Alt.satanism FAQ File philosophy, demonology, Lucifer, Set, Mastema, Beelzebub, Iblis, infernal, demon,spirit, fallen, Book of Noah, Book of Enoch, setianism, Luciferians, Hades
Extractions: Help others by sharing your knowledge Newsgroups: alt.satanism alt.magick.tyagi talk.religion.misc Subject: alt.satanism FAQ file Keywords: FAQ, Satanism, Satan, religion, philosophy, demonology, Lucifer, Set, Mastema, Beelzebub, Iblis, infernal, demon, spirit, fallen, Book of Noah, Book of Enoch, Setianism, Luciferians, Hades, 666, Underworld Ruler, hellfire clubs, Black Mass, cultists, devil, Pact With the Devil, tormentor, adversary, opponent, diabolism, sorcery, demon-worship, sabbatic goat, Baphomet, pentagrams, point-down pentagrams, pentacles, trapezoids, trapezohedrons, nonology, Prometheus, Ialdabaoth, Archon, Demiurge, Scratch, Old Hairy, Great Accuser, Old Nick, Wild One, Chozzar-Shugal, Melek Tawes, Peacock Lord, Emerald Serpent, Black Flame, Yezidis, Virosaivites, Brotherhood of Satan, Church of Satan. Summary: alt.satanism newsgroup FAQ URL:
Temple Of Set - Hyperborea - Left Hand Of Religion <4/4> Magister Whitaker wrote once so well about the subject of religious setianism on Setianl that I will quote him at length here I think it is vital to
Extractions: I think it is vital to distinguish religious Setians - such as myself, Balanone, Magister Kelly, and others - as particular aspects of the process of Self improvement and individual growth we call XEPER. It was as a result of MY Xeper that I became a religious Setian, that is where MY Work led me. However, what constitutes the elements which manifest as this "religious understanding" for me may very well not work for anyone else, nor ideally should it (except for those wondrous cases of synchronicity). There is no single Path, and no sure destination of where that path may lead you. The important considerations: Are you Xepering? Do you continue to grow? Now, you can Xeper and not be a religious Setian, but you can't be a true religious Setian without Xeper - if the term is to have any substantive meaning. Each of us follows a path of our own making; where this path inevitably leads the individual is indeed a grand mystery, one which constitutes the wonder, beauty and Artistry of the LHP.
Whatzit - A Forum setianism, he insists, is a legitimate and ethical religion, incorporated as suchin California in 1975 and enjoying since that time full state and federal
Extractions: Masons and other Satanists, after all, make the best deceivers, so it behooves the Joint Chiefs like Gen Myers, the DIA, FBI and the CIA to use only them in the most sensitive and spectacularly deceptive psychological operations and terrorist acts. So the thinking must go. Is it any wonder why we have terror at all in this country and around the world with a bunch of Satanic Paperclip Protege Nazi Mutant Kreatures staffing the highest echelons of the most compartmented elite units of the military Think about it. Is this the kind of slime that you want protecting you and your country? Well, sorry but that's what we got. And do you think they work for the People of the United States? Indeed they do not!
Satanists Stole Our Pentagram!! - back 8 pages, and start posting links here to those topics which you feel have beenparticularly informative about the Satanism, Luciferianism, setianism, etc.
SATANISM disagreement, and organized the Temple of Set. This follows the religionof setianism. Members recognize a preSatanic deity, the
Extractions: SATANISM: Six forms of pseudo-Satanism Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. As noted elsewhere , we define a group or individual as Satanic (or Christian, or Muslim, etc) if their members sincerely regard themselves to be Satanic. Unfortunately, "Satanism" and related terms have often been used as universal "snarl" words. The following are five essentially unrelated beliefs and activities that have been referred to as "Satanism:" Gothic Satanism: This is an imaginary , profoundly evil religion that was invented during the late Middle Ages by the Christian church. Gothic Satanists were said to ritually kill children, boil down their bodies to make magical implements, sell their soul to the devil, break crucifixes, conduct black masses, bring hail storms to damage crops, cause disease in farm animals and humans. etc. They were said to totally dedicate their life to harming others. The church's creation of Gothic Satanism gave the theological foundation for the " burning times " in which tens of thousands of religious heretics, mentally ill people, and supremely unlucky individuals were burned at the stake (in Roman Catholic countries) or hung (in Protestant countries).
