Composers ~ L 1777); LEES, Benjamine (8 JAN )Am; leeuw, reinbert de (1938 leeuw, Ton de (1926-1996);LeFANU, N (28 APR authored by the Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist.
POPplanet Contemporary Music Festival In Sydney Australian In the opening program, the British pianist Joanna MacGregor performs Ligeti interpreterof Messiaen¿s work in the world, reinbert de leeuw also champions
Extractions: Abel (the son of Adam and dear brother of Cain) â ACM (Association for Contempoeary Music) â Adam (the first man) â Adlam, Adrian (violin, conductor) â J Adorno, Theodor (critic) â Akhmatova, Anna (poet) â Alexandrov, Boris (composer) Alikhanov, Tigran (piano) â Alikhanova, Evgenia (violin) â Angus, David (conductor) â Arapov, Boris (composer) â Arden, Annabel (conductor) â J Arden, Jeremy (composer, conductor) â J Argerich, Marta (pianist) â Aris, Valerie (balletmeister) â Armengaud, Jean-Pierre (piano) â Arrangements â EF Artyomov, Vyacheslav (composer) â Ashbury, Stefan (conductor) â Atarov, Alexander (composer) â Austen, Jane (writer) â Baal Shem Tov (prophet) â Bach, J.S.â Bakhchiev, Alexander (piano) â Balasanian, Sergei (composer) â Ball, Andrew (piano) â Ballet scores â DS Barash (also Kotliarskaya, Pavlenko), Elena (musicologist) â Baroque Ensemble â Barsova, Inna (musicologist) â J Bartlett, Rosmund (musicologist) â Bart³k, Bela (composer) â Bash´, Matsuo (poet) â
Boosey And Hawkes: The Home Of Contemporary Music Returns to the Netherlands and works as composer and pianist in Amsterdam, Collaborativemusicopolitical projects with reinbert de leeuw, Misha Mengelberg
Recordings Of Op. 147 Translate this page 147. Violist, pianist, Rec. HASEGAWA, Yayoi, NODAIRA, Ichiro, 1998, Ongaku no TomoSha, OCD 0068, Live(9 Sept.), HILLYER, Raphael, de leeuw, reinbert, 1989, Koch, 3-1161-2,
Gastoptreden reinbert de leeuw propageert de Als pianist is hij een groot vertolker van de werkenvan Erik Satie en de diverse cdís die hij heeft uitgebracht zijn over
Extractions: door Clary Verbunt MELBOURNE - De bekende Nederlandse dirigent Reinbert de Leeuw heeft onlangs enkele gastoptredens verzorgd als dirigent van het Sydney Symphony Orchestra en het Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. De uitvoeringen van beide orkesten stond vooral in het teken van de hedendaagse muziek, gelardeerd met enkele Nederlandse werken van Peter van Anrooy en Louis Andriessen, waarbij onder andere ëDe Staatí, voor het het eerst in 1970 uitgevoerd, ten gehore werd gebracht. ëDe Staatí is een politiek gemotiveerde compositie die een contributie was aan de discussie over de rol van de muziek in de politiek. Vooral de jaren zestig waren onrustig, ook op dit gebied. Jonge componisten waren ontevreden met de mogelijkheden die zij in Nederland niet kregen. Het herinnert ook aan het ëNotenkraker oproerí in 1969 waarbij het zogenaamde ëReconstructie Collectiefí samen met sympatisanten een actie met knijpkikkertjes begon. De ëoproerkraaiersí werden met veel tam tam het concertgebouw uitgezet. De Staat Naar aanleiding hiervan zwoer Andriessen in 1970 nooit meer te zullen componeren voor een symfonie orkest. ëDe Staatí is volgens De Leeuw een moeilijk stuk om uit te voeren met haar steeds veranderende ritmes. Het concert was het laatste van de Metropolis Serie 98, wat niet alleen de liefhebber van klassieke muziek bekoorde, maar wat met name ook gericht was op de jongere muziekliefhebber. De publieke opinie was erg goed en De Leeuw kan dan ook terug kijken op een succesvolle periode.
