Bishop Street Methodist Church Leicester City. Contact information, schedule of services, maps, appeal, information on the church's architectural history and organ. Part of the Leicester (Trinity) circuit. - Official Website Of Central Methodist Church, Chesterfield Saltergate, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Services, activities, Alpha course, children and young people, beliefs, aims, history, news, coffee shop, testimonies, resources, counselling, contact, location and links. Part of the Chesterfield circuit.
World Methodist Evangelism Institute Cooperative ministry of World Evangelism, Candler School of Theology and Emory University. Aims for the institute in training, listening, sharing, cooperating with others and developing resources for evangelism.
Extractions: The World Methodist Evangelism Institute is a cooperative ministry of World Evangelism of the World Methodist Council and Candler School of Theology at Emory University . The Institute has the following six-fold purpose: To train pastors and lay people in evangelism ministries with the aim of multiplying the witnesses To learn what is happening in Methodist evangelism around the world; To cooperate with indigenous churches in research into the nature and task of evangelism: To provide an arena for listening, learning, and teaching; To join evangelism ministries to the best in academic inquiry; To develop evangelism resources for and with the churches. World Methodist Evangelism Institute
Bloomfield/Aldersgate/ Has information on service times, staff and the choir.
Extractions: United Methodist Charge 5511 Bloomfield Road - Macon, Georgia 31206 Bloomfield/Aldersgate/ Church of the Vision United Methodist Charge Bloomfield United Methodist Church is a very friendly and beautiful church located on the southwestern side of Macon, Georgia. It provides many worship and service opportunities with Sunday School each week at 9:45 am, Morning Worship at 6:00 pm, and a Wednesday evening fellowship meal at 6 pm with Bible Study afterwards. Bloomfield has a very active chancel and bell choir program and an outreach program to Barden Elementary School each week (Safe-Bridges). For more info, please contact the church office at 478-788-1848. Aldersgate United Methodist Church , located off Bloomfield Drive, is a young and vibrant congregation that meets for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am. It has many different ministries with which one can become involved. Iglesia de la Vision (Church of the Vision) is our new Hispanic Ministry that meets in the Bloomfield Church at various times throughout the week. Pastor Abimael Rodriguez was the original founder of the church and continues as its present minister. Their main worship services are on Saturday evenings at 7 pm and Sunday afternoons at 2 pm. The congregation is open to all people and you will find them to be very vibrant and alive! Senior Minister: Dr. Charles E. Cravey - 478-788-2262
Foundry Methodist Church Web Site Ministries to adults, children, students. Three services traditional, contemporary, mixed. Daycare.
H A Y E S B A R T O N U M C Offering a variety of services to the community and the congregation. Worship services, calendar and newsletter.
Extractions: Hayes Barton United Methodist Church strives to be a community of faith where all persons can encounter, experience, and know the power of the Risen Lord. The Church was founded in 1936, ground was broken in 1939 and upon completion, the doors opened with 306 members. The church has since grown into a 2000-plus member congregation and continues to grow each year. The people of HBUMC range in age from birth to 100-plus years. We welcome all God's children to our family. We have 17 staff members including a minister of music. Four ordained ministers are actively working with our congregation: the senior pastor, the associate pastor, the minister of visitation, and director of Christian education. These ministers serve the congregation through preaching, teaching, pastoral care, sacramental ministries and nurture. Other full-time staff minister in the areas of music, evangelism, early childhood education, communication, administration, and finance. We invite you to join in joyful worship and celebration through the service we offer to God, as we strive to grow in our Christian faith.
Extractions: Epworth United Methodist Church Phenix City, Alabama To navigate the site: Click the stained glass icons below. "To reach all people with the Good News that Jesus Christ died for our sins to give us eternal life." We are here for you! Come worship with us at Epworth. We are located at U.S. 431 / 280 By-Pass North, Phenix City, Alabama, across from Lakeview Memory Gardens. Just minutes north of the N. Columbus (GA) Bypass. Click here for a map. What's New! What is new is that we have moved the website to our own domain! All the links on this page now point to the new website. To go there directly, click here. Our new service provides much more web space than the previous site we had thru the General Board of Global Ministries. While we appreciate the space they provided, we were doing pretty much all we could with it. We now have our own domain name along with email addresses for the staff and groups within the church. If you are part of an Epworth group and want a church related email address, let me know. With the additional space (1,000 MB) there are many options available, let me know if you have a specific idea.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Redford Pastors, spiritual growth, missions, choirs, fellowship, activities, calendar, links, and community groups.
Methodist Ministers Housing Society Web Site A charitable organisation owning houses in the United Kingdom to provide homes for retired methodist Ministers, Deacons and Deaconesses and their widow(ers). Personnel, donations, maintenance, news, contacts, board, history, reports, contact and links.
Extractions: HOME PERSONNEL DONATIONS MAINTENANCE ... TO FIND OUT HOW TO ENLARGE THE TEXT CLICK HERE Last updated: 24th August 2000 Thank you for visiting the new Methodist Ministers' Housing Society Web Site. We are a charitable organisation which owns over 900 houses throughout the United Kingdom (to see where Click Here ) for the purpose of providing homes for retired Methodist Ministers, Deacons and Deaconesses and their widow(ers) of limited means upon terms appropriate to their means. If you are interested in our staff team or board members then you can find out more about those that run the Society. If you are a tenant of the Society and would like the latest maintenance information this is also available on-line as is the ability to make a tax-efficient donation towards our ongoing work. We plan to update this site regularly with the latest news so please bookmark this page and check back regularly. If you have any comments or suggestions about how we can make our site more interesting, we would be grateful if you can contact us. If you'd like to know more about our organisation
Home News, activities, outreach, worship schedule, online sermons (some in audio format), music, staff, and links.
Extractions: First United Methodist Church Tending the Soul of the City for 150 Years Our Mission is: To be a spiritual community, thinking and diverse, where God is glorified, lives are transformed, the unconditional love of Christ is practiced, and a call for justice is sounded. Join us as we gather each week as the people of God, to challenge and support one another, grow in our faith and seek to make a difference in the world. Serve with us as we reach out to our community with the compassion of Christ. Click here for the most current newsletter Chimes for May 24, 2004 Communication Director position available. For more information, click below Job Description Be a part of our family of faith as we seek to become
Index.htm Church information including, services and directions, activities, worship and studies, sermons, people, ministries, newsletter, links and contact.