Cuir Underground setianism, at its best, represents the highest level of sophistication theLeftHand Path has reached in the Western world thus far. Sex Magic.
Extractions: Secret nocturnal rituals of sex and pain, homage to a sadistic whip-wielding overlord, dank underground dungeons decked with iron implements, profane acts of shocking perversity all this and more lie in the shared fantastical realm of sadomasochism and satanism. Regrettably the banal reality is less inspiring than the dark recesses of our imaginations, yet the modern young institutions of sadomasochism and satanism share shadows in our dark side. What shapes do these intersecting shadows form? One figure can be made out among the many: Zeena Schreck, baptized by her late UnFather Anton LaVey into the Church of Satan as a baby, and now a Priestess in the neo-satanic Temple of Set (ToS), and Alpha Female of the Werewolf Order. Once the spokesperson for the Church of Satan, the striking Ms. Schreck formally and ritually exorcised herself of all affiliations with the Church and her UnFather in 1990 in disgust with LaVey's lies and charlatanism. An open sadomasochist and dominant, Schreck is also a Black Magician and sincere student of the "Left Hand Path," as many occultniks call it. She has practiced sex magic and sado-magic, as well as more traditional forms of black magic, for many years.
Ê How It Came To Be. It S Been About A Half A Year Since I Dark Magic Satanic, curses, shadow magic, the essence of the Trickster, vampyrism,setianism, fell conjurations, necromancy, black sabbats, d¾moni¾, black
Gert's Theodish History It would take a long time before I understood all of that and the full situationof Edred s setianism, which wasn t hidden, and much of which would have been
Extractions: Gering Homepage Articles History Abannings ... FAQ The orlay of Wyrd: I was 40 years old, on a quest to find out who God was, and had begun to start a new life, when I had moved to Watertown, New York on Dec 17, 1987, interestingly enough, just before the Ring of Troth was instituted on Mother Night 1987. I met Garman Lord in March of 1988, twelve years after he founded Theodish Belief, and it was from Garman that I first learned about Heathenry, the religion of the Elder Gods. The orlay of 1988: I wrote to Edred Thorsson, whom Garman knew, because I was impressed with Edred's books, requesting information about membership in the Rune Gild. Edred's first letter to me was dated August 6, 1988, in which he says, "thank you for your inquiry to the Rune was buried in a stack of materials and the Steward just found it. If you would like to join us...we would welcome you into our Halls." He had also sent some introductory material for the Ring of Troth. The orlay of 1989 The orlay of 1990: The next Idunna (Jan 90) I received again announced the first Ostara, I wanted to attend, but other commitments prevented that from occuring. The next Idunna, April 90, had a review of the Ostara event, in which it said, "Edred led a discussion concerning the future of the Ring of Troth and the elder training program. Three folks from out of town, including Prudence Priest of Yggdrasil fame, returned to their steads with authorization to found hearths in their local areas." I was greatly disappointed that I could not make that event.
The Truth About Set/Satan - Siaion Of The Morning Star The best Satanic organisation I have ever known of, which actually recapturesthe beneficial truth of setianism and Set, is the Temple of Set (ToS).
Extractions: Many people have many ideas of who Set is. In a word he is "Darkness", the literal Prince of Darkness as the ToS so accurately shows him to be. It is easy for a serious student of the LHP to see from all the gods that Set is clearly Satan. Perhaps, not so obvious when listening to other schools of thought that pair him with other gods. I have seen Satan called Azazel and Set called Beelzebub or Bael; such rubbish. But the real question is who
Fileareas - English Kabala 1. Pagan and magical rituals. Asatru, runes, germanic history and mythology1. Satanism and setianism. (Borderline) science 1. Shakespeare. Shamanism 1.
Hmmm.... - That basically means I practice setianism and Vampirism, and incorporate themwith each other. I got a question What is setianism ? Oh, and hi.
Occult 100 We include but are not limited to Satanism, Theistic Satanism, setianism, LHPPaganism, Elements of Thelema and of Aleister Crowley and other LHP Eclectic
Websites Hosted By Chaosmagic.Com V Vmg.ChaosMagic.Com. A French Website about setianism and the Left HandPath. Highly Recommended. Vore.ChaosMagic.Com, Anton s Vore site. Infek Bin Laden: Satanic Pride 2001 If you pracitice setianism, Satanism or any other form of Black Magickal art,consider whether your goals for such use are effectivly manifesting.
