SCHELLACK-TONARCHIV Bernd Meyer-rähnitz D - 01097 Dresden Translate this page 471 2 6 c- paranas, die unser pianist ist miserabel tem 458 2 7 c- schönfelder, gerda+adolf steimel ganz 60719 ($) 2- 7 e- AUDIOPHON kleine pla, rotbraun-gold
Sacrofricosis Is What Sort Of Sexual Behaviour? Pocket Holes adolf Hitler adolf What is the SI unit of power equal a Name the Australian film aboutthe pianist Halstadt play Golf pla Collective nouns What are a group of
Extractions: Sacrofricosis is what sort of sexual behaviour? Pocket holes public masturbation Pocke According to law what must all London Taxis always carry? Bale of hay for horse Bale Im Westen Nicht Neues what famous novel 20s later film? All Quiet on the Western Front All Q Anreas Cornelis van Kujik was who's manager? Elvis Col Tom Parker Elvis What was unique about all the mens foil winners 1952 Olympics? All Left Handed All L Maryland No1 Montana No 1 Minnesota No 3 types of what? Pigs American Breeds Pigs What aria from Madam Butterfly is a Michelle Pfeiffer 1996 film? One fine Day One f Ei-Hajj Malik Ei-Shabazz better known as who? Malcolm X Mal What opera premiered in Paignton Devon 30th December 1879? Pirates of Penzance Pirat Name the first space probe to land on the moon 13 Sept 1959? Luna 2 Lun In what film did Paul Robeson sing Old Man River? Showboat Sho El Monte California illegal for who/what to sleep in bathtub? Horse - unless ridden Horse Who compete in the Maccabiah Games? Jewish world athletes Jewis What TV family lived at 1124 Morning Glory Circle Westport Con? Stevens in Bewitched Steve Poland has a coastline along which sea? Adriatic Adr Colonel Paul W Tibbets did it first - what? Dropped Atom Bomb Dropp What fish has its head at right angles to its body? Sea Horse Sea Kate Mulgrew plays who in a Gene Roddenbery based series? Capt Katherine Janeway Voyager Capt What is the oldest bridge over the Seine in Paris? Pont Neuf Pon An Ochlophilliac gets sexually aroused from what? Being in crowds Being In Oxford university what's barred from the library by rule? Sheep She An Asian gecko and a sweet European wine what word fits both? Tokay Tok What common word comes from the French for purse or wallet? Budget Bud Daimants Sur Canape French translation of what film? Breakfast at Tiffanys Break Tracy Marrow a former convict born 1958 changed name to what? Ice-T Ice Marmolada nearly 11000 feet highest peak what mountain range? Dolomites Dol Dr George Wander invented what drink in Switzerland 1860s? Ovaltine Ova Broadway 59 music Ordinary Couple, Preludium, Processional? The Sound of Music The S Rhus Radicans shrub green flowers white berries common name? Poison Ivy Poiso Fulton John Short - Later John Fulton first US to do what? Qualify as Matador Quali In Malibu California its illegal to do what in a theatre? Laugh out loud Laugh In fiction who's mother Monique Delacroix died when he was 11? James Bond James Charles Henry Stuard Gmelin was the first UK what 6 Apr 1896? Olympic competitor 4th 3rd heat 100 m Olymp Salvatore A Lombino used Ewan Hunter what famous pen name? Ed McBain Ed What song on the Rubber Soul album became No 1 Overlanders? Michelle - 1966 Miche Palindromic word means raise to the ground or a mine passage? Level Lev The Mexican bearded and what are the only venomous lizards? Gila Monster Gila In WW2 Germans used a Schlusselmaschine E what do we call it? Enigma coding machine Enigm Away we Go was the original 1942 title what musical show/film? Oaklahoma Oak Gemellus is a fancy name for what? Testicles Tes Where would you find the Ponte de Sospiri? Venice - Bridge of Sighs Venic Rosemead California its illegal eat what with a fork in public? Ice Cream Ice Hierosolymitan is of Greek origin and pertains to what city? Jersualem Jer Not Indians what links Cherokee Apache Arapaho Comanche? Piper Aircraft Piper Brilliant Bumper Bubbles Bigheart Boofuls Baby Bonny are who? Jelly Babies Jelly E J Allen led spies to South Civil war what name better known? Alan Pinkerton Alan Gene Kelly Michael York Joss Ackland all played who? D'Artagan D'A Who wrote The Last Frontier first published in 1959? Alistair Maclean Alist In what TV series did we see Del Floria tailors shop? The man from UNCLE The m Kenneth Weekes nick Ban Ban born Boston only US do what? Play Test match cricket West Indies Play Glen Morris was the last Olympic gold medallist to do what 1938? Act Tarzan in Tarzans Revenge 1938 Act T In Mexico it is illegal for the police to sell what? Their Guns Their Hydrated Magnesium Silicate is better known as what? Meerschaum or Sepiolite Meers Seen on Egyptian rivers what is a Shadoof used for? Water bucket on pole Water Old Arabic word for palm of the hand is what in modern sport? Racket Rac What General Motors plastic bodied car was built in Tennessee? Saturn Sat George W Trendle and Fran Striker created what Western hero? The Lone Ranger The L Biblical city was the code for RAF bombings of Hamburg WW2? Gomorrah Gom What musical was produced on London stage 30 years after film? Singing in the Rain Tommy Steel 1983 Singi What was Vivian Leigh's character won Oscar in her 30s? Blanche Dubois Blanc In what Italian town can you find the Piazza del Erbe? Verona Ver What author married Leon Trotsky's secretary in 1924? Arthur Ransom Arthu In Delaware by law a newlywed must do what if wife asks? Take her Shopping Take Where would you find an Orcadian? Orkney Islands Orkne The Venice Cup is for women only playing what? Bridge Bri What is Supergirls Kryptonian name? Kara Kar Name the hero Len Deightons Ipcress File and Funeral in Berlin? Not named in books Harry Palmer in films Not n Who commanded Bill Jukes Cecco Noodler Skylights Starkey? Captain Hook Capta Anna M Jarvis of Philadelphia started what she never qualified? Mothers Day May 1908 Childless Mothe Robert Brown M Caroline Bliss Moneypenny who was Bond? Timothy Dalton Timot What countries head of state has been dead for years? North Korea - Mr Kim North If you were using Highroller Snooker 7 Lukki what are you doing? Fishing artificial flies Fishi Where can you see Lenny Bruce E A Poe Karl Marx H G Wells etc? Sergeant Peppers Serge In Key West Florida what are barred from racing in city limits? Turtles Tur What began 24 Jan 1848 thanks to John Marshall at Sutters mill? The Gold Rush in California The G Who played by Luther Adler Roy Goldman Peter Sellers etc? Adolf Hitler Adolf What is the SI unit of power equal to 1.341 horsepower? Kilowatt Kil Anna Maria Louisa Italiano changed her name to what? Anne Bancroft Anne In Scandinavian mythology what is the day of final doom called? Ragnerok Rag His campaign slogan was vote for AuH20 whats his name? Barry Goldwater Barry Organisation in the US was co-founded by Ballington Booth? Volunteers of America Volun Paul French George E Dale pseudonyms for what SF author? Isaac Asimov Isaac In what country is the worlds largest pyramid? Mexico - Quetzalcoatl Mexic What was/is the giant Musashi built in Japan in 1974? A Crane A C Sporting terms loose on left Tight on the right who in centre? Hooker in Rugby Hooke In Frankfort Kentucky its illegal to shot what off a policeman? His Tie His Dybowski's Formosa and Japanese are types of what? Sika or Saki Deer Sika In what area of Washington does the State Dept hang out? Foggy Bottom Foggy Who made his debut in a 1955 Warner Brothers cartoon? Speedy Gonzales Speed What is the English title of Voyna i Mir? War and Peace War a The stuff that dreams are made off - last words in what film? The Maltese Falcon The M Nessiteras Rhombopteryx Latinised name of what - as a Hoax? Loch Ness Monster Loch In the game of Bridge what are the first six tricks won called? The Book The Batrachophobia is a fear of what? Frogs and Toads Frogs What was the name of Alistair Macleans first best selling novel? HMS Ulysses HMS U Name the superspy man from Z.O.W.I.E. played James Coburn? Our Man Flint Our M In what sport would you see a Chistera? Pelota Pel In Washington its illegal to buy what on Sunday? A Mattress A Mat Who wrote the musical The Desert Song? Sigmund Romberg Sigmu Eddie Slovak only American to do what 31/01/1945? Executed desertion WW2 Execu In Wyoming it is illegal to wear what in a theatre? A Hat if others can't see over it A Hat In New Zealand what is a Punga? A Fern A F In Feng Shui what colour inspires passion? Pink Pin In English superstition what bird should you wish good day? Magpie else bad luck Magpi What city was known as Christiana until 1925? Oslo - Sweden Oslo William Hartnell was the first to play what TV character? Dr Who Dr Who wrote the play " What the Butler saw "? Joe Orton Joe In 1998 the space probe Luna Perfecta found what on the moon? Ice Ice What sea is directly north of Poland? Baltic sea Balti What was the original filling of the savaloy sausage? Pigs Brains Pigs Carlos Menim was elected president of what country in 1989? Argentina Arg In Natoma Kansas illegal to throw knives at people wearing what? Stripped Shirts Strip What is the Tibetan Yab Yum? A sexual position A sex Crossair originated in what European country? Switzerland Switz What does a Zamboni do? Machine cleans ice hockey games Machi What is the name of the cranial bone just above your ear? Temporal Tem Who led the Soviets when they invaded Hungary in 1956? Nikita Khruschcev Nikit What tennis player made it to finals US open 8 times in 80s? Ivan Lendl Ivan What musical direction comes from the Italian meaning cheerful? Allegro All What nationality was Fredrick Chopin? Polish Pol Which Nobel Prize is not awarded annually in Stockholm? Peace Pea What book translates as My Struggle? Mein Kampf Mein When a satellite closest to Earth its position is called what? Perigee Per In 1659 Massachusetts outlawed what? Christmas - it was illegal Chris What can keep for up to 4 years if stored in a cool dark place? Standard Condoms Stand What French relish sounds like a machine gun firing? Ratatouille Ratat Fundador is a potent brandy made in what country? Spain Spa Who directed Serpico? Sidney Lumet Sidne Type of precious stone has a name literally means blue rock? Lapis Lazuli Lapis Middle ages it was believed birds picked mates what Saints day? 14th February Saint Valentine 14th A Russian space programs name meant East what was it? Vostok Vos Which Greek hero finally tamed Pegasus? Bellerophon Belle What is the Western ( cowboy ) name for a motherless calf? Dogie Dog The PH scale measures acid or alkali what's PH stand for? Potential of Hydrogen Poten What character Tamed the Shrew in the Shakespeare play? Petrucchio Petru In St Louis Missouri its illegal for a fireman to rescue who? Undressed women full dress only Undre Casanova ate fifty each morning to increase potency 50 what? Oysters Oys In sport what stands four feet by six feet? An Ice Hockey Net An Ic What name is given to the smallest type of liquor glass? Cordial Cor What was Heindrich Himler's job before lead Gestapo in WW2? Chicken Farmer Chick What author criticised evangelism in his novel Elmer Gantry? Sinclair Lewis Sincl What was the first man made object to leave the solar system? Pioneer 10 Pione What holiday is called Head of the World in the Jewish faith? Rosh Hashanah Rosh What gemstone has a name literally meaning not intoxicated? Amethyst Ame Who starred in Ceiling Zero as a pilot? James Cagney James Italians often eat a whole what to cover garlicky breath? Coffee Bean Coffe What is the longest river in western Europe? The Volga The In Oxford Ohio its illegal for a woman to disrobe where? Before a mans picture Befor Celibate Egyptian priests were forbidden to eat what aphrodisiac? Onions Oni What countries native name is Land of the long white cloud? Aoteraroa New Zealand Maori Aoter Who would you expect to see in the Leftorium? Ned Flanders shop The Simpson's Ned F The Italian for tail what comes at the end of a musical score? Coda Cod Caesar Salad originated in which country? Mexico Mex In Schulter Okalahoma illegal for towel wearing women do what? Gamble Gam Bacardi and Carioca rums come from what country? Costa Rico Costa In RKO movies what does RKO stand for? Radio Keith Orphium Radio What golden yellow gem sounds like a fruit related to lemons? Citrine Cit What country finally adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752? England Eng What was the name of John Glens first orbiting craft? Friendship 7 Frien The murder of Gonzago was performed in what Shakespeare play? Hamlet Ham What's the collective noun for a group of gulls? Colony Col In astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron stars called? Pulsars Pul Nicknamed The Tiger who lead France at the end of WW1? George Clemenceau Georg What microscopic animals name comes from Greek little Staff? Bacteria Bac Goddess sprang full grown from the forehead of her father Zeus? Athena Ath In Morrisville Pennsylvania women need permit to wear what? Cosmetics Cos What are put into an omelette in a Hangtown Fry? Oysters Oys What English brand of sherry is considered the King desert wine? Harvey's Bristol Cream Harve Mickey Rooney made a series of films based on what family? Hardy family Hardy What gemstone was reputed to heal eye ailments? Emerald Eme What Russian revolutionary founded Pravda? Leon Trotsky Leon What country is ruled by King Hans Adam II? Liechtenstein Liech In 1856 John C Freeman was the first what? Republican candidate US president Repub What are ratite birds the only ones not to do? Fly Fly In 1959 Able Baker first put out in space by USA what were A/B? Spider Monkeys Spide According to Christian religion what happened at Epiphany? Wise men visited Wise In South Carolina what's barred Fountain Inn without wear pants? Horses Hor Who wrote The Poseidon Adventure? Paul Gallico Paul V.O. and Pedigree whiskeys made by what Canadian company? Seagrams Sea Noel Coward gave what director his start on In Which we Serve? David Lean David How many spices are mixed in allspice? None it's single spice None What was Richard Wagner's second Opera - idea during sea trip? The Flying Dutchman The F According to its name what major Italian city is the new city? Naples - short for Neopolis Naple What is the only flag permitted to be flown over the US flag? United Nations Flag Unite Where was Mark Twain born? Florida - Missouri Flori What is the name of the ruling house of Monaco? Grimaldi Gri The word Atom comes from the Greek meaning what? Indestructible Indes From Memphis restaurants its illegal to take what away? Any Pie Any What gems name means sea water in Latin? Aquamarine Aquam Danish variety caraway flavoured liquor driest and most famous? Aquavit Aqu What Soviet leader seized control from Khrushchev in 1964? Leonid Brezhnev 1984 till died 1992 Leoni A primate called a Galago has what more common name? Bush Baby Bus What Shakespeare King was killed at Pontefract Castle? King Richard III King Name the Lieutenant Colonel who was first black US in space? Bluford Blu What is a Shofar? Carved Rams Horn Jewish faith Carve Who directed Spartacus and Lolita? Stanley Kubrick Stanl An Ounce whisky glass and a small keg what same name? Pony Pon California Valley and a Chinese cabbage what word means both? Napa Nap In the Simpsons who is the godfather of the Springfield mafia? Don Vittorio Don V In Mesquite Texas its illegal for children to have what? Unusual Haircuts Unusu Who rode a horse called Phantom? Zorro Zor Who sang the theme song in the Bond film For Your Eyes Only? Shena Easton Shena What actor died during the filming of Gladiator? Oliver Reed Olive Who would perform the Maha Mantra? Hari Krishnas Hari Mould board Disc and Rotary are types of what? Plough Plo In the US flamingos are only outnumbered by what similar thing? Plastic flamingos Plast What's unusual about Ernest Vincent Wrights 50000 word novel? No letter E No le What film star role was played by over 48 different animals? Babe the Pig Babe Collective nouns a Blessing of what animal group? Unicorn Uni In New York where is it illegal to talk to a stranger? An Elevator An El The average one has 248 muscles in its head - what? Caterpillar Cater In WW2 what linked members of the Caterpillar club? Life saved parachute Life What cartoon character was 5 foot 6 inches tall? Popeye Pop What part of the body is most bitten by insects? The Foot The In sport what is exactly 5 foot 8 inches off he ground? Bullseye on Dartboard Bulls An average person does it six times a day - what? Goes to bathroom Goes What is the oldest known cultivated vegetable? The Pea The Name Elvis Presley's twin brother? Aaron Aar What causes an Iatrogenic illness? Doctors or treatment Docto In Florida it's illegal for a single woman to do what on Sunday? Skydive Sky Which French cheese is ripened in caves? Roquefort ewes milk Roque Term literally jointed foot applies to insects spiders crabs? Arthropods Arthr In what European city was the first book in English published? Bruges - Belgium Bruge In what US state is the town of Maggie's Nipples? Wyoming Wyo The Musee de Orsay in Paris was originally what? Railway Station Railw Meridian is a shade of what colour? Green Gre In what country was John McEnroe born? Germany Ger Who was offered and rejected the role of Indiana Jones? Tom Selleck too busy Tom S Juliet Gordon Low founded what in Savannah Georgia 1912? Girl Guides Girl California illegal to shoot game from moving vehicle except? Whale Wha Where is your Puricle? Space thumb extended forefinger Space What European country has no head of state? Switzerland Switz Almonds - the nuts - are members of what general family? Peach Pea Name the first US president to serve ice cream at state dinner? Thomas Jefferson Thoma What was pirate Captain Kidd's first name? William Wil The cob nut is the fruit of what tree? Hazel Haz The Rikkesmuseum is in what European city? Amsterdam Ams A shark is the only fish that can do it - do what? Blink with both eyes same time Blink In Italy what is Provolone? Smoked hard cheese Smoke Hartford Connecticut its illegal to do what to wife on Sunday? Kiss her Kis Not obvious colours - what links orange silver purple? Can't rhyme in English Can't The are 336 on a standard one 336 what on what? Dimples on a Golf Ball Dimpl 90% of bird species are what? Monogamous Monog In Yorkshire in 1872 what took 3 days to pass by? Swarm of Ladybirds Swarm In 1985 William Beckman paid no tax on £100000 profit why? William was a dog so cant pay tax Willi 50% of the US annual rainfall falls in what month? April Apr In what country would you dance The Sirtaki? Greece Gre What is the common name for a birds Ventriculus? Gizzard Giz Where on your body would you find your Rasceta? Creases on inside of wrist Creas In Oregon it is illegal to wear what on clothing in public? The Number 69 The N What animal is in the hassen in hassenpfeffer? Hare or Rabbit Hare What city in the USA has the fewest % of native born residents? Huston - Texas Husto In some parts of China what is the Long Nosed General? Pigs - unlucky to mention pig Pigs What creature in nature is most sensitive to heat? Rattlesnake organs between eyes Rattl In London in 1985 a man was convicted of stealing two what? Crime Prevention Posters Crime Who wrote The Last Picture Show? Larry McMurty Larry Who was nicknamed The Bronx Bull? Jake LaMotta Jake What male name comes from Greek meaning defender of men? Alexander Ale 3 chemical elements most % human body O 65% C 18% and? Hydrogen 10% Hydro In Charleston by law carriage horses must have what? Diapers on Diape A Polyorchid has at least three what? Testicles Tes In 1963 what finally ended in Alaska? Mail by dog sled Mail Who played the role of Miss Hannigan in the film Annie? Carol Burnett Carol 3 countries on 2 continents Russia Turkey (Asia Europe) and? Egypt - Africa and Asia Egypt What kind of car was Kitt in Knight Rider? Pontiac Trans Am Ponti In the first voyager program who were the Maquis fighting? The Cardassians The C Who are Patience and Fortitude at New Yorks Public Library? Stone Lions Outside Stone What happened to Laika first dog in space? Suffocated no air burned re-entry Suffo Tartuffo in Spain Kartoffel in Germany and Russia what is? Potato Pot In Virginia its illegal for a man to do what to his wife? Pat her Derrieres Pat h What are male crabs known as? Jimmies Jim What female name comes from the Greek for foreign woman? Barbara Bar What is the oldest soft drink in the USA? Doctor Pepper Docto Who or what could win a Golden Clio award? Advertising film Adver If you were indulging in Sciomanchy what are you doing? Imaginary Combat Imagi hat could an Australian win a Stanley for Cartooning hat c Name Hopalong Cassidy's horse? Topper Top What food stuffs name come from the Italian for Pick me Up? Tiramisu Tir A Librocuricularist does what in bed? Read Rea In Seattle women can get six months for doing what to men? Sit on lap bus/train without pillow Sit o Two villains first appear in Batman Comics 1 - Joker and who? Cat - Later called Catwoman Cat - In Astrology what is the ruling planet of communication? Mercury Mer What singer sang the song Spank Me? Madonna Mad In what state did the 1862 Sioux uprising start? Minnesota Min In 1988 there was a shortage of what exotic food fish? Swordfish Swo What male name comes from Greek meaning lover of horses? Phillip Phi If you suffered from a luxating patella what wrong with you? Moving Kneecap Movin Musashi was the first Japanese to use two what simultaneously? Swords - famous for it Sword White ribbed red cabbage is named from Italian for Chicory? Radicchio Rad In Wyoming its illegal for women to stand within 5 feet of what? Bar when drinking Bar w Someone who dibbles is drinking like what? A Duck A D George Armstrong Custer was court martialed in 1867 for what? Hit a fellow officer Hit a Name the Australian film about the pianist Halstadt? Shine Shi What is a Characin? Small Fish Small What actor began his career doing Doctor Pepper commercials? Bruce Willis Bruce In cookery a ganache is made from cream and what? Chocolate Choco What kind of car was the General Lee in Dukes of Hazard? Dodge Charger Dodge What male name comes from the German meaning army rule? Harold Har What spice is essential in a New England Clam Chowder? Thyme Thy In West Virginia its illegal to snooze where? On a train On a In SF California by law what is guaranteed to the masses? Sunshine Sun In Star Trek what is the name of Spock's father? Sarek Sar What company produces Olympia beer? Miller in USA Mille What vegetable is found in the dish chicken divan? Broccoli Bro In what country is the car model the Treka produced? New Zealand New Z Whose slogan was plop plop fizz fizz? Alka Seltzer Alka What actor is the spokesman for the National Rifle Association? Charlton Heston Charl What would you find on Pink Sheets? Bid Asked prices OTC stocks Bid A Name the first web browser publicly available? NCSA Mosaic NCSA In Kansas the law prohibits shooting rabbits from where? A Motorboat A Mot In MASH who planted the vegetable garden? Father Mulcahy Fathe Dragon Stout is brewed in what city / country? Kingston Jamaica Kings What company introduced the first commercial minicomputer 65? DEC DEC What was Mae West sent to the workhouse for in 1926? Writing starring in play called sex Writi Aurore Dupin born 1804 changed her name what 19th cent author? George Sand Georg What was the name of Juliet's cousin killed by Benvolio in R+J? Tynbalt Tyn Jockey / Author Dick Francis what injury on his wedding day? Broken collar bone Broke Mary Kelly was the last known who? Victim Jack Ripper Victi Name the person who caused Chicago kids to get school milk? Al Capone Al In New York by law the death penalty is required for what act? Jumping off a building Jumpi In the Superman comics name the shrunken city in a bottle? Kandor Kan What beer is represented by a goat? Bocks Beer Bocks What fish is known as poor mans lobster? Monk Fish Mon What movie actor was (among other jobs) a bridge painter? Paul Hogan Paul What was the most commonly occurring name on the internet? Bill Clinton Bill What astrological star sign covers July 24 - August 23? Leo Leo What song is about a sheep stealing suicide? Waltzing Matilda Waltz Who wrote The Screwtape Letters? C S Lewis C S Name first car model with transverse engine front wheel drive? Austin Mini Austi In Texas its illegal to shoot a buffalo from where? Hotel second story Hotel In the Flintstones Dino was Fred's pet who was Barnie's? Hoppy Hop Ouagodougou is the capitol of what country? Bakina Faso Bakin Roy Rogers girlfriend Dale Evans rode what named horse? Buttermilk Butte Goyanthlay (one who yawns) famed under what Mexican name? Geronimo Ger What does the initials NMT on a prescription mean? Not More Than usually narcotics Not M What is the world tallest horse? Shire Horse Shire In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard - what? Counterfeit British notes Count What is the ruling planet of the astrological sign Taurus? Venus Ven What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs? The Grey Partridge up to 16 The G In Texas by law criminals must give their victims what? 24 hours advance written notice 24 ho On ER what is the character name of Mark Greens daughter? Rachel Rac What Zimbabwe beer is named after a river? Zambezi Zam In what part of New York did the Great Gatsby live? West Egg Wes Name Merlin's owl in Disney's Sword in the Stone? Archimedes Archi Jerry Yang and David Filo created what? Yahoo Yah Who was the leader of the notorious Gambino Mafia family? John Gotti John Name William Shakespeare son? Hamnet Ham What is Barbara Streisands middle name? Joan Joa What is Carambola? Starfruit Sta In Thailand its illegal to step on what? Nation's Currency Natio In Lynch Heights Delaware its illegal to do what in an airplane? Sneeze Sne Victor Buono played what Batman villain in the original series? King Tut Kin What Ferrari model was named after the makers son? Ferrari Dino Ferra Actor was known as Singing Sandy (dubbed) early in career? John Wayne John A Stag with 12 point antlers is known as a what? Royal Roy In what state was the largest cavalry battle in the civil war? Virginia Brandy Station 20000 men Virgi In the Bible Jesus walked on water who else did this? St Peter - to Jesus from boat St Pe What was Motowns biggest hit in 1968? Heard it through the Grapevine Heard The Kung San people live in what area of Africa? Kalahari Desert in Botswana Kalah What is the most popular Mexican beer in the USA? Corona Cor In Kansas its illegal to eat what on Sunday? Snakes Sna Beverly Hillbillies what did Jethro get Jed for his birthday? Electric Pencil sharpener Elect Whose cusine would offer you Leberkas? German it's liver Germa Where did Hamlet send his girlfriend Ophelia? A Nunnery A N What was the police chiefs name in the first two Jaws films? Martin Brody Marti What group sang about a Suicide Blonde? INXS INX What African country gained independence in 1980? Zimbabwe Zim Where were the 1964 winter Olympics held? Innsbruck Austria Innsb In Sioux language the Paha-sapa is what place? Black Hills - Dakota Black What Wimbledon finalist (loser 1879) murdered his wife? St Leger Gould St Le In Topeka Kansas its illegal to install what in your house? Bathtubs Bat Simpson's what was Homers nickname as baseball team mascot? Dancing Homer Danci What companies cars are nicknamed mopars? Chrysler Chr Rhett Butler of Gone With the Wind was born where? Charleston Charl The King Cobra is the only snake that does what? Builds a Nest Build What does a hotwalker do? Walks a hot racehorse Walks In what county did the Aryan race originate? India Ind What 80s band had a hit with Tainted Love? Soft-Cell Sof What is a Texas Ruby Red? Grapefruit Grape What is used to flavour Kriek Belgian beer? Cherries Che In Halstead Kansas doing what is illegal at the airport? Walking and loud burping Walki