Neumann USA Application Notes Archived Display. In addition to a busy performing schedule, concert pianist andreas KLEINenjoys recording classical music and producing CDs for colleagues.
Landestheater Detmold Translate this page die Väter (Bruno Gebauer und Michael klein) ein, indem Patrick Francis Chestnut alsPianist, Nathalie Amstutz Klinzmann als Bassist und andreas Bohnenkamp am
Aqua Computer Support Forum - Pianist Ohne Instrument Translate this page Re pianist Oder wie wäres es mit einem Klavinova. Mein Bruder hat eins in seinerWohnung - klein und man kann die Lautstärke regeln! Rage128. gespeichert.;action=display;
Extractions: Babcock, David * 27.3.1956 Buffalo/USA. Komponist. Babenberger Familie des bayerischen Hochadels, die im Hochmittelalter mehrere Herrschaftsfunktionen innehatte. Babinsky, Ludwig * 29.6.1909 Wien. Komponist, Pianist, Unterhaltungsmusiker und Arrangeur. Bach, David Joseph Bach, Familie Bach, Familie Bach, Familie ... Bachler mit Evelin, Die Volkstümliche Musikgruppe aus Oberösterreich. Bachmann, Karin * 6.7.1960 Leins im Pitztal/T. Volkstümliche Sängerin. Bachmann, Luise George Bachrich, Familie Bachschmidt (Bachschmid), Familie Thurnermeister Bachträgl, Erich * 17.11.1944 Frohnleiten/St. Jazzmusiker (Schlagzeug) und Komponist. Baden bei Wien Traditionelle Kurstadt an der sog. Thermenlinie in Niederösterreich. Badia, Familie Bad Ischl Kurort (seit 1823) im Salzkammergut (OÖ). Badura-Skoda, Ehepaar Paul: * 6.10.1927 Wien. Pianist und Musikforscher. Bäer, Ulli * 26.4.1955 Wien. Gitarrist, Popsänger und Komponist. Baer-Frisell, Christine Bagatelle Bezeichnung für ein kurzes Vokal- oder Instrumentalstück nicht zu ernsten Charakters, vergleichbar dem Moment Bagge, Selmar
News & Information - Ohio Northern University The Ohio Northern University Artist Series will present internationally famous pianistAndreas klein in solo recital on Sunday, February 15 at 8 pm in Presser
Extractions: Back to Archives Internationally known pianist to perform at ONU The Ohio Northern University Artist Series will present internationally famous pianist Andreas Klein in solo recital on Sunday, February 15 at 8 p.m. in Presser Hall. Klein will also present a master class in Presser Hall on Saturday, February 14 at 10 a.m. Both events are free an open to the public. Klein has established himself as a luminous and captivating pianist and is known for his expressive and poetic performances. His artistic triumphs received acclaim from critics and presenters internationally. The New York Times summed it up: " A fascinating artist with al the indispensable qualities: temperament, taste, touch tone, the four T's of pianism. In October and November, he toured as soloist with the world famous Lucerne Festival Strings Chamber Orchestra. Klein performed Mozartxs K V 414 on the stages of foremost venues such as the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, Kennedy Center, DC, Spivey Hall in Atlanta and the Wortham Center in Houston as part of the 10 city US Tour. The concerts received overwhelming praise and received enthusiastically by presenters, audiences and critics alike.
Out N About - Water Park The Masterworks season begins at 730 pm Saturday Oct. 11, with pianistAndreas klein performing Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 5 (emperor).
Extractions: youth theater group at the Valley Fair Mall in Appleton. The plan is to put on teen performances and other artistic endeavors. Hampton said he hopes to present the first play, "The House That Crack Built," in September. The play is about drugs and the impact they have on society. He has been meeting with a core group of 20 young people since January. "We are looking for a cast of 10 and we have six now," said Hampton, who has directed plays for Appleton’s Attic Theater and the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley. He is also casting for a second play, "Harbinger, " to be presented in October. "Harbinger" is the story about a family who learn a valuable civics lesson about the Constitution when they start a campaign over the Internet to change voting patterns.
