Unbenannt Der Workshop der bahaiJugend wird vorgestellt, die politisch-gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der T¤nze erl¤utert und ¼ber Vorstellungstermine informiert. Mit Bildergalerien von Tourneen. http://www.bahai.de/ddw/index.html
Extractions: Startseite Tänze Multicultural Dance Tour Training ... Kontakt Willkommen beim Diversity Dance Workshop! Der DDW ist eine internationale Tanzgruppe von Jugendlichen, die die Vielfalt und Verschiedenheit unterschiedlicher Kulturen repräsentieren. In seinem Programm nimmt der Workshop Stellung gegen zunehmende Intoleranz und Gewaltbereitschaft in der Gesellschaft und tanzt für die Überwindung rassistischer Vorurteile, die Gleichheit von Mann und Frau und die Überwindung der Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich. Die Tänze sind mehr als bloße Augenweiden: Sie sind Spots, die Geschichten erzählen. Brennende gesellschaftliche Probleme werden aufgezeigt und Lösungsansätze angeboten. Die Tänze zeigen auf schauspielerisch dramatische Weise, welche verheerenden Folgen unüberlegtes menschliches Verhalten haben kann. Sie vermitteln jedoch, sobald die Handlung am scheinbaren Zusammenbruch angelangt ist, hoffnungsvolle Perspektiven zu den dargestellten Problemen. Der Diversity Dance Workshop ist eine nichtgewinnorientierte Gruppe mit einem sowohl künstlerisch als auch pädagogisch ausgerichteten Performance- Programm und wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, sich für sozialen Fortschritt in der Gesellschaft einzusetzen und dazu Ideen und Ansätze zu vermitteln.
Extractions: please ring Pauline Igao (21731) or Frances Wilson (22084) for details. Bahá'í Faith - uniting the world one heart at a time - Beware lest ye shed the blood of anyone. Unsheathe the sword of your tongue from the scabbard of utterance, for therewith ye can conquer the citadels of men's hearts. We have abolished the law to wage holy war against each other. God's mercy, hath, verily, encompassed all created things, if ye do but understand. Aid ye your Lord, the God of Mercy, with the sword of understanding. Keener indeed is it, and more finely tempered, than the sword of utterance, were ye but to reflect upon the words of your Lord. Thus have the hosts of Divine Revelation been sent down by God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, and thus have the armies of divine inspiration been made manifest from the Source of command, as bidden by God, the All-Glorious, the Best-Beloved.
Bahai Faith Index faqs.org, Search FAQs Full Text. bahai Faith. bahai-faith/bibliography Subject http://www.faqs.org/faqs/bahai-faith/
Bahai Community Gateshead Details of the small bahai community based in Gateshead. Includes contact information and details of the youth dance team. http://bahai.org.uk/gateshead/
Baha'i Resources On The Internet From kalantar@cs.cornell.edu (Michael H Kalantar) Newsgroups soc.religion.bahai Subject Baha i Resources on the Internet Date 4 Aug 1995 140400 0400 http://www.faqs.org/faqs/bahai-faith/resources/
Extractions: Help others by sharing your knowledge From: kalantar@cs.cornell.edu (Michael H Kalantar) Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai http://sunsite.unc.edu/Bahai/TrueSeeker http://www.usask.ca/~maton/bahai.html http://oneworld.wa.com/bahai/ http://sunsite.unc.edu/Bahai http://www.soc.hawaii.edu/con/com/fac/bahai.html http://www.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/~amueller/bahai/ (German) http://www.infi.net/~brianf/baha'i.html http://aloha.net/hol/home/lizhm/bahaiyou.htm http://www.juxta.com/juxta/docs/bahai.html http://www.ibmpcug.co.uk/~jherbert/bahai/bahahome.html A paper entitled "Baha'i Pilgrimage to Israel" by G.M. Viswanathan reviews the concept of pilgrimage in the Baha'i Faith and briefly introduces the holy sites visited on a Baha'i pilgrimage. As well it contains some beautiful pictures of the Baha'i Holy Places taken by Ron and Liz Hahn-Morin. It is available at: http://sunsite.unc.edu:80/Bahai/Pilgrimage/pilgrimage.html ftp://ftp.bwc.org/bahai http://www.valdosta.peachnet.edu/~whuitt/religion/bahai.html http://sunsite.unc.edu/Bahai/Texts/The-Vision-Of-Race-Unity.html ... jinevill@cybernetics.net An up-to-date schedule can be obtained at: http://www.cybernetics.net/users/jinevill/bircfa.txt
Association For Baha'i Studies Purposes, activities, and membership information. http://ncf.davintech.ca/freeport/community.associations/bahai/abs/menu
Internet Public Library: Bahai Bahá í Academics Resource Library http//www.bahailibrary.com/ A collection of primary and secondary source materials on the Baha i Faith, intended http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum80.10.10/
Extractions: Simple and detailed keyword searches of Bahá'í writings by the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice, and others can be performed using the True Seeker Home Page . Statements made by national and world governing bodies of the Bahái'ís are also included. "The Baha'i World Web site represents the official presence of the Baha'i Faith on the Web. The site offers a wealth of information about the 153 year old religion, its teachings and the activities of its followers. Researchers will find a detailed introduction to the central figures and institutions of the Baha'i Faith, an overview of basic Baha'i beliefs and practices, articles highlighting aspects of Baha'i community life and the perspectives of individual believers, and a repository of Baha'i International Community documents that address the subjects of human rights, the status of women, social and economic development, environmental preservation, and global peace."
