Aimee Semple McPherson -- Encyclopædia Britannica Aimee Elizabeth Kennedy controversial American Pentecostal evangelist and early radiopreacher whose international church of the foursquare gospel brought her kong's return t
WebRing: Hub The vision of the international church of the foursquare gospel (ICFG) is to presentJesus Christ, God s Son, to every person in every culture and nation as
Extractions: Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity Denominations ... Go to Directory Home Web Pages - ranked by popularity Foursquare Church Denominational website. Information on conferences, beliefs, officers, church history and structure. The Gathering - Salem, MA Foursquare Church This site includes writings on Paganism and Witchcraft, discussions between Christians and Neo-Pagans, as well as, meeting times, and a calendar of outreach events. Living Way Fellowship Littleton, Colorado. Information on ministries, missions, church schedule, and map. Lompoc Foursquare Church Lompoc, California. Staff introductions, event and worship meeting times, and Xtreme impact youth group. Beaverton Foursquare Church Beaverton, Oregon. Contact information, beliefs, calendar, schedule. | Church Is foursquare BELIEF The vision of the international church of the foursquare gospel is to presentJesus Christ, Gods son, as the savior, the baptizer with the Holy
Extractions: /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var pageName="" var server="" var channel="" var pageType="" var pageValue="" var prop1="" var prop2="" var prop3="" var prop4="" var prop5="" var prop6="news" var prop7="lifestyle" var prop8="" var prop9="" var prop10="" var s_code=' ' HISTORY: Evangelist Aimee Simple McPherson, a pioneer of women in religion and founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church, began preaching across the United States in the early 1900s. In 1918, she established her base in Los Angeles and in 1923, the Angelus Temple was dedicated and became the center of her ministries. McPherson was the first woman to receive a FCC radio license and her sermons were the first to incorporate contemporary communications into the preaching of the Gospel. Her extensive social ministry provided hot meals for more than 1.5 million people during the Depression.
Introducing The FOURSQUARE CHURCH between the local congregation and denominational leadership. 1. Themembers of the international church of the foursquare gospel are
Extractions: The Term FOURSQUARE The term "Foursquare" is found throughout scripture. In addition, early in the twentieth century, the term was often used to describe something or someone who was "solid" and "balanced." It was out of the mainstream of North American society that God called Aimee Semple McPherson. He gave her insight on the message that He wanted her to preach: a simple, fourpoint declaration that reached into the hears of thousands as it proclaimed Jesus Christ as: Savior - Healer - Baptizer with the Holy Spirit - The Soon Coming King The ministry that resulted from that clear communication soon became a movement. It gained such acceptance that it was necessary for a Church organization to be established to facilitate the establishment of new congregations and to handle the legalities of owning and developing properties. Bylaws were adopted to ensure that the movement would stay true to the Scriptures, its calling and a consistent form of government. The Church FOURSQUARE A study was made of the various models of church government. A structure based on a "modified episcopal" form of organization was embraced which has provided definition and direction in maintaining a solid and balanced relationship between the local congregation and denominational leadership.
HERE COMES THE GLOBAL CHURCH.12 John Holland, president of the international church of the foursquare gospel, saidthat although the practical application is staggering, the results could be
Extractions: Link no longer active. Update: "This was a headline in the International and National Religion Report!" The date of the Promise Keeper Update was Feb 5, 1996. ARTICLE: CHURCH LEADERS START JOINT CAMPAIGN TO EVANGELIZE UNITED STATES An "authentic, holy desperation" is drawing denominations to work together, said Paul Cedar, president of the Evangelical Free Church of America and head of the networking movement Mission America, which organized the meeting along with The Billy Graham Center's Institute of Evangelism. While "the Book of Acts is being repeated in Third World countries," the U.S. church is limping along, Cedar said. The United States "desperately needs the authentic church of Jesus Christ to rise to the surface." These are not days for protecting turf, "but for humbling ourselves," he said. "It is not commission, or omission, but no mission" that is the church's greatest failing, Fox said. But now, "the people are given a new vision." The Chicago group of leaders "is about the same number that gathered in the Upper Room, and about the same kind of people -rather ordinary," he said. "But something happened to them." Denominations represented by leaders at the Chicago meeting included the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Angelus Temple years of marriage, until her death in 1993, Lorna De worked tirelessly alongsideher husband to advance the international church of the foursquare gospel.