In Life of Brian what name does Stan want to be known as now? Loretta Lor "Its all Greek to me" comes from what Shakespeare play? Julius Caesar Juliu What was the name of the high school in the movie Grease? Rydell Ryd In what city was the first playboy club opened in 1960? Chicago Chi In the Bible in what city did Jesus perform his first miracle? Cana - John 2:1.11 Water into wine Cana What was the Mark Twain in WW2? A Bombsight A Bom Charcarodon Carcharias is the Latin name for what creature? Great White Shark Great If a prescription said b.i.d. what would it mean? Twice Daily Twice What Indian tribe did the army most often use as scouts? Crow Cro In Brockton Mass you must have a licence to enter where? Towns Sewers Towns Happy Days was a spin off from what US TV show? Love American Style Love What river in Africa carries the most water? Congo - Zaire Congo HG Wells invisible man had what physical oddity? Albino Alb Who was known as The King of Pop? Michael Jackson Micha Measure for Measure deals with what contemporary theme? Angelo harasses Isabella sexually Angel Where is the base city for Porsche cars? Stuttgart Germany Stutt What is Gohan? Japanese Rice Japan What does Mit Hefe on a German beer bottle mean? With Yeast With In Detroit wilfully destroying your old what is illegal? Radio Rad In Montreal you cannot park a car blocking what? Your own driveway Your What US city hosted the final of the 1994 football world cup? Pasadena Pas Dr David Hessian 2nd Catherine Cookson what type his books? Gardening Gar In Indian cookery what dish literally translates as Red Juice? Rogan Josh Rogan Sol Sacs created what classic US TV show of the 60s 70s? Bewitched Bew Who was the first president to be televised? F D Roosevelt Worlds Fair 1939 F D R What's the more common name of the thyroid cartilage? Adams Apple Adams Adolph Hitler had a phobia - what? Claustrophobia Claus How did Karmuala Searlel - an early Tarzan die? Mauled by Elephant Maule In Guelph Ontario a by-law makes what illegal in the city? Peeing A no Pee zone Peein What links Paul and Ringo in the Beatles? Left Handed Left A Chinese eunuch invented what in the second century? Paper Pap Hannibal had only one what? Eye after Rome attack Eye a A mature Japanese sea squirt eats what? It's own Brain It's Collective nouns - what's a group of donkeys? A Herd A H What bird can see the colour blue? An Owl An Construction hard hats were first used on what project in 1933? Hoover Dam Hoove In Victoria Australia by law only electricians may do what? Change a lightbulb Chang Rudolf Rasendil is the hero of what novel and film? The Prisoner of Zenda The P Beijing drivers fined 40 Yuan doing what at pedestrian crossing? Stopping its illegal Stopp All US presidents have worn what? Glasses - not in public Glass Holiday resort of Marmaris is in what country? Turkey Tur The White House has 13092 of them - what? Knives forks and spoons Knive Lil'folkes was the original name of what comic strip? Peanuts Pea Where on your body are the most sweat glands? Feet Fee What's the most popular name for a female pet cat? Samantha Sam Kangaroos and Emus can't do what? Walk backwards Walk Dan Emmett a northerner wrote which song? Dixie Dix What's the correct name for a male turkey? Tom Tom In Denmark there is a 20 Kroner fine for not reporting what? Your own or anyone else's death Your Pennsylvania was the first colony to legalise what? Witchcraft Witch Ignoring obvious what links Jupiter Neptune Uranus and Saturn? All have Rings All h Two most commonly sold items in stores are sodas and what? Breakfast Cereals Break Your eyeballs are 3.5% what? Salt Sal Rafflesia flowers smell like what to attract pollinators? Rotting Meat Rotti Where would you find an ideo locator? Map - You are here arrow Map - Why did Ghengis Khans soldier ride female horses? To drink their milk To dr G Roddenbery Star Trek 2 radical ideas Spock's Ears and what? Woman second in Command Woman What country had three presidents - in the same day? Mexico Mex In England it is specifically illegal to be drunk where? In a pub In What mammal has hair - on the soles of its feet? Polar Bear Polar Harvard University was originally called what? Cambridge Harvard gave 400 books Cambr There are 300 distinct different types of what food? Honey Hon The are 16 of these on a dollar bill - 16 what? Number One Numbe What is the coldest capital city in the world? Ulan Bator Mongolia Ulan Janette Rankin in 1917 first to do what? Woman elected to Congress Woman The average person in a lifetime grows 7 foot of what? Nose Hair Nos Hotfoot Teddy was the original name of what icon? Smokey the Bear Smoke Victoria Australia law illegal wear pink what after noon Sunday? Pink Hot Pants Pink Collective nouns - a tribe or trip of what? Goats Goa England its illegal for a lady do what on a public conveyance? Eat Chocolates Eat C What country has three capital cities Admin Legislate Judicial? South Africa South The human bodies got 45 miles of them - what? Nerves Ner The Best or Nothing is the motto of what company? Mercedes-Bentz Merce Johnny Depp is afraid of what? Clowns Clo Samuel Morse the inventor was originally what till he was 46? Portrait Painter Portr What dog has the best eyesight? Greyhound Gre Who cut the US flag to pieces and was honoured for it? Robert Peary left bits at North Pole Rober A Vexilliologist is an expert in what? The history of flags The h England its illegal for a boy under 10 to see a naked what? Mannequin Man What is banned by public schools in San Diego? Hypnotism Hyp Unusual words - What's the only word 4 double letters in a row? Bookkeeppers Bookk In Tokyo there is a restaurant restricted to who? Dogs Dog The average person does it 17 times a day - what? Laugh Lau What is the most common sexual fantasy act? Oral Sex Ora The Eggplant is part of what family of plants? Thistle Thi What Canadian province has been virtually rat free since 1905? Alberta Alb What ancient languages writing has no spaces between words? Ancient Greek Ancie Collective nouns - a group of swans are called what? A Bevy A B In England placing what upside down is considered treason? A Postage stamp Monarchs head A Pos Duffel bags were made in Duffel - what country? Belgium Bel What happened French President Fronsois Faure on dying 1899? Whore contracted so had to cut off penis Whore Born Aug 24 to Sept 23 what star sign? Virgo Vir In Star Trek who would go to Sha Ka Ree? Vulcans it's heaven Vulca What makes Kirminski church in Finland unique? World biggest wooden church World January in the USA is National what month? Soup Sou Name the Monkeys only film made in 1969? Head Hea What was French frigate Isere's most famous cargo? Statue of Liberty Statu 56% of men have had sex where? At Work At In Scotland its illegal to be drunk in possession of what? A Cow A C Where does the dollar sign come from? U on S bottom U dropped out $ U on They are only found in Lake Nicaragua - what are? Fresh water sharks Fresh The Chinese only do it every 10 years what? Celebrate Birthdays Celeb Roschfort was a baddie in what book and (many) film versions? The Three Musketeers The T James Doohan became famous playing what character? Montgomery Scott Montg Name Popeye's hungry friend? J Wellington Wimpy J Wel Countries name means Place where one struggles with God? Israel Isr November 18th is who's birthday? Mickey Mouse Micke 16th century where the most fashionable place to wear a ribbon? Pomaded grown female pubic hair Pomad In Singapore you can be fined 10% of income for not doing what? Flushing public toilet Flush What country is the world leader in Cobalt Mining? Zaire Zai What is the national religion of Scotland? Presbyterianism Presb The average West German does it every seven days - what? Changes washes underwear Chang How did Lavan in Utah get its name? Its Naval backwards middle of Utah Its N What should be done with a used worn out flag? Burned Bur Small country has more 1000 dialects and two official languages? Philippines Phili What was the first daily comic strip in the USA? Mutt and Jeff Mutt Review This show suspends all belief it will never work what? Original Star Trek Origi What's the most popular name for a male pet cat? Tiger Tig In South Korea traffic police must report what? Tourists bribes taken Touri Elkhart Indiana it's illegal for barber to threaten to do what? Cut off youngsters ears Cut o George Bush removed what from the White House menus? Broccoli Bro In 1907 who was first English writer win Nobel prize literature? Rudyard Kipling Rudya Name the science fiction writer who lives in Sri Lanka? Arthur C Clark Arthu What pop group were dedicated followers of fashion? The Kinks The CaCo3 is the chemical formula of what common item? Calcium Carbonate Chalk Calci Name Elvis Presley's father? Vernon Presley Verno In what novel does Dr Hannibal Lecter first appear? Red Dragon Red D The Ionian islands are nearest what country? Greece Gre In Portsmouth Ohio who does the law rank with vagrants thieves? Baseball Players suspicious chars Baseb In WWW terms what does i.e. mean on a domain name? Ireland Ire Seawood's Folly is better known as what today? Alaska Ala What is a Roastchaffer? A Beetle A B What Pope started the Inquisition? Gregory 9th Grego Ecuador was named after who / what? The Equator The E Liza Minelli played what character in Cabaret? Sally Bowles Sally Who wrote the scripts for Hill street Blues? Steven Bochco Steve What European language is unrelated to any other language? Basque Bas In the 70s The Bahamas gained independence from who? Great Britain Great Kentucky people wearing what on streets get police protection? Bathing Suits Bathi In what country did bongo drums originate? Cuba Cub Stewart Goddard changed his name to become what pop hit? Adam Ant Ada What's the main feature of a Chong Sang skirt? Split up side Split The Davis Strait lies between Canada and where? Greenland Gre Henri Charrier is better known by what nickname? Papillion The Butterfly Papil What fashion designer is credited with the Bob hairstyle? Mary Quant Mary Melba sauce is made from what fruit? Raspberries Raspb Who was with Macbeth when he met the witches? Banquo Ban Children take SATs what does SAT stand for? Standard assessment tasks Stand Winston-Salem N Carolina its illegal under 7 year olds do what? Go to College Go to A lion and a sword appear on what countries flag? Sri Lanka Sri A carbonade is a dish that must contain what? Beer Bee What company owns Rolls Royce motors? Volkswagen Volks What was Oscar Wilde's only novel? The picture of Dorian Grey The p What writer lived at hilltop near Hawkshead now museum to her? Beartrix Potter Beart French artist Edward Degas noted for what particular subject? Ballet Dancers Balle Who is the Greek God of the sky and the universe? Uranus Ura Collective nouns - a Dule of what? Doves Dov The pharaoh hound is the only dog that does what? Blushes - Nose and ears redden Blush Blue Earth Minnesota illegal under 12s do what without parent? Talk on Telephone Talk Fallstaff first appears in what Shakespeare play? Henry IV part 1 Henry What is a roker? A foot long ruler A foo A vestiphobe is afraid of what? Wearing Clothes Weari In what film would you find The Orgasmitron? Woody Alan's Sleeper Woody Racing driver James Hunts nickname was Hunt the what? Shunt Shu In 1906 the John Gable Entertainer was the first what? Juke Box Juk In the food industry what is TVP - i.e. what's it stand for? Textured Vegetable Protein Textu Who wrote the book Coma? Robin Cook Robin What country designed and developed the bayonet? France Fra In Massachusetts its illegal to put what in clam chowder? Tomatoes Tom Collective nouns - A Descent of what creatures? Woodpeckers Woodp What's the words most popular brand of malt whisky? Glenfiddich Glenf Prospective Italian grave diggers have to take what test? Exhume - dig up a body Exhum Who was the lead singer in Herman's Hermits? Peter Noone Peter According to Elvis Presley who / what was Little Elvis? His Dick or Penis His D In US Emergency rooms what toy is often found in rectums? Barbie most common doll up ass Barbi What is Calvados? Apple Brandy Apple Who first appeared on TV December 17th 1989? The Simpsons Episode 1 in USA The S Turf Stone and Hedge are all types of what? Mazes Maz Seattle ordinance says goldfish in bowls must do what in buses? Stay still - not move Stay What animals are likely to die first from global warming? Polar Bears Polar In the film Tommy who played The Acid Queen? Tina Turner Tina What is a goat sucker? A Bird A B Where would you find the Spanish steps? Rome Rom Five named Beatles on Abbey Road cover J P G R and who? Volkswagen Volks Bennie Hills Ernie fastest milkman in the west - name his horse? Trigger Tri How did Van Gogh dispose of his ear? Gave it to prostitute Gave According to survey what European country has the vainest men? Britain Bri Who would spin a Gob on their nose end? Glassblower Glass In Albany New York what's it illegal to do in the streets? Play Golf Pla Collective nouns - What are a group of greyhounds called? A Leash A L Who first played Flash Gordon on film? Buster Crabbe Buste What basic skill is lacking in most Royal Navy entrants? They cannot swim They What common word comes from Knights after the Crusades? Freelance Fre What was the most valuable thing ever stolen? The Mona Lisa The M The Intelligent whale was the nickname of an early what? Submarine Sub What Welsh singer used to work as a condom tester? Shirley Bassey Shirl What speed record has remained unbroken since 1938? Steam Train - Mallard Steam The annual Hackademy awards are given for what? Smoking in films Smoki Idaho Falls Idaho its illegal for over 88 year olds to do what? Ride a motorcycle Ride Old times mid eastern women swallowed what as contraceptive? Foam from camels mouth Foam Who narrated Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds? Richard Burton Richa What was invented 1963 150 billion made since? Ring Pulls on cans not cans Ring What used to be caught in a fanny trap? Foxes Mid ages fem fox nick fanny Foxes What toy was first launched as The Magic Screen? Etch - A - Sketch Etch Originally a Toss Pot did a lot of what? Drinking - Alcohol Drink Amanda by the Sea was a US version of what UK comedy show? Faulty Towers Fault A is Alpha is the international alphabet but A used to be what? Able Abl According to psychologists the happiest people watch what TV? Soap Operas Soap In Tampa Bay Florida its illegal who who/what to leave ships? Rats Rat Men women compete 3 Olympic sports Equestrian Shooting? Yachting Yac If you were Cock Throppling what you be doing? Bending a horses windpipe Bendi What animal has the best hearing? Bats Bat In what film did Mary Poppins - Julie Andrews bare her nipples? S.O.B. S.O A Scatologist studies what? Excrement Crap - Shit Excre How was Tristram Shandy (fictional character) circumcised? A Sash window fell on it A Sas Men must toss what at least 3 times during Olneys Great Race? A Pancake A P What have men played with for longer than anything else? Dice Dic Collective nouns - A Down or Husk of what animals? Hares Har In Urbana Illinois its illegal for who/what to enter the city limits? A Monster A M In Russia by law the homeless must be where after 10pm? At Home At Name the racehorse decapitated in the Godfather? Khartoum Kha In the opera Tosca what was Tosca's profession? Opera Singer Opera Where will the 2002 Winter Olympics be held? Salt Lake - USA Salt What is the US equivalent of the UK Anglican church? Episcopalian Episc Paper Porter Dresser Mud Dauber types of what? Wasp Was In the theatre what do the initials FOH stand for? Front of House Front Name Irelands oldest licensed whiskey distillery? Bushmills Bus Name the capitol of Libya? Tripoli Tri In New Jersey 1879 stopping a constable doing what $25 fine? Catching a runaway goat Catch What links Mozart's Don Giovanni and Bizet's Carmen location? Set in Seville in Spain Set i West End Girls was the debut hit for what pop duo in the 80s? Pet shop boys Pet s Who sculpted the four lions in Trafalgar Square? Sir Edwin Landseer Sir E In what modern country is mount Ararat? Turkey Tur Walter Gropius founded what art / design movement? Bauerhus in Germany Bauer Elizabeth Bennett is the central character in what novel? Pride and Prejudice Pride What are Ingrid Marie and Blushing Golden? Varieties of Apple Varie Edward Ricardo Braithwait wrote what novel? To Sir with Love To Si Who was the court portrait painter of Henry the Eighth? Hans Holbein Hans In Massachusetts by law bars cannot offer what? Happy hours Happy In 1887 who solved his first case? Sherlock Holmes Sherl In the 19th century what was known as inheritance powder? Arsenic as a poison Arsen What did model manufacturers Airfix first make? Plastic Combs Plast In what TV series did we meet Admiral Nelson? Voyage to the bottom of the sea Voyag How would you feel if you were forswanked? It means very tired It me What kind of wood is used on Rolls Royce dashboards? Walnut Wal In the rhyme who married The Owl and the Pussycat? The Turkey The T Which US actor woke up when a elephant crapped on his head? William Shatner Willi In Cornwall where would you find two legged knockers? Tin Mines goblins Tin M North Carolina $50 fine having what furniture on front porch? Upholstered Uphol What would you do with a blue willie? Raise it - it's a flag Raise USSR saying No ugly women in world just shortage of what? Vodka Vod What two things are used to stuff a welshman? Cheese Leek pastie Chees In Old England what would you do with your titties? Its an old word for Sisters Its a What creature has seven penises assorted shapes sizes? Cockroach Coc What English king was killed with a red hot poker up his arse? Edward 2nd Edwar Parachutes were invented for what use? Fire escapes people jump Fire What colour is puke? Dark Green Dark What is the most commonly prosecuted illegal act? Speeding Spe In Florida it's illegal to molest what? A Trash Can A Tra In Old English what kind of person often had a 'shite'? Gossip - phrase Chit Chat from it Gossi If the vestal virgins were caught having sex what punishment? Burried Alive Burri What act do the French call The English Perversion? Whipping Flagellation Whipp What cartoon characters first name is Quincy? Mr Magoo Mr In USA by law only 2 paid services limited to one sex - what? Sperm Doner Wet Nurse Sperm In the olden days what would you put in a large Bosom? Clothes - it's a chest Cloth What activity is featured in the magazine Winkers World? Tiddlywinks Tiddl In the Terminator film who was the boy who would be the leader? John Conner mother Sarah John Leather Apron was an alternative name for what famous figure? Jack the Ripper Jack In Wisconsin by law you must carry fire insurance on what? A Jet Ski A J English law males should do it 2 hours week watched by vicar? Archery Practice Arche 1836 Mr Gray a gasfitter 10 years penal servitude stealing what? One Rabbit One R What does a Belly Man do for a living? A Piano Tuner A Pia In parts of Siberia wives threw what at men to show wanted sex? Worms or slugs Worms What animal has the most taste buds over 27000? Catfish Cat What is sometimes nicknamed Adams Profession? Gardener Gar Until 1955 in England you needed a licence to take what on road? Lawn Mower Lawn Who is known in Argentina as The Filthy Satanic Whore? Madonna Mad In what European country are the villages Vomitville,Fukking? Austria Aus A Illinois law prohibit men from doing what in public? Having an erection Havin According to a survey what people have the most hated job in UK? Double Glazing Salesmen Doubl Idi Amin of Uganda excelled at what sport? Rugby Rug In a poll newlyweds spend most time on honeymoon doing what? Arguing or Fighting Argui What profession makes regular use of vibrators? Potters - remove air from clay Potte What was used at Wimbledon for the first time in 1971? Tie Break System Tie B What part of the body ages the fastest? The Hands The Mr Doberman developed the breed protection at work - what job? Tax Collector Tax C Elvis Presley Adolf Hitler Errol Flynn all had what kinky habit? Peeping Toms Peepi Apart from drinks what used to be stored in pub cellars? Corpses - cold place Corps In Memphis Tennessee beggars must have what before begging? A $10 begging licence 1996 law A $10 How do you catch a Phart? With a net it's a fish With What can be rigid, semi-rigid, or non-rigid? Airships Air A Capriphiliac has sex with who or what? Goats Goa What was The King of Trains and The Train of Kings? The Orient Express The O Who used to do naked cartwheels to amuse the English settlers? Pocahontas Pocah In brewing what do the initials OG stand for? Original Gravity Origi What sport can take place on sand ice or water? Wind Surfing Wind Florence Nightingale took what cos she was around young men? Bromide Bro The sweetener saccharin is made from what? Coal Tar Coa In Maryland its illegal to frighten who or what? A Pigeon A P What is the word Taxi short for? Taximeter Tax 56% of men cannot tell you the colour of what in their house? Vacuum Cleaner Vacuu Sportsman are most likely to get diseased anuses / rectum? Water Skiers Water After death what bit Walter Raleigh did his wife carry around? His Head His What kind of person would have had a twat on? A Nun part of habit A Nun The character Marion Crane died in what film? Psycho in the shower Psych 16th century husband had to stop doing what to wives after 10pm? Beating Them Beati What company was the first to mass produce watches in 1893? Ingersoll - sold $1 each then Inger 48 extras from what Oscar win film died within a year making it? Babe - all pigs Babe In Tennessee age of consent is at 16 unless the girl is what? A Virgin then its 12? A Vir James Edgar in 1890 was the worlds first store what? Santa Clause Santa What is the correct name for a male red deer? Hart Har In what country were Trabant cars made? East Germany East P L Travers created which famous character? Mary Poppins Mary Olympic athletic event is there no official world record? Marathon same distance diff courses Marat RCA and what other company launched the first vinyl records? Columbia Col Excluding cars what the most commonly used 4 wheel devices? Supermarket Trolleys Super Where on a woman is her J spot? Nape of the neck Nape In 17th century if you got Xmas clap what have you been given? A Kiss under Mistletoe A Kis Indiana smoking banned in the legislature building except when? Building is open being used Build In Bexley Ohio its illegal to put what in an outhouse? Slot Machines Slot Well known phrase Mad as a Hatter - but what made them mad? Mercury Poisoning Mercu Pluto Greek god of the underworld - what was Plutus god of? Wealth Wea Victoria was not Queen Victoria's first name - what was? Alexandrina Alexa Indoors 6 players a side outdoors numbers vary what sport? Volleyball Volle Scapegoat meaning blame taker comes from what religion? Jewish Yom Kippur Jewis What is the correct name for a dandelion seed ball? A Clock A C Dianne Fossy the naturalist is famed working with what animals? Gorillas Gor In musical notation there are five lines in a what? Stave Sta Silverwood Michigan its illegal to kill what using your hands? A Bear to impress a girl A Bea What is the correct name for the flower the Michaelmass Daisy? Aster Ast Round, flat, filbert or sword types / shapes of what tool? Paintbrush Paint Who wrote the novel The Seventh Scroll? Wilber Smith Wilbe The song Mack the Knife comes from what stage show? Threepenny Opera Three Johnny Rotten describe sex as five minutes of what? Squelching Squel An Arizona prostitutes organisation is called TWATS meaning? Tucson Whores and Tricks Tucso An elephants penis is shaped like what? Letter S Let Where the worlds first air raid in 1849 from hot air balloons? Venice Ven What is a Rocky mountain canary? A Donkey A D In Haifa Israel its illegal to take what to the beach? A Bear A B In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe? A Vein A V What did Farters collect? Pigs - its an old English word Pigs Psychologists say men who prefer small breasts what mentally? Depressed Dep What country had the first banknotes? Sweden China paper money not banknotes Swede A Blue Tits breast is what colour? Yellow Yel What sport was called The Royal Sport? Cock Fighting Cock What British author was offered £250000 to write book of ET? Jeffrey Archer Jeffr If you were given a French Gobelin what would you have had? A Tapestry A Tap What cities underground has the most stations? New York New Lang Kansas illegal ride a donkey in public unless it has what? A Straw hat on A Str What creature make the loudest noise - 188 decibels? Blue Whale Blue What gets nine inches longer when its up? Concord by heat expansion Conco What was Lady Chatterlys first name? Constance Con Enid Blyton character name changed to white beard for Politicaly Correct USA? Big Ears Big Mans formal dress coat called tails is named after what bird? Swallow Swa Christine Jorgensen in 1952 was the worlds first what? Sex Change Operation Sex C Name the first chocolate bar created by Forest Mars in 1923? Milky Way Mil In the poem who dug cock robins grave? Owl with his trowel Owl w In what athletic event is it illegal to carry weights? Long Jump Lon In Arkansas a man can only do what legally once a month? Beat his wife Beat The fish eating bulldog is what type of creature? A Bat A B What has been called The most unnatural of all perversions? Celibacy Cel What are the most commonly ordered item from sex catalogues? Novelty Condoms Novel What creature will only mate if the females mouth is full? Spiders Spi Knickerbockers used to be the residents of where? New York New What is the name for a chicken less than one year old? A Pullet A P British playwright wrote the screenplay for The French Lt Woman? Harold Pinter Harol What explorer wrote the history of the word in prison in 1600s? Sir Walter Raleigh Sir W British king was known to family friends as David his last name? King Edward the 8th King At the Alamo its illegal to drop what nut shells on the ground? Pecan Pec In Brookings South Dakota its illegal for a cat to live where? In a dogs house if dogs there In a What police resource was first used in the Jack the Ripper case? Bloodhounds Blood The Algarve is in what country? Portugal Por The term red herring comes from what activity? Foxhunting Foxhu The Egyptian god Horus had the head of what creature? Falcon Fal In 1964 who was the first non royal to appear on a UK stamp? William Shakespeare Willi Name the Hong Kong stock exchange? Hang Seng Han In what city was Mozart born? Saltzberg Sal Margaret Thatcher day is 10th January in what area? Falklands Islands Falkl Buckroe Beach Virginia illegal put what in someone's swimsuit? A Dead Fish A Dea What is a bandy bandy? A Snake A S What did Brian Epstein manage before the Beatles? A Record Shop A Rec What was Bogart's full characters name in Casablanca? Rick Blain Rick What fruit is used to flavour Southern Comfort? Peach Pea What 70s pop group was originally called The Engaged Couples? Abba Abb St Snithney is the patron saint of what? Mad Dogs Mad What would you do with a soft cock? Wear it - it's a wig Wear What is Warren Beatty's first name? Henry Hen What is the fastest creature raced for sport? Pigeon Pig Jones Chapel Alabama illegal guy take gal where till 4th date? Horseback Riding Horse What is a Cattalo? Buffalo and cow cross Buffa US Pres mom said Looking at my children wish I'd stayed virgin? Jimmy Carter Jimmy Name Lancashire town first test tube baby born? Oldham Old The New Testament originally written in what language? Greek Gre What would you do with a Romeo's Rouser? Drink it - its a real ale Drink Where did Cajun music originate? Louisiana Lou 1727 Helen Morris put in asylum for putting what