News klein Oktett , Müller
Extractions: Das Sextett "Groove Conspiracy" (Durchschnittsalter 19 Jahre) und der 18jährige Kontrabassist Jakob Dreyer haben beim 5. niedersächsischen Landeswettbewerb "Jugend Jazzt" in Oldenburg den Vogel abgeschossen: Sie errangen als Bestplatzierte die begehrte Trophäe, den Jazzspatz. Die Mitglieder der Gruppe "Groove Conspiracy" sind Tim Hoheisel aus Northeim (Saxophon), Klaus Heidenreich aus Celle (Posaune), Philipp Brämswig aus Lohne (Gitarre), Andreas Birnbaum aus Hannover (Klavier), Peter Schwebs aus Seelze (Kontrabass) und Hermann Heidenreich aus Celle (Schlagzeug). Sie überzeugten die internationale Jury mit ihren zwei Eigenkompositionen "Jump Of Before Emmersing" (Brämswig/Birnbaum) und "Brazilian Dream" (Hermann Heidenreich). "Groove Conspiracy" wird Niedersachsen bei der 3. Bundesbegegnung "Jugend Jazzt" vom 24. bis 27. Mai 2001 in Erfurt/Thüringen vertreten. Optionsmeldung als mögliche zweite Gruppe für Erfurt ist das Trio "drive" mit dem Pianisten Stefan Schultze (Braunschweig), dem E-Bassisten Ulf Mengersen (Braunschweig) und dem Schlagzeuger Timo Warnecke (Dassel). Ebenfalls zu Ensemble-Preisträgern gekürt wurden das "Georg Binder Quartett" (Göttingen/ Northeim) und das Familien-Unternehmen "Scharnofske Trio" (Springe-Gestorf). Sie erhalten wie die beiden Vorgenannten im kommenden Jahr spezielle Preisträger-Förderseminare, in denen unter Anleitung namhafter Jazzpädagogen die ganz eigene Bandstilistik im Vordergrund steht. Aufgrund "ihrer außergewöhnlichen Musikalität und ihres solistischen Einfallsreichtums" - so die Jury - wurde der Schlagzeugerin des "Scharnofske Trio", Larissa Scharnofske, ein Sonderpreis zugedacht.
The Daily Mining Gazette | Features Archive October 2000 HOUGHTON It will be an afternoon of reunions when internationally acclaimed pianistAndreas klein takes the stage at 3 pm Saturday at MTUs Rozsa Center.
K Classical Performers Index PKipnis-Kushner Duo; Kushnerova, Elena (Moscow, - )Russian pianist, living in
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Soloists, conductors and Ensembles. MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death, nationality and pronunciation. Remember the links are maintained by the source and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Kabaivanska, Raina (15 DEC - )Rus=Sop Kahane, Jeffrey ( - )= Cond Santa Rosa CA Sym Kaler, Ilya (EEL yah KAH ler) Kalish, Gilbert (KAY lish) Kalnins, Alfreds (AHL freds KAHL neensh) Kamio, Mayuko
Extractions: Neue Musiktechnologie Ltg.: Prof. Dr. Bernd Enders Stellvertr. Ltg.: PD Dr. Niels Knolle Musik / Musikwissenschaft Marc Ainger, Ph.D. V: Sound Design Paradigms in the Digital Age abstract: The introduction of analog electronic technology to music in the middle of the Twentieth Century transformed the art of orchestration from an art of specification to an art of physical creation. Now, at the end of the Twentieth Century, with the use of increasingly powerful digital technologies inmusic composition, our conception of orchestration has changed entirely. In fact, the term "sound design" is often used inplace of the term "orchestration", and orchestration may be viewed as a subset of sound design. The exact definition of the term "sound design" is evasive, however, as it is used to encompass many different (although not necessarily contradictory) notions. This lecture will examine some current sound design paradigms and their manifestations in recent computer music (including both studio composition amd live/interaction composition). in an effort to arrive at a generalized understanding of the term