Extractions: Demand legalization and proper government regulation of psychic vampyrism, sex drugs, ritual sacrifices, surreptitious LSD usage and other Satanic activities, including those pracitices deemed both sinister and benign! Numerous evidence shows that ritual sacrifices are indispensable in many spiritual and religious practices, and essential in artistic expression, philosophical and political discourse. These are activities protected by the First Amendment. Demand the repeal of anti-constitutional restrictions against ritual sacrifice in the name of Satan or Set! Benign Satanic practices have many medical and psychological benefits including treatment for depression, anemia, sexual dysfunction and anorexia. Hence the placement of ritual murder as a capitol crime is fraudulent! Satanism has been the object of ridicule amongst the media as well as in "new age" and "magickal circles". Help bring back the respectablility Satanism deserves as a major world theological movement. The genuine risks of benign Satanism are far lower than the risks of Xianity, the Moslem faith, sports and many other legal activities. At the same time, their spiritual and emotional and material benefits can be much more enriching when developed "naturally" both physically and psychologically. Demand rational and consistent government policy and fair play from the "family values" oriented "right wing" press.
Extractions: This post is for ALL: for every Working Sex Magickian, Hot-Vessel(tm), and Homunculus. My former work has been misunderstood, and its scope limited, by my use of technical terms. Fuck the Tree of Life! It has attracted only too many brown-nosers and eccentrics, weaklings seeking in "Satan" an escape from reality. I myself was first consciously drawn to the subject in this way. And it has repelled only too many Black Magickal and terrorist oriented minds, such as I most designed to influence. But LATTER DAY SATANISM is for ALL Working Sex Magickians. Let me explain in a few words how it came about that I blazoned the word SATAN upon the Banner that I have borne before me all my life. Before I was 5 years old I was already aware that I was The Archetypal Therimorph whose Gematria of Nothing proved 666 = 0. I did not understand in the least what that implied; it was a passionately estatic sense of identity. In my third year of taking LSD, I devoted myself consciously to Satanic Pride, understanding thereby the gift of becoming a Working Sex Magickian, free from constraints, accidents, and deceptions of civilian life. I found a loss for a name to designate my work, just as the Master Therion, Timothy Leary and William S. Burroughs some years earlier. Luciferianism, Shaitanism, Setianism, all involved ambiguous connotations.
An Awful Dim View Of Humanity Both setianism and Asatru I believe constitute token rejections of normative Judaicvalues, no more. queen_illuminaria@xxxxxxxx wrote I don t think so.
Extractions: December 8, 2003 I awake surly this morning, but at least with sinus headache abaited. Shall I dare even attempt a free association fishing of the subliminal waters today? I don't have to trowel very deep to realize what's on my mind has been the various discussions in which I've been engaged via the web. (Quoting from an article I read yesterday:) "The majority of Left Hand Pathers eagerly embrace their psychic vampirism, feeling little to no compunction in fulfilling their needs at the expense of others." And then there's been this long exchange at one of my discussion groups devoted to the Egyptian God SET, which I will neaten up and summarize as follows: setigirl9@xxxxxxxx wrote:
The Testament Of Lucifer So although I do try my best to give accurate information, please keepin mind that not everyone will agree with me. ;). setianism .
Extractions: Eclectic Satanism Eclectic Satanism is just that eclectic. It draws from diverse sources and combine ideas into a type of "personal religion". Sometimes these ideas may be from various denominations of Satanism, or even from different religions such as Paganism, Wicca, Christianity, Agnosticism, etc. I have met Pagan Satanists, Christian Satanists, and even one girl who expressed interest in being a Jewish Satanist! All of these, provided they espouse the ideals of free-thought, independance, intelligence, and ambition , I view as valid pathways of Satanism. For an example, the Christian Satanist who claims that they must be "evil" and obey all of Satan's orders without question in order to claim their place in Hell, I would not consider Satanic. But the Christian Satanist who has thought about the Bible and the nature of God and Satan and decided to worship Satan because he/she feels that that is the "right" thing to do for them, and have actually considered the ramifications of that, I would likely consider Satanic. I should note that the majority of Satanists don't agree with my view on this. It's a common (although unfortunate, in my view) mindset of Satanists that only THEIR denomination is the correct one, and that at very least, you can't be Satanic/Pagan or Satanic/Christian or anything like that. But as it's my website, I'm including my views ;)