in a newspaper? Lonely Hearts Advert Lonel Grolsch lager comes from what country? Holland Hol Who wrote the Savoy Operas? Gilbert and Sullivan Gilbe In Okalahoma City its illegal for a prisoner to wear what? Pink Bikini Underwear Pink Steven the 1st founded what country in 1000 ad? Hungary Hun What was originally called Eskimo Pie? Chocolate Ices Choco Cab is a shortened version of what word? Cabriolet Cab If silence is golden what is silver? Speech Spe What queen banned mirrors as she got older? Elizabeth 1st Eliza Starts with F ends with K if you cant get one you use your hand? Fork For What is the main ingredient of an edible faggot? Liver Liv What is the only Christian country in Asia? The Philippines The P In Christian myth man was created from dust what in Islam? Clots of Blood Clots In Bristol Rhode Island its illegal to smoke during what event? Public Hanging in the town square Publi 13th century Paris brothels were the first to have what? Red Lights Red L In what country did Bridge originate? Turkey Tur A snake has two penises but only one what other organ? Lung Lun Canaan Banana was the first president of where? Zimbabwe Zim What hairs are the last to lose their colour with age? Eyelashes Eye Ignoring obvious what links Venus and Mercury? No Moons No In golf what is the penalty for playing with opponents ball? Two strokes added on Two s What insect in Spain is known as La Cucaracha? The Cockroach The C In what country was Che Guevara born? Argentina Arg In Kansas City its illegal to what with more than 12 potatoes? Juggle with them Juggl In Texas it's illegal for what profession to be communists? Pharmacists Pharm The Black Death came to England from what port? Calais Cal Which coin weighs exactly one Troy ounce? Krugerrand Kruge The Perils of Penelope and Dastardly and Mutley spin offs what? Wacky Races Wacky The Mantu and Heath tests check for what infectious disease? Tuberculosis Tuber Which US state has a buffalo or bison on its flag? Wyoming Wyo What would you do with a nan prick in Thailand? Eat it - It's a hot sauce Eat i In 1895 the world's first disposable item made - what was it? Razor Blade King Camp Gillette Razor In Odessa Texas Star of David and Peace symbol are what? Banned satanic symbols Banne Porn star Candida Royale was named after what? A vaginal yeast infection A vag The Brownies ( junior Girl Guides) used to be named what? The Rosebuds The R Brass is an alloy of copper and what? Zinc Zin R D Blackmore wrote which classic novel? Lorna Doone Lorna In what country was Greenpeace founded in 1971? Canada Can In squash what colour dot indicates the slowest ball used? Yellow Yel A statue of Lady Godiva stands in the centre which English city? Coventry Cov Eddie Irvine contracted to drive for which car company in 2001? Jaguar Jag The Bazuki is a traditional musical instrument of what country? Greece Gre The word athletics comes from the Greek athlos meaning what? Contest Con Aphallatosis is a mental disorder caused by the lack of what? Sex life Sex Jeri Ryan plays what character in the Star Trek series? Seven of nine in Voyager Seven In 1925 the worlds first what opened Luis Obispo California? Motel - Called Motel Inn Motel Norma Talmage in 1927 made the first - the first what? Footprints concrete Grumman theatre Footp According 1890s doctors women eat mustard vinegar do what? Masturbate too much Mastu What countries language is Magyar? Hungary Hun Where is your zygomatic bone? Cheek Che What item used in offices was voted the product of the century? The Paperclip The P What is named after Dr Ernest Grafenberg? The G spot The G The horned dinosaur Torosaurus had the biggest what on land? Head - Skull nine feet long Head US IRS manual gives the plan for collecting taxes after what? Nuclear War Nucle Where was the worlds first supermarket built (country)? France Fra Bubba is Yiddish for what? Grandma Gra In the USA where would you see a crossbuck? X sign on railroad crossing X sig Los Pedernales is a Spanish translation what TV show? The Flintstones The F Palas is the correct name for what playing card? Queen of spades Queen According to Hite report masturbating women like to use what? Candles Can Collective nouns - a spring of what? Pheasants Phe Cous-cous is Iranian for what? Vagina Vag Brings your ancestors back to life - translated advert for what? Come alive with Pepsi - in China Come A doromaniac had a compulsion to do what? Give gifts Give Skokie Illinois St Paul Minnesota what official instrument? Accordion Acc A temple in Sri-Lanka is dedicated to what? Buddha's tooth Buddh Church law once mandated death for believing in what? A vacuum A v The Phoenician symbol for mouth is now what letter of alphabet? P theirs was Pe P the What US city buys the most blond hair dye? Dallas Texas Dalla Name two self cleaning organs? Eye Vagina Eye V What cities gothic cathedral started 1386 was completed 1805? Milan Mil Who wrote the series of Palisair novels? Anthony Trollop Antho Alcoholics get the DTs what does it stand for? Delirium Tremens Delir Flying fish is the national dish of which country? Barbados Bar Dr Susan Lark recommend what cure for menstrual cramps? Orgasm increased blood flow helps Orgas Bunc was the first name for what product? Coffee Cof 200 years ago all white people knew what were deadly poison? Tomatoes Tom In East Anglia England what put in house walls to ward off evil? Mummified Cats Mummi The Greek word meaning The writings of prostitutes now what? Pornography Porno According to the ancient Chinese what cures headaches? Swinging your arms Swing In 1904 May Sutton Brandy was the first US woman to do what? Win Wimbledon singles Win W All American umpires wear what? Black underwear Black Texans consume 40% of farm grown what in the USA? Catfish Cat Most of these animals are bisexual - what animal? Giraffe Gir People answered the first telephones by saying what? Ahoy there Ahoy St Boniface is the Saint of what? Sodomy Sod Frass is the correct word for what? Insect faces - bug shit Insec What is the fastest growing religion in Ireland? Buddhism Bud One person in Texas is killed annually doing what? Painting road lines Paint Bob Dylan said you should never trust anyone what? Over 30 Ove Rocket USA is going to produce a wind up doll what figure 2002? Homer Simpson Homer What body of water separates Australia and Papua New Guinea? Torres Strait Torre George Washington Thomas Jefferson Sam Adams all did what? Brewed own beer Brewe In California more what are raised than in any other state? Turkeys Tur Hebrew comes from a Babylonian word meaning what? Vagrant Vag Ejaculation comes from the Latin meaning what? Throwing Out Throw A cat is feline but what's leporine? Rabbit Rab In some religions mistletoe represents God's what? Testicles - balls to you Testi Patricia McCormick became USA first what January 20th 1957? Bullfighter Ciudad Juarez Mexico Bullf 1894 Orville Gibson started worlds oldest company make what? Electric Guitars Elect What country has the lowest teen pregnancy rate Western world? Netherlands Nethe What shop outnumbers MacDonald's 3 to 1 in the USA? Adult Bookshops Adult Corie Ten Boom was the first licensed female what in Holland? Watchmaker Watch The first what was installed in Antarctica in 1997? ATM cash point machine ATM c In 1897 who were the first baseball team introduce a ladies day? Washington Senators Washi The President of Gabon banned the use of what word in country? Pygmy Pyg Which domesticated pet animal is never mentioned in the Bible? Cats Cat 50 years ago Texas giving advice on what was prison sentence? Birth Control Birth What activity burns up 140 calories per hour? Standing Sta There are over 32000 known species of what in the world? Spiders Spi May 21st 1881 Clara Barton founded what? American Red Cross Ameri If a dog is canine what is cirvine? Deer Dee Pliny the philosopher believed dead souls went into what? Beans Bea An arenaceous plant grown in what type of soil? Sandy San Who wrote the book The Complete Angler in 1653? Isaac Walton Isaac Back Blanket and Button Hole types of what? Stitches Sti There are over 1000 recognised slang words for what? Vagina Vag What USA state drinks the most beer? California Calif Who or what was "strong to the finish"? Popeye - cos he eats his spinach Popey For $150 you can become a licensed what in Texas? Dead animal hunter Dead In 1917 Lucy Slowe was the first US what? Black tennis champion Black The Aetherius Society believes who is alive and living on Venus? Jesus Christ Jesus China Sun-Fin-Chin, Russia bayan, Norway trekspill what is it? Accordion Acc What animal's penis is four feet long when erect? Giraffe Gir Bulls Blood wine comes from which country? Hungary Hun The North and South Islands of New Zealand separated by what? Cook Strait Cook In what Dickens novel is there a case of spontaneous combustion? Bleak House Bleak In the game Tomb Raider what's Lara Crofts profession? Archaeologist Archa In 1979 who sang about Walking on the Moon? Police Pol What links tulip balloon and flute? Types of glasses Types What is the currency of Egypt? The Pound The Martina Navratilova won most doubles with which partner? Pam Shriver Pam S Names Cook Baker obvious what did a Chandler do? Make Candles Make Rod Taylor starred in a 1960 version of which HG Wells story? The Time Machine The T Liam Devlin often appears in novels by which author? Jack Higgins Jack Name the Duke of Wellingtons horse at Waterloo? Copenhagen Copen There are 72 scenes on what famous article? Bayeaux Tapestry Bayea Chinese bean sprouts are usually the sprouts of which bean? Mung bean Mun Locomotive 4472 is better known by what name? Flying Scotsman Flyin At Prince Charles's wedding who was the best man? Nobody brothers were supporters Nobod Which famous ship had a total crew numbering 430? Star ship Enterprise Captain Kirks Star What takes place in Happy Valley Hong Kong? Horse racing Horse Imperial Airways in 1925 was the first to do what? Show an in flight movie Show And what was that movie? Conan Doyle's The Lost World Conan Where is the grave of Oscar Schindler? Jerusalem Jer Which magazine uses the winged horse Pegasus as it's logo? Readers Digest Reade Which English King was crowned on Christmas day? William the Conqueror in 1066 Willi In traditional wedding anniversaries what's given on the eighth? Bronze Bro Collective nouns - a sneak of what animals? Weasels Wea Which country grows the most sugar? Brazil Bra Who would use a technique called pleaching? Gardener twine branches to hedge Garde Glycyrrhiza Glabra is better known as what? Liquorice Liq A kamikaze shooter contains Vodka Triple sec and what? Lime juice Lime If you saw a hummock off your port bow what are you looking at? Ice broken from berg Ice b Name Alfred Hitchcock's first sound film as director? Blackmail Bla Chernoble is in which Russian province? Ukraine Ukr Who does Adrian Mole lust after? Pandora Pan Where did the philosopher Plato teach? Academia Aca The Moluccas are better known as where? Spice Islands Spice What used to be called (in Europe) Arabian wine? Coffee Cof Who was killed in The Little Bastard? James Dean - his cars nickname James What character did Disney add to Winnie the Pooh not in books? Gopher Gop Heinrich the lion founded what city? Munich Mun J H Robertson invented what? Automatic Gearbox Autom Name bar John Wilkes Booth got pissed in before killing Lincoln? Star Saloon Star In Prokoviev's Peter and the Wolf what instrument is the wolf? Horn Hor Garlic and Chives belong to which plant family? Lilly Lil There are two general types of skiing Alpine and what? Nordic Nor Adolf Dasler created which company? Adidas Adi Cents in a Dollar Pennies in a Pound what in a French Franc? Centimes Cen What is extracted from the ore cinnabar? Mercury Mer Hugh Lofting created which fictional character? Dr Dolittle Dr Do In what city is the Uffizi art gallery? Florence Flo Orient Express restarted in 1982 going from London to where? Venice Ven Collective nouns - a romp of what animals? Otters Ott Which King was the intended target of the Gunpowder plot? James 1st Jam BB King gave his guitar what nickname? Lucile Luc The town of Banana in Queensland is named after what? A huge bullock A hug In traditional wedding anniversaries whats given on the seventh? Wool Woo In what country was the espresso machine invented in 1822? France Fra Who wrote Candide? Voltaire Vol What type of wine was Napoleons favourite? Burgundy Chambertin Burgu The average person has 1460 what each year? Dreams Dre Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972? Nobody Nob Name Santa Clauses (St Nicholas) French brother? Bells Nichols Bells Name the largest Mediterranean island? Sicily Sic Bambi was the first Disney film without what? Human characters Human Highway 9 is the official name of what thoroughfare? Broadway New York Broad Film character played by 4 people head body voice breathing? Darth Vader Darth Mizaru Mikazaru and Mazaru are better known as who? Three Monkeys Three A weavers knot is known by seamen as a common what? Sheet Bend Sheet By law every Swiss citizen must have access to what? Personal bomb shelter Perso Who played the alien in Predator jumping and climbing scenes? Jean-Claude Van Damme Jean- Clark Gable used to do it 4 or more times each day - do what? Shower Sho Who in US was given Hitler's Supreme Order of German Eagle? Henry Ford Henry It's illegal in USA for any citizens to have contact with who? Extraterrestrials or their vehicles Extra In Madagascar its illegal for pregnant women to do what? Wear Hats or Eat eels Wear After English what's the most widely used language on the net? German Ger Two thirds of the worlds geysers are found where? Yellowstone Park Yello What town and stream in West Australia same name pop group? Abba River Abba Which European airport has the international code LIS? Lisbon Lis AMSTRAD companies name comes from what i.e. what mean? Alan Michael Sugar Trading Alan Where were the worlds first paved streets? Rome 170 bc Rome What kills 100000 Americans each year? Reactions to meds React The word Angel derives from the Greek meaning what? Messenger Mes What profession has four times the average aids in USA? Catholic Priests Catho Venus is the only planet that does what? Rotates Clockwise Rotat On average what weight nine pounds? Cremated Ashes Crema Name the first film to have its sequel released in same year? King Kong - Son of Kong King There is approximately one what for each person in the world? Chicken Chi What is Europe's largest port? Rotterdam Rot Craven Walker invented what 60s fashionable icon? Lava lamp Lav In Missouri it's illegal for anyone to do what on Sunday? Play Hopscotch Play In 1973 Roland Ohisson was buried in a coffin made of what? Chocolate Cho Where can you see the sun rise Pacific set Atlantic? Panama on Isthmus Panam Name the first cartoon character made into a parade balloon? Felix the Cat Felix What's unusual about the moons of Uranus? Named Shakespeare characters Named What common word comes from two Greek art/craft area study? Technology tekhne logia Techn In 1925 two men first drove round Australia in what make of car? Citroen 2 seater Citro T H White wrote the book for which Disney animated feature? Sword in the Stone Sword Egypt Masbout - Armenia Sourg - Japan Koohii what is it? Coffee Cof Marie Tussaud was born in what country? Switzerland Switz In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the 14th? Ivory Ivo Collective nouns - a giggle of what animals? Hyenas Hye
Hing Under The Pressure, Bowman S ?charismatic? Ability To the ?charismatic? leaders of history (adolf Hit For charismatic? politiciansor the astute pla between two and deliberate ed composer and pianist, a man
Extractions: hing under the pressure, Bowman's ycharismaticz ability to charm an audience k by Mr. Friel, it cries out for ycharismaticz acting. Rescue - from Randall Terry, the ycharismaticz activist who founded the grou Looking fleshy and corrupt, this ycharismaticz actor mixes camp arrogance wi llywood realised you could turn a ycharismaticz actor's woodenness to a movie Jonathan Hyde is a splendidly ycharismaticz actor, and his presentation o Lee, is not only a movie about a ycharismaticz actor, but has a strong sub-t -play, you would need four highly ycharismaticz actors to command attention f lly it is because a company has a ycharismaticz actress worthy of the rich, c ply by the vision and energy of a ycharismaticz administrator. chool after the others left for a ycharismaticz alternative. d and not black, the talented and ycharismaticz athlete faced enormous pressu Ali and Leonard, the sport's most ycharismaticz athletes, ended so sadly - in f the world's wealthiest and most ycharismaticz athletes. him since being captivated by his ycharismaticz aura as a 10-year-old 25 year e entire Arab world, giving him a ycharismaticz aura that survived all his fa ical spells are not restricted to ycharismaticz authority and a bedside manne Iacocca, arguably one of the most ycharismaticz auto executives since Henry F ANGELES - The two-month trial of ycharismaticz banker Charles Keating will g s best talents is casting exotic, ycharismaticz beauties such as Sherilyn Fen first of all, Louis Farrakhan is ycharismaticz because he is an entertainer, Czech boyfriend (Rufus Sewell), a ycharismaticz biochemist who claims not to itnessed by Ludmila Javorova, the ycharismaticz bishop's closest associate. night following the news that two ycharismaticz bishops have founded a rebel gold group led by Sam Jonah, the ycharismaticz black African businessman. Chief Greenberg, a ycharismaticz black Jew who has a master's This study of ycharismaticz black leader Malcolm includes the voter-registration drive, the ycharismaticz black leader and D.C. shadow There may not be as many ycharismaticz black leaders today as they w church service here in which the ycharismaticz black minister frequently inv stered indelibly in the role of a ycharismaticz blind disc jockey. ent when Harold went from being a ycharismaticz bluff, to having really terri ween the King and the people is a ycharismaticz bond and that must be maintai It is believed that Dyke, the ycharismaticz boss of Pearson TV and alread haps Miles Davis was such another ycharismaticz boss; certainly, a new CD fro the first half, Alfonso VIII, the ycharismaticz boy king, is installed on the for those who might scoff at his ycharismaticz brand of Christianity, Mr Mic iven in the case of someone whose ycharismaticz brilliance and anguished mora the while disguised as friend or ycharismaticz buffoon. A ycharismaticz business and creative force, Raul Gardini, Italy's ycharismaticz business leader, last week ac sher Robert Maxwell, not to trust ycharismaticz business leaders. don entrepreneur Anita Roddick, a ycharismaticz businesswoman who has managed O'Connell, hugely ycharismaticz but also bashful, was genuine white robes. David Stephenson, a ycharismaticz but apparently moderate Ku-Kl A ycharismaticz but complex and fiercely inde manner in court was anything but ycharismaticz but opponents underestimated . . seeks tall, truly beautiful, ycharismaticz but reliable younger guy (und ginia Hill (Miss Bening). He is a ycharismaticz but unstable and violent cons dn't be described as particularly ycharismaticz but who nevertheless manage t financial crisis to the next, its ycharismaticz but woefully outdated machine onths later Yeltsin was running a ycharismaticz campaign for the national par but took pains to distinguish the ycharismaticz campaigner's liberal-left age g of the press conference and the ycharismaticz candidate than the finer prin She wasn't a ycharismaticz candidate, but she had a very dless of party identification, by ycharismaticz candidates or through highly or political parties in search of ycharismaticz candidates. ngest Democrat ... because of his ycharismaticz capabilities. s Renton, who supplies a low-key, ycharismaticz centre. Lee's ycharismaticz chair- manship has heled prod Michael Deeny, the ycharismaticz chairman of the Gooda Walker e him with Gen. Colin Powell, the ycharismaticz chairman of the Joint Chiefs best face forward by putting its ycharismaticz chairman, Marvin Traub, on AB last Friday of Roger Shute, BM's ycharismaticz chairman, which was followed point in my trying to follow the ycharismaticz chairman. There is no way eit aus; the latest in a long line of ycharismaticz champions. He's a marvelous, ycharismaticz character - still is. rren Gough, which made him such a ycharismaticz character at the outset of hi eal vehicle; she is Austen's most ycharismaticz character, the closest to a N ou were fascinated by devious but ycharismaticz characters who were busy expl Barach led one of the most ycharismaticz charges of the light brigade or). It is a character study of a ycharismaticz charlatan who happened to str times, called referent power, a ycharismaticz charm that draws people to th utiful, but the Senator, with his ycharismaticz charm, quick wit, and Kennedy t Irish people and if Tom Foley's ycharismaticz chaser puts in a clear round for business TV in the form of a ycharismaticz chief executive or chairman, week when Carlo De Benedetti, its ycharismaticz chief, was forced to quit ami So the AA needs a ycharismaticz chief. he company, dancing alongside the ycharismaticz choreographer Mike Malone. born again and became part of the ycharismaticz christian movement. planned for the millennium by the ycharismaticz church at the centre of the ' ey, 41, heads Rhema Ministries, a ycharismaticz church in north Johannesburg widely and is confident that many ycharismaticz church leaders will welcome t former body builder who is now a ycharismaticz church minister. here as a child, still attend the ycharismaticz church, and when he is not at His wife was helping out at the ycharismaticz church. er the headline: Thomas linked to ycharismaticz church. In the past 15 years, ycharismaticz churches have sprung up all o ompson charts the rapid spread of ycharismaticz churches, 'planted' in the Ho ompson charts the rapid spread of ycharismaticz churches, 'planted' in the Ho are new churches, house churches, ycharismaticz churches. Buenos Aires is a powerfully ycharismaticz city; cultured, gracious, sex In statements that the ycharismaticz civil rights leader later sai despair and disharmony emerged a ycharismaticz civil-rights leader from Miss Dennehy, as ever, adds a touch of ycharismaticz class. powers: arguably the world's most ycharismaticz classical fiddler. ollege in Vermont that is about a ycharismaticz classics professor and his el ell into his 40s, still carries a ycharismaticz clout with his workforce. largely a result of losing their ycharismaticz coach Alan Davies to the Wels me college football, as seen in a ycharismaticz coach under a lot of pressure e pits Jorge Cardenas Gonzalez, a ycharismaticz coalition candidate for the c The ycharismaticz colonel, still a hero to thos Like all good con men, he's a ycharismaticz combination of cocksure charm The word ycharismaticz comes up often when acquainta Ahmed Shah Masood, 39, the ycharismaticz commander of the rebels' rnstein - conductor, composer and ycharismaticz communicator - and there are an citizen, and a controversially ycharismaticz competitor, who leaves you in Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherezade The ycharismaticz conductor Valery Gergiev retu of the New York Philharmonic, the ycharismaticz conductor with the leonine go Wood may not be a ycharismaticz conductor, but he is musical preading through many independent ycharismaticz congregations and the evangel France's most important and most ycharismaticz contemporary architect, Jean ies led by Black Panthers and the ycharismaticz convict-author George Jackson Except that the ycharismaticz couple weren't the Divers at The public adored the ycharismaticz couple, but the relationship - and Col. Moammar Gadhafi, the ycharismaticz crackpot in the designer robe Then, in November 1978, a ycharismaticz crazy known as the Reverend J this winter to the country's most ycharismaticz cricketer d wagged her finger at the macho, ycharismaticz criminal responsible for unto slices through the weave with his ycharismaticz croak. lay having a high old time as the ycharismaticz cult leader who's got to do w Of a ycharismaticz cult leader!! old Aung San Suu Kyi. She is the ycharismaticz daughter of Gen. Aung San, th tion leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the ycharismaticz daughter of independence hero , including Aung San Suu Kyi, the ycharismaticz daughter of independence hero f Aung San Suu Kyi last July, the ycharismaticz daughter of independence hero There's a ycharismaticz defense attorney with a hair- obin Williams, already one of the ycharismaticz delights of the holiday seaso lling beauty and his eloquent and ycharismaticz delivery, it was said that no no recourse, Germans turned to a ycharismaticz dictator for guidance. cy of placing its bet on the most ycharismaticz dictator in the world - Mr. l villages and main streets, meet ycharismaticz digital tour guides, and sear ages and main streets, along with ycharismaticz digital tour guides, can be r His ycharismaticz direction covered up any defi CT group is Dr John Ashworth, the ycharismaticz director of the London School lthough Lacenaire, played without ycharismaticz distinction by Daniel Auteuil Played without ycharismaticz distinction by Daniel Auteuil Webb's opponent, Early, a ycharismaticz district attorney with a wide Not the most ycharismaticz duo, but they play with sensi Each had a ycharismaticz effect on many of their own a ervative - was held together by a ycharismaticz election-winner: Margaret Tha Pampers. The Lechu-Basia team of ycharismaticz electrician and nouveau riche lights similarly succumbed to the ycharismaticz eloquence of the inspired pol the churches concerned are at the ycharismaticz end of the scale, and believe herbs and amber that suggests the ycharismaticz energy Elvis embodied, says i or some hitherto hidden source of ycharismaticz energy. They want him to deto Led b that ycharismaticz enigima Boris Yeltsin, some o d that I was neither smart enough ycharismaticz enough or lucky enough to eve rse, he's not nearly important or ycharismaticz enough to achieve such a feat gh to his wife, but whether he is ycharismaticz enough to be forgiven. de them, and if there is a leader ycharismaticz enough to convince them he ca S. Senate and the only Panamanian ycharismaticz enough to sell it to the Pana , popular, likeable, handsome and ycharismaticz entertainer. dely regarded as the most extreme ycharismaticz evangelical church in the Chu agree with Cromwell, head for the ycharismaticz evangelical church of St Gabr Mr Stewart heads the only ycharismaticz evangelical congregation in D opening of the church, to house a ycharismaticz evangelical congregation, ind But the ycharismaticz evangelical leanings of the r panding 'invisible' church of the ycharismaticz evangelicals. Oliver North, the ycharismaticz ex-Marine who ran large parts erchandise chain, led by the most ycharismaticz executive in American busines her standard expression is one of ycharismaticz exhaustion, her conversation 'Religion in its modern, ycharismaticz expression can be very outgoi That blending of ycharismaticz expressiveness and high-churc being edited by some of the most ycharismaticz faces in New Labour. ly initiated, it always came from ycharismaticz faculty with strong personali ventions and followed the road of ycharismaticz faith healing. oung people not to be taken in by ycharismaticz fanatics. At 50, she has the look of her ycharismaticz father, Achmad Sukarno, a rab none of the fiery oratory of her ycharismaticz father. the Arab world no longer needs a ycharismaticz