Extractions: Dr. Rolf K. McPherson was born on March 23, 1913, in Providence, Rhode Island, to Harold and Aimee Semple McPherson. His sister, Roberta Starr Semple, was almost three years old at the time. The family of four settled into a domestic routine for a few years, but Aimee Semple McPherson would soon follow God's call to evangelize far and wide, a call that she had first sensed as a teenager. In 1918 Aimee, Roberta, Rolf, and a female secretary joined the numbers of daring people making the journey from the East Coast to the West Coast by automobile. God had called Aimee to Los Angeles, and to Los Angeles she would go. Against all odds, the group safely reached Los Angeles late in 1918 in the Gospel car complete with $100 and a tambourine. While his mother busily pursued establishing her evangelistic base in the Echo Park area of Los Angeles, Rolf had as his playground the construction site at Angelus Temple as well as the wide-open spaces of the city. At that time the population of Los Angeles was ess than two million.While in his late teens Rolf met Lorna De Smith who helped him realize that even though he had been raised in the church, he must make a personal commitment to God. In 1931 Rolf married Lorna De in a ceremony officiated by his mother. To this union were born two daughters, Alicia Kay and Marlene. Throughout their more than sixty years of marriage, until her death in 1993, Lorna De worked tirelessly alongside her husband to advance the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.
Extractions: NebulaSearch Home Search the NebulaSearch Directory Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity ... Pentecostalism : International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Foursquare Church - Denominational website. Information on conferences, beliefs, officers, church history and structure. Akitsu Gospel Church - Tokorozawa, Japan. Intoductions to the pastors, statement of faith, worship and class schedules. Beaverton Foursquare Church - Beaverton, Oregon. Contact information, beliefs, calendar, schedule. Calvary Chapel Georges Hall - Calvary Chapel Georges Hall. A part of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Information on beliefs and ministries. Canyon Chapel - Williams, Arizona. Contact information, schedule, photos. Carpinteria FourSquare Church - Four Square is a full Gospel redemption and healing center walking in the ministry of Jesus. Chatsworth Foursquare Church - Chatsworth, California. Contact information, announcements, schedule. Christ is the Answer - The Wetherill Park church of the Foursquare Gospel Australia. Includes sermons, ministries and service times. Cornerstone Chapel - Medina, Ohio. Newsletter, schedule of services, overview of beliefs and ministries.
New Horizons Christian Fellowship Horizons Christian Fellowship is part of The Foursquare Gospel Church of Great Britain,in fellowship with The international church of the foursquare gospel.
Extractions: Phone/Fax church office 44+1455-282206 New Horizons Christian Fellowship is part of The Foursquare Gospel Church of Great Britain, in fellowship with The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. Our ministry team for Leicestershire is: Rev. David Gray, D.Th., Ph.D. and Rev. Shirley Taylor, B.Th. Family Service 9:15 A.M. Praise and Worship 8.00 P.M. International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
Extractions: We have been inspired to let you know God loves you, cares about you, and desires to become a very real part of your life. We hope that you will be awakened to the marvelous truth that God cares deeply about you and has solutions to the varied problems in life you face. We are committed to helping people. If there is anything we can help you with, please contact us at:
Churches - Foursquare - HIS-Net The Foursquare Superhighway This is the unofficial communicationscenter for the international church of the foursquare gospel.
The Worldwide Churches Christian Search Engine all the words any word exact phrase, casesensitive whole words only this sectiononly. Home Denomination international church of the foursquare gospel. / Internationa
Christian Century Two Top Officials Of The International Church You are Here Articles Christian Century April 20, 2004 Article. Two top officialsof the international church of the foursquare gospel resigned in March
American Churches international church of the foursquare gospel ICFG The International Church ofthe Foursquare Gospel is a vibrant and growing family that spans the globe.
What Do Pentecostals Believe Fellowship Independent Assemblies of God International International Assemblies ofGod international church of the foursquare gospel International Communion of
GREENSEEK Hall. A part of the international church of the foursquare gospel.Information on beliefs and ministries. Denominational website.