Extractions: Petersen, Ayers-Stamper Win GNAC Multis Mens Final is Close, SPU Freshman Rolls to Womens Victory Monmouth Danielle Ayers-Stamper of Seattle Pacific and Chris Petersen of Central Washington are the 2003 Great Northwest Athletic Conference combined events champions. Ayers-Stamper, a freshman from Seattle Pacific, had little resistance in rolling to the heptathlon title. After holding a 440-point lead after day one, she won two of the three events on Friday at McArthur Field to cruise to a final seven-event tally of 5,024. Her teammate, fellow freshman Linda Blake took second place with 4,163 points. For Central Washingtons Petersen, winning the decathlon was much more difficult. Seattle Pacifics Chris Randolph made a late rush to place second, winning the 10-event final 1,500 meters with a time of 4:32. Still Petersens 4:39.29 and final total of 6,334 points held ground on Randolphs 6,242. Western Oregons Brandon Conroy was just 22 points behind at 6,220 for third place.
Benner Library & Resource Center Olivet nazarene University s Benner Library maintains this web site to extend accessto its students and staff to Internet resources beyond its walls and to http://library.olivet.edu/
Www.trinitynazokc.net/ Christian missions and world evangelism resourcesResources for the Christian missions mobilization ministry and classes of HowardCulbertson, Southern nazarene University professor of world evangelism. http://www.trinitynazokc.net/
Welcome To Decatur Church Of The Nazarene Decatur Church of the nazarene Proclaiming Christ in Decatur forover 59 years. NRSV. Welcome to Decatur Church of the nazarene! http://www.decaturchurch.org/
Southdale Church Of The Nazarene Anderson. Worship schedule, contact information, event calendar, photo album, ministries, chat room and links. http://www.southdalenaz.org
Index Of /nazarene/ DIR ParentDirectory DIR _vti_cnf/ 08Feb-2000 1157 4K IMG arrow1Index of /nazarene/. Name Last modified Size http://www.rannet.com/nazarene/
Www.jolietnaz.org Joliet. Worship schedule, contact information and ministries. http://www.jolietnaz.org
Extractions: We had a great day March 7, 2004 celebrating Pastor Day's return from Afghanistan, with over 250 people in attendance and a delicious meal following the service. Welcome home Pastor! Welcome Joliet First Church of the Nazarene, located 20 miles southwest of Chicago, is a Community of Hope for all people in the Joliet area. At our church, our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For directions, click here and enter your location. Sunday Services and Events 9:00 am Sunday Worship Music Rehearsal 9:30 am Bible Fellowship Groups 10:45 am Morning Celebration Service 4:45 pm Celebation Choir Rehearsal 4:45 pm 6:00 pm Evening Celebration Service Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm Nxt Generation Youth Service (teens) 7:00 pm Adult Prayer and Praise (college age and up) 7:00 pm Caravans (children) 8:15 pm Sunday Worship Music Rehearsal
Knoxville First Church Of The Nazarene Home Page for Knoxville First Church of the nazarene, A Warm Welcome Awaits You. RickShelton, Senior Pastor. Who is the Church of the nazarene Denomination ? http://www.kfcn.org/
Extractions: Mission Statement Knoxville First Church of the Nazarene is a mission-oriented church, committed to prayer,dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Biblical preaching and scriptural holiness, providing an environment of joyful worship and loving fellowship responding to the needs of the people. Rev. Rick Shelton, Senior Pastor Who is the "Church of the Nazarene" Denomination ? What Beliefs are in the Articles of Faith? Location, directions, and maps for Knoxville First Church of the Nazarene. Time Activity 9:15 a.m. Prayer time at the Altar 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:45 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Time Activity 6:30 p.m. NYI (Teens) 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Children's Ministry 7:40 p.m. Choir Rehearsal E-MAIL: The Church Secretary
Home Page nazarene Israel Congregation of Hilton Head Island, SC. Includes articles and books against deception within Christianity. http://www.forthegoym.net
Extractions: Phone: new # as of April E-MAIL JEFF Back up: E-MAIL Hear O Israel See The Blood Moons Passover 2003 Prophetic Words From YHVH ... YHVH's Signs While Experiencing Shavuot YHVH's Signs from Succot 2003 See Updated Calendar of Events! See Updated Resource Center! GET IT NOW! Countdown Calendar ARE WE IN THE FINAL 3 1/2 YEARS? The Shofar's are blowing! When Yahshuah (Jesus) proclaimed "It is finished" was He referring to the Hebraic foundation of our faith? No, not if we truly comprehend the following: "Think not don't even go there!! ) that I have come to destroy ( or replace the Torah ( Law ) or the Prophets: I have not come to destroy ( or replace ), but rather to fulfill ( to reestablish and make it stronger ). Awmayn ! I say unto you: Until the heavens and earth pass, not one yod or one tittle ( nothing ) shall in no way pass from the Torah ( Law ) till all is fulfilled." ( Matthew 5:17-18 Since we accept the Word of Elohim to be free of error, where does that lead us? Back To The Beginning click picture for a larger view THE WORD BECAME FLESH This Ministry was founded to proclaim the "Manna" that has been hidden from the church as it is dedicated to teaching and preaching the entire Word of God (Elohim) as it was intended to be taught.