father. Boris Becker is a ycharismaticz fellow who changes girlfriend tes: ''Consolidation time for the ycharismaticz fellowships . . . seems to ha cern for those house churches and ycharismaticz fellowships which have grown Film student: The most ycharismaticz female star to emerge maybe s These ycharismaticz female stars ignite thrilling Charles Horner, the Marines by a ycharismaticz field commander, Lt. Gen. W Gary Oldman is the ycharismaticz fiend from Transylvania, who ayan, Mr Weizman is regarded as a ycharismaticz fighter-politician. was behind one of Britain's most ycharismaticz fighters, Barry McGuigan. Tog eputedly a first-class soldier, a ycharismaticz figure and an engaging speake expatriate, turned out to be the ycharismaticz figure anticipated, but more e, even if he is not such a huge, ycharismaticz figure as O'Reilly. nation now absent this incredibly ycharismaticz figure at the top lves, instead of waiting for some ycharismaticz figure at the top to do it al in Austria that the arrival of a ycharismaticz figure can energise a Nazi mo Any less ycharismaticz figure could have been dismis a problem when somebody who is a ycharismaticz figure has to then do the nit y story - and Cantona is the most ycharismaticz figure in English football. shrewd move by probably the most ycharismaticz figure in French football, wh s led by Winston Peters, the most ycharismaticz figure in New Zealand politic Miss Bhutto, 38, remains the most ycharismaticz figure in Pakistani politics, PHOTO : ycharismaticz figure in state and national The only ycharismaticz figure is Winston Peters, lea The total dependence on a single ycharismaticz figure is unorthodox in Tibet melite revival, and if it was the ycharismaticz figure of Fr Malachy Lynch, a une in Santa Fe formed around the ycharismaticz figure of John Polk Allen , a to launch a pamphlet by that once ycharismaticz figure of social democracy, D The party is desperate for a ycharismaticz figure to lead it after the l its MPs, Mr Koos van der Merwe, a ycharismaticz figure who believes the party the age of 58. Although he was a ycharismaticz figure who had made the compa st division table), he has been a ycharismaticz figure who has brought in the Dr Dick West, a ycharismaticz figure who headed the science ers' strike, was a flamboyant and ycharismaticz figure who inspired enormous ing ground, was the presence of a ycharismaticz figure who was willing to cha deeper the crisis, the darker the ycharismaticz figure who will emerge.... , of mixed parentage, Marks was a ycharismaticz figure with a distinctive sen He is a ycharismaticz figure with an amazing capaci Boudiaf because he was seen as a ycharismaticz figure with no ties to previo the world and shut off from it, a ycharismaticz figure with scores of friends rcurial, is yet a sympathetic and ycharismaticz figure, and the reader can we s, I suppose, the more famous and ycharismaticz figure, but Russell is a true ezi is considered by many to be a ycharismaticz figure, but he is not renowne sented themselves to a virile and ycharismaticz figure, especially one who sp Mr Portillo, a more ycharismaticz figure, has grown in stature A tall, ycharismaticz figure, he has an idiosyncrat alous of Malcolm X. He was such a ycharismaticz figure, he was such an intell 16 months ago. While he is not a ycharismaticz figure, his supporters say he Eve is a ycharismaticz figure, warm and welcoming, w rs, confronted with this huge and ycharismaticz figure, with piercing blue ey Ozawa was, and is, a ycharismaticz figure. e is still the Free Church's most ycharismaticz figure. fy, Mr. Carter said. He's a very ycharismaticz figure. . . . But by calling Mr Rutskoy is no ycharismaticz figure. He and his allies in chieved by over-dependence on one ycharismaticz figure. It will require hard Is he a ycharismaticz figure? m its namesake, Jean Charest, the ycharismaticz figurehead of the Progressive ewspaper technician rather than a ycharismaticz figurehead. . This certainty, and the lack of ycharismaticz figures at the hustings, have Eddie Van Halen, one of the most ycharismaticz figures in the rock-music wor est Wales Tec and one of the most ycharismaticz figures involved in regenerat e world No 1 Annika Sorenstam and ycharismaticz figures like Lotta Neumann an ed as one of the most dashing and ycharismaticz figures of 20th-century polit Jackson, one of the party's most ycharismaticz figures on the left, said: '' Nike gathered up some of the most ycharismaticz figures sports has to offer a game's greatest players and most ycharismaticz figures was back. arty certainly boasts a number of ycharismaticz figures who seem destined for is not one of the more obviously ycharismaticz figures. decay bequeathed by Sukarno, the ycharismaticz first president of independen utri, the daughter of Indonesia's ycharismaticz first president. one, and without Habyarimana as a ycharismaticz focus for their energies, the Harvey, every inch the star, is a ycharismaticz focus on any stage with her s al colour blindness, provides the ycharismaticz focus. s in England and the world's most ycharismaticz football nation, Brazil. now, pole, in some ways as a very ycharismaticz force. Baker criticized King's ycharismaticz form of leadership, believing ers about the Toronto Blessing, a ycharismaticz form of worship that originat The irrepressibly ycharismaticz former Northern Ireland Secre sky; General Alexander Lebed, the ycharismaticz former commander of the 14th While in London, Mr Weizman, a ycharismaticz former fighter pilot who serv nument, Mr Chamlong Srimuang, the ycharismaticz former general who became the But to backers of the ycharismaticz former guerrilla fighter, who Chris Hani, ycharismaticz former leader of the South Af party with Antonio Di Pietro, the ycharismaticz former magistrate who launche Conspicuous by his absence was ycharismaticz former manager Malcolm McLare the Rete, a party founded by the ycharismaticz former mayor of Palermo, Leol In Palermo, the ycharismaticz former mayor of the city, Sig ev. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, is a ycharismaticz former monk expelled from his Marcus, a ycharismaticz former pharmacist, is a Sam W o power almost 40 years ago under ycharismaticz former premier W.A.C. Bennett New Party, founded recently by a ycharismaticz former provincial governor. oks nor behaves like the intense, ycharismaticz former secretary of state. heir distaste for more emotional, ycharismaticz forms of worship. pany, it was he, by himself, as a ycharismaticz founder and an entrepreneur a acing Thomas C. Murdough Jr., the ycharismaticz founder of the company. Still operating under its ycharismaticz founder, Arthur Mitchell, the and-white footage of the agency's ycharismaticz founder, David Ogilvy. Anothe about the origins of BCCI and its ycharismaticz founder, Pakistani banker Agh place of central boards driven by ycharismaticz founders, local boards have n mpany is exuberant, energetic and ycharismaticz from the prologue right throu the clown prince, the image, the ycharismaticz frontman, but his brother Noe lfie was not: a sexual success, a ycharismaticz fruit and veg wholesaler, a m l has always been one of the most ycharismaticz fund-raisers in the arts, and eane - who recalls the story of a ycharismaticz gallant - rich Southern arist hoto, Warren Beatty is Bugsy, the ycharismaticz gangster who was inspired by uliar buzzing inside a box; and a ycharismaticz gangster, with the face of a rnationalism is Art's father, the ycharismaticz gangster. As Walker, he uses his ycharismaticz gaze and matinee-idol looks t Ben Rich, the ycharismaticz general manager of advanced d nalism and populism for which the ycharismaticz general was famous. Roger A. Enrico, the ycharismaticz general who led Pepsi through arly to understand he was not the ycharismaticz genius of popular myth. t he will be remembered: A man of ycharismaticz genius, a difficult man, a ma ef executive, 'left' on Friday. A ycharismaticz giant who, as the obituarists n speaking in tongues, one of the ycharismaticz gifts outlined by St Paul in admirer of Mr Heseltine's pseudo-ycharismaticz gifts, and very much backed M This scrap between two non-ycharismaticz gladiators didn't really catc ould appear, he is adding his own ycharismaticz glamour to nature's wonderful nto a thousand shards without the ycharismaticz glue of Ronald Reagan to hold Lutzenberger, the country's most ycharismaticz green spokesman, his environm miles at least, Gordon Richards's ycharismaticz grey is the challenger likely rong Promise, whose defeat of the ycharismaticz grey made up the Greystoke tr r's final through injury, and the ycharismaticz grey was out of luck when mak on an Olympic challenge with the ycharismaticz grey, as Mr and Mrs Bradley, -emerge after Margaret Thatcher's ycharismaticz grip on British politics was nd has been linked to a Christian ycharismaticz group called the Word of God, that drives the world is not this ycharismaticz group of mammals, birds, amph ion as a form of self-help, these ycharismaticz groups may be termed cults or l sparring partner for Ramon, the ycharismaticz guerrilla leader highly remin d some showbiz performances, made ycharismaticz guest appearances on TV, even Only Mr. Currie and ycharismaticz guitarist Iain Harvie remain er the influence of the Mother, a ycharismaticz guru. urrent chief executive) is a very ycharismaticz guy, said one manager. I'm the most ycharismaticz guy, says Camacho, who defend y church six months ago to attend ycharismaticz happy clappy services at the On March 15, Ash Wednesday, his ycharismaticz hate-filled oratory aroused h et such a devastating man and how ycharismaticz he was. I initially thought s ool, another was very big, with a ycharismaticz head and hence very popular w s in business. Bruce Gyngell, the ycharismaticz head of TV-am, has predicted As a ycharismaticz head of state, Sihanouk's con Jewish prophetic tradition and a ycharismaticz healer, did live in first-cen ased practice from the intuitive, ycharismaticz healer, who often sought divi ously healthier than hoping for a ycharismaticz hero to appear a la Ronald Re parallel careers touch - for his ycharismaticz hero, Timothy Hogan, is a Cat as usual as 'Stonewall Jack', the ycharismaticz hero-warrior-saviour of Ameri sexy women, like Ingrid Pitt, and ycharismaticz heroes such as Peter Cushing dispirited country's need for new ycharismaticz heroes. vain, domineering and perversely ycharismaticz hipster from The Nutty Profes ld trail - John Oaksey charts the ycharismaticz history of a Spanish familywi ld trail - John Oaksey charts the ycharismaticz history of a Spanish familywi And a ycharismaticz history professor, played by George Carey, may not be the most ycharismaticz holder of the post, but his d ent Holyfield is one of the least ycharismaticz holders of an important champ Unfortunately the most ycharismaticz horse, John Whitaker's Hender remembered today as an extremely ycharismaticz human being and the consummat Her handsome and ycharismaticz husband calls the rumors the ift for a hysterical charisma, or ycharismaticz hysterics, but genuinely loon Given their intent but ycharismaticz identification with the movem ICE: And how, pray tell, does the ycharismaticz if controversial rapper Ice-T Serge Chermayeff was a ycharismaticz if irascible teacher: an ex-s He's very ycharismaticz in a quiet way. Mr. Weld is ycharismaticz in a relaxed, upper-class way ople perceived that as psychotic, ycharismaticz in an evil way. ople perceived that as psychotic, ycharismaticz in an evil way. s a good thing, because he's very ycharismaticz in any dds notes how he could be utterly ycharismaticz in campaign appearances. and symbol of power like that was ycharismaticz in its attraction, physical i o a castle so subtly floodlit, so ycharismaticz in its power, you could under ade for thinking skills: He's not ycharismaticz in that way. uccess and, along the way, become ycharismaticz in the eyes of subordinates, nd while Bob Dylan was arrogantly ycharismaticz in the sixties documentary Do cques Dutronc is sad, stooped and ycharismaticz in the title role. He reveals , and potentially one of the most ycharismaticz in training. A less ycharismaticz individual would not have got y organizations are led by highly ycharismaticz individuals whose goals are f ng congregations, has none of the ycharismaticz influence of Polish Catholici Because the ycharismaticz influence of architects and d n will be influenced by a similar ycharismaticz instructor some day? Sutton displayed a ycharismaticz intensity, leading the line w f private investigators, the most ycharismaticz is James Earl Jones in Gabrie rticulate, in fact, in some ways, ycharismaticz is the word that can be used Tours with Sanders and McDuff, ycharismaticz jazz showmen both, laid much in which she finally seduced the ycharismaticz jewel thief whose attentions hing, swashbuckling, spectacular, ycharismaticz just for a start. Having writ Peace, Lech Walesa (Poland), the ycharismaticz labor activist and leader of e has lost none of his skill as a ycharismaticz labor leader and negotiator. r many years by Eugene V. Debs, a ycharismaticz labor leader from Indiana. into the rock scenery without its ycharismaticz lead singer, the vocally and to the Hungarians. Hungary has no ycharismaticz leader (like Havel in Czechos He avoided the role of ycharismaticz leader - the community was mo organizational leader,but more a ycharismaticz leader -a natural leader. se from house arrest of the NLD's ycharismaticz leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the hich began with the South African ycharismaticz leader Rodney Howard-Browne. migoni, Comunione e Liberazione's ycharismaticz leader and a Euro-MP, Faith m A ycharismaticz leader and an intuitive polit personal triumph for Solidarity's ycharismaticz leader and founder, Lech Wale Foreman, a ycharismaticz leader and riveting speaker, es like the one in switzerland, a ycharismaticz leader apparently manipulatee p, identifying a constellation of ycharismaticz leader behaviors with direct portrait not of the messianic or ycharismaticz leader but of the virtuoso of A single ycharismaticz leader calls the shots quickl There is no ycharismaticz leader capable of uniting the ms, but somehow, Wal-Mart and its ycharismaticz leader continue to get all th ning moment, where an attractive, ycharismaticz leader energized the nation, provides an incisive look at the ycharismaticz leader from the premier's own Any ycharismaticz leader has to have a certain He is no longer the ycharismaticz leader he was. little Cumbrian town founded by a ycharismaticz leader in the 17th century. My memory was of Brandt as a ycharismaticz leader in the Kennedy mold. dlander's trust in their cool and ycharismaticz leader in unlikely to evapora The right wing's ycharismaticz leader is Vladimir Zhirinovsk those voting chose a party who's ycharismaticz leader is considered by many those voting chose a party whose ycharismaticz leader is considered by many and Mr Gingrich's reputation as a ycharismaticz leader is destroyed. Hudson is a workaholic and ycharismaticz leader like Barach, but where concerned, yes, maybe he's not a ycharismaticz leader like the Yeltsin of 19 Mr. Gordon, the energetic and ycharismaticz leader of 300,000 residents o South Africa - Jonas Savimbi, the ycharismaticz leader of Angola's anti-commu o remains the founding father and ycharismaticz leader of TMI worldwide. Then next week the ycharismaticz leader of UNITA, Jonas Savimb Jonas Savimbi, the ycharismaticz leader of a 16-year guerrilla ission is to take out the bearded ycharismaticz leader of a communist island chilling portrayal of Hando, the ycharismaticz leader of a group of Australi e of Gregorio Gringo Honasan, the ycharismaticz leader of a nearly successful Mr. Dutton plays Dillon, the ycharismaticz leader of a small band of rem Favre, a gritty, ycharismaticz leader of men, is fast becomi Nasser, has emerged as a popular, ycharismaticz leader of radical anti-Wester the campaign, Nelson Mandela, the ycharismaticz leader of the African Nationa popularity behind Takako Doi, the ycharismaticz leader of the Japanese Social Could the ycharismaticz leader of the Labour Party ha of legislation. Jorg Haider, the ycharismaticz leader of the Right-wing Free lvador - Roberto D'Aubuisson, the ycharismaticz leader of the Salvadoran righ Mr. d'Aubuisson was the ycharismaticz leader of the Salvadoran righ one not warm to Alex Salmond, the ycharismaticz leader of the Scottish Nation Opponents accuse Mr. Walesa, the ycharismaticz leader of the Solidarity labo The ycharismaticz leader of the South African C A ycharismaticz leader of the organization, N Mr. Hekmatyar, the ycharismaticz leader of the radical Hezb-e- it is outsider Gregor Gysi - the ycharismaticz leader of the renamed communi He's an enormously ycharismaticz leader of this paramilitary r Where the ycharismaticz leader once united, crime now religion that often has either a ycharismaticz leader or a leader in some fo With Pakistan's most ycharismaticz leader out of the way - for n under the head of the MVD, a very ycharismaticz leader popular with the milit Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abdallah. This ycharismaticz leader presents himself as th ssiah. But shrewd businessman and ycharismaticz leader that he is, Moon doesn t: I think Heseltine might be the ycharismaticz leader they need, says Labor There is no strong or ycharismaticz leader to hold them together, Weber says that the ycharismaticz leader views the tradition as tado Novo (New State). Vargas, a ycharismaticz leader who admired Benito Mus most unknown today, Willard was a ycharismaticz leader who helped make the Wo illiant tactician, a ruthless and ycharismaticz leader who inspires fanatical So here he is, a ycharismaticz leader who is trying to sell Usually, there is a ycharismaticz leader who makes emotional pl ation Germany lacked an imposing, ycharismaticz leader who might have re-crea and that Mohammed Mossadegh, the ycharismaticz leader who tried to overthrow He says homosexuals lack a ycharismaticz leader who will be an example derstand, and doubtless a new and ycharismaticz leader will emerge to help th ts; politically astute, must be a ycharismaticz leader with a proven track re ster, a premier negotiator, and a ycharismaticz leader within the confines of John Major called Papandreou a ''ycharismaticz leader'', while President Jac olleagues and described him as a 'ycharismaticz leader'. .C. history on Oct. 22, 1986, the ycharismaticz leader's victory has since be grown in Ireland under a strong, ycharismaticz leader, Charles Parnell. was called `Jonestown' after its ycharismaticz leader, Jim Jones. for Peace and Democracy, and its ycharismaticz leader, Kim Dae-jung. vative guerrilla strategist, as a ycharismaticz leader, and as an indomitable They lose such a ycharismaticz leader, and somebody will hav he coup has made him an even more ycharismaticz leader, but Democratic Russia hrill to the thought of the wise, ycharismaticz leader, but we also worry tha arty like the Sandinistas, with a ycharismaticz leader, effective electoral h Jaime Mir6 was a ycharismaticz leader, fanatical about his c Mr. Castro, a ycharismaticz leader, has been successful i If this was the ycharismaticz leader, it was easy to unders rted by injury to Kevin Keegan, a ycharismaticz leader, just before the tourn Some say the reason is lack of a ycharismaticz leader, like Dr. Martin Luthe The ycharismaticz leader, like the monkey, can time Communist Party member and a ycharismaticz leader, proposed that the vil Dr Sali Berisha, the party's ycharismaticz leader, spent last week rammi an unite under a yet-undiscovered ycharismaticz leader, they are unlikely to st a single enemy, loyal to their ycharismaticz leader, whether it is the lat Many say they need a new ycharismaticz leader, which has been lackin A strong ycharismaticz leader, with a broad base of it the model of the high-profile, ycharismaticz leaderindeed, some explicit rnoon lamenting the loss of their ycharismaticz leader-cum-adopted son. ation as a temperate statesman, a ycharismaticz leader. h many old Labour folk view their ycharismaticz leader. emek says, there is no room for a ycharismaticz leader. The Congress does not have a ycharismaticz leader. ower castes and is not known as a ycharismaticz leader. s for transforming oneself into a ycharismaticz leader. At its head was a living, ycharismaticz leader. y following in the footsteps of a ycharismaticz leader. s a revolt of the people led by a ycharismaticz leader. s are stuck with a conventionally ycharismaticz leader. Unusually for a polit s because all of the mesmerizing, ycharismaticz leaders - from Fidel to Hitle efflorescence of non-ideological ycharismaticz leaders I do not know. But on about the personal development of ycharismaticz leaders and the role such lea f a dangerous new breed of young, ycharismaticz leaders breathing fresh life round, the Socialists' less-than-ycharismaticz leaders have failed to captur learned to be good politicians or ycharismaticz leaders in the usual sense bu I mean, there are a lot of ycharismaticz leaders in this country right in the sociological fact that the ycharismaticz leaders of history (Adolf Hit For when you deal with these ycharismaticz leaders of our times, it is p True, ycharismaticz leaders often arouse either i History knows no more ycharismaticz leaders than this century's t he right people, some of the most ycharismaticz leaders the resistance has, t esistible for those who have lost ycharismaticz leaders to assassinations, be Quieter, less ycharismaticz leaders took charge. eases and we see the emergency of ycharismaticz leaders who raise the spectre re led by some of the party's old ycharismaticz leaders who refuse to concede blishment, a dearth of strong and ycharismaticz leaders, gloomy economic fore Americans are prepared to forgive ycharismaticz leaders, like John Kennedy, o explicatory thoughts: the lack of ycharismaticz leaders, the more-sensual-tha is success to the voters' love of ycharismaticz leaders, their apparently ins ng for well-motivated rather than ycharismaticz leaderssomeone to spearhead bly the last of Europe's post-war ycharismaticz leaders. I admire ycharismaticz leaders. There are no ycharismaticz leaders. ay, has been demonstrated by most ycharismaticz leaders. essed again and again by the most ycharismaticz leaders: Julius Caesar, for i of hope, people are searching for ycharismaticz leaders; Gorbachev filled tha this stage, CEOs must be strong, ycharismaticz leaders; imaginative and forc Her ycharismaticz leadership and her demonstrat v is providing the same forceful, ycharismaticz leadership as the Soviet peop nalysts that Professor Sakamura's ycharismaticz leadership has supported the Neither fits the flamboyant, ycharismaticz leadership mould. I think it was ycharismaticz leadership myself. t of 100 seats outright under the ycharismaticz leadership of Dr Sali Berisha conscience is more important than ycharismaticz leadership of bishops, he sai The Muslims, under the ycharismaticz leadership of the Honorable E rived a few years later and whose ycharismaticz leadership pitched the gentry ection procedures for identifying ycharismaticz leadership potential and that er's real contribution lay in his ycharismaticz leadership style and his visi nizing the limitations of his own ycharismaticz leadership style and surrende announced the launching (under my ycharismaticz leadership) of the New Boston much attention to the search for ycharismaticz leadership, rather than engag pendence, the M.P.L.A. lacked the ycharismaticz leadership, strong rural base s year depended on Mr. Yeltsin's ycharismaticz leadership, the foot-dragging ses on the nature and dynamics of ycharismaticz leadership, thorough reviews The whole question of ycharismaticz leadership, which has failed dom of Scotland must have offered ycharismaticz leadership, while his career change is not likely to come from ycharismaticz leadership. valor medals, for courageous and ycharismaticz leadership. The tall, ycharismaticz leading actor, Israel Becker, accomplished character actor as a ycharismaticz leading man. confirms him as one of the least ycharismaticz leading men in contemporary f If Jeremy Corbyn, a less ycharismaticz leftie, loathed by the leader cipation of a big victory for the ycharismaticz leftist priest they hail as H and opium in a London garret. His ycharismaticz life - particularly the manne n, he comes to view him in a less ycharismaticz light; drinking, gambling and spel music, and by all accounts a ycharismaticz live performer. But the compi ing controlled by Mr. Landy, his ycharismaticz live-in therapist. caught in a tug-of-war between a ycharismaticz local crime boss and the boy' Crispian is a waifish, ycharismaticz looker and comes from famous That would explain his ycharismaticz looming in a vest; he and Wil onal mainframe computers, it is a ycharismaticz machine. For his 13th TV special the ycharismaticz magician will make a 70-ton, concentrate on displaying large, ycharismaticz mammals rather that breeding Sir John was a ycharismaticz man and friendly to his infan uac's On The Road, as well as the ycharismaticz man behind the wheel of Furth ch that this beautiful attractive ycharismaticz man could have done those hor aya. Soon after the revolution, a ycharismaticz man named Jorge Salazar began It needs a strong, ycharismaticz man to walk its streets, visi nd this was a very skillful, very ycharismaticz man who compromised them bit ending departure of the handsome, ycharismaticz man who defined Arkansas poli ure to identify with; a powerful, ycharismaticz man who exercised strong cont hould they appoint the wholesome, ycharismaticz man who had galvanised the te he founder, Eugene Mallabar, is a ycharismaticz man who has been a celebrity A ycharismaticz man who once dated movie star wonderful general - he is such a ycharismaticz man'. course, Schrodinger. Though not a ycharismaticz man, Heisenberg presents a wo Lucienne Bouchard is a serious, ycharismaticz man, a former environment min Phil Collins, surely rock's least ycharismaticz man, was his usual charming, He was a ycharismaticz man, with a brilliantly incis for long, she later wrote of this ycharismaticz man. but he was still a handsome and ycharismaticz man. Bertram was a very dynamic, very ycharismaticz man. This is the most ycharismaticz man. He was a very unusual, dynamic, ycharismaticz man. team, the loaded chairman and the ycharismaticz manager, Newcastle supporters the temptation to appoint another ycharismaticz manager. Instead they invited g frustrations to win the kind of ycharismaticz mass following that no Arab l was enhanced by the Gulf War. The ycharismaticz maverick George Canning serve of the large mammals often dubbed ycharismaticz mega-fauna that face extincti 'Someone once coined the phrase 'ycharismaticz megafauna' to describe the ho Al Pacino as Mayor John Pappas, a ycharismaticz megalomaniac reckoned to be a ked, ambitious women and liquidly ycharismaticz men and Hollywood's first har John Chaney, the ycharismaticz men's basketball coach at Tem calls himself Deco, embodied as a ycharismaticz mess by an astonishing, brawn d showed us two Wellingtons - the ycharismaticz military leader and the less Mr. Railey, a handsome, ycharismaticz minister, seemed headed for l church's anti-abortion efforts or ycharismaticz ministries. effort to portray a troubled yet ycharismaticz modern black protagonist. Serbia's most ycharismaticz modern politician by far is V Behaviorism's most ycharismaticz modern spokesperson was B.F. ne of Britain's most powerful and