Religious Setianism Brief discussion of Religious setianism (Setians who have chosen to believe in themodern religion of Set as well as pursuing the philosohpy of Xeper) as found
Extractions: edited by: Balanone, Apr. 1998 I think it is vital to distinguish religious Setians - such as myself, Balanone, Magister Kelly, and others - as particular aspects of the process of Self improvement and individual growth we call XEPER . It was as a result of MY Xeper that I became a religious Setian, that is where MY Work led me. However, what constitutes the elements which manifest as this "religious understanding" for me may very well not work for anyone else, nor ideally should it (except for those wondrous cases of synchronicity). There is no single Path, and no sure destination of where that path may lead you. The important considerations: Are you Xepering? Do you continue to grow? Now, you can Xeper and not be a religious Setian, but you can't be a true religious Setian without Xeper - if the term is to have any substantive meaning. Each of us follows a path of our own making; where this path inevitably leads the individual is indeed a grand mystery, one which constitutes the wonder, beauty and Artistry of the LHP. As Adepts and First Degree Setians, it becomes important to understand that the religious Setians do not have any expectation nor desire for you to join them. It is something which will
Balanone's Temple Of Set FAQ Orders 5.6 The High Priest 6.0 Setians and setianism 6.1 Activities 6.2 Setians 6.3 Why are we here 6.0 Setians and setianism "Setian" is the generic term which applies to
Extractions: Usenet FAQs Search Web FAQs Documents ... RFC Index Newsgroups: alt.satanism alt.pagan alt.magick , alt.magick.order, alt.magick.tyagi Subject: Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ Summary: This posting describes the Temple of Set, answering questions frequently asked on newsgroups, mailing lists, and elsewhere. Date: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:52 GMT Archive-name: religions/temple-of-set Title: Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ Posting-Frequency: monthly, quarterly to soc.religion.paganism Last-modified: 2001/12/29 Version: 1.2.6 URL: . IMO the HTML version of this FAQ is much more readable; it can be found at This FAQ's answers are intentionally brief and concise, sometimes excessively so, to keep this document's size down. More detailed information is available in the companion document, "Balanone's Temple of Set REF." That REF can be obtained from
Extractions: Divination, Magical and Occult Resources Divination Ouija Ouija gives you entertainment you have never experienced. It draws the two people using it into close companionship and weaves about them a feeling of mysterious isolation. Unquestionably the most fascinating entertainment for modern people and modern life. Weird and mysterious. Surpasses in its unique results, mind reading, clairvoyance, and second sight. It furnishes never failing amusement and recreation for the entire family. As unexplainable as Hindu magic - more intense and absorbingly interesting than a mystery story I-Ching I Ching readings are a form of Stichomancy: Three coins are cast, or, the yarrow sticks are divided, and the result is referenced in the I Ching or "Book of Changes", one of Confucianism's Five Classics. The selected passages convey information and philosophy that pertains to the life of the questioner.
My Satanic Adventure can read my writings on the topics of Satanism/setianism, Neopaganism and civil liberties, and analyze my arguments to
Extractions: The following was first published in 1975 c.e. in response to a number of vitriolic attacks against me by various Satanists. In 1992, I was once again the target of a Satanic poison pen campaign, caused by the publishing of my essay The Enemies of Our Enemies In the city of Berkeley, California, there is a large T-shaped intersection at the main southern entrance to the campus of the University of California, where I enrolled as a sophomore in the fall of 1967, at the tender age of 17. Here, where Telegraph Avenue runs north into the east-west Bancroft Avenue, there is a large expanse of brick sidewalk between the traffic on Bancroft and the short cement pillars that mark the entry into the plaza between Sproul Hall (the administration building) and the Student Union. It was on those bricks that I spent many leisure hours heckling the preachers who held court there in the late 1960 s.
Balanone's Temple Of Set REF 3.4 Religious setianism. On October 21, 1996, Magister Roger Whitaker sent anemail to the internal Setian mailing list discussing religious setianism.
Extractions: John, What evidence would you wish to see to determine whether Setianism is a religion? (To many it's not it's primarily a philosophy and a way of life, but it is a religion to its priesthood and quite a few others. I am a member of that religion.) In the Temple of Set's entry, under the section "Basic Beliefs", we find: > The Temple considers itself to be consecrated by and dedicated to Set, originally an ancient Egyptian deity. One rival cult, that of Osiris whose myths were erroneously assumed to be "pan-Egyptian" by later civilizations portrayed Set as the god of evil. Setians themselves, however, did not then and do not now consider Set an evil figure, nor consider the Setian religion merely a refutation of conventional religion. Setians perceive the universe as a non-conscious but ordered environment within which Set has, over a period of millennia, altered the genetic development of at least one form of life to create a species humanity possessing an enhanced, self-conscious intelligence. The techniques and teachings of the Temple are designed to identify and develop this higher evolutionary potential in appropriate individuals.
