Steffen Schleiermacher Translate this page ENGLISH steffen schleiermacher, born in Halle in 1960, studied piano (Gerhard Erber schleiermacher has been a freelance composer and pianist since 1988
Extractions: Geb. 1960 in Halle, seit 1966 Klavierunterricht, von 1968 bis78 Mitglied im Stadtsingechor Halle.1978 Abitur, von 1980 bis 1985 Studium an der Musikhochschule "Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Leipzig in den Fächern Klavier (Gerhard Erber), Komposition (Siegfried Thiele, Friedrich Schenker) und Dirigieren (Günter Blumhagen).1986/87 Meisterschüler an der Akademie der Künste Berlin bei Friedrich Goldmann (Komposition). Seit 1988 freischaffend in Leipzig tätig. 1985 Preis beim Gaudeamus-Wettbewerb. 1986 Kranichsteiner Musikpreis. 1989 Hanns-Eisler-Preis des Rundfunks der DDR für "Konzert für Viola und Kammerensemble. 1989/90 Stipendium des Deutschen Musikrates.
Early Keyboard Music As a pianist he focuses exclusively on music of the twentieth century. Credits Music of Philip Glass. steffen schleiermacher, electric organ, table.
Extractions: The early, radical pieces by Philip Glass always tend to divide the public into two camps on their (quite rare) performances: some listen as if spellbound and open themselves up to the hypnotic, trance-like effect of the music, while others are bored and annoyed by the endless, inane repetitions. In contrast to his later great compositions for music theater, which usually come across as quite pleasing and varied, these early pieces by Glass seem quite archaic in their uniform coloration and monotony. They show us minimalism, so to speak, in statu nascendi Together with LaMonte Young, Steve Reich, and Terry Riley, Philip Glass belongs to the co-founders of minimal music. The additive procedure in Two Pages can be followed as if in a teaching manual. The title refers to the fact that the score consists of two pages. Each measure is supposed to be repeated twenty times. The principle of Contrary Motion is basically the same, but here a mirror part (a sort of elemental counterpoint?) and a pedal part constantly shifting between two bourdon tones are added. Since the individual phrases continue to increase in length, the alternation between these two bass tones becomes slower and slower over the course of the piece, so much so that it produces a slow-motion effect. For their part, the two upper voices always continue unwaveringly in the same tempo.
New York 1952 Translate this page steffen schleiermacher, geb. 1960 in Halle, Musikstudium Leipzig 1980-1985, Zusatzstudium 89/90 in Köln, Komponist, pianist, Dirigent, Ensembleleiter.
Pianists, The Piano A pianist web site from the Netherlands. Forums, pianist audio samples, master pianists, piano compositions. Schiff, András . schleiermacher, steffen .
Goethe-Institut Boston - Music The renowned German pianist/composer steffen schleiermacher will present a concert of his own compositions. Based in Leipzig, this
Extractions: Free The program will include works by Boulez, Cage, Wolpe, Wolff and Scelsi The renowned German pianist/composer Steffen Schleiermacher will present a concert of his own compositions. Based in Leipzig, this new music pianist will also give a masterclass for students at the Conservatory Friday, September 26 from 9:30 - 11:30 am. In cooperation with the New England Conservatory Home Music
Goethe-Institut Mailand - Musik Translate this page steffen schleiermacher wurde 1960 in Halle geboren, studiert Komposition und Orchesterleitung pianist und Komponist in einer Person, beschäftigt er sich vor
Extractions: Das Lied, poetisches und musikalisches Werk zugleich, ist von besonderem künstlerischen wie kulturellen Interesse. Meistens handelt es sich um eher kurze Kompositionen, die aber eine ganz spezifische Bedeutung haben: Formale und ästhetische Aspekte sind auf engstem Raum konzentriert. (In der Tat gilt als eine der sympathischsten Definitionen des Liedes Musik in einem Tüchlein). Einem italienischen Musiker oder Musikliebhaber, der die Musik der italienischen Opern im Ohr hat, eröffnet sich eine vollkommen neue Ausdruckswelt, eine Art inneres Theater, das aber frei von szenischer oder choreographischer Bearbeitung ist. Text und Musik korrespondieren miteinander und ergänzen sich wechselseitig. Auch vom technischen Standpunkt aus gesehen müssen Pianist und Sänger bei der Interpretation des Liedes die eigene Spielweise zunächst verfeinern, um dann den jeweiligen Ausdruck sowie die Kommunikation untereinander genau abstimmen zu können. Unter dem Titel Il Lied: tra musica e poesia organisiert das Conservatorio di Musica in Piacenza nun seit sieben Jahren einen Kurs über das deutsche Liedrepertoire. In diesem Jahr wird
CDeMUSIC of these works. pianist steffen schleiermacher and soprano Anna Clementi have a keen appreciation of Cage s style. Most of the music
Tijdnet: Artikel In deze reeks brengt de (Oost)Duitse pianist steffen schleiermacher muziek voor piano solo naar voren die in de jaren zestig werd voorgesteld in de beroemde
John Cage Volume 5 - Two Pianos in the famous Dabringhaus Grimm edition of John Cages music for piano, performed by the brilliant pianist and writer steffen schleiermacher, deals with
Extractions: The compositions herein may be separately grouped into two sections, spaced apart by a very long intermittence of more than four decades. A Book of Music was achieved in 1944. Three Dances and Experiences I were finished in 1945. Not until 1989 do we see the emergence of Two , which is one of the many possible compositions in the grouping Music for, which he started in 1984, and of which we see many recordings these days, on, for example, OgreOgress productions and Mode Before Cage began working with A Book of Music he had refrained from composing music that had to be performed by anyone else than himself, since he was disappointed at the interpreting skills of the musicians among his contemporaries. He constrained himself to writing pieces that could be performed by himself at the piano or conducting a percussion ensemble. This was partly also due to his good reputation with choreographers and dance companies, which were in need of such compositions.