ycharismaticz modern worship leaders, the p is the hero, an extraordinary and ycharismaticz mountaineer whom the Colonial Archbishop praises ycharismaticz movement al, but the people who are in the ycharismaticz movement also need the deep c Florida, a national leader of the ycharismaticz movement among Episcopalians orship, such as the growth of the ycharismaticz movement and in pastoral coun The ycharismaticz movement especially in the '6 years after the emergence of the ycharismaticz movement in British church li Well, there has been a ycharismaticz movement in the Catholic Chur elievers in which the evangelical/ycharismaticz movement is increasingly powe This is not a critique of the ycharismaticz movement or charismatic teach 967, Aglow was an early part of a ycharismaticz movement that grew rapidly in Responding to the charge that the ycharismaticz movement took Christians away In time, he hoped that ''the ycharismaticz movement'' would cease to exi year of their involvement in the ycharismaticz movement, and growing numbers of the ministers were part of the ycharismaticz movement, in which growing so nd now an accepted feature of the ycharismaticz movement, known as the Toront bury George Carey has praised the ycharismaticz movement, saying it brings gr spirituality began to embrace the ycharismaticz movement, that barriers began He became an advocate of the ''ycharismaticz movement.'' Others are caught up in growing ycharismaticz movements outside the establi And both have ycharismaticz movements that have enchanted in tongues once characterized all ycharismaticz movements. ly amorphous and no one's idea of ycharismaticz movie material - Leo Fitzpatr ded one of the most important and ycharismaticz musicians jazz has ever produ , Bent becomes a confidant of the ycharismaticz mystic and military genius, T t naughty people are lobbing more ycharismaticz names into the possible SLP p hers alike were calling for newly ycharismaticz national leaderships. gton believed, or was he merely a ycharismaticz nationalist, as his followers ery funny, she plays Solanas as a ycharismaticz natural hustler with a furiou , but to young kids, they see the ycharismaticz nature of violence.' sticated, they enlist the help of ycharismaticz neo-Nazis, like Bala Evo Etha an Tony Blair - would emerge as a ycharismaticz new Tory leader under a Labou y's main opposition party chose a ycharismaticz new leader yesterday in hopes me and, under the tutelage of his ycharismaticz new playmate, is soon making allenging party candidate neither ycharismaticz nor a national hero? He was neither ycharismaticz nor gregarious but his player players are on the whole neither ycharismaticz nor polymorphous, it was comi He is neither ycharismaticz nor telegenic, delivering spe should be Vuk Draskovic, but the ycharismaticz novelist and figurehead for s obile in Something Wild - makes a ycharismaticz nutter, what with the blue fl or Opera Factory, is not the most ycharismaticz of Giovannis nor does he atte Peter Noone was clearly the most ycharismaticz of Herman's Hermits, but chan the biggest of names nor the most ycharismaticz of men but Kersey typified ev ching, even Nigel Bond, the least ycharismaticz of snooker players, was welco speaker, he is probably the most ycharismaticz of the Republicans. Barrett, the most ycharismaticz of the candidates, was the la rally, Wuff Grastovich , the most ycharismaticz of the opposition leaders, ac llowers of Kim Dae-jung, the most ycharismaticz of the three opposition leade The ycharismaticz officer leading the coups, Gr r charities and, altogether, this ycharismaticz old horse and his partner rai e as persuasive, Colosio was very ycharismaticz on the campaign trail, was do Hence, neither is particularly ycharismaticz on the stump, nothing like Jo furrow, but her subject is such a ycharismaticz one and her own historical an a ordered the 1985 killing of his ycharismaticz opponent, Hugo Spadafora. fied the skeptics by beating more ycharismaticz opponents. h on Friday was not the decisive, ycharismaticz opportunist of 1991, or the b y shows, follow the traditions of ycharismaticz or Pentecostal religion. Is the incumbent party candidate ycharismaticz or a national hero? ed in a very Christian family not ycharismaticz or anything, but a very Chris watching what was never the most ycharismaticz or spectacular of live acts f individual leaders, no matter how ycharismaticz or visionary, eventually die; t he had ripened into a polished, ycharismaticz orator and a political force oin, and eventually dominate, the ycharismaticz outer fringes of the evangeli hat Oedipus ought to have, as the ycharismaticz outsider who rescued Thebes i mpany that thrives by virtue of a ycharismaticz owner is risky. n the nature of Korean politics - ycharismaticz party leaders, distinguished churches dominated by a powerful, ycharismaticz pastorhave reduced their bo s followers as Uncle Ho, he was a ycharismaticz patriot dedicated to freeing ief period of democracy under the ycharismaticz peasant leader Alexander Stam tes and to the UK,'' India's most ycharismaticz peasant leader and chief mini h more than close encounters with ycharismaticz people and causes, and, when e a gift, you are one of the most ycharismaticz people ever to show up on the ic number of glamorous, witty and ycharismaticz people have agreed to come to Photo, Gail Grate gives a ycharismaticz performance as the Maid of Or list of assets is a hot-blooded, ycharismaticz performance by Gail Grate as s Alfredo, but alongside Rutter's ycharismaticz performance his own attempts roles - there are some strikingly ycharismaticz performances. ck (Mel Priest, perhaps the least ycharismaticz performer ever entrusted with (Martin Priest, perhaps the least ycharismaticz performer ever entrusted with (Martin Priest, perhaps the least ycharismaticz performer ever entrusted with he is an entertaining, thoroughly ycharismaticz performer when in the self-hy f to be an original, talented and ycharismaticz performer who fully justifies is Brian C. Diggs (Kapinsky), a ycharismaticz performer who has the '60s Br r, Bethania remains an undeniably ycharismaticz performer with the hippyish l yboys . Now, Bob Wills was such a ycharismaticz performer. e remains one of the world's most ycharismaticz performers (Albert Hall, Apri has relied on an engaging mix of ycharismaticz performers and inventive prod e proficient but not particularly ycharismaticz performers. s quite astoundingly unattractive ycharismaticz perhaps, but misogynous, homo criminalization to the end of the ycharismaticz period of Indian politics, wh F. Kennedy may have been the most ycharismaticz person ever to occupy the Whi Lord Paul is a very ycharismaticz person who has built up a rep Not only was Kyle a very ycharismaticz personprobably the only one No doubt Alcee Hastings is a very ycharismaticz person. And he was a very ycharismaticz person. e Conduct, because she was such a ycharismaticz person. first off, I think John is a very ycharismaticz person. What links them is their ycharismaticz personae and the fact that al be shorn of one of cricket's most ycharismaticz personalities even before the His ycharismaticz personality rmany after World War II. No less ycharismaticz personality could be imagined Your ycharismaticz personality draws new people Your high-powered, ycharismaticz personality has shades of con PHOTO : Walton's ycharismaticz personality inspires store em Walesa's ycharismaticz personality is likely to give e and had in Theodore Roosevelt a ycharismaticz personality of exceptional in hat it's really about is the very ycharismaticz personality of its front man. Suzuki of Sara Fulgoni, the most ycharismaticz personality on the stage, a m as busy emerging from Fluxus as a ycharismaticz personality sculptor. Jobs's ycharismaticz personality stimulated invent He exhibited a warm and ycharismaticz personality that has made him ies, it is led by a very forceful ycharismaticz personality who keeps himself Although an enthusiastic and ycharismaticz personality, Helena Hayward a You saw the result of this ycharismaticz personality. efore he supposedly explodes as a ycharismaticz phenom. Bell is a ycharismaticz philanthropist whose good wor entirely the work of one woman, a ycharismaticz philosophy academic called Ca velously talented, multi-skilled, ycharismaticz piece of work. Dave in Young Guns II (1990), the ycharismaticz pirate- radio DJ in Pump Up t Norman, perhaps the most ycharismaticz player in the world on the sh who had sought to bring his most ycharismaticz player into line. The No. 1 seed is hardly a ycharismaticz player, although clearly one s next opponents' most feared and ycharismaticz player, the former Tottenham Thoroughly ycharismaticz player; frequently exasperati u wanted to point to the two most ycharismaticz players in the world you'd ha In politics, Jesse Jackson is ycharismaticz podium power defined. irst encountered the affected but ycharismaticz poet, to 1922 when Brecht dep his new album and his concerts a ycharismaticz poignancy. So Johnny is facin about the life and times of this ycharismaticz political figure, comes a met ation made him El Salvador's most ycharismaticz political leader of modern ti ffairs/talk program featuring the ycharismaticz politician and freelance dipl The ycharismaticz politician and minister said at a worse time for the erratic, ycharismaticz politician known as a visiona nded up being his life-force, the ycharismaticz politician only reluctantly a lammed the door on a powerful and ycharismaticz politician toppled by drug an there was scant sympathy for the ycharismaticz politician who charmed the We aged 82, a capable rather than a ycharismaticz politician who for 19 years h ith little national experience; a ycharismaticz politician who promised chang Mr. Garcia, a ycharismaticz politician whose popularity p no social skills); hypomania (the ycharismaticz politician whose thrill-seeki He was a ycharismaticz politician, highly visible to erwise uneventful English summer: ycharismaticz politician, out-of-work soft- Merwe, perhaps the country's most ycharismaticz politician, who has just been economy and had taken over from a ycharismaticz politician. rtinez has always been a popular, ycharismaticz politician. e, Christine Loh, one of the most ycharismaticz politicians in Hong Kong, ann s are at work beyond the power of ycharismaticz politicians or the astute pla between two of the nation's most ycharismaticz politicians was dubbed Bubba lves pushed to the sidelines as a ycharismaticz pope and a progressive commun But his ycharismaticz popularity among his former s rule and fearful of Mr. Savimbi's ycharismaticz popularity, MPLA President Jo tol that may have struck down the ycharismaticz populist half a century ago. arty, mobilizing workers to elect ycharismaticz populist leaders and to suppo e Rev. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a ycharismaticz populist priest, adopted a co Collor, a ycharismaticz populist, has strong appeal a Gen. Torrijos, a ycharismaticz populist, ruled Panama from 1 , in the orbit of the ancient and ycharismaticz port of Cadiz, and the core o tephen Boxer gives another of his ycharismaticz portraits of authority implac Irish guerrilla fighter, given a ycharismaticz portrayal by Liam Neeson. And she used that ycharismaticz power shrewdly and deliberate ed composer and pianist, a man of ycharismaticz power who enchanted audiences ian power but lacks any social or ycharismaticz power. the influences of Aesculapian and ycharismaticz power. ' by the temptation to misuse his ycharismaticz powers and occasionally succu for what if Raines used whatever ycharismaticz powers he had for evil ends? ent many evenings a week with her ycharismaticz prayer group and her father g Margaret's mother took her to a ycharismaticz prayer group, where an exorci The ycharismaticz preacher and two-time preside church, and Haggard is known as a ycharismaticz preacher. er Aimee McPherson, discusses the ycharismaticz preacher. He became known for his ycharismaticz preaching. hen compared to his ebullient and ycharismaticz predecessor - a colourless, t e autocratic style favored by his ycharismaticz predecessor, Jean Drapeau, wh rk of Alfred Herrhausen, Kopper's ycharismaticz predecessor, who was assassin Richards is in Australia and his ycharismaticz presence made one think of a The ycharismaticz presence of Madame T. The ins t returns now, transformed by the ycharismaticz presence of Michael Crawford. ement and credibility and not the ycharismaticz presence of a single leader. contracts matic film presence ycharismaticz presence so the comes off as Dutiro, too, is a ycharismaticz presence, frequently abandoni Its young, ycharismaticz president had been shot to de hero was Gamal Abdel Nasert, the ycharismaticz president of Egypt from 1952 Although the ycharismaticz president of the African Nati official visit MARY Robinson, the ycharismaticz president of the Republic of arrested Saturday, including the ycharismaticz president of the Serbian Rene Leonard Roberts, Arby's ycharismaticz president, found himself rece emember a fantastic, a brilliant, ycharismaticz president. t-year stint with one of the most ycharismaticz presidents in memory? mother, Eve, soon meets Anton, a ycharismaticz priest turned therapist, sepa voted to give Michael Manley, the ycharismaticz prime minister who had led th Who was the last ycharismaticz prime minister? Julian, a ycharismaticz professor of Greek, feeds his reneurial skills of dedicated and ycharismaticz program directors. expertise in such areas, pursuing ycharismaticz programs that have more hype One of the most creative and ycharismaticz promoters, Bob Hiller of Roll h Genscher, the controversial and ycharismaticz proponent of Germany's rappro a combination of common sense and ycharismaticz psychobabble. art-up company run by the kind of ycharismaticz psychopath beloved of the Val oll, hits the right red levels of ycharismaticz psychopathy. ombing the worthy poor-the tough, ycharismaticz public housing mammas like Ki , blunt prophesying and colorful, ycharismaticz pulpit pounding made the prof portswoman in our time who was as ycharismaticz purely on performance and wit ir Alan Walters to the apparently ycharismaticz qualities of Arthur Scargill. al of a new man on the block with ycharismaticz qualities seems to have confu imate professional sportsman with ycharismaticz qualities that give him genui that idea of leadership and that ycharismaticz qualities that he had, those ied him along and she had all the ycharismaticz qualities that he so conspicu more than evident, but so is the ycharismaticz quality that has served him s m, I really became aware of Ted's ycharismaticz quality, says his costar, Isa Brett Favre, the Packers' ycharismaticz quarterback, threw the longes ce President Dan Quayle being the ycharismaticz quid pro quo. n though they were among the most ycharismaticz race cars of their time. an-Marie Le Pen, 63, a bombastic, ycharismaticz racist. by his friends) are that he is a ycharismaticz religious figure singularly u was also the episcopal adviser to ycharismaticz renewal in Scotland. itual interests, ranging from the ycharismaticz renewal to contemplation or c hough Truro is well known for its ycharismaticz renewal work in church circle s conservative Bible theology and ycharismaticz renewal. War to ensure that none gained a ycharismaticz reputation for leadership amo pular presidential candidate; the ycharismaticz retired army general, Alexand elections in Alexander Lebed, the ycharismaticz retired general. made a veiled comparison to other ycharismaticz revolutionary leaders, includ arotti, enharalled Peruvians with ycharismaticz rhetoric (often delivered fro use Mussolini saw D'Annunzio as a ycharismaticz rival and wanted to exile him today is from a younger and more ycharismaticz rival, US-educated Benjamin N he public appetite for stories of ycharismaticz rogues. Dempsey or Ali are more ycharismaticz role models than Mansell or B Mr. Coppola's lack of ycharismaticz romantic co-stars may account Kim Il-sung. But the 78-year-old ycharismaticz ruler shows no signs of stepp der the unquestioned control of a ycharismaticz ruler, and commanding the sup all kingdom with its soft-spoken, ycharismaticz ruler, quelling unrest. He was an exemplary, ycharismaticz scholar. to disagree with many of the new ycharismaticz sects - I do not think I woul Daly was his usual ycharismaticz self on the course, smashing He gave off a commanding, ycharismaticz sense of power, but he was by Mr Down introduced ycharismaticz services at St George's and t his dropping the idea and holding ycharismaticz services at the community cen se immortal images of a young and ycharismaticz showman that many prefer to r nt into the hands of spectacular, ycharismaticz showmen - people with profess nstituency, if he just pumps up a ycharismaticz side that so far appears to b The ycharismaticz sights and sounds of the newe te possibly the most exciting and ycharismaticz singer to come before us sinc Their compatriot, the ycharismaticz singer-songwriter Gilberto Gi One of the most ycharismaticz singers I have heard in years loriously fresh, enthusiastic and ycharismaticz singing. WILFRED DE BAISE was a ycharismaticz six-foot-six Frenchman who ha Williams role divided between the ycharismaticz skipper (played with an easy chameleon-like blonde hairdos and ycharismaticz smile, is actually a drag que He's a wonderful actor, he's very ycharismaticz so I think that's why he gets overacting wildly as a scary but ycharismaticz sociopath. Brown is quite possibly the least ycharismaticz speaker ever to approach a hu erviewer of children turns into a ycharismaticz speaker when he ascends the l prime minister, Sir Oswald was a ycharismaticz speaker who used no notes and A ycharismaticz speaker, he was chosen as lea Some of the most ycharismaticz speakers have been some of th These larger, ycharismaticz species can be what we call f me animals at the expense of less ycharismaticz species. icians), it has tended to rely on ycharismaticz spokespersons and insurgent m d and prepared by one of the most ycharismaticz sporting personalities of the om Muhammad Ali, perhaps the most ycharismaticz sportsman of them all, to the Indeed, as one of the most ycharismaticz sportsmen this country has pr astasia and has been developing a ycharismaticz stage partnership with the Ro short supply, and McBurney's own ycharismaticz stage presence is sorely miss tive sense of humor rather than a ycharismaticz stand-up comedian, Mr. Bogos With the loss of his seat, the ycharismaticz standard bearer of cavalier C public clash with the team's most ycharismaticz star might not, in itself, ha ing author of Unlimited Power and ycharismaticz star of numerous inspirationa Without a ycharismaticz star, without an intriguing s rich Batman-like visual style and ycharismaticz stars (John Wesley Shipp, Ama three aces up its sleeve: mature, ycharismaticz stars Ben Cross, Kate Nelliga thinkers, sought-after directors, ycharismaticz stars, and not the gray littl eldd a strong team, including the ycharismaticz storyteller Michael Meade, Af lf, and Hot Shot Hamish, the most ycharismaticz striker to grace the Roy of t 18, who stars as the radiant and ycharismaticz student leader, Sarafina, is The group was led by a ycharismaticz student who was also a convic The group was led by a ycharismaticz student who was also a convic SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your ycharismaticz style still attracts admirers A year later, his ycharismaticz style, brutal wit and Ross Pe r Stewart Lupton has an instantly ycharismaticz style, combining the preening r Stewart Lupton has an instantly ycharismaticz style, combining the preening ning over audiences with a gutsy, ycharismaticz style, the vocalist-pianist l or viewers interested in Siegel's ycharismaticz style. lawyer, does not have Saro-Wiwa's ycharismaticz style. GA. This despite the presence of ycharismaticz superstars Wayne Gretzky and nce of Patrick Swayze as Bodhi, a ycharismaticz surf bum. angely detached sex acts with the ycharismaticz svengali of crash reconstruct wife teams or even packs led by a ycharismaticz system hopping sales manager) pes, for the return of their most ycharismaticz talent. e did not have the stamina or the ycharismaticz talents to remain long at the as Kenneth Branagh who played the ycharismaticz teacher who always had more t A popular and ycharismaticz teacher, Bill Trethowan's tec The first was a ycharismaticz teacher, he said. Bomberg's ycharismaticz teaching centred on what he c his knowledge of Buddhism and his ycharismaticz teaching. The ycharismaticz television commentator and on ot of people out there a lot more ycharismaticz than I am. But they don't hav nown than Miller, he is much more ycharismaticz than Miller, and I think that than Nathan Bedford Forrest, more ycharismaticz than Winfield Scott Hancock, n less visible, and possibly less ycharismaticz than Zhu Rongji, Tian is a ma replacement candidate who is less ycharismaticz than his predecessor and who es as close to deserving the term ycharismaticz than most anybody I know, say while perhaps less quote sexy or ycharismaticz than some of his or her count a personality, the kind that's so ycharismaticz that people got to love him. ted to the late Virginia Satir, a ycharismaticz therapist with not much use f dor Minuchin and Milton Erickson, ycharismaticz therapists who used somewhat Each is put forward by a ycharismaticz thinker and gathers a school that their man is not playing the ycharismaticz title role (somebody called C to fixer, emollient to ruthless, ycharismaticz to dull, clinically efficient question of why Coleridge was so ycharismaticz to those around him. l David Hudson spoke in the firm, ycharismaticz tones that had characterized like Moby Dick, and demanding in ycharismaticz tones that we, the crew, foll lfers (who admittedly are not all ycharismaticz totems), and points out that ander Harry Mahon added the final ycharismaticz touches. ely dominated by ministers in the ycharismaticz tradition who believe in fait But now that the ycharismaticz trend is in all denominations from two of Burt Lancaster's most ycharismaticz triumphs acknowledgment. d to have been ''charmed'' by the ycharismaticz tycoon as much as most others ve, Christian-centred films and a ycharismaticz type of talent show. Nearly t pe than a scintillating type or a ycharismaticz type. , or dictatorships established by ycharismaticz tyrants in noncapitalist coun rs with their best wishes for the ycharismaticz ulysses, who has captured the s on the ability of the deaf, the ycharismaticz university president tells au ad' and 'negative'. The would-be ycharismaticz vicar, having discovered enra with the untimely death of their ycharismaticz vice-chairman and benefactor. erican actors, Stanley Tucci (the ycharismaticz villain of TV's Murder One) a A ycharismaticz visionary leader is absolutel onary companies require great and ycharismaticz visionary leaders. This is not a book about ycharismaticz visionary leaders. Rice is a ycharismaticz visionary who shoots from the debut I had expected a singer of ycharismaticz vocal power and strong theatr ed that Hynde was one of the most ycharismaticz vocal stylists rock had yet p * Versatile and ycharismaticz vocalist Marlena Shaw will pe , often under the leadership of a ycharismaticz warlord, groups such as the K She had never before felt such ycharismaticz warmth in a man. ves home to live on the farm of a ycharismaticz wide-boy (Anthony Brophy givi esa Simoes-Ferreira, the rich and ycharismaticz widow of the late senator. Peron and his ycharismaticz wife Evita Duarte put togethe David Campese, Australia's ycharismaticz winger, no doubt had his tong ed, silver-tongued, intuitive and ycharismaticz with a mass appeal to rival A A ycharismaticz woman, She recently healed a She was also a highly ycharismaticz woman, a feminist who moved i ly emphasise some warm and highly ycharismaticz work from the cast. ions, and it is a more thoroughly ycharismaticz worship experience, he said. I Sing, reveals that this gentle, ycharismaticz writer who lived with his mot lywood would never dare createa ycharismaticz yet obnoxious Canadian doctor nhanced Welles' appearance as the ycharismaticz young Charles Foster Kane by time Michael Dukakis ever saw the ycharismaticz young John Kennedy in person, on and Christ Church, Oxford, the ycharismaticz young MP for the constituency nt European star of the brooding, ycharismaticz young actor Zbigniew Cybulski sal mismanagement to prevent this ycharismaticz young actor from becoming a s all began in October 1974, when a ycharismaticz young candidate called David Mr. Nissinen, a ycharismaticz young dancer, brought real fi But for now, the ycharismaticz young leader of Austria's Rig ew the Government and installed a ycharismaticz young officer, Captain Valent about her life with Dr. King, the ycharismaticz young preacher and civil righ able lagniappe in the person of a ycharismaticz young professor who eventuall of the idea as he dispatched the ycharismaticz young religious leader to the Diamonds, starring the ill-fated, ycharismaticz young star Zbigniew Cybulski, e was intelligent, respectful and ycharismaticz. with flaming red hair, funny and ycharismaticz. s and Georgetown), articulate and ycharismaticz. . But in a weird way, she's also ycharismaticz. fecting, the cultures ancient and ycharismaticz. He was very ycharismaticz. ue revolution and has always been ycharismaticz. He's not ycharismaticz. a, always suspicious but reliably ycharismaticz. as woefully disorganized and very ycharismaticz. onary, a born leader, dynamic and ycharismaticz. who has died aged 71, was quietly ycharismaticz. kes computer nerd Bill Gates look ycharismaticz. or the most educated or the most ycharismaticz. ich presents the serial killer as ycharismaticz. s T-shirt with a hole in it, he's ycharismaticz. Well, you can't say that Aznar is ycharismaticz. a, always suspicious but reliably ycharismaticz. He was ycharismaticz. He's very ycharismaticz. uce Lee movies- he was enormously ycharismaticz. Bassett, the club has sought the ycharismaticz. ved as a nearly-man, cautious not ycharismaticz. Diana St. Cloud is very smart and ycharismaticz. s a wonderful person, complex and ycharismaticz. it is perceived to be strong and ycharismaticz. ia, he was a loner, aloof and yet ycharismaticz. ed, and these are not necessarily ycharismaticz. r, does not inspire the adjective ycharismaticz. st of the band, alas, proved less ycharismaticz. called leaders, and all have been ycharismaticz. Leaders must be ycharismaticz. esman, someone who's dynamic, ... ycharismaticz. l, 20, is engaging, if not overly ycharismaticz. f their success is mysterious and ycharismaticz. from his notes and does not look ycharismaticz. id of Mr. Clinton: He's not very ycharismaticz. of Ralegh at his most tragic and ycharismaticz. aginative and compassionate; even ycharismaticz. mall and quick and altogether too ycharismaticz. lue Flames at their best and most ycharismaticz. incredibly good-looking and very ycharismaticz. n't mean you have to be pretty or ycharismaticz. You're so strong and decisive and ycharismaticz. Tony Blair is very ycharismaticz. Totally ycharismaticz. considered colourful, still less ycharismaticz. Yet in his way, Michael was ycharismaticz. Carling Premiership and the most ycharismaticz. r, a model prisoner and extremely ycharismaticz. ning hair and scarred skin and is ycharismaticz. now a Black Hebrew Israelite, was ycharismaticz. he type that attracts the epithet ycharismaticz. Does he think Tony Blair is ycharismaticz?
