Abstract For Manuscript Number [33] A paper describing the use of high resolution NMR theory and techniques for performing quantum computation. By D.Cory, A.Fahmy and T.Havel. Downloadable postscript file. http://www.interjournal.org/manuscript_abstract.php?1569763877
Topics In Quantum Field Theory Several files in LaTeX format cover selected topics in quantum Field theory and Integrable Systems http://thsun1.jinr.ru/~alvladim/qft.html
Extractions: and Integrable Systems Maintained by A.Vladimirov Basic geometry QFT: General formulas Renormalization QFT: Symmetries Supersymmetry Seiberg-Witten theory BRST Curved space-time Conformal symmetry Operator products in CFT2 Vertex algebras Integrable hierarchies I Integrable hierarchies II Conformal features of integrable equations Virasoro algebra in KdV
Mahdavi SUNY Potsdam, NY, USA; 26 June 2003. http://www2.potsdam.edu/mahdavk/Conf.htm
Extractions: Map of Parking Lots SUNY Potsdam June 2-6, 2003 ABSTRACTS This workshop investigates the interactions between Representation Theories, Knot Theory, Topology, quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, and Mathematical Physics. This conference will be of great benefit to the researchers, recent Ph.Ds, and graduate students. REGISTRATION
Sunil Mukhi's Home Page Faculty member at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Includes string theory and quantum mechanics articles, classical Indian music and culture, also photos and music links. http://theory.tifr.res.in/~mukhi/
Extractions: on this website Physics My publications, and a number of articles and links on string theory for a general audience. Music Some information about Indian Classical Music, and some links. Photographs A few photographs of myself: you have been warned! Kumar Gandharva A separate website, maintained by myself, about Pandit Kumar Gandharva, legendary musician and intellectual of Indian Classical Music. Interests Links to some of my other hobbies and interests, webpages that I liked, and a few articles that I wrote. Mail me about myself I am a faculty member at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, India, in the Department of Theoretical Physics. My research deals with the physics of elementary particles, more specifically Quantum Field Theory and String Theory. If you like, you can learn more about these subjects by going to the Physics page of this website. Here are some views of the Tata Institute (click to enlarge). I have a serious interest in Indian Classical Music, on which I spend a large part of my spare time. You will find more about this on my
Everett's Relative-State Formulation Of Quantum Mechanics Describes Everett's attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von NeumannDirac theory of quantum mechanics. By Jeffrey A. Barrett. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qm-everett/
Extractions: FEB Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics is an attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of quantum mechanics. The main problem with Everett's theory is that it is not at all clear how it is supposed to work. In particular, while it is clear that he wanted to explain why we get determinate measurement results in the context of his theory, it is unclear how he intended to do this. There have been many attempts to reconstruct Everett's no-collapse theory in order to account for the apparent determinateness of measurement outcomes. These attempts have led to such formulations of quantum mechanics as the many-worlds, many-minds, many-histories, and relative-fact theories. Each of these captures part of what Everett claimed for his theory, but each also encounters problems. 1. Introduction
Extractions: In 1899 Max Planck became a professor at the University of Berlin, after nine years at the University of Munich and Kiel University, in Germany. In his research there, he turned to a thermodynamic problem raised by one of his old teachers. The problem was that of a "black body," something that absorbs all frequencies (or wavelengths) of light. When heated it should then radiate all frequencies of light equally theoretically. But the distribution of energy radiated in "real life" never matched up with the predictions of classical physics. Several distinguished physicists had created complex equations trying to work it out, but none solved the problem. Planck was as steeped in traditional physics as his colleagues, but he had an open mind. The older way wasn't working. So he changed one basic assumption: energy, instead of being continuous, comes in distinct particles. These were later called "quanta," from the Latin for "how much?" Though it sounded outlandish, applying this idea to the problem of heated bodies revealed a simple relationship that explained previous puzzles. Planck found that the energy radiated from a heated body is exactly proportional to the wavelength of its radiation. So, a black body would not radiate all frequencies equally. As temperature goes up, energy increases and it's more likely that quanta with higher energy will be radiated. So, as an object heats up, the light given off is orange, then yellow, and eventually bluish. The wavelength emitted is a function of the energy times a constant (h), now known as Planck's constant. Though Planck's idea was not immediately believed by most physicists, it is now accepted as one of the fundamental constants in the universe. In fact, Planck himself wasn't sure if it was more than a little mathematics that resolved his own particular problem.