Cape Elizabeth Church Of The Nazarene - Welcome Cape Elizabeth Church of the nazarene. Thursday, May 13, 2004. From the Pastor.Greetings! Welcome to the Cape Elizabeth Church of the nazarene. http://www.yourchurchweb.net/cecn/
Extractions: trusting God to build His Church." Greetings! Welcome to the Cape Elizabeth Church of the Nazarene. Around here youll hear three words used repeatedly: upward, inward and outward. In our worship we lift our hearts and voices upward toward heaven. As we gather together for times of spiritual nurturing and discipleship we grow inwardly. By finding ourselves "alive to God" through upward worship and inward nurture were compelled to outward acts of compassion and service, reflecting the face of Christ in this world. Now that youve visited us on the internet, I invite you to join us in person. Youll find yourself surrounded by loving people seeking to live their lives not for themselves but to Gods greater glory! Gods peace to you, Pastor Jon Twitchell Sunday am Sunday School am Worship Celebration cecn@yourchuchweb.net
Baseball Crusaders. Statistics, a schedule of upcoming games, scores, records and coach's profile. http://www.enc.edu/org/athletics/menstennis.html
Extractions: EASTERN NAZARENE MEN'S TENNIS Head Coach: Ken Hardee hardeek@enc.edu Back to Athletics Back to ENC Home Page Commonwealth Coast Conference games in red Month Day Date Opponent H/A Time/Results March Sat. Becker College A W, 9-0 Tues. Suffolk University H ppd. Thur. Newbury College H W, 9-0 Sat. Wentworth H L, 2-7 April Tues. Colby Sawyer A L, 0-9 Sat. Gordon A W, 6-3 Mon. Nichols H L, 1-8 Wed. Salve Regina H L, 0-9 Thur. U/Mass-Boston H L, 2-7 Sat. Curry H L, 2-7 Tues. Becker A W, 9-0 Thur. Endicott A W, 9-0 Tues. U/Mass-Dartmouth A ppd, Wed. Roger Williams A L, 0-9 Thur. Bridgewater St. H L, 1-8 May Tues.-Sat. CCC Tournament TBA TBA Name Yr. Ht. High School/Hometown John Churchill Sr. Minnechaug / Wilbraham, MA Chris Greco Jr. Monument Mountain Regional / Great Barrington, MA Terrence Green Jr. St. George's College / Kingston, MA Craig Moore So. Rising Sun / Rising Sun, MD Christian Popa Sr. Tudor Vladimirescu / Quincy, MA Kevin Simonson So. Valley Central / Montgomery, NY Matt Weston So. Bourne / Bourn, MA Jared Willemin Jr. Atlee / Mechanicsville, VA Dan Zimmerman Jr.
Ewa Beach Church Of The Nazarene- Ewa Beach, Hawaii Ewa Beach Church of the nazarene exists to share the hope of eternallife with it s community through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pastor http://www.angelfire.com/hi3/ewanaz/