May 99 Orgy Guide Donath, Lövaas, Hamari, Altmeyer, pla, Sotin, Frühbeck Guitarist Robbie Robertson,pianist Richard Manuel, organist to study with Enesco and adolf Busch, and
Extractions: Saturday, May 1 Kurt Masur conducts. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 Schubert: Symphony No. 8, "Unfinished" Gubaidulina: Concerto for Two Violas; Phelps, Young Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4, "Italian" Sunday, May 2 As Clifton Chenier was once heard to remark, "In Louisiana, even the crawfish got soul." The blues department is proud to present a small four-hour slice of this zydeco soul. Zydeco, a Louisiana-based blend of blues, rock, and traditional Cajun music styles, is traditionally the responsibility of the blues department, yet rarely finds its way onto the air.The first half of the orgy will focus on Chenier himself, the undisputed "King of Zydeco," as well as featuring a few older Cajun tracks that highlight the relationship between zydeco and blues. In the second half, the orgy will highlight the work of more contemporary artists, such as Boozoo Chavis, Beau Jocque & the Zydeco Hi-Rollers, Buckwheat Zydeco and Bruce Daigrepont." Join us for a short survey of the history of the Argentinean tango spanning from the 1890s to contemporary treatments of the greatest of dance forms. We'll listen to some of the earliest recorded tango music by the legendary Carlos Gardel and feature the music of such tango greats as Augustin Magaldi, Annibal Troilo, Juan D'Arienzo, Edmundo Rivera, and Julio Sosa, plus music of the modern tango master, Astor Piazzolla (and recent hommages to his music). In addition, we'll be examining recent releases of tango music by such noted classical artists as Gidon Kremer, Yo-Yo Ma, and Daniel Barenboim.
Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - P Biography and repertoire of the Russian pianist. http// pla, adolf, Brief biography from the Music Directory of Catalonia.
List Of People By Name: Ro Robinson, J. Russell, (18921963), pianist songwriter; 1909-1983), author of Lapla? del diamant. NSDAP party member, organized adolf Hitler s Brownshirts ;
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index List of people by name A B C ... Q R S T U V ... Ra - Rb - Rc - Rd - Re - Rf - Rg - Rh Ri - Rj - Rk - Rl - Rm - Rn - Ro - Rp - Rq - Rr - Rs - Rt - Ru - Rv - Rw - Rx - Ry - Rz Roach, Hal , (1892-1992), US director, producer Robards, Jason , (1922-2000), actor Robarts, John , (1917-1982), premier of Ontario Robbia, Luca della , (1400-1482), Italian sculptor Robbins, Harold , (1916-1997), US novelist Robbins, Jerome, (1918-1998), film director Robbins, Marty , (1925-1982), musician Robbins, Tim , (born 1958), US actor, director, writer Robbins, Tom , (born 1936), US novelist Robbins, Tony , (born 1960), motivational speaker Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène , (1805-1871), magician, namesake of " Harry Houdini Robert II of France , (died 1031), king of France Robert I of France , (865-923), Frankish king Robert I of Scotland , (1274-1329), King of Scotland Roberts, Cokie, (born 1943), journalist Roberts, Doris , (born 1929), actress Roberts, Julia , (born 1967), actor Roberts, Kate, (1891-1985), novelist Roberts, Oral
April 1 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his 1866 - FerruccioBusoni, pianist and composer ( 1924); 1873 - Sergei Rachmaninoff, composer 1
Detailed Information About April 1 1924 adolf Hitler is 1815 - Otto von Bismarck, politician (+ 1898) * 1834 - JamesFisk, entrepreneur (+ 1872) * 1866 - Ferruccio Busoni, pianist and composer
Letters To Schoenberg From "L" Board of Directors of the League is making pla. Mr. Andor Foeldes, a remarkable pianistwho devote. Loos, adolf, 19., anbei 4 Karten, vielleicht können
Extractions: Letters from Schoenberg (arranged by date ; arranged by correspondent Letters to Schoenberg from "L" Writer Writer's Company Date First line of letter LA County Museum LA Philharmonic The Patrons of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Young LC There is inclosed herewith the official check of T League of Composers The Board of Directors of the League is making pla League of Composers The League's second program at the Museum of Moder League of Composers This year the League of Composers undertakes a mor League of Composers Kindly reply at once to these questions which will League of Composers On this your seventy fifth birthday we send you fr League of Composers We are enclosing to you a ballot for the election League of Composers To pay tribute to Kurt Weill's memory the Stadium League of Composers The time has come to note the passing of another s Wir haben die Ehre, Ihnen unter diesen Falten den La Chapelle, G. de Bur Int de l'Edit Mec Capitol Records, Inc., is planning a release of th - Ice Anecdotes. Anecdotes From Yeats To Gates Clemenceau was terrified of flying and avoided pla reports, an eightyear-oldAdolf Hitler made a be Middle Fingers The great Polish pianist, composer, and
April 1 - Enyclopaedia Definition April 1 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his 1834 - James Fisk,entrepreneur ( 1872); 1866 - Ferruccio Busoni, pianist and composer
Extractions: From Books Music Classical VHS ... Toys From Books Music Classical VHS ... Software From Bucher Musik Klassik Videos ... Alphabetical index From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. April 1 is the 91st day of the year (92nd in leap years ) in the Gregorian calendar , with 274 days remaining. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Events
Encyclopedia: April 1 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch. However 1866 - Ferruccio Busoni, pianist and composer (d
Extractions: several. Compare All Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100 Bottom 100 Bottom 20 Bottom 10 Bottom 5 All (desc) in category: Select Category Agriculture Crime Currency Democracy Economy Education Energy Environment Food Geography Government Health Identification Immigration Internet Labor Language Manufacturing Media Military Mortality People Religion Sports Taxation Transportation Welfare with statistic: view: Correlations Printable graph / table Pie chart Scatterplot with ... * Asterisk means graphable.
Today In History April 1 1909 Apr 1, Eddie Duchin, society pianist, bandleader (Eddie Duchin Orch), was bornin 1924 Apr 1, adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for Beer
April 1 - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his 1834 - James Fisk,entrepreneur (d. 1872); 1866 - Ferruccio Busoni, pianist and composer (d. 1924
Extractions: All days Table of contents 1 Events 2 Births 3 Deaths 4 Holidays and observances ... edit Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. - In New York City , the United States House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first House Speaker. Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine American Civil War Battle of Five Forks - In Petersburg, Virginia , Confederate General Robert E. Lee begins his final offensive. Singapore becomes British crown colony - The British steamer SS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia killing 547. - The Wrigley Company is founded in Chicago, Illinois - The Royal Flying Corps is replaced by the Royal Air Force Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the " Beer Hall Putsch ." However he was only in jail for nine months. - The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany , ushering in the series of anti-Semitic acts that will be known as the Holocaust Bonnie and Clyde kill two young highway patrolmen near Grapevine, Texas
Extractions: 4 Holidays and observances Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. - In New York City , the United States House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first House Speaker. Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine American Civil War Battle of Five Forks - In Petersburg, Virginia , Confederate General Robert E. Lee begins his final offensive. Singapore becomes British crown colony - The British steamer SS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia killing 547. - The Royal Flying Corps is replaced by the Royal Air Force Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the " Beer Hall Putsch ." However he was only in jail for nine months. - The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany , ushering in the series of anti-Semitic acts that will be known as the Holocaust Bonnie and Clyde kill two young highway patrolmen near Grapevine, Texas
Index Till Spalt 801 1200 Ur A Href= Http// 802 pianist 803 Piano, mus. 990 PL 990 pla. Se Pskov 1063 Plesner, Ulrik Adolf10631064 Pless 1064 Plessen, mecklenburgsk adelsätt 1064 Plessen.
Extractions: # Index till spalt 801 1200 # ur # Senast uppdaterad 17 Mar 2003 # Fortfarande aktuell 30 May 2004 # 801 Piacenza, hertig af. Se Lebrun, sp. 1474 801 Piacevole, mus. 801 Pia corpora. Se Milda stiftelser 801 Piada. Se Nea-Epidauros 801 Pia desideria 801 Piaff, ridk. 801 Piaffera. Se Piaff 801 Pia fraus 801-802 Piaggia, Carlo 802 Pia mater, anat. 802 Pian, med. 802 Piana dei Greci 802 Pianciani, Luigi 802 Pianino, mus. 802 Pianist 803 Piano, mus. 803 Piano eolien, mus. Se Anemokord 803-806 Pianoforte (Fortepiano, Piano) 806 Pianokvartet, mus. Se Kvartett 806 Pianola, mus. Se Pianospelapparater 806 Pianosa 806-807 Pianospelapparater (Själfspelande) 807 Piarister l. Piarer 807 Piasek. Se Krakau, sp. 1191 807 Pia Societas Missionum. Se Pallottiner 807 Piassaba, Piassava, Piassave, bot. tekn. 807 Piassabapalm, bot. Se Attalea 807 Piassava, Piassave. Se Piassaba 807 Piast 807-808 Piaster 808 Piastre de commerce. Se Handelsmynt 808 Piatra 808 Piatti, mus. Se Bäcken 2 808 Piatti, Carlo Alfredo 808 Piauhy 808-809 Piave 809 Piazza 809 Piazza, italiensk målarsläkt 809 Piazza Armerina 809 Piazzetta 809 Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista 809-810 Piazzi, Giuseppe 810 Pibroch 810 Pic. Se Pik 810 Pica, med. 810 Pica, zool. Se Skatsläktet 810 Piçaca 810 Picacho. Se Pik 810 Picacho de Veleta. Se Nevada, sp. 854 810 Picador 810 Picard, Jean 810-811 Picard, Louis Benoît 811 Picard, Ernest 811-812 Picard, Alfred Maurice 812 Picard, Charles Émile 812 Picardant. Se Pikardon 812 Picarder. Se Adamiter 3 och Beginer 812-813 Picardie 813 Picareskroman. Se Pikareskroman 813 Picart. 1. Étienne P. 813 Picart. 2. Bernard P. 813 Picart. 3. Pieter P. 813 Picavet, François Joseph 813 Pic Baba 813 Piccadilly 813-815 Piccini l. Piccinni, Nicola 815 Piccolo 815 Piccolomini, italiensk adelssläkt 815 Piccolomini. 1. Enea Silvio de' P., påfve. Se Pius II 815 Piccolomini. 2. Francesco Todeschini-P., påfve. Se Pius III 815-816 Piccolomini. 3. Ottavio P. 816 Pic de Dronaz. Se Dronaz 816 Pic de Midi. Se Midi 816 Pice 816-817 Picea, Gransläktet 817 Picein, kem. 817 Picenter. Se Picenum 817 Picenum 817 Pichegru, Charles 817-818 Pichincha 818 Pichler. 1. Antonio (eg. Joseph Anton) P. 818 Pichler. 2. Giovanni (Johann Anton) P. 818 Pichler. 3. Luigi (Ludwig) P. 818 Pichler, Karoline 818-819 Pichon, Stephen 819 Picht, Oskar 819 Pici, zool. Se Pepparätarna 819 Picidæ, zool. Se Hackspettar 819 Picini, zool. Se Hackspettar 819 Pickard, Benjamin 819 Pickel, Konrad. Se Celtes 819 Pickelhufva 819 Pickelhäring 819-820 Pickels l. Mixed pickles 820 Pickering. 1. Timothy P. 820 Pickering. 2. John P. 820 Pickering. 3. Charles P. 820-821 Pickering. 4. Edward Charles P. 821 Pickering. 5. William Henry P. 821 Pickles. Se Pickels 821-822 Picknick 822 Pickolaflöjt (jfr Piccolo), mus. Se Flöjt 822 Pick-pocket 822 Pickulinka 822 Pickwick club 822 Pico. Se Pik 822 Pico 822 Pico, Giovanni, grefve af Mirandola 822 Pico de Chullo. Se Nevada, sp. 855 822 Pico de Fogo. Se Kap Verde, sp. 889 822 Pico de Orizaba. Se Orizaba 822 Pico de Teyde. Se Kanarieöarna 822 Pico de Yaqui. Se Haïti, sp. 1054 822-823 Picon, Jacinto Octavio 823 Picot, Georges Marie René 823-824 Picot, Auguste Émile 824 Picpus-föreningen 824 Picquart, Georges Marie 824 Picques 824 Picramnia, bot. farm. 824-825 Picrasma, bot. 825 Picris, bot. 825 Pict. 825 Pictet, schweiziska vetenskapsmän 825 Pictet. 1. Marc Auguste P. 825 Pictet. 2. Charles P. de Rochemont 825 Pictet. 3. François Jules P. de Rochemont 825 Pictet. 4. Adolphe P. 825 Pictet. 5. Raoul P. 825-826 Pictets försök 826 Pictets vätska 826 Pictor, astron. Se Målaren, sp. 186 826 Pictor, Quintus Fabius. Se Fabius 5 826 Pictou 826 Pictus. Se Pict 826 Picumnus. Se Pilumnus 826 Picunche. Se Huilliche 826 Picus 826 Picus, zool. Se Hackspettsläktet 826 Pidal. 1. José Pedro P. 826-827 Pidal. 2. Luis P. y Mon 827 Pidal. 3. Alejandro P. y Mon 827 Pigdin-engelska 827 Pidisjärvi 827 Pidoll, Karl von 827 Pie 827-828 Pièce 828 Pieces fugitives. Se Poésies fugitives 828 Pied 828 Pied de boeuf 828 Piedecuesta 828 Piedestal 828 Piedimonte d'Alife 828-829 Piehl, Karl Fredrik 829 Pieksämäki 829 Pielavesi 829 Pielisjärvi 829 Pielis älf. Se Pielisjärvi 4 829-830 Piemont 830 Piemontesiska rasen, husdjurssk. 830 Piemontit l. Manganpidot, miner. 830-831 Pienemann. 1. Jan Willem P. 831 Pienemann. 2. Nicolaas P. 831 Piennes, hertig af. Se Aumont 4 831 Pieno, mus. 831 Pienza 831 Pierantoni, Augusto 831-832 Pierce, Franklin 832 Pierer, Heinrich August 832 Pieria 832-833 Pieridæ, Hvitvingar, zool. 833 Pierider och Pierisk. Se Pieria 833 Pieris. Se Kålfjärilsläktet och Pieridæ 833 Pierné, Henri Constant Gabriel 833 Piero della Francesca. Se Francesca, P. della 833-834 Piero di Cosimo (Pietro di Lorenzo) 834 Pierola, Nicolas de 834 Piéron, Henri 834 Pieros. Se Piera 834 Pierpont, John 834 Pierre, Jean 835 Pierre Dufour. Se Lacroix, J. P. 835 Pierrefonds 835 Pierre Lehautcourt 835 Pierre Loti 835 Pierre Pertuis, La 835 Pierre-sur-Haute. Se Forez 835 Pierretta, astron. 835 Pierrette. Se Pierrot 835 Pierron, Édouard 835-836 Pierrot 836 Pierson, urspr. Pearson, Henry Hugh 836 Pierson. 1. Allard P. 836 Pierson. 2. Nicolaas Gerard P. 836 Piestre. Se Cormon 837 Pietà 837 Pietarsaari. Se Jakobstad och Pedersöre 837 Pietas 837 Pietermaritzburg 837 Pietersburg 837 Pietet 837-852 Pietism 852 Pietist 852 Pietisten 852 Pietrabbondante. Se Bovianum 1 852 Pietra dura. Se Inlagdt arbete och Mosaik, sp. 1159-60 852 Pietraperzia 852 Pietrasanta 852 Pietri. 1. Pierre Marie P. 852 Pietri. 2. Joseph Marti P. 852 Pietro Candido 852 Pietro d'Anghiera. Se Petrus Martyr Anglerius 852 Pietro di Lorenzo. Se Piero di Cosimo 852 Pietro Filargi. Se Alexander, påfvar 5 853 Pietsch, Ludwig 853 Piette, Édouard 853 Pieuvre 853-854 Piezoelectricitet, fys. 854 Piezokristallisation, miner., petrogr. 854 Piezometer, fys. 854-855 Pifferari 855 Piffero. Se Pifferari 855 Pigafetta, Francesco Antonio 855-856 Pigalle, Jean Baptiste 856 Pigault-Lebrun, Charles Antoine Guillaume 856 Pigeon-engelska 856 Pigg. Se Pik 856-857 Piggetforsen 857 Piggfisk, Klotfisk, zool. 857 Piggfrö, bot. Se Lappula 857 Pigghaj, Hå, zool. 857-858 Piggsvinen, zool. 858 Piggsvinsläktet, zool. Se Hystrix 858 Piggvar, zool. Se Varsläktet 858 Piglhein, Bruno 858-860 Pigment 860 Pigmentbakterier, bot. Se Kromogen 860 Pigmentera 860 Pigmentfläck, med. Se Kloasma 860 Pigmentförfarandet, fot. Se Pigmenttryck 860 Pigmentkorn, bot. 860-861 Pigmenttryck (Koltryck), fot. 861 Pignatelli, Antonio. Se Innocentius 13 861 Pignerol. Se Pinerolo 861 Pignus, jur. 861-862 Pigorini, Luigi 862 Pigott, Nathaniel 862 Pihl, Axel Gustaf 862 Pihl, norsk släkt 862 Pihl. 1. Abraham P. 862 Pihl. 2. Oluf Andreas Lövold P. 862-863 Pihl. 3. Karl Abraham P. 863 Pihl. 4. William Roberton P. 863 Pihlajavesi 863 Pihlit, miner. 863-864 Pihlstrand, Ragnar 864 Pihlström, Anders 864 Pihtipudas 864 Piikkis 864 Piil, Kristian 864 Piilikurkkio 864 Piippola 864 Piis manibus 864 Pijhlou, O. Se Pilo 864 Pijnacker, A. Se Pynacker 864-865 Pik 865 Pik. 1. Fisk. Se Fiskeredskap, sp. 449 865 Pik. 2. Krigsv. 865 Pik. 3. Sjöv. 865 Pik, längdmått 865 Pik, tillnamn 865 Pika, sjöv. 865 Pikant 865 Pikarder. Se Adamiter 3 865 Pikardiska nationen. Se Universitet 865 Pikardon 865 Pikareskroman. Se Aleman, Le Sage och Mendoza 865 Pika rärna, sjöv. Se Kaja 865 Pike 865 Piké, fr. piquet 866 Piké (fr. piqué; eng quilt) 866 Pikefall (Pikfall), sjöv. Se Gaffel 3 866 Pikenerare. Se Fotfolk och Pik 2 866 Pikera 866 Pike's peak 866 Piket, krigsv. 866 Piketpåle, krigsv. 866 Pikfall (Pikefall). Se Dirk och Gaffel 3 866 Pik Hindáseh 866 Pik Kaufmann. Se Alaibergen 866 Piknometer. Se Pyknometer 866-867 Pikolin, kem. 867 Pikoppling, maskinb. Se Säkerhetskoppling 867 Pikotit, miner. 867 Pik Rakata 867 Pikratkrut l. Pikrinsyrekrut. Se Krut, sp. 112 867-868 Pikrinsyra, Pikrinsalpetersyra l. Trinitrofenol 868 Pikrofyll, miner. 868 Pikromerit, miner. 869 Pikropodofyllin, farm. Se Podophyllum 869 Pikrosmin, miner. 869 Pikrotin, farm. Se Kockelkärnor 869 Pikrotoxin. Se Anamirta och Kockelkärnor 869 Piksborg 869 Piktank l. Trimtank, skpsb. 869 Pikter 869 Piktiska muren (Piktermuren) 869 Piktografi. Se Bildskrift, sp. 374 869 Piktur 869 Pikul. Se Catty 869 Pikör, sportv. 869 Pil, bot. Se Salix 869-870 Pil, kigsv. o. jaktv. 870 Pila 870 Pilæ, Sjöbollar, bot. 870 Pilaff. Se Pilav 870 Pilar, Villa del, stad i Paraguay. Se Villa del Pilar 870 Pilaster 871 Pilâtre de Rozier, Jean François 871 Pilatus 871-873 Pilatus, Pontius 873 Pilatuslitteratur 873 Pilav, Pilaff 873 Pilblad, bot. 873 Pilchard, zool. Se Sillfiskar 873 Pilcomayo 873 Pilea, bot. 873 Pilfamiljen, bot. Se Salicaceæ 873 Pilfinken, zool. Se Husfinksläktet 873-874 Pilgift 874-878 Pilgrim 878 Pilgrimage of grace 878 Pilgrimen 879 Pilgrim fathers 879 Pilgrimsfalken, zool. Se Falksläktet 879 Pilgrimsmissionen. Se Krapf, J. L. 879 Pilgrimsmusslan, zool. Se Kammusslan 879 Pilgrim's progress. Se Bunyan 879 Pilgrimstad 879 Pilgäddor, zool. 879 Pilhamn 879 Pilhvitgumpen, zool. 879 Pilhöjd. Se Hvalf, byggnk., sp. 1389 879 Pilibhit 879-880 Pilica 880 Pilidium, zool. 880 Pilimiktion 880 Pilit, miner. 880 Pilk. Se Fiskeredskap, sp. 449 880 Pilkalambinoppi (Blecktjärnsklinten) 880 Pilkoger. Se Koger 880-881 Pillau 881 Pillauer tief. Se Frisches haff 881-882 Piller, farm. 882 Pillerbagge, zool. 882 Pillersdorf, Frans Xaver von 882 Pillesten, petrogr. Se Grönsandsten 882 Pillik, bot. Se Blad, fig. 4 h 882 Pillnitz 882-883 Pillon, François Thomas 883 Pilloy, Frederik 883 Pillsbury, Harry Nelson 883 Pilmaskar, zool. 883 Pilnitis, slav. myt. Se Abundantia 883-885 Pilo, Karl Gustaf 885 Pilocarpus, bot. 885 Pilokarpidin, farm. Se Jaborandi 885 Pilokarpin, farm. Se Jaborandi 885-886 Pilon, Germain 886 Pilos, grefve af. Se Olavides 886 Pilosella, bot. Se Hieracium 886 Pilotballong. Se Luftballong, sp. 1283 886 Pilot-tunnelsystemet. Se Anderson, John Fredrik 886 Piloty. 1. Ferdinand P. 886-887 Piloty. 2. Karl von P. 887 Piloty. 3. Ferdinand P. 887 Pilpai 887 Pilrot, bot. Se Maranta arundinacea 887-888 Pils, Isidore Alexandre Augustin 888-889 Pilsen 889 Pilspinken, zool. Se Husfinksläktet 889 Pilsten, petrogr. Se Grönsandsten 889 Pilten 889 Pilulæ 889 Pilularia, bot. Se Hydropteridineæ och Marsiliaceæ 889 Pilum 889 Pilumnus 889 Pilvit, slav. myt. Se Abundantia 889 Pilz, Vincenz 889 Pilörsläktet, bot. Se Polygonum 889 Pima 889 Pimat 889 Pimelea, bot. Se Thymelæaceæ 889 Piment. Se Capsicum, Kryddpeppar och Myrtus 889 Pimenta, bot. 889-890 Pimentel (äfven skrifvet Pimentelli), don Antonio P. de Prado 890 Pimentelli. Se Pimentel 890 Pimpernöt, bot. Se Staphylea 890 Pimpinell, bot. 890-891 Pimpinella, Anisslläktet, bot., farm. 891 Pimpla, zool. Se Ichneumonidæ 891 Pimsten 891-892 Pinaceæ, Abietaceæ, Tallfamiljen, bot. 892 Pinacker. Se Pynacker 892 Pinakel, byggnk. 