, Amphicyon, Daphoenodon Subfamily: Caninae Genus: Canis Vulpes Urocyon Alopex ... Lycaon Family: Mustelidae Genus: Mustela Vormela Martes Eira ... Enhydra Family: Procyonidae (Raccons and lesser pandas) Family: Ursidae (Bears and giant pandas) Subfamily: Tremarctinae Genus: Tremarctos Arctodus Subfamily: Ursinae Genus: Ursus Subfamily: Ailuropoda Genus: Ailuropoda Subfamily: Agriotheriinae Genus: Ursavus Superfamily: Feloidea Family: Felidae (Cats) Subfamily: Felinae (Common Living cats) Genus: Felis Subfamily: Pantherinae (Other Living cats) Genus: Lynx Neofelis Pardofelis Panthera ... Acinonyx Subfamily: Machairodontinae (Sabre tooth cats) Genus: Similodon, Metailurus, Hoplophoneus, Dinictis, Eusmilus, Machairodus, Megantereon, Homotherium Subfamily: Nimravinae (False sabre tooth cats) Genus: Nimravus, Archaelurus, Dinaelurus, Aelurogale, Pseudaelurus Family: Hyaenidae (Hyenas and aardwolves) Subfamily: Protelinae (Aardwolves) Genus: Proteles Subfamily: Hyaeninae (Hyenas) Genus: Crocuta Hyaena Family: Viverridae (Civets and moongooses) Subfamily: Viverrinae (Civets, genets and linsangs)
Extractions: Index Life Science Animals Mammals This web site was designed was to inform people about animals they've probably never heard of. This will help people to understand about these animals so they will not destroy their habitat. This would also help to people that want to make a career involving zoology. This web site is basically meant to make the world a better place. Visit Site 2001 ThinkQuest USA Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy
Jeff's Journal cover of it s dwelling. Although aardwolves look like foxes, they arenot relatives of canines but relatives of hyenas. Due to the http://members.tripod.com/~Poet70/journal12.html