John Cage Vol. 2 - Pieces 1950 - 1960 Dabringhaus Grimm and its brilliant pianist and musicologist steffen schleiermacher do not make halt, but continue unimpeded through recording after recording
Roberto Prosseda, Pianist. Concerts In 2002 steffen schleiermacher, pf.; Linea - Josef Christof, steffen schleiermacher, pf.; Stefan Stopora, vibr.; Winfried Nitzsche
Extractions: visitors since December 2003 LA PRODUZIONE PIANISTICA DI LUCIANO B ERIO (con nota discografica) di Roberto Prosseda La produzione di Luciano Berio per pianoforte solo (a parte alcuni inediti giovanili, come la Pastorale del 37 e la Toccata per pf. a 4 mani del 39) è costituita dalle seguenti opere: Petite Suite del 1947, 5 Variazioni del 1952, Sequenza IV del 1966, Rounds del 1967, Six Encores (scritti tra il 1965 e il 1990), Sonata del 2001. La Petite Suite , composta a soli 22 anni, è un'interessante testimonianza della prima formazione musicale di Berio, evidentemente ricca di influenze raveliane e strawinskiane. Pur nell'ambito di una maniera genuinamente "naif", già in questa prima opera pianistica sono presenti quell'estro strumentale e quel divertito eclettismo che caratterizzeranno la poetica della maturità. Le 5 Variazioni del 52 testimoniano l'adesione di Berio alla tecnica seriale, secondo la via già indicata da Dallapiccola, con cui egli studiò per un periodo. La dodecafonia in Berio non è quindi mai arida, ma sempre utilizzata con un'interpretazione affettiva, esaltando le possibilità melodiche ed espressive della serie, pur in una scrittura impervia e ricca di complesse soluzioni tecniche.
Discography Suicide in an Airplane, Two Impressions of Notre Dame, Wild Mens Dance (together with works of Cowell and Antheil), steffen schleiermacher, pianist, Hat Hut
Extractions: Home Leo Ornstein Scores Discography Leo, composing at age 95 A number of LP disks were made starting in the 1970s but gave way during the 1980s to CDs as they became the new standard. Most of the earlier LPs are no longer available. Some have been converted to CDs while others have been supplanted by newer performances on CDs. A few represent the only existing audio of particular works. Quintette for Piano and Strings, Op 92 (1927) , also Three Moods (1914) , Wm. Westney pianist, Composers Recordings Inc. CRI 339. The Piano Quintet is available on the New World CD, listed below. However, this recording of the Three Moods is one of only two that presently exist. Early Piano Music of Leo Ornstein (1913 - 1920) , Micahel Sellers, pianist, Orion Master Recordings ORS 75194. No longer available. Most of the works recorded here have been recorded on later CDs listed below. However, this recording of the Three Moods is one of only two that presently exist. Sonata No. 5 - A Biography in Sonata Form (1974) , Micahel Sellers, pianist, Orion Master Recordings ORS 78285. No longer available. This is the only recording of the 5th sonata. It had to be cut to fit onto an LP.