892 Pinakoid l. Ändyta, krist., miner. 892 Pinakoidal, krist., miner. Se Pinakoid 892 Pinakotek 892 Pinakrom, fot. 892 Pinales, bot. Se Pinaceæ 892 Pinan 892 Pinande till bekännelse, jur. 892 Pinang. Se Penang 892 Pinar del Rio 892 Piñas 892 Pinass, sjöv. 892-893 Pinatypi, fot. 893 Pina y Dominguez, Mariano 893 Pincé, mus. 893 Pincené 893 Pincering, trädg. 893 Pincett, Fjädertång 894 Pinchbeck. Se Pinsback 894 Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge 894 Pincius mons 894 Pinczow 894 Pindar, Peter. Se Wolcot 894 Pindarer l. Pindaris 894 Pindaris 894 Pindarisk 894-896 Pindaros 896 Pindemonte. 1. Giovanni Marchese P. 896-897 Pindemonte. 2. Ippolito P. 897 Pinden. Se Pindos 897 Pindos 897 Pinealöga. Se Öga 897 Pineau, Léon 897 Pine barrens 897 Pine Bluff 897 Pinega 897-898 Pinehas 898 Pinel, Philippe 898 Pinel, Philippe François 898 Pinelli, Luigi Pompeo 898 Pinelliska handskriftsamlingen. Se Ambrosianska biblioteket 898-899 Pinello, Nils Henrik 899 Pinen, farm., med. Se Terpener 899 Pineoler, bot. Se Tallsläktet 899 Pinero, Arthur Wing 899-900 Pinerolo 900 Pinerolorasen, husdjurssk. 900 Pineta 900 Pinetum, trädg. 900 Pineyro, Enrique 900 Pingaud, Léonce 900 Pingborren, zool. Se Ollonborrfamiljen 900 Pingel. 1. Kristian P. 900-901 Pingel. 2. Victorinus P. 901 Ping-pong-spel. Se Bollspel, sp. 1025 901 Pingré, Alexandre Guy 901 Pingst 901 Pingstcykeln. Se Kyrkoår, sp. 524 901 Pingstfest. Se Pingst 901 Pingstfriden. Se Frid 901 Pingstlilja, bot. Se Narcissus 901-902 Pinguente 902 Pinguicula, bot. 902 Pingvinanka, husdjurssk. 902-905 Pingvinerna 905 Pinheiro, bot. Se Araucariaceæ 905 Pinheiro Chagas, Manuel 905 Pinicola, zool. Se Tallbitsläktet 905 Pinie, bot. Se Pinje 905 Pinit, miner. 905 Pinje (Pinie), bot. Se Tallsläktet och pl. II till art. Coniferæ 905 Pinjeöarna. Se Pityuserna 905 Pinka, sjöv. 905 Pinkcolour, kem. tekn. 905 Pinksalt, kem. tekn. 905 Pinmo. Se Mo 2, sp. 761 905 Pinna 905 Pinna, zool. 905 Pinnacidier. Se Astronomiska instrument, sp. 287 905 Pinnatorp l. Pinntorp. Se Eriksberg 2 905 Pinneberg 905 Pinnhöftadt kors, veter. Se Kors, sp. 1082 905 Pinnipedia, zool. Se Säldjur 905 Pinnkapell, artill. Se Kapell 4 905-906 Pinnkompass, sjöv. 906 Pinnmo. Se Bottengrus och Mo 2, sp. 761 906 Pinnoteres, zool. 906 Pinntorp. Se Eriksberg 2 906 Pinntorpafrun (Pintorpa-) 906 Pinnulæ, zool. Se Hårstjärnor 906 Pino, Marco. Se Siena, M. da 906 Pinoideæ, bot. Se Pinaceæ 906 Pinolen. Se Hartsoljor 906 Pinos, Isla de 906 Pinos 906 Pins, Ile des, l. Kunie 906 Pinsback, tekn. 906-907 Pinscher, Se Hunden, sp. 1315 samt pl. III, fig. 6, 7, 8 o. 9 907 Pinsk 907 Pint 907 Pinta, med. 907 Pintos 907 Pintsjov. Se Pinczow 907-908 Pinturicchio 908 Pinus, bot. 908 Pinus piller. Se Hemliga medel 908 pinx. Se Pinxit 908 Pinxit 908 Pinzgau 908 Pinzgauboskap, husdjurssk. 908 Pinzgauhästen. Se Noriska hästen 908-909 Pinzón, Vincente Yañez 909 Pio. Se Pius 909 Pio, Louis 909 Pioche de la Vergne, Marie Madeleine. Se La Fayette, sp. 789 909 Piombi 909 Piombino 909 Piombo, Fra Sebastiano del. Se Luciani, S. 909 Pion, bot. Se Pæonia 909 Pionea forficalis, zool. Se Kålmottet 909 Pioniär. Se Pionjär 909-910 Pionjär l. Pioniär 910 Pionjärkår 910 Pionkärnor, bot. Se Pæonia 910 Piophila casei, zool. Se Ostflugan 910 Pioskop. Se Mjölkprofvare, sp. 751 910 Piot, Charles 910 Piotrków 910 Piove di Sacco 910 Pip, bot. 910 Pipa, mek. Se Lås, sp. 161 910 Pipa, mus. 910 Pipa (mått) 910 Pipa, zool. Se Amfibier, sp. 833 910-911 Pipanka, husdjurssk. 911 Pipare, mus. 911 Piparmotten, zool. Se Rapsatpiparen 911-912 Piparsläktet, zool. 912 Pipdån, bot. Se Galeopsis 912 Pipe 912-915 Piper, Pepparsläktet, bot., farm. 915 Piper, svenska adliga ätter 915-917 Piper. 1. Karl P. 917-918 Piper. 2. Karl Fredrik P. 918-919 Piper. 3. Eva Sofia P. 919 Piper. 4. Sten Abraham P. 919 Piper. 5. Peter Bernhard P. 919-920 Piper. 6. Fredrik Magnus P. 920 Piper. 7. Karl Edvard Vilhelm P. 920 Piperaceæ, Pepparfamiljen, Piperacéer, bot. 920 Piperales, bot. Se Piperaceæ 920 Piperazin, kem. 920 Piperidin, kem. 920-921 Piperin, kem. 921 Piperno 921 Pipe rolls. Se Exchequer 921 Pipe roll society. Se Exchequer 921 Piperonal, kem., tekn. 921 Piperska muren 921-922 Pipett 922 Pipfiskar, zool. 922 Pipfloka, bot. 922 Pipharsläktet, zool. 922 Piphas, veter. Se Has 922 Piphler 922 Pipi, Pipisel, idrottst. Se Kastlekar, sp. 1227 922 Pipin. Se Pippin 922 Piplera. Se Krukmakarlera och Lera 923 Piplärksläktet, zool. 923 Pipmakaroner. Se Makaroner 923 Pippi, Giulio. Se Giulio Romano 923 Pippin l. Pipin 923 Pippin. 1. P. den äldre 923-924 Pippin. 2. P. den mellerste 924 Pippin. 3. P. den lille 924 Pippin. 4. P. (konung af Italien) 924-925 Pippin. 5. P. af Akvitanien 925 Pipping, adlig ätt i Finland 925-926 Pipping. 1. Fredrik Vilhelm P. 926 Pipping. 2. Knut Hugo P. 926 Pippingsköld. 1. Josef P. 927 Pippingsköld. 2. Josef Adam Joakim P. 927 Pipsten 927 Pipstjälk, bot. Se Stam 1 927 Pipunculidæ, zool. Se Ögonflugor 927 Pipverk, mus. Se Orgel 927 Piqua 927 Piqué. Se Piké 927 Piquet, milit. Se Piket 927 Pir, pers. 927 Pir, hamnarm 927-928 Pira, Karl 928 Piracicaba 928 Piræus. Se Peiraieus 928-929 Piræuslejonets runinskrift 929 Pirandello, Luigi 929 Piranesi. 1. Giambattista P. 929-930 Piranesi. 2. Francesco P. 930 Pirano 930 Pirat 930 Piratupplaga l. Tjuftryck 930 Pirbright. Se Worms, H. de 930 Pirenne, Henri 930 Pirithous. Se Peirithoos 930 Pirjatin 930-931 Pirkheimer (Pirkhaimer), Wilibald 931 Pirkkala. Se Birkkala 931 Pirmasens 931-932 Pirmez. 1. Eudore P. 932 Pirmez. 2. Octave P. 932 Pirna 932 Pirog 932 Pirog, kokk. 932-933 Pirogov, Nikolai 933 Pirola, bot. Se Pyrola 933 Piron, Alexis 933-934 Piroplamos, veter. 934 Pirot 934 Pirtimäki 934 Piru, finsk myt. Se Perkele 934 Piruett 934 Pirus, bot. Se Pyrus 934-936 Pirålen, zool. 936 Pisa, forngrekisk stad. Se Elis 936-938 Pisa 938 Pisagua 938-939 Pisakonsiliet 939 Pisan, Christine de. Se Cristine de Pisan 939 Pisander. Se Peisandros 939 Pisanello. Se Pisano 5 939 Pisang, bot. Se Musa 939 Pisano, Leonardo (ofta kallad Fibonacci) 940 Pisano, medeltidskonstnärer från Pisa 940 Pisano. 1. Niccoló P. 940-941 Pisano. 2. Giovanni P. 941 Pisano. 3. Andrea P. 941 Pisano. 4. Nino P. 941-942 Pisano. 5. Antonio P. l. Pisanello 942 Pisarasen, husdjurssk. 942 Pisarev, Dmitrij Ivanovitj 942 Pisatis. Se Elis 942 Pisaurum. Se Pesaro 943 Piscataqua 943 Pisces. 1. Zool. Se Fiskar 943 Pisces. 2. Astron. Se Fiskarna 943 Pischel, Richard 943 Piscicola, Fiskiglar, zool. 943 Piscina 943 Pisé 943-944 Pisek 944 Pisemskij, Aleksej Feofilaktovitj 944 Pisga 944 Pishin, Peshin 944-945 Pisidien 945 Pisidium, zool. 945 Pisino 945 Pisistrarus och Pisistratiderna. Se Peisistratos 945-946 Piska 946 Piskbalkong. Se Balkong 946 Piskfisken, zool. 946 Piskförare. Se Piska 946 Piskhållare 946 Piskhängare 946 Piskmasken, zool. Se Trichotrachelidæ 946 Pisksnärtormarna, zool. Se Natt-trädormarna 946 Piso, en familj af den romerska gens Calpurnia 946 Piso. 1. Lucius Calpurnius P. 946 Piso. 2. Lucius Calpurnius P. Cæsoninus 946 Piso. 3. Cnejus Calpurnius P. 946-947 Piso. 4. Cajus Calpurnius P. 947 Piso. 5. Lucius Calpurnius P. Licinianus 947 Pisolit, Ärtsten, petr. 947 Pissarro, Camille 947 Pissemskij. Se Pisemskij 947 Pissoar 947-948 Pissodes, Kottviflar, zool. 948 Pist, idrottst. 948 Pistache (Pistachemandel), bot. Se Pistacier 948 Pistacia, bot. 948 Pistacier, Pistachemandel, bot. 948 Pistazit, miner. 948 Pistia, bot. Se Araceæ, sp. 1288 och fig. 5 948-950 Pistill, bot. 950 Pistillodi, bot. 950 Pistillväxter, bot. 950 Pistocchi, Francesco Antonio 950-951 Pistoja 951 Pistol (kniv, vapen) 951 Pistol (mynt) 951 Pistola. Se Pistol 951 Pistolet. Se Biljard 951 Pistong 951 Pistor, Karl Philipp Heinrich 951 Pistorcirkel, fys. Se Bordas cirkel 951 Pistoria. Se Pistoja 951 Pistyán 952 Pisuerga 952 Pisum, bot. Se Ärter 952 Pit 952 Pita, Pitahampa, Pite, bot. Se Agave, sp. 338, och Beklädnadsväxter, sp. 1238 952 Pitahaya, bot. 952 Pitaka. Se Tipitaka 952 Pitanga, bot. Se Eugenia 952 Pitarer, ind. relig. Se Pitrer 952 Pitarra, Serafil 952 Pitaval, François Gayot de 952 Pitcairly. Se Leslie, sp. 247 952-953 Pitcairn 953 Pitcairnia, bot. Se Bromeliaceæ 953 Pitch, mus. 953 Pitchpine 953 Pite 953 Pitekoid 953 Pitesci 953-957 Piteå 957 Piteå domsaga 957 Piteå landsförsamling (landskommun) 957 Piteå lappmark. Se Lappmark 957 Piteå revir 957 Piteå tingslag 957-958 Pite älv 958 Pitha, Franz von 958 Pithecanthropus, zool. Se Människan, sp. 266-268 958 Pitheci, zool. Se Primates 958 Pithecia, zool. Se Primates 958 Pithecolobium, bot. 958 Pithecus, zool. Se Orang-utansläktet 958 Pithecusa 958 Pithiviers 958 Pitholmen. Se Piteå 958 Pithometer 958 Pithon l. Peithon 958-959 Pithon. 1. P. 959 Pithon. 2. P. 959 Pithos 959 Pithou, Pierre (Petrus Pithoeus) 959 Pitillas, Jorge 959 Pitiscus, Bartholomæus 959 Pitkiewicz. Se Litauiska språket och litteraturen, sp. 781 959-960 Pitkäpaasi 960 Pitkäranta. Se Impilaks 960 Pitman, sir Isaac 960 Pitmanska stenografien. Se Fonografi 960 Pitocco, Limerno. Se Folengo, G. 960 Pitom 960 Piton. Se Pik 960 Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio 960-961 Pitotska röret 961 Pitpan 961 Pitprops 961 Pitré, Giuseppe 961-962 Pitrer (Pitarer), ind. relig. 962 Pitschaft, Pitscher 962 Pitscher. Se Pitschaft 962 Pitscherstickare 962 Pitsevo 962 Pitt. 1. Thomas P. 962-965 Pitt. 2. William P. d.ä. 965-967 Pitt. 3. William P. d.y. 967 Pitti 967 Pittoresk 967-968 Pittosporaceæ, bot. 968 Pittosporum, bot. Se Pittosporaceæ 968-971 Pittsburg 971 Pittsburgh. Se Pittsburg 1 971 Pittsburghia, astron. 971 Pittsfield 971 Pittston 971 Pituglandol, farm., med. Se Organoterapi 971 Pituita 971 Pituitrin, farm., med. Se Organoterapi, sp. 864 971 Piturin, kem. farm. 971-972 Pityriasis, med. 972 Pityuserna (Pinjeöarna) 972 Piu, mus. 972 Pium corpus 972 Piura 972 Piuri. Se Indiskt gult 972 Pius, påfvar 972 Pius. 1. P. I, den helige 972-973 Pius. 2. P. II 973-974 Pius. 3. P. III 974 Pius. 4. P. IV 974-975 Pius. 5. P. V, den helige 975-976 Pius. 6. P. VI 976-978 Pius. 7. P. VII 978-979 Pius. 8. P. VIII 979-981 Pius. 9. P. IX 981-985 Pius. 10. P. X 985-986 Piusföreningar 986 Piusorden. Se Ordnar, sp. 836 986 Piuteindianer. Se Indianer, sp. 489 ff. 986 Pivot. Se Pivå 986 Pivå, artill. 986 Pivågaffel, artill. Se Lavettage, sp. 1428 986 Pivålager, artill. Se Lavettage, sp. 1425 986 Pivålavettage, artill. Se Lavettage, sp. 1428 986 Pix 986 Pixérécourt, René Charles Guilbert de 986 Pixis, Theodor 986 Pix pini, farm. Se Beck 2, sp. 1136 986 Pix solida, farm. Se Beck 2, sp. 1136 986-987 Pi y Margall, Francisco 987 Piz. Se Pik och Piz d'Err 987-989 Pizarro, Fransisco 989 Piz d'Err 989 Pizzicato, mus. 989 Pizzighettone 990 Pizzo. Se Pik 990 Pizzo (hamnstad) 990 P. Ja. 990 Pjatigorsk 990 Pjatina. Se Pätin 990 Pjesjkov, Aleksej Maksimovitj 990 Pjäs 990 Pjäsbefälhafvare, artill. Se Kanonbefälhafvare 990 Pjäspark, artill. Se Belägringsartilleripark 990 Pjätteryd 990 Pjäxa 990 Pjön 990 Pjöng-jang. Se P-hjöng-yang 990 pl. 990 P. L. 990 Pla. Se Grand-Popo 990 Placage 990 Place 990-991 Place, Victor 991 Place d'armes, krigsv. 991 Place d'orchestre. Se Parkett 991 Place forte, fortif. 991 Place-idéale, Metzsystemet l. Tracé-Noizet 991-994 Placenta 994 Placentalia 994 Placentation 995 Placentia 995 Placera 995 Placerad, ridk. 995 Placeringsdeputationen. Se Deputation, sp. 170 995 Placet 995 Placidia (Galla P.) 995 Placita 995-996 Plackning, fortif. Se Beklädnadsarbete, sp. 1236 996 Placodermata (Placodermi), paleont. 996 Placodermi, paleont. Se Placodermata 996 Plafond 996-1000 Plafondmålning 1000 Plagalisk, mus. 1000 Plage 1000-1001 Plagemann. 1. Karl Johan Fredrik P. 1001-1002 Plagemann. 2. Karl Gustaf P. 1002-1003 Plagemann. 3. Arnold Abraham P. 1003 Plagiat 1003 Plagiera. Se Plagiat 1003 Plagiochila, bot. Se Lefvermossor fig. 6 1003 Plagioklas, miner. 1003 Plagiostomi, zool. Se Selachii 1003 Plagiotremata, zool. Se Fjällreptiler 1003 Plagiotrop, bot. Se Ortotrop 1003 Plaid. Se Pläd 1003 Plaidoyer 1003 Plaidy, Louis 1003 Plain chant, mus. 1003 Plainfield 1003-1004 Plaisanterie 1004 Plaka 1004 Plakat 1004 Plakat 1004-1005 Plakett 1005 Plakoidfjäll, zool. Se Fjäll, sp. 491, och Hud, sp. 1196 1005 Plan 1005 Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amadeo 1005 Plana kopplingsmetoden, sjöv. 1005 Planbox, mek. Se Planhyfvel 1005 Planche. Se Plansch 1005-1006 Planche, Jean Baptiste Gustave 1006 Planché, James Robinson 1006 Planchette. Se Planschett 1006 Planck, Gottlieb Jakob 1006 Planck, Gottlieb 1006-1007 Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig 1007 Planed boards 1007 Planera 1007 Planerstång, tekn. 1007 Planetarisk 1007 Planetarisk nebulosa, astron. 1007 Planetarium, astron. 1007-1008 Planeter 1008 Planetoider 1008 Planetsystemet, astron. 1008 Planet-timmar. Se Timme 1008 Planfilms, fot. Se Film 1008 Planform, krigsv. Se Fästning, sp. 313 1008 Plan-geometri. Se Geometri, sp. 984 1008 Planhjulsväxel, maskinb. Se Friktionshjul 1008 Planhyfvel (Planbox), mek. 1009 Planhärd, bergsv. Se Vaskning 1009 Planiglob, Planiglobium 1009 Planimeter 1009 Planimetri, mat. 1009 Planipedes 1009 Planipennia, zool. Se Nätvingar 1009 Planisfär. Se Planiglob 1009 Plank, träv. 1009-1010 Plankbock, krigsv. 1010 Plankgång, skpsb. 1010 Plankonkav och Plankonvex. Se Lins 1010 Plankrot, bot. Se Rot 1010 Planksteklar, zool. 1010 Plankstump. Se Firewood 1010 Planktologi, bot. zool. 1010-1015 Plankton, bot. zool. 1015 Planktont, bot. zool. Se Plankton 1015 Planman, Anders 1015-1016 Planmätning 1016 Planogamet, bot. Se Gamet 1016 Planorbis, Skifsnäcka, zool. 1016 Planpar, miner. Se Kristallografi, sp. 1333 1016 Planpenningar, kam. Se Hjälprote 1016-1017 Planquette, Jean Robert Julien 1017 Planritning. Se Konstruktionsritning och Plan 2 1017 Plans. Se Plants 1017 Plansch 1017 Planschette 1017 Plansikt, tekn. Se Kvarn, sp. 365 1017 Planskifva, mek. Se Uppritsning 1017 Planskrift. Se Bildundervisning 1017 Planspegel. Se Spegel 1017 Planta, Peter Jakob 1017 Planta, gammar adlig ätt i Graubünden 1017 Planta. 1. Pompejus von P. 1017 Planta. 2. Martin von P. 1017-1018 Planta. 3. Gaudenz von P. 1018 Planta. 4. Peter Konradin von P. 1018 Plantage 1018 Plantagekoloni. Se Koloni, sp. 583 1018 Plantagenet 1018-1019 Plantaginaceæ, bot. 1019 Plantaginales, bot. Se Plantaginaceæ 1019 Plantago, Grodbladssläktet, bot. 1020 Plantation of Ulster 1020 Planté, Francis 1020-1021 Plantering, trädg. 1021 Planteringsborr 1021 Planteringsdag 1021 Plantigrada, zool. Se Hälgångare 1021 Plantin, Esaias 1021-1022 Plantin, Christophe 1022-1023 Planting 1023 Plantlafve, trädg. Se Lafve 5 1023 Planton. Se Ordonnans 1023 Plants l. Plans 1023 Plantskola l. Trädskola, trädg. 1023 Planudes, Maximos 1024 Plaque. Se Kraschan och Ordnar 1024 Plaquemine 1024 Plasa 1024 Plasencia 1024 Plasma 1024 Plasmodesm, bot. Se Cellväfvnad 1024 Plasmodiophora, bot. 1025 Plasmodium, bot. 1025 Plasmogami, zool. Se Protozoa 1025 Plasmolys, bot. Se Turgor 1025 Plasmon. Se Näringspreparat 1025 Plasmopara, bot. 1025 Plasmopora, paleont. Se Heliolitidæ 1025 Plassenburg 1025 Plassey l. Palasji 1025 Plastein, fysiol. kem. 1025 Plasticitet. Se Plastik 1025 Plastid, bot. 1025 Plastik 1025 Plastisk. Se Plastik 1025 Plastisk dynammon. Se Dynammon 1025 Plastisk lera, geol., petrogr. 1025-1026 Plastisk operation 1026 Plastron (Plastrong) 1026 Plastrong. Se Plastron 1026 Plata, Rio de la P. Se La Plata 1026 Plarææ. Se Plataiai 1026 Plataiai l. Plataia 1026 Platalea leucorodia, Skedstorken, zool. Se Ibisfåglar 1026 Plataleini, zool. Se Ibisfåglar 1026 Platan, bot. Se Platanaceæ 1026-1027 Platanaceæ, bot. 1027 Platanista, zool. Se Hvaldjuren, sp. 1385-86 och fig 2 1027 Platanthera, Nattviol, bot. 1027 Platanus, bot. Se Amerika, sp. 804-805, och Platanaceæ 1028 Plate, Ludwig Hermann 1028 Plateau. Se Platå 1028 Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand 1028 Plateau de Lannemezan. Se Lannemezan 1028 Plateau de Millevaches. Se Millevaches-platån 1028 Plateaus försök, fys. 1028 Plateaux des Causses. Se Causses 1028-1029 Platen, von, 6 adliga ätter 1028 Platen. 1. Filip Julius Bernhard von P. 1028-1032 Platen. 2. Baltzar Bogislaus von P. 1032-1033 Platen. 3. Baltzar Julius Ernst von P. 1033 Platen. 4. Filip Kristofer von P. 1033-1034 Platen-Hallermund, August von 1034 Platenitz 1035 Plater, Emilia 1035 Plateresk stil 1035 Platform. Se Plattform 1035 Plathelminthes, zool. Se Plattmaskar 1035-1037 Platina, kem. 1037 Platinaföreningar. Se Platina 1037-1038 Platinaklorid, kem. 1038 Platinaklorur. Se Platina 1038 Platinalavering, fot. Se Platinatryck 1038 Platinalegeringar 1038 Platinametaller 1038 Platinasamliak. Se Platina 1038 Platinasvamp. Se Platina 1038 Platinasyra. Se Platina 1038 Platinatryck, fot. Se Platinotypi 1038 Platinera 1038 Platinidiaminklorid. Se Metallammoniakföreningar 1038 Platiniföreningar. Se Platina 1038 Platinihydrat. Se Platina 1038 Platiniridium. Se Platina 1038 Platinitetraminklorid, kem. Se Metallammonaikföreningar 1038 Platinljus, tekn. Se Glödljus, sp. 1352 1038 Platinoföreningar. Se Platina 1038 Platinotypi (Platinatryck), fot. 1038 Platitude 1038-1039 Plato, astron. 1039-1044 Platon 1044 Platonia insignis, bot. 1044 Platoniker, filos. 1044 Platonisk 1044 Platonisk kärlek 1044 Platoniskt år l. Stora året, astron. 1044 Platonism, filos. 1044 Platonsk. Se Platonisk 1044 Platou, norsk familj 1044-1045 Platou. 1. Ludvig Stoud P. 1045 Platou. 2. Carl Nicolai Stoud P. 1045 Platou. 3. Fredrik Christian Stoud P. 1045 Platou. 4. Oscar Ludvig Stoud P. 1045 Platou. 5. Christian Emil Stoud P. 1045-1046 Platov, Matvej Ivanovitj 1046 Platsagent. Se Agent 1046 Platsanskaffningsbyrå. Se Arbetsförmedling 1046 Plats du jour 1046 Platsförhandlare, jur., hand. 1046 Platskutym. Se Handelsbruk, sp. 1322 1046 Platsköp l. Lokoköp, jur., hand. 1046 Platsmajor. Se Major 1046 Platssedel. Se Anvisning 1046 Platsusance 1046 Platsväxel 1046 Platt 1046 Platta 1046 Plattensjön. Se Balaton-sjön 1047 Platte river. Se Nebraska river 1047 Plattfiskar, zool. 1047 Plattform, Platform 1047 Plattformsdäck. Se Däck 1047 Plattformsspärr, järnv. 1047-1048 Plattfot, med. 1048 Plattfot (Plattvakt). Se Glas, sjöv. 1048 Platt fördevind, sportv. Se Issegling, sp. 1009 1048 Plattgängade skrufvar. Se Gänga 1048 Platthof, veter. Se Hof, sp. 897 1048 Platting, sjöv. 1048 Plattis, Maria Majocchi 1048 Platt kramla. Se Kramla 1049 Plattlask. Se Lask, skpsb. 1049 Plattläder. Se Läder, sp. 172-173 1049 Plattmalning. Se Kvarn, sp. 364 ff. 1049 Plattmaskar, zool 1049 Plattner, Karl Friedrich 1049 Plattnerit, miner. 