Setianism - Occult forum offers discussion on paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, magic, spells ritual, Necromancy, Satanism, Gnosticism, Eastern faiths and other esoteric topics. Posted Wed Apr 23, 2003 617 pm. Post subject setianism temple of set to be a setian/setianist? does setianism fit into the picture of traditionalism versus modernism and
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Balanone's Temple Of Set FAQ Handy FAQ concerning the Temple of Set The Temple of Set is probably best described as an initiatory magical order of the Left Hand Path. The High Priest. 6.0. Setians and setianism. 6.1. Activities
Extractions: This is one man's FAQ document concerning the Temple of Set. Its information is drawn from a number of resources, including electronic discussions, hard copy correspondence, internal Temple of Set documents, etc. This FAQ's answers are intentionally brief and concise, sometimes excessively so, to keep this document's size down. More detailed information is available in the companion document, Balanone's Temple of Set REF Different people like browsing the web in different ways. Some want a document like this one to be several different web pages, each loading quickly. Others want one long document they can save, print, or scan through. Both should be satisfied here. Each section of the FAQ has a page of its own, which can be reached by clicking the sectional links in the table of contents below. Or you can view the full document as one page.
Path!!!! tiny bit old. The similarities/differences between setianism and Christianityare a more interesting topic, at least to me. And so
Extractions: Path:!!!!!!panix!not-for-mail From: (Kevin Filan) Newsgroups: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan Subject: Re: Org Satanism/Christianity (was Re: Shared Mythos (was Re: ...)) Date: 15 Jun 1996 19:22:45 -0400 Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC Lines: 138 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: alt.satanism:45454 alt.magick.tyagi:8674 alt.pagan:163020 In article , Balanone
The Setian Plague conceived and outlined. . setianism is Not Satanism. My experiences setianismA Christian Alternative. setianism is just one more
Extractions: by H.J.Mowry, Jr. 4/1995CE Cloaked in "Satanic" terminology and looming in the midst of an academic atmosphere, there exists a sickness that TS (Temple of Set) members refuse to acknowledge but with which they are nevertheless plagued. It contorts, undermines, and marks all of what TS members endeavor to pursue. It acts as an infectious disease raging to epidemic proportions, running wild and stronger the higher it travels through the TS's pretentious degree system. It's the very disease found in all religions and organizations that are accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. This "plague" which is overlooked and fostered with the TS is one of SELF-DECEIT and HYPOCRISY . It destroys the very principle on which the TS is claimed to be founded: " preserve and enhance the more noble concepts which The Church of Satan had conceived and outlined." My experiences and observations as a member in the TS from June 14, 1993 to February 8, 1995 proved to be far more revealing than the TS would ever concede. There were many subtle yet conspicuous displays of deceit and hypocrisy which are seen by anyone who maintains the slightest semblance of Satanic thought. With the passing of time and through empirical examination it became more and more evident that Setian philosophy and practices are inconsistent with those found in Satanism (as defined in The Satanic Bible). Setianism: A Christian Alternative
The Setian Plague setianism is just one more likeness of elementary ideas derived from ancient mythology are merely personifications of attitude). setianism (as most all religions) merges mythology
Extractions: edited and converted to HTML format by David R Ondrejko Cloaked in "Satanic" terminology and looming in the midst of an academic atmosphere, there exists a sickness that TS (Temple of Set) members refuse to acknowledge but with which they are nevertheless plagued. It contorts, undermines, and marks all of what TS members endeavor to pursue. It acts as an infectious disease raging to epidemic proportions, running wild and stronger the higher it travels through the TS's pretentious degree system. It's the very disease found in all religions and organizations that are accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. This "plague" which is overlooked and fostered with the TS is one of SELF-DECEIT and HYPOCRISY . It destroys the very principle on which the TS is claimed to be founded: " preserve and enhance the more noble concepts which The Church of Satan had conceived and outlined." My experiences and observations as a member in the TS from June 14, 1993 to February 8, 1995 proved to be far more revealing than the TS would ever concede. There were many subtle yet conspicuous displays of deceit and hypocrisy which are seen by anyone who maintains the slightest semblance of Satanic thought. With the passing of time and through empirical examination it became more and more evident that Setian philosophy and practices are inconsistent with those found in Satanism (as defined in The Satanic Bible).