Extractions: We invite you to join our study-circles devotional-gatherings , and children's-classes designed to assist you, your family, and the American society in a spiritual search for truth. To find activities nearest you please select the " ACTIVITIES " button on the top of the page and choose the area you reside in. This will offer you a local community calendar and contact information for each activity. "The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of God's holy Will is to establish unity and concord amongst the peoples of the world; make it not the cause of dissension and strife. The religion of God and His divine law are the most potent instruments and the surest of all means for the dawning of the light of unity amongst men."
Aerial Photo Of Chicago Bahai Temple Bridge, Comerica Park, Detroit River, Detroit River Light, Detroit Skyline, Detroit Metro, Henderson Park Marina, Renascence Center, bahai Temple, Bay Harbor http://www.photography-plus.com/project/Bahai.htm
Bahai-Directory.org A partial listing of Bah¡' Communities represented on the internet http://www.Bahai-Directory.org
The Watchman Expositor: Baha'i bahai. The bahai faith is often included in the New Age family of cults. Historically, it is a sect or cult derived from Islam. http://www.watchman.org/cults/bahai2.htm
Extractions: SITE DIRECTORY Home Page About Watchman Fellowship Free Subscriptions Church Presentations Weekly News Subject Index Profiles State Offices Watchman Staff OVERVIEW OF CULTS Articles JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Articles MORMONISM Articles NEW AGE Articles OCCULT Articles SCIENTOLOGY Articles OTHER RELIGIOUS TOPICS Articles Vol. 8, No. 3, 1991 Articles on Cults and New Religions The Bahai faith is often included in the " New Age " family of cults Historically, it is a sect or cult derived from Islam . Yet like many new age groups, it attempts to absorb Christianity by claiming that Christianity was a phase in the overall evolution of true spirituality and faith. It tries to build on Christianity with repeated references to Jesus and the ethical teachings of the Christian faith. The belief of the Shi'ite division of Islam is that a "messiah" or Imam will arise at the end time and usher in a world of peace. In 1844, Mizra Ali Muhammed was convinced that God had called him to a similar ministry as John the Baptist. He assumed the title "the Bab" which means "the gate." Some feel that he actually believed he was the Imam. His charisma and message began to draw many. J.E. Esslemont writes of the Bab, "The Bab was the manifestation of God, the Founder of an independent religion," (
Bahá'à News - Haifas Hengende Hager Artikkel om ¥pningen av bah¡'religionens nye verdenssenter og valfartssted. (VG) http://www.uga.edu/bahai/News/033001-1.html
Extractions: NY TURISTMAGNET: Haifas hengende hager, Bahai-religionens nye valfartssted i Israel, ruver i terrenget. Foto: Bahai World Center Av DAG FONBÆK 22. mai får Israel en ny turistattraksjon - de hengende hager i byen Haifa. Hage-anlegget på Carmel-fjellet - kalt Det åttende under - blir Bahai-religionens nye verdenssenter, valfartssted og byen Haifas nye stolthet når det åpner 22. mai med norsk preg:
Extractions: NINE THINGS YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE A BAHA'I: You have realized that you alone are responsible for your spiritual growth, not your preacher, parents or friends. You must develop your own relationship with God. You have hope for the future of the world with spiritual solutions that will work. You have embraced an embryonic world community based on cultural acceptance, not exclusivity, a human family united but rich in diversity. You believe that humankind is one; that all are equal in the sight of God. You believe in a Higher Power, a Benevolent Force called God, or Allah, or Jehovah. You see that all religions share a common foundation. You have fallen in love with the Baha'i Writings and their Author, God's latest Messenger, Baha'u'llah (in English, "The Glory of God"). You have come to realize that women and men are equal, that spiritual qualities are more important than physical ones. You know in your heart that science and religion are not contradictory.
Baha'is In Singapore Official Website of the Baha'is of Singapore. http://www.bahai-sg.org/default.htm
Die Stuttgarter Bahai-Gemeinde Hier finden Sie Informationen ¼ber die Gemeinde, zu Veranstaltungen und dem Glauben, zur AnnaK¶stlin Schule, der Sonntagsschule der Gemeinde, sowie weiterf¼hrende Links. http://www.bahai.de/stuttgart/