TIME MACHINE OFFICIAL SITE Einstein's theory, special relativity, communication faster than light, quantum cosmology, interview with Carl Sagan and links. http://www.timemachine.esmartweb.com
Quantum Physics Describes some basic concepts of quantum physics. http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/physics/quant/node1.html
Extractions: Next: Blackbody Radiation Up: Main physics index Previous: Quantum Physics We have seen in the previous chapter that the properties of refraction, diffraction, and interference all require a wave picture of light. In this chapter we will begin to study other aspects associated with light which cannot be explained with a wave picture, but in fact need a particle picture. The coexistence of phenomena which require both a wave and a particle picture is called a wave-particle duality , and is at the heart of the modern theory of quantum physics.
Topics In Nonequilibrium Field Theory Nonequilibrium field theory covers a variety of topics such as transport theory of quantum fields, nonequilibrium phase transitions, the nucleation and transport of topological defects and other nonlinear coherent structures, as well as fundamental issues such as the quantumclassical transition and the coherent control of quantum systems. http://www.nersc.gov/research/annrep98/habib.html
The Collected Works Of Bert Schreiber (1924 -) Includes new theory of physics based on the theory of limits; the limits to physical measurement. quantum Quanta theory The theory of The Universe. Destroys all prior physics theories. http://web2.airmail.net/nptbs
Extractions: OF BERT SCHREIBER (1924 -) This website contains eight divisions. The main point herein is my NEW physics theory that destroys all previous physics theories and replaces them with one simple theory. In addition there were other (new) mathematical discoveries as side results from this theory. I, for all theoretical purposes, demolished the current immaculate mathematical theory and its current applications, especially in physics, in more ways than one. There are also what I call FUN PAPERS which are satires of the current scientific establishment. The first one is actually the first chapter in my book disguised in non-scientific lingo. The SIDE PAPERS contain a few short versions of some of the major discoveries that I made. The full proofs are in my book. Other papers of importance, especially the one on "the scientific method"[1.] and the paper [2.] following. Next is my "reward" called EASY MONEY II which has a very few of my discoveries (pro and con) that no one has been able to collect on. Maybe you can be the first one to collect the $2,000.00 per item as listed. Next are a few selected ARTICLES that were from the results of all of my works and experiences in life.
Classical And Quantum Gravity (IOP) A journal for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime. Free contents and abstracts, full text to subscribers. http://www.iop.org/journals/cqg
Extractions: @import url(http://ej.iop.org/style/nu/EJ.css); Electronic Journals quick guide Journals sitemap: IOP home page IOP online services EJs HOME JOURNAL HOME - Editorial information - Scope - Editorial board - Submit an article - Pricing and ordering - Request sample copy EJS EXTRA - IOP Select - IOP Physics Reviews - BEC Matters! SEARCH - Content finder - Default searches AUTHORS - Submit an article - Status enquiry - Get LaTeX class file - Classification schemes - Scope - Editorial board REFEREES - Submit referee report - Become a referee - Update personal details - Classification schemes - Scope - Editorial board LIBRARIANS - Register your institution - Pricing and ordering - Library branding - How to link to IOP journals - Librarian help USER OPTIONS - Create account - Lost password
Sergeev's Home Page Postdoctoral Researcher in UMass Dartmouth, Department of Chemistry. Developing quantummechanical perturbation theory for atomic and molecular problems. Documents, publications, pictures. http://www.asergeev.com
Extractions: Research interests are quantum-mechanical perturbation theory, summation of divergent perturbation series, quasiclassical methods for resonant states. Specifically, Stark effect and 1/ D -expansion (where D is the dimensionality of space) for various quantum-mechanical problems, such as screened Coulomb potentials, Stark and Zeeman effects, helium-like ions, and two-centre-Coulomb problem. Recently, worked on self-consistent-field version of the semiclassical perturbation theory for molecules, new schemes to sum perturbation series for resonances, estimating stability of atoms with a variable nuclear charge (finding "critical" charges). On-line calculation and graphical display
Extractions: Participants This conference will take place during the Newton Institute Programme on Quantum Information Science . It will bring together physicists, computer scientists and mathematicians to discuss the current status of the field and present important recent developments. Despite substantial progress in the last few years, there are also very many open questions and fundamental issues to be understood; thus, particular emphasis will be put on reviewing the major challenges in the field. Subjects covered by the conference will include, but are not restricted to, quantum algorithms and algorithmic techniques, quantum communication and quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement and non locality, fault tolerant quantum information processing and communication, quantum information processing and quantum operations under constraints (for instance imposed by the physical system in which they are realised). The workshop will consist of approximately 30 invited talks. Invited speakers include:
Quantum Information Dynamics An overview of work done at Caltech on quantum information dynamics the study of quantum Information theory and its application to processes involving the interaction of qubits the quantum carriers of information http://www.krl.caltech.edu/~adami/quantum.html
Extractions: In quantum information dynamics (1,3,7), we are trying to understand the basic principles of quantum Information Theory and its application to processes involving the interaction of qubits: the quantum carriers of information. In earlier papers, we have shown that quantum conditional entropies are negative for quantum entangled systems (1), which allows for a consistent interpretation of quantum information processes based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs (5). Furthermore, we showed that the measurement process in quantum mechanics, when analysed within our formalism, is completely natural, unitary, and causal (2). The negativity of quantum entropies can also be related to the violation of Bell inequalities (4). This description can also be used to formulate Kholevo's theorem (on the amount of information that can be obtained from a quantum measurement) simply in terms of arithmetic on Venn diagrams (8) Subsequently, we showed how the quantum mutual entropy (the "mutual entanglement") is at the heart of a natural definition of the von Neumann capacity of noisy quantum channels (6). This capacity is a canonical extension of the classical quantity (defined by C. Shannon) and reverts to it in the classical limit. It was recently discovered by Bennett et al.
Eurotraps A European experiment intended to test the theory of quantum electrodynamics to extremely high accuracy. http://www-aix.gsi.de/~eurotrap/
The Theory Of Positivist Mechanics - Abstract And Section 1: Introduction This theory proposed a framework by which the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics may be derived from classical (general relativistic) principles, thus providing a unification of GR and QM. http://www.geocities.com/straycat_md/TOPM.html
Extractions: Nashville, Tennessee January 2004 update: I have recently come up with a novel formulation of QM. You can access it my going to my briefcase , opening the papers folder, and downloading the MS Word document entitled Path Integrals and the MWI. Or you can see it online at: Path Integrals and the MWI (although some of the figures may not have transferred to html very nicely). The advantage of this formulation is that it is understandable; the "weirdness" is gone! In particular, there is a return to completely classical notions of probability. All of the usual conceptual difficulties associated with interference ("imaginary probabilities"? "negative probabilities"?) have vanished. And yet, it is 100% consistent with quantum theory. How can that possibly be? Read my paper! It seems to me that my formulation has matured to the level that it should be published. But before I go off and submit it, I would like to get some feedback. I would welcome any comments, which you can send to my yahoo! email address, or post in my yahoo! group, QM_from_GR. This is the abstract from "Path Integrals and the MWI:" In this essay I investigate the relationship between the Everett "relative state" formulation, also known as the multiple worlds interpretation (MWI), and Feynmans path integral approach. To represent each of the "all possible paths" as unique entities within the MWI, I found it necessary to modify Everetts original formulation slightly. This modification involves the addition of two separate principles: one that I justify by an appeal to its aesthetics, and one that is inspired by Hamiltons least action principle. Despite these modifications, I argue that the resulting schema (1) makes the same predictions as quantum mechanics and (2) is easier to interpret than either the MWI or the path integral formulation alone. In particular, there is a return to purely classical notions of probability.
Avshalom C. Elitzur àáùìåí àìéöåø Senior Lecturer, BarIlan University. Includes an autobiography, a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications in quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, evolutionary theory, philosophy of mind and psychoanalysis. http://faculty.biu.ac.il/~elitzua/
ALCHEMICAL OCTAVES This is a fascinating look at the deeper structure of reality based on alchemical octave theory. From music to DNA, from the emerald formula to quantum mechanics, this is the intrinsic pattern that the universe follows. http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/UFOCHARTS/index.html
Theory Of Analytical Space-Time A unified theory of quantum mechanics and relativity. Includes a derivation and article of the theory. http://www.tastphysics.com/
Extractions: and Quantum Mechanics in Chapter 2 English Best for IE5.X and 800*600 resolution Download PDF format in English only In case you can not access this website again or the webpages show too slowly, please try the following sites instead: http:// www.tastphysics.com In China http://cuisilong.itgo.com In USA visits since June 16, 1999