Uncle Setnakts Essential Guide To The Left Hand Path Practical initiatory examples of setianism I would recommend this book to everyonewho is taking his first steps on slippery occult ground, and wondering how
Extractions: Uncle Setnakt (aka Don Webb, High Priest of the Temple of Set) has put the "left hand path" into a perspective which is probably contradictory to most peoples traditional views on the subject. Such fearsome subjects as black magic, "evil" and Satanism are not defined in terms of malevolence, murder and mahem, but rather as a process by which an individual can attain excellence without the necessity of transcendental obeisance or assistance. My first impression of this book was that it was kind of a "Chicken Soup" amalgam of disciplines, philosophies and exercises which seemed somewhat anathema to stereotypical Left Hand Path traditions. After the initial cursory perusal, I started over again from the beginning and SLOWLY began to assimilate the ideas presented. I began to realize that nearly every sentence had a potency of its own. I was becoming elucidated by the "darkness" and the psychology of "Coming Into Being" began to cohese with my inner being. My synapses were beginning to fire with excitement!lt;P>I am now in the process of reading this book again for the third time...this time with empirical intent rather than simply a vicarious mental acknowledgement of the subject.
The Alt.satanism FAQ spirit, fallen, Book of Noah, Book of Enoch, setianism, Luciferians, Hades, 666, Underworld Ruler, hellfire clubs, Black
Extractions: Help others by sharing your knowledge Newsgroups: alt.satanism alt.magick.tyagi talk.religion.misc Subject: the alt.satanism FAQ Keywords: FAQ, Satanism, Satan, religion, philosophy, demonology, Lucifer, Set, Mastema, Beelzebub, Iblis, infernal, demon, spirit, fallen, Book of Noah, Book of Enoch, Setianism, Luciferians, Hades, 666, Underworld Ruler, hellfire clubs, Black Mass, cultists, devil, Pact With the Devil, tormentor, adversary, opponent, diabolism, sorcery, demon-worship, sabbatic goat, Baphomet, pentagrams, point-down pentagrams, pentacles, trapezoids, trapezohedrons, nonology, Prometheus, Ialdabaoth, Archon, Demiurge, Scratch, Old Hairy, Great Accuser, Old Nick, Wild One, Chozzar-Shugal, Melek Tawes, Peacock Lord, Emerald Serpent, Black Flame, Yezidis, Virosaivites, Brotherhood of Satan, Church of Satan. Summary: alt.satanism newsgroup FAQ URL:
Setianism setianism Lära. Ändra sidan Visa ditt intresse Ämne 12565, v5 Status normal. är Lära Setianister kraft. Alias setianism.
Balanone's Temple Of Set FAQ 6.0, Setians and setianism. 6.1, Activities. 6.2, Setians. 6.0 Setians and setianism.Setian is the generic term which applies to each member of the Temple of Set.
Extractions: Date: July 29, 1997 Version: Author/Editor: Balanone 1997, Temple of Set This is one man's FAQ document concerning the Temple of Set. Its information is drawn from a number of resources, including electronic discussions, hard copy correspondence, internal Temple of Set documents, etc. This FAQ's answers are intentionally brief and concise, sometimes excessively so, to keep this document's size down. More detailed information is available in the companion document, Balanone's Temple of Set REF Qualifications: Balanone has been an active member of the Temple of Set since early 1976, and so is intimately familiar with Setian philosophy and practice. While this document is just one person's statement, and not an official statement from/by the organization, this person has the depth of experience to be reasonably confident in his accuracy. Corrections, additions, and differences of opinion from other members of the Temple of Set are more than welcome, and within reason all such will be included in this document. Introduction Philosophy Xeper Initiation Satanism Left Hand Path ... Dogma vs Doctrine Religion The Temple of Set as a Religion Set The Gift of Set Magic Black Magic Ritual Practices Occult Studies The Organization Membership in the Temple Relations with Other Organizations Why the Temple of Set?
From Bobby Meizer Area Base Of Set To Astral Invader 25 Apr 92 (1 of 2) . DV To me, setianism is only the latest in a series of newreligions that Satanism has given birth to, or helped give birth to. .
Extractions: Pale Rider wrote: AS>PR> are from the new dispensation, so the laws in the New Testament come AS> Then are you a Dispensationalist? Why not? Got a AS>Schoefield Bible B^) i think he is a pseudo-dispensationalist 93 jonathon * SLMR 2.1a * Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic 718499927771849992777184999277718499927771849992777184999277718 From: Jonathon Area: Base of Set To: Jeff Mccord 22 Apr 92 23:37:22 Subject: satan UpdReq quoting jeff mccord to all JM> In the Bible, the Word of God, satan is defeated. Now, JM>why do satanists insist on thinking that satan will win? JM>He is already defeated by the blood of Jesus. DO you all JM>have a bible that says the opposite? the only true satanist
From Dirge Area Base Of Set To Azrael 5 Apr 92 183004 Subject I don t know enough about Asatru to know whether there are, in fact,any serious incompatibilities between Asatru and setianism.
Dark Doctrines, Left Hand Path And Satanism Actually, there are very good reasons to compare setianism to fundamentalistXtianity rather than Satanism. Xtianity is also blatantly RHP.
Dark Doctrines, Left Hand Path And Satanism it. That would mean specifically that Satanism is EITHER setianism (Setor some other name) or it is Sat and Tan oriented. Actually