Disorders Other Than Depression. Pathological Gambling. Relationship between Pathological Gambling and otherpsychiatric disorders. Pathological lying. Personality disorders. http://www.psycom.net/depression.central.disorders.html
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Psychological Disorder Documentation - Text Version psychological Disorder. (Includes but is not limited to Attention DeficitDisorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depressive http://www.fdss.duq.edu/Text/text_sss_psychological.html
Extractions: Psychological Disorder (Includes but is not limited to Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depressive Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorders and Disassociative Disorders). It is required that a diagnosis by a licensed mental health professional, including psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists be provided and must include the license number of the professional. The diagnostician must be an impartial individual who is not a family member of the student. The following guidelines are provided to assist the Director of Special Student Services in collaborating with each student to determine appropriate accommodations: 2. Documentation for eligibility should be current, preferably within the last three years; (the age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon the disabling condition, the current status of the student and the student's request for accommodations); 3. A summary of assessment procedures and evaluation instruments used to make the diagnosis and a summary of evaluation results, including standardized or percentile scores;
American Psychiatric Association pamphlets designed to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illnesses by promotinginformed factual discussion of the disorders and their psychiatric treatments http://www.psych.org/public_info/ptsd.cfm
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Extractions: Jason Gateman It's not very common in today's saturated book market to find an author brave enough to publish his work without the crutch of an editor. So bad has the dependence on such a system become, that you barely recognize the works of any of your favorite authors if you could read their books prior to the butchering of a quote unquote professional editor. It seems that in the pursuit of proper grammar and spelling, most editors take the liberty of changing the entire writing style of many of today's best selling story tellers by going the extra mile... And also changing the story lines.
Extractions: ATTORNEYS ONLY: Click to visit Dr. Feldman's site only for attorneys. ***Dr. Feldman's newest book, PLAYING SICK, is NOW AVAILABLE for order at a big discount. It covers all the topics dealt with on this page. Find it at Amazon.com by searching for "Playing Sick"!*** Dr. Feldman can vouch only for the material in the links below that he has personally written. He appreciates hearing about individuals' experiences with the phenomena discussed on this page, but cannot always respond. His email address is mdf@myself.com. I am a psychiatrist and author from Birmingham, Alabama. MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME is the most severe and chronic form of my area of specialty, the FACTITIOUS DISORDERS. I am an expert in MALINGERING as well (in which people do the same thing, but for external gain such as narcotics). Factitious disorders are well-recognized among psychiatrists, but they have not received the attentionor advocacy among consumers, families, and professionalsthat have greeted more common ailments such as depression. However, factitious disorders can be every bit as disabling and further public and professional education are vital. People with factitious disorders feign, exaggerate, or actually self-induce illnesses. Their aim? To assume the status of "patient," and thereby to win attention, nurturance, and lenience that they feel unable to obtain in any other way. Unlike individuals who "malinger," people with factitious disorders are not primarily seeking external gains such as disability payments or narcotic drugsthough they may receive them nonetheless.
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