1049 Plattormarna, zool. Se Hafsormarna 1049 Plattsburg 1049 Plattsilke. Se Sidenindustri 1049 Plattsmouth 1049 Plattstjärtarna, zool. Se Hafsormarna 1049 Plattsöm. Se Sömnad 1049 Plattvakt, sjöv. Se Glas, sjöv. 1049-1052 Plattyska l. Lågtyska 1052 Platurus, zool. Se Hafsormarna 1052 Platycefal, anat. Se Hufvudskål, sp. 1230 1052 Platycercidæ, zool. Se Papegojor, sp. 1487 1052 Platycercus, zool. Se Papegojor, sp. 1485 1052 Platycerium, bot. 1052 Platycerus, zool. Se Lucanidæ 1052 Platycleis, zool. Se Vårtbitare 1052 Platycodon, bot. 1052 Platydactylus, zool. Se Geckonidæ 1052 Platygaster, zool. Se Proctotrupidæ 1052 Platyhelmithes, zool. Se Plattmaskar 1052 Platypsyllus castoris, Bäfverlusen, zool. 1052 Platyrrhini, zool. Se Primates 1052 Platyscelus, zool. Se Flicksländor 1052 Platysoma, zool. Se Histeridæ 1052 Platz, Laurentius 1052 Platå 1052 Platåglaciär. Se Glaciärer, sp. 1248 1052 Platåmosse. Se Mosse 1052 Plau 1052-1053 Plaudite, amici! 1053 Plauen 1053 Plausibel 1053-1055 Plautus, Titus Maccius 1055 Playas, geogr. 1055 Playfair, John 1055 Playfair, sir Lyon 1055-1056 Play or pay, sportv. 1056 Plaza, Leonidas 1056 Plaza de toros 1056 P. L. C. 1056 Pleasant island. Se Nauru 1056 Pleasureground, trädg. Se Park 1056 Pleasure-yacht 1056 Plebejer 1056 Plebejisk 1056-1057 Plebiscit 1057 Plebiscitär 1057 Plebs. Se Plebejer 1057 Plechanov, Georgij Valentinovitj 1057 Plecoptera, zool. Se Sjösländor 1057 Plecotus, zool. Se Flädermöss, sp. 685 1057 Plectascineæ, bot. Se Ascomycetes 1057 Plectognathi, zool. Se Fastkäkar 1057 Plectogyne, bot. Se Aspidistra 1057 Plectoptera, zool. 1057-1058 Plectranthus, bot. 1058 Plectrophanes, zool. Se Fältsparfsläktet 1058 Plectrophenax, zool. Se Fältsparfsläktet 1058 Plectropteridæ, zool. Se Andfåglar, sp. 958 och 967 1058 Plectrum. Se Plektron 1058 Plehve, Vjatjeslav Konstantinovitj von 1058 Pleijel, Henning Bernhard Mattias 1058 Plein-air-måleri 1058 Plein pouvoir 1058 Pleiobar, meteor. Se Meiobar 1058 Pleiocyklisk l. Polycyklisk, bot. 1058 Pleiokasium, bot. 1058-1059 Pleistoanax l. Pleistonax 1059 Pleistocen, geol. Se Kvartärperioden, sp. 384 1059 Plejaden 1059 Plejaderna 1059 Plejone, astron. 1059 Plekte. Se Albaneser, sp. 472 1059-1060 Plektron l. Plektrum, mus. 1060 Plektrum, mus. Se Plektron 1060 Pleme 1060 Plena potestas, jur. Se Fullmakt 1060 Plenarförsamling 1060 Plenarium. Se Liber plenarius 1060 Plener. 1. Ignaz von P. 1060 Plener. 2. Ernst von P. 1060 Plenimål, jur. 1060 Plénipotentiaire. Se Ministre plénipotentiaire 1060-1061 Pleniärenden, jur. 1061 Plenning, Johan 1061 Pleno choro, mus. 1061 Plenum 1061 Plenus venter non studet libenter 1061 Pleofag, bot. 1061 Pleogami, bot. 1061-1062 Pleokroism, fys. 1062 Pleomorfi, bot. 1062 Pleonandræ, bot. Se Orchidaceæ 1062 Pleonasm 1062 Pleonast, miner. 1062 Pleonastisk 1062-1063 Pleorama 1063 Pleospora, bot. 1063 Plerom, bot. Se Stam 1063 Pleroma 1063 Pleschen 1063 Plesiosaurus, paleont. 1063 Pleske, Eduard von 1063 Pleskov. Se Pskov 1063 Plesner, Ulrik Adolf 1063-1064 Pless 1064 Plessen, mecklenburgsk adelsätt 1064 Plessen. 1. Kristian Sigfred P. 1064 Plessen. 2. Kristian Ludvig P. 1064 Plessen. 3. Karl Adolf P. 1064 Plessidi. Se Pelion 1064 Plessimeter. Se Perkussion 1 1064 Plessis-lès-Tours. Se Tours 1064 Plessis-Marly. Se Mornay, Ph. de 1064 Plessur-alperna 1064 Plessy, Jeanne Sylvanie 1064-1065 Plestjejev, Aleksej Nikolajevitj 1065 Pleszew. Se Pleschen 1065 Plethon, Georgios Gemistos 1065 Plethora, med. 1065 Plethron 1065 Pletj. Se Knut (piska) 1065 Pletnev, Petr Aleksandrovitj 1065-1066 Pletsch, Oskar 1066 Plettenberg 1066 Plettenberg, Walter von 1066 Pleura 1066 Pleuracanthidæ, paleont. 1066 Pleureuses. Se Plöröser 1066 Pleurit, med., veter. 1066 Pleurococcus, bot. Se Luftalger 1066 Pleurodictyon, paleont. 1066 Pleurodont, tandläk. Se Tänder 1066 Pleurokarpa mossor, bot. Se Akrokarpa mossor 1066 Pleuronectes, zool. Se Flundersläktet 1066 Pleuropneumonia, veter. Se Lungröta 1066 Pleuropterygii, zool. Se Fiskar, sp. 417 1066-1067 Pleurorrhizæ, bot. 1067 Pleurosigma, bot. Se Diatomaceæ, fig. 1 1067 Pleurospermum, bot. 1067 Pleurotomaria, zool., paleont. 1067 Pleurotus, bot. 1067 Pleuston, bot. 1067-1068 Pleve, (von Pleve), Vjatjeslav Konstantinovitj 1068 Plevlje 1068-1069 Plevna 1069 Plewra. Se Hemliga medel 1069 Plexus. Se Nerver 1069 Plexus coeliacus, anat. Se Bukhjärna 1069-1070 Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph 1070 Plez. Se Flitsch 1070 Pli 1070 Plica, mus. 1070 Plica polonica 1070 Plicaria, bot. Se Peziza, sp. 739 1070 Plicatula, zool., paleont. 1070-1072 Plikt 1072 Plikt, sjöv. 1072 Plikta, sjöv. 1072 Pliktankare, sjöv. Se Ankare 1 1072 Plikthuggare, sjöv. 1072 Pliktkollision l. Pliktkonflikt, filos. 1072 Pliktkonflikt. Se Pliktkollision 1072 Pliktpall. Se Kyrkoplikt 1072 Plikttåg, sjöv. Se Kabel 1 1072 Pliktåra, sjöv. 1072-1073 Plimsoll-lagen 1073 Plimsollmärke, skpsb. Se Fribord och Lastmärke 1073-1074 Plinius. 1. Cajus P. Secundus major 1074 Plinius. 2. Cajus P. Cæcilius Secundus minor 1074 Plinius de jüngste. Se Wolff, O. L. B. 1074 Plinlimmon 1074 Plint 1075 Pliocenetagen, geol. 1075 Plissé 1075 Plistersläktet, bot. Se Lamium 1075 Plitt, Gustav Leopold 1075 Pliusa l. Plusa (Plysaströmmen) 1075 Ploceidæ, zool. Se Väfvarfåglar 1075 Ploceini, zool. Se Väfvarfåglar 1075 Ploceus, zool. Se Väfvarfåglar 1075 Plock 1075 Plockhorst, Bernhard 1076 Ploen. Se Plön 1076 Ploennies, Luise von 1076 Ploërmel 1076 Ploesci 1076 Ploetz, Karl Julius 1076-1081 Plog, landtbr. 1081 Plogben, anat. 1081 Plogjärnsrocka, zool. Se Rockor 1081 Ploglag. Se Väghållningsskyldighet 1081 Plogland 1081-1082 Plomb 1082 Plombera 1082 Plombières, Plombières-les-Bains 1083 Plomgren. 1. Anders P. 1083-1084 Plomgren. 2. Thomas P. 1084 Plommenfelt, Karl Anders. Se Plomgren 1 1084-1086 Plommon 1086 Plommonkåda, bot. Se Kåda; jfr äfven Körsbärskåda 1086 Plommonmögel, bot. Se Sclerotinia 1086 Plommonpung, bot. Se Exoascaceæ 1086 Plommonrullvifveln. Se Rullviflar 1086 Plommonstekeln. Se Tenthredinidæ 1086 Plommonvecklaren. Se Vecklare 1086 Plongera, krigsv. 1086 Plonsk 1086-1087 Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis 1087 Ploterisk, bot. Se Plankton 1087 Plotina, romersk kjesarinna. Se Trajanus 1087-1088 Plotinos 1088 Plotosus, zool. Se Fiskgift, sp. 438 1088 Plotsk. Se Plock 1088 Plotus, zool. Se Anhinga 1088-1090 Ploug, Parmo Karl 1090 Plovdiv. Se Filippopel 1090 Ployering, krigsv. 1090 Pluggskifling, bot. Se Paxillus 1090 Plukenet, Leonard 1090 Plum. 1090 Plumage 1090-1091 Plumbaginaceæ, bot. 1091 Plumbaginales, bot. Se Plumbaginaceæ 1091 Plumbago 1091 Plumbago, bot. 1091 Plumbokalcit, miner. 1091 Plumbum 1091 Plumier, Charles 1091-1092 Plumiera, bot. 1092 Plumieroideæ, bot. Se Nerium och Plumiera 1092 Plumpljuster. Se Fiskeredskap, sp. 449 1092 Plumpudding 1092 Plumula, bot. 1092 Plunderskruf, krigsv. Se Krats 1092 Plunderstång, krigsv. Se Laddstock 1092 Plundra, krigsv. 1092 Plungerkolf, mek. Se Kolf, sp. 530 1092 Plunket, William Conyngham 1092 Plunkett, gammal irländsk släkt 1092 Plunkett. 1. Sir Francis Richard P. 1092-1093 Plunkett. 2. Sir Horace P. 1093 Plural, gramm. Se Pluralis 1093 Plurale tantum, gramm. 1093 Pluralis, Flertal, gramm. 1093 Pluralism, filos. Se Monism 1093 Pluralis majestatis (majestaticus), Pluralis excellentiæ 1093 Pluralitet 1093 Pluralitetskollektiv, gramm. Se Kollektiv 1093 Pluralvalsystem 1093 Plurienn, bot. Se Hapaxant och Pleiocyklisk 1094 Plurima vota valent 1094 Plus l. Plustecken, mat. 1094 Plusa 1094 Plusia, zool. Se Gammafly 1094 Plusidæ, zool. Se Nattflyn 1094 Pluskvamperfektum, gramm. 1094 Plustecken, mat. Se Plus 1094-1095 Plutarchos, en af det forna Greklands alstringsrikaste författare 1095 Plutarchos, alexandrinsk filosof 1095-1096 Plutark (Plutarch) 1096 Plutella, zool. Se Kålmalen 1096 Pluteus, zool. Se Tagghudingar 1096 Pluto. Se Pluton 1096 Plutokrati 1096 Pluton (lat. Pluto), hos forntidens greker och romare namn på underjordens gud. Se Hades 1 1096 Pluton. 1. Krigsv. 1096 Pluton. 2. Sjöv. 1096 Plutonion. Se Hierapolis 2 1096 Plutonisk, geol. 1096 Plutos, grek. myt. 1096 Pluviale 1096 Pluviometer 1097 Pluviôse 1097 Pluvius 1097 Plücker, Julius 1097-1098 Plym 1098 Plymasch. Se Plym 1098 Plymaschkorn, landtbr. Se Korn, sp. 1055 1098 Plymaschkål, Fjäderkål, bot. 1098 Plymhafre, landtbr. Se Hafre 1098-1100 Plymouth 1100-1101 Plymouth. 1. Kommun (township) i nordamerikanska staten Massachusetts 1101 Plymouth. 2. Köping (borough) i nordamerikanska staten Pennsylvania 1101 Plymouth. 3. Se Montserrat, sp. 1041 1101 Plymouthbröderna 1101-1102 Plymouth rocks, husdjurssk. 1102 Plys, text. Se Plysch och Plysmaskin 1102 Plysa, text 1102 Plysaströmmen. Se Pliusa 1102 Plysch l. Plys 1102 Plysmaskin 1102-1103 Plåster, farm. 1103 Plåt. 1. Fot. Se Fotografi 1103 Plåt. 2. Metall. o. tekn. 1103-1104 Plåt. 3. Myntv. 1104 Plåtmynt. Se Plåt 1104 Plåtrand. Se Bladrand 1104 Plåtsax 1104 Plåtugn, metall. 1104 Pläd 1105 Plädera 1105 Pläner, Planerkalk 1105 Pläter 1105-1107 Plöjning 1107 Plön (Ploen) 1107 Plönnies. Se Ploennies 1107 Plöröser 1107 Plötz. Se Ploetz 1107 Plötzensee 1107 P. M., förkortning för lat. pontifex maximus, öfverstepräst, påfve 1107-1108 P. M. (div. lat. förkortningar) 1108 P. N. 1108 P. n. b. (På nådigaste befallning). Se Nåd 3. sp. 299 1108 Pneometer. Se Spirometer 1108 Pneuma 1108 Pneumaticitet, zool. 1108 Pneumatik 1108 Pneumatiker. Se Medicin, sp. 1428 1108-1109 Pneumatisk 1109 Pneumatiska befordringsmedel 1109 Pneumatod, bot. Se Andning 2 1109 Pneumatofor, bot. 1109 Pneumatologi 1109-1110 Pneumatolytisk, geol. 1110 Pneumatomaker, teol. 1110 Pneumatometer, fys. 1110 Pneumokock. Se Bakteriologi, sp. 718-719 1110 Pneumokonios, med. Se Lungsjukdomar, sp. 1451 1110 Pneumoni 1110 Pneumonomykos, med. 1110 Pneumopericardium, patol. Se Hjärtsjukdomar, sp. 867 1110 Pneumothorax 1110 Pneumotomi, med. 1110 Pnom, folkstam. Se Moï 1110 Pnom-penh (Pnompenj) 1110 Pnyx 1110-1111 Po 1111-1112 Poa, Gröe, bot. 1112 Poacites, paleobot. 1112 Poacordaites, paleobot. Se Cordaitales 1112 Poaya, bot. farm. Se Borreria och Hybanthus 1112-1113 Pobjedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovitj 1113 Poblet, klosterruiner. Se Montblanch 1113 p. occ. 1113-1114 Poccetti, Bernardino 1114 Pocci, Franz 1114 Pochette, mus. 1114 Pockenholts. Se Guajakved 1114 Pocker 1114 Pocket 1114 Pockiforsen 1114 Poco, mus. 1114 Pocock, Edward 1114 Poconchi l. Pokontsi 1114 Podager 1114 Podagrion, zool. Se Pteromalidæ 1114 Podaleirios, grek. myt. Se Machaon 1114-1115 Podaliriinæ, zool. 1115 Podalirius, zool. Se Podaliriinæ 1115 Podalyrieæ, bot. Se Papilionatæ 1115 Podarge, grek. myt. 1115 Podargidæ, Ugglesvalor 1116 Podarkes. Se Priamos 1116 Podbielski. 1. Theophil von P. 1116 Podbielski. 2. Viktor von P. 1116 Podebrad 1116 Podebusk (eg. Putbus) 1117 Podesta 1117 Podewils, gammal pommersk adelssläkt 1117 Podex, anat. 1117 Podgorica 1117 Podgorze 1117 Podhoraker. Se Horaker 1117 Podiceps, zool. Se Doppingsläktet 1117 Podicipedidæ, zool. Se Doppingar 1117 Podiebrad, bömisk stad. Se Podebrad 1117 Podiebra, Georg. Se Georg, konung i Böhmen 1117 Podisma, zool. Se gräshoppor 1117 Podium 1117 Podlachien 1117-1118 Podlasien 1118 Podlesien. Se Polesien 1118 Podlipska, Sofie 1118 Podocarpoideæ, bot. Se Podocarpus och Taxaceæ 1118 Podocarpus, bot. 1118 Podocnemis, zool. Se Madagaskar, sp. 394 1118 Podofyllin, bot. med. Se Podophyllum 1118 Podofyllotoxin, bot. med. Se Podophyllum 1118 Podol 1118-1119 Podolien 1119 Podolisk stäppboskap, husdjurssk. 1119 Podolsk l. Podol 1119 Podometer 1119 Podophthalmata, zool. 1119 Podophthalmalmia, zool. 1119-1120 Podophyllum, bot. med. 1120 Podosphæra leucotricha. Se Äppelmjöldagg 1120 Podostemonaceæ, bot. 1120 Podostemonineæ, bot. Se Podostemonaceæ och Rosales 1120 Podozamites, paleobot. 1120 Podpolkovnik, ry. Se Polk 1120 Podrinje 1120 Podsavalja 1120 Podura, zool. Se Hoppstjärtar 1120 Podurider, zool. Se Hoppstjärtar 1120-1123 Poe, Edgar Allan 1123 Poecilus, zool. Se Feronia 1123-1124 Poel (Pöl) 1124 Poelart, Joseph 1124-1125 Poelenburgh, Cornelis 1125 Poem 1125 Poenalism 1125 Poena talionis 1125 Poenitentialböcker. Se Penitentialböcker 1125 Poenologi, jur. Se Kriminalpolitik 1125 Poephagus, zool. Se Grymtoxen 1125 Poepp. 1125 Poeppig, Eduard Friedrich 1125 Poerio. 1. Alessandro P. 1125-1126 Poerio. 2. Carlo P. 1126 Poesi 1126 Poesia bernesca, it. Se Berni F. 1126 Poésies fugitives 1126 Poestion, Joseph Calasanz 1126 Poet 1126-1127 Poëta laureatus 1127 Poeta nascitur, non fit 1127 Poetast 1127-1130 Poetik 1130 Poetisk. Se Poet. Poetisk frihet. Se Licentia poeticus 1130 Poetisk kalender 1130 Poga, bot. Se Rhizophoraceæ 1130 Pogge, Paul 1130-1131 Poggendorff, Johann Christian 1131 Poggendorffs element, fys. Se Galvaniskt element, sp. 665 1131 Poggio-Bracciolini, Gian-Francesco (lat. Poggius) 1131 Poggius, Franciscus. Se Poggio-Bracciolini 1131-1132 Pogodin, Michail Petrovitj 1132 Pogonomyrmex, zool. Se Myrmicinæ, sp. 100 1132 Pogonostoma, zool. Se Sandjägare 1132 Pogost 1132 Pogostemon, bot. Se Patschuli 1132 Pogrom 1132 Pogson, Norman Robert 1132 Pogsons formel. Se Pogson, N. R. 1132 Pogsonska talet. Se Pogson, N. R. 1132-1133 Pohja, vanligen Pohjola, finsk myt. 1133 Pohjanmaa 1133 Pohjan pitäja. Se Pojo 1133 Pohjola. Se Pohja 1133 Pohl (Påhl), guldsmedssläkt i Stockholm under 16001700-talen. 1133 Pohl. 1. Michel P. d. ä. 1133 Pohl. 2. Michel P. d. y. 1133 Pohl. 3. Baltzar P. 1133 Pohl. 4. Jakob P. 1133 Pohl, Johann Emanuel 1133 Pohl. 1. Karl Ferdinand P. 1133-1134 Pohl. 2. Richard P. 1134 Pohl, Max 1134 Pohle, Friedrich Leon 1134-1135 Pohto, Matts 1135 Poi, mus. 1135 Poi (Pei). Se Kina, sp. 32 1135 Poignant, Per Gustaf Emil 1135 Poik, flod. Se Adelsberg-grottan 1135 Poikile (Poikile stoa). Se Stoa 1135 Poikiloterma, Kallblodiga djur, zool. 1135 Poil de chèvre 1135 Poilly, François de 1135 Poincaré, en högt ansedd lothringsk släkt 1135-1137 Poincaré. 1. Jules Henri P. 1137-1139 Poincaré. 2. Raymond Nicolas Landry P. 1139 Poinciana, bot. 1139 Poinsettia, bot. Se Euphorbia 1139 Poinsot, Louis 1139 Point 1139 Point de Galle. Se Galle, sp. 615 1139 Point Dungeness. Se Dungeness 1139 Pointe 1139-1140 Pointe-à-Pitre 1140 Pointe de Penmarch. Se Penmarch 1140 Pointe des Galets 1140 Pointe des Lacerandes. Se Dronaz 1140 Pointelin, Auguste Emmanuel 1140 Pointer, eng. Se Hunden, sp. 1312 och pl. I, fig 2 1140 Pointe Sèche. Se Dry point, sp. 922 1140 Pointillé 1140 Pointillism 1140 Point Loma 1140 Points d'Alençon. Se Alençon och Spetsar 1140 Points de Malines. Se Mecheln och Spetsar 1140 Poir. 1140-1141 Poiré, Emmanuel (Caran d'Ache) 1141 Poiret, Jean Louis Marie 1141 Poischwitz 1141-1142 Poisson, Siméon Denis 1142 Poissy 1142 Poit. 1142 Poiteau, Antoine 1142 Poitevin 1142 Poitevin, Alphonse Louis 1142-1144 Poitiers 1144 Poitiers, Diana af. Se Diana af Poitiers 1144 Poitou 1144 Poitou-kolik. Se Blyförgiftning 1144 Poix, furste och hertig af. Se Noailles 1144 Pojama, skpsb. Se Turuma 1144-1145 Po-jang-hu 1145 Pojo 1145 Pojoviken. Se Pojo 1145 Pokal 1145 Poker 1145 Pokoi 1145 Pokrov 1145 Pokrovskaja l. Pokrovka 1146 Pokulera 1146 Pokunt, relig. hist. Se Manito 1146 Pol 1146-1147 Pol, Wincenty 1147 Pola 1147-1148 Pola, stad och fästning i österrikiska markgrefskapet Istrien 1148 Polabiska 1148 Polacca, mus. Se Polonäs 1148 Polack, sjöv. 1148 Polacker. Se Polen 1148 Polacksbacken 1148 Polacktackling, sjöv. Se Polack 1148 Polana, astron. 1149 Polana. Se Karpaterna, sp. 1146 1149 Poland-kina rasen 1149 Polands, husdjurssk. 1149 Polangen 1149 Polar-, Polarisk, Polär 1149 Polar, mat. 1149-1151 Polardag och Polarnatt 1151 Polardimma 1151 Polardistans l. Poldistans, astron. 1151 Polarexpiditioner 1152-1170 Polarexpiditioner. 1. Nordpolsexpiditioner 1170-1176 Polarexpiditioner. 2. Sydpolsexpiditioner 1176 Polarhaf. Se Norra ishafvet och Södra ishafvet 1176 Polarhöst. Se Polardag 1176 Polarimeter, fys. 1176 Polaris. Se Pelorus och Polstjärnan 1176-1181 Polarisation, fys. 1181 Polarisationsapparater. Se Polarisationsinstrument 1181 Polarisationsfotometer 1181 Polarisationshelioskop l. Helioskop. Se Astronomiska instrument, sp. 299 1181-1185 Polarisationsintrument 1185 Polarisationsmikroskop, fys. Se Mikroskop, sp. 483 1185 Polarisationsplan, fys. Se Polarisation 1185 Polarisationsvinkel, fys. Se Polarisation 1185 Polarisator, fys. 1185 Polariskop, fys. 1185 Polarissima, astron. 1185 Polaristrobometer, fys. Se Polarisationsinstrument, sp. 1183 1185-1186 Polaritet 1186-1191 Polarländer 1191 Polarnatt. Se Polardag 1191 Polarräfven, zool. Se Räfsläktet 1191 Polarsken, meteor. Se Norrsken 1191 Polarsommar. Se Polardag 1191 Polarstationer. Se Meteorologiska starioner, sp. 282 1191 Polarström, meteor. 1191 Polarur 1191 Polarvide, bot. Se Salix 1191 Polarvinter. Se Polardag 1191 Polarvår. Se Polardag 1191 Polceller, zool. 1191 Polcirkel 1191-1192 Polder l. Kooge 1192 Poldistans. Se Polardistans 1192 Pole 1192-1193 Pole, Reginald 1193 Pole, de la 1193 Polemark 1193 Polemik 1193 Polemon 1193-1194 Polemoniaceæ, Polemoniacéer, bot. 1194 Polemoniacéer, bot. Se Polemoniaceæ 1194 Polemonium, bot. Se Polemoniaceæ 1194 Polemoskop, fys. och krigsv. Se Periskop 1 1194-1220 Polen
4Reference || April 1 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation inthe Beer Hall Putsch. However 1866 - Ferruccio Busoni, pianist and composer
Extractions: Front Page Encyclopedias Dictionaries Almanacs ... Quotes April 1 April 1 is the 91st day of the year (92nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar, with 274 days remaining. - Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. - In New York City, the United States House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first House Speaker. Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine. American Civil War Battle of Five Forks - In Petersburg, Virginia , Confederate General Robert E. Lee begins his final offensive. Singapore becomes British crown colony. - The British steamer SS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia killing 547. - The Royal Flying Corps is replaced by the Royal Air Force Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the " Beer Hall Putsch ." However he was only in jail for nine months. - The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany , ushering in the series of anti-Semitic acts that will be known as the Holocaust Bonnie and Clyde kill two young highway patrolmen near Grapevine, Texas - April 1 - Calendar Encyclopedia 1924 adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his 1866 - FerruccioBusoni, pianist and composer (d. 1924); 1873 - Sergei Rachmaninoff, composer
Extractions: 4 Holidays and observances Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne. - In New York City , the United States House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first House Speaker. Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine American Civil War Battle of Five Forks - In Petersburg, Virginia , Confederate General Robert E. Lee begins his final offensive. Singapore becomes British crown colony - The Wrigley Company is founded in Chicago, Illinois - The British steamer SS Atlantic sinks off Nova Scotia killing 547. - The Royal Flying Corps is replaced by the Royal Air Force Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail for his participation in the " Beer Hall Putsch ." However he was only in jail for nine months. - The recently elected Nazis under Julius Streicher organize a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany , ushering in the series of anti-Semitic acts that will be known as the Holocaust Bonnie and Clyde kill two young highway patrolmen near Grapevine, Texas