Komponisten steffen schleiermacher - Homepage of the Composer and pianist steffen schleiermacher, Compositions, Concerts, CDs; Sylke
Extractions: Bellnet Links: 3H MusicProduction/Lyane Leigh - Lyane Leigh, Produzentin und Komponistin, Texterin mit Schwerpunkt: Dancefloor, Pop und Hip-Hop. Achim Schultz Songwriter adelind pallas die songpoetin und songwriterin - adelind pallas die songpoetin macht schon seit einigen jahren mit ihrem projekt eigenelieder dt. texte und ihrer ausdrucksstarken stimme von sich redenlive ein absolutes muss für freunde von handgemac AIRMAN - Die offizielle Homepage des Elektronicmusikers AIRMAN alias Stefan Vallbracht. AJ Music Komposition - AJ Music Komposition Musik Produktion Management Beratung Lieder Texte CD Tapes AJ Music page - Musikproduktionen Kompositionen Management Consulting E-Mail Chat Musik Akkordeon-Online - Akkordeon-Komponisten und -Kompositionen Alfred Koerppen, Komponist
Extractions: ... die Natur? Zum Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur im Spätwerk von Otto Friedrich Bollnow. Deutsch und in koreanischer Übersetzung von Shin-Hann Choi, TAP ... Erzieher, 16. Jg. 1964, H. 9, S. 264-275. Wiederabgedruckt in: Otto Friedrich Bollnow (Hrsg.), Erziehung in anthropologischer Sicht. Morgarten Verlag ... Univ. of Massachusetts Press Amherst 1981), S. 31-55. 8. Artikel: "Otto Friedrich Bollnow". In: The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. I, The Macmillan ... hrsg. von Paul Ackermann,. Gotthilf Gerhard Hiller, Wolfgang Kralewski,. Friedrich Kümmel, TR-Verlagsunion München 1971, S. 5-6. 16. Das Zeitbewußtsein ...
Siemens Arts Program Translate this page Für das Festkonzert zum 500-jährigen Bestehen der Universität Halle-Wittenberg hat der Leipziger Komponist und pianist steffen schleiermacher ein Werk für
Extractions: "Theremin" Zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts wurde ein neues Musikinstrument erfunden, das die Zuhörerschaft in Erstaunen versetzte: ein Kasten mit zwei herausstehenden Antennen - das Theremin. Sein Erfinder war der russische Physiker Leon Theremin. Der Klang des Instrumentes wird mit "zum Sterben schön" beschrieben, einem Singen und Wimmern verlorener Seelen gleich. Das Theremin war das erste elektronische Musikinstrument, und es ist noch heute das eigenartigste. Ein schwaches elektrisches Feld umgibt die Antennen, und wer hineingreift, macht auch schon Musik: Die Töne steigen auf und ab, werden lauter und leiser, je nach Abstand der Hand zum Metall. Für das Festkonzert zum 500-jährigen Bestehen der Universität Halle-Wittenberg hat der Leipziger Komponist und Pianist Steffen Schleiermacher ein Werk für großes Orchester und Theremin geschrieben. Das Orchester des Opernhauses brachte unter dem Dirigat von Roger Epple zusammen mit dem Solisten Rolf Sudman das Stück mit dem ungewöhnlichen Instrument zur Uraufführung. "Für das Theremin zu komponieren ist schon ein seltsames Unterfangen. Noch dazu mit Begleitung' eines Blasorchesters. Dem nahezu dekadenten Instrument populistische Melodien in die Hände zu legen war eine große Versuchung. Und die Bläser gebärden sich zuweilen bigbandig. Dazwischen heulen die Wölfe." (Steffen Schleiermacher)
Siemens Arts Program For the gala concert celebrating the 500th anniversary of HalleWittenberg University, Leipzig-based composer and pianist steffen schleiermacher composed a
Extractions: "Theremin" At the beginning of the past century, a new musical instrument was invented which astonished everyone who heard it. The instrument, which looked like a box with two protruding antennas, was named "theremin" in honor of its inventor, the Russian physicist Leon Theremin. The sound produced by the theremin was described as "beautiful enough to die for" and called to mind the mournful singing of lost souls. The theremin was the first electronic musical instrument, and it still remains the most unique instrument in this genre. A weak electrical field surrounds the antennas so that whoever stretches a hand into this field immediately produces musical tones which become shriller or deeper, louder or softer, as the distance varies between the musician's hand and the metal. For the gala concert celebrating the 500th anniversary of Halle-Wittenberg University, Leipzig-based composer and pianist Steffen Schleiermacher composed a piece of music for large orchestra and theremin. The orchestra of the opera house was conducted by Roger Epple, who collaborated with soloist Rolf Sudman to give this unusual composition its world premiere.
Piano Instruments - 596 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans ONeill Brothers O ORiley,_Christopher - A pianist Brings His Schembri , Brian -Schiff, Andras (b.1953) -schleiermacher, steffen -Schmidt, Heather
Classical Music - Andante - Cage: Complete Piano Music, Volume 10 Cage, played by the extraordinary and indefatigable steffen schleiermacher. to be lost; and schleiermacher himself chanced that shows only which pianist is to
Classical Music - Andante - The Magical Hidden Corners Of Erik Satie This talented Canadian pianist (sister of filmmaker and opera director Atom Egoyan) doesn t steffen schleiermacher s disc is the least successful of the three.
Pianists : Art Directory 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. schleiermacher, steffen News, biography, discography, repertoire and concerts listing of the German avantgarde pianist and composer.