Dutch Divas - Helena Rasker, Contralto of Shostakovich with the Schönberg Ensemble, conducted by reinbert de leeuw in the Frenchsongs with soprano Johannette Zomer and pianist Reinild Mees in a
Extractions: Helena Rasker, contralto Helena Rasker finished her studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague, the Netherlands, with distinction. She continued her studies in the Tanglewood Music Center in the United States. Following her studies she is being coached by Diane Forlano in London. The repertoire of Helena Rasker is very much varied. In various Dutch radio and television programs Helena Rasker already could be heard. She also participated in a few CD productions, among which a live CD-recording of Prometheo of Luigi Nono conducted by Ingo Metzmacher at the Salzburger Festspiele. Discography: Strauss Portugalsom SP4383 (rec 1997, edit.2002)
TM - Vakblad Voor De Podiumkunsten Een pianist houdt halverwege een lied op om liefdesbrieven te gaan schrijven. Onmogelijkeliefde reinbert de leeuw en Barbara Sukowa schoppen op hun manier
Biografie Dufallo, Peter Eötvös, Jacques Mercier, reinbert de leeuw Helmut Lachenmann, Tonde leeuw, Theo Loevendie contrabasklarinetten) op en met pianist Polo de Haas
Extractions: index biography curriculum discografie ... contact photo: Oskar Henn Harry Sparnaay studeerde aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam bij Ru Otto. Harry Sparnaay werkte lange tijd als docent basklarinet en eigentijdse muziek aan de conservatoria van Amsterdam en Utrecht en was musician-in-residence aan verscheidene universiteiten. Studenten uit de hele wereld van wie velen prijzen wonnen op belangrijke concoursen, kwamen naar Amsterdam om bij hem les te nemen. Harry Sparnaay speelt op een mede door hem ontwikkelde basklarinet van Buffet Crampon. 1972 Eerste prijs Internationaal Gaudeamus Concours voor vertolkers 1987 Bulgarian Composers Union Award 1988 Inaugural Sounds Australian Award 1995 Edison Award (muziek van Ton de Leeuw) 1996 Jan van Gilse prijs (namens het Genootschap van Nederlandse Componisten). Recensies: At certain moments in the history of an instrument, a single player comes along and opens a whole can of worms. Such is the case with Harry Sparnaay , the Dutch virtuoso whose astounding facility on the bass clarinet has inspired such heavyweights as Iannis Xenakis, Isang Yun, Morton Feldman and Brian Ferneyhough (along with some 400 other composers)
Biography Chailly, Richard Dufallo, Peter Eötvös, reinbert de leeuw Helmut Lachenmann, Tonde leeuw, Theo Loevendie 3 contrabass clarinets) and with pianist Polo de Haas
Extractions: index biografie curriculum discografie ... contact photo: Oskar Henn Harry Sparnaay studied at the Conservatoire of Amsterdam with Ru Otto. For many years Harry Sparnaay was professor of bass clarinet and contemporary music at the Conservatoires of Amsterdam and Utrecht where his unique bass clarinet programme attracted students from all over the world, many of them prize winners during major competitions. He has also been musician-in-residence and has given masterclasses at several universities. He has recorded more than sixty cd's as a soloist, with Het Trio and in other combinations. The Trio 's recording of works by Dutch composer Ton de Leeuw received an Edison Award in 1995. His television productions have been broadcast in the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and former Yugoslavia. Several times he was a jury member at the International Gaudeamus Performers Competition and he also served as a member of the Dutch section of the ISCM, the International Society for Contemporary Music. Harry Sparnaay plays the new model Prestige bass clarinet by Buffet Crampon. 1972 First prize International Gaudeamus Performers Competition 1987 Bulgariona Composers Union award 1988 Inaugural Sounds Australian Award 1995 Edison Award (music by Ton de Leeuw) 1996 Jan van Gilse Award (given by the Dutch Association of Composers) Reviews: At certain moments in the history of an instrument, a single player comes along and opens a whole can of worms.
L Composers Index leeuw, reinbert de (1938); leeuw, Ton de (1926 Net provides a biography and a listof compositions authored by the Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist.
Extractions: aMUSIClassical directory A B C D ... Z La BARRE, Joseph Chabanceau de (1633-1676) Labarre, Theodore LABITSKY, Joseph (1802-1881)Carlsbad (Bohemian) LABSKY, Jaroslav (1875-1949) Lacerda, Osvaldo Lacerna, Estacio Lachenmann, Helmut LACHERT, Piotr de Peslin (1938-) LACHNER, Franz Lachner, Ignaz Lachner, Vincenz LADMIRAULT, Paul Emile (1877-1944) LaFANU, Nicola ( - ) Lafertin, Fapy Lagoya, Alexandre LAGUERRE, Elisabeth Jacquet (1659-1729) Lahusen, Christian Lai, Francis
Definition LE Mötley Crüe; leeuw, reinbert de, (born 1938), Dutch pianist andconductor; leeuwangh, Jakko Jan, speed skater; leeuwenhoek, Antoni
Extractions: Date "LE" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1374. ( references Specialty Definition: List of people by name: Le (From Wikipedia , the free Encyclopedia) List of people by name: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z La - Lb - Lc - Ld - Le - Lf - Lg - Lh - Li - Lj - Lk - Ll - Lm - Ln - Lo - Lp - Lq - Lr - Ls - Lt - Lu - Lv - Lw - Lx - Ly - Lz Leacock, Stephen, (1869-1944), Canadian writer, economist Leadbelly, (1885-1949), American blues musician Leaf, Munro, The Story of Ferdinand Leahy, Patrick, US politician Leahy, William D, US Leakey, Louis, (1903-1972), British paleontologist Leakey, Mary, (1913-1996), British paleontologist Leakey, Rea Leakey, Richard, (born 1944), British paleontologist Lean, David, (died 1991), film director Leander, Zarah, (1907-1981), actress and singer Leandros, Vicky, (born 1952), singer
Article - News & Events - University Of Sydney part of a music festival held in collaboration with the Sydney Symphony under theartistic direction of conductor and pianist reinbert de leeuw, visiting from
Extractions: Conservatorium's European connections The Sydney Conservatorium of Music's well established links with the European music community continue to thrive through inter-institutional agreements for academic and student exchange, as well as a vibrant visiting artists program which brings world-acclaimed musicians to work with Conservatorium students in masterclasses and ensemble performances.
SEPTEMBER 8 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1938 Birth of Dutch composer reinbert de leeuw in Amsterdam. 1948 Birth of Hungariansoprano Vera KINCSZES. 1951 Birth of Hungarian pianist deszo RANKI.
De Andere Wereld Van Zondagavond Vanavond de Grote Vraag van pianistdirigent reinbert de leeuw Waarom ben ikmijn hele leven met muziek bezig? de leeuw spreekt over muziek alsof het
Messiaen News 14 May 7.30pm pianist Mark Gasser will perform Vingt Regards Canyons aux EtoilesAsko Ensemble and Schoenberg Ensemble/reinbert de leeuw, conductor, Peter
Extractions: The first award honored Messiaen himself, and was presented to the composer's widow, pianist Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen, at a ceremony at the university in western New York State on 17 October 2003. The 7th Festival 'Messiaen Au Pays de la Meije' will take place from 23th July to 1st August 2004 with the theme; 'Messiaen and the Americas' The international Olivier Messiaen contemporary piano competion took place from the 2 to 9 November 2003 at Concours internationaux de la Ville de Paris. Full details can be obtained from The next Olivier Messiaen Piano Competition will be held in Paris in 2006. Chinese pianist Chuan Qin is the winner of the 2003 Messiaen Piano Competition
Contemporary Music Festival - This work and an unprogrammed performance by the distinguished artistic director,conductor and pianist, reinbert de leeuw, were the highlights of the
Extractions: Sydney Symphony/Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Verbrugghen Hall, July 5-6 If angels are invoked by the Canadian composer Claude Vivier in his work, Lonely Child , they exist despite, and perhaps because of, his life spent seeking rough trade in the gay bars of Paris. The performance of Lonely Child by the Melbourne soprano Merlyn Quaife on the first weekend of the first Sydney Symphony Orchestra/Sydney Cons-ervatorium Contemporary Music Festival carried the ghost of Vivier's alter ego. Quaife achieved a sympathy for the invented language with which Vivier evoked the grief of an abandoned child - a sympathy shared by the orchestra in its sensitive interpretation, with its tolling Balinese temple bell. It was appropriate to the grief that Vivier, an adopted infant, never relinquished and perhaps held in anticipation of his own brutal death at the hands of a male prostitute, in his Paris apartment 20 years ago. This work and an un-programmed performance by the distinguished artistic director, conductor and pianist, Reinbert de Leeuw, were the highlights of the festival's opening night. De Leeuw played Piano Sonata No. 5, by Galina Ustvolskaya. De Leeuw's striking figure - elegantly thin, with a tousled shock of white hair - was mesmeric as he delicately explored the clash of a ruthless march of violent cluster chords with a melody that expressed an exquisite tension between pain and memory.
Dworkin Eliason Partners / Green Room / Susan Narucki by Claude Vivier, directed by Pierre Audi and conducted by reinbert de leeuw. discsinclude vocal music of Beth Wiemann with pianist Christopher Oldfather
Extractions: N ominated in the Best Vocal Performance category for the 2002 Grammy Award, soprano Susan Narucki has captivated audiences across the globe in performances of orchestral, chamber, and operatic works ranging widely from Bach and Mozart to Andriessen and Crumb. Each performance and recording attests to an exceptional virtuosity, vocal beauty, and expressivity that make her one of the most sought-after exponents of both old and new works. Her performance of Jacob Druckman's "Salome" with David Zinman conducting the Aspen Festival Orchestra was included in a two-CD set commemorating the Festival's 50th Anniversary. Forthcoming discs include vocal music of Beth Wiemann with pianist Christopher Oldfather (Albany) and James Primosch's "Holy the Firm" and "Four Sacred Songs" with New Music Consort with conductor Christopher Kendall (Bridge). Recent appearances include performances with the London Sinfonietta, Residentie Orchestra of The Hague, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Ensemble Sospeso, Music From Copland House, Collage (Boston), Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, and at the Monadnock Music Festival, the East Coast premiere of Elliott Carter's orchestral song cycle "Of Rewaking."
The Juilliard School - Press Born in Amsterdam, conductor, composer, and pianist reinbert de leeuw has beenconductor and music director of the Schoenberg Ensemble since 1974.
The Juilliard School - Press composer John Adams leading the Juilliard Orchestra and pianist and Juilliard Theaterled by conductors such as James dePreist, reinbert de leeuw, Jajha Ling
Extractions: The Brooklyn Youth Chorus on Wednesday April 9 at 8 PM in Carnegie Hall. Composer John Adams Leads the Juilliard Orchestra as Part of Lincoln Centers "Great Performers" Series: An American Master - The Music Of John Adams on Sunday March 30 at 5 PM in Alice Tully Hall Other Orchestral Performances: Avery Fisher Hall performances Take Place: