Composer Biographies clementi, muzio. As a pianist, early in his career he accompanied showbusiness singers,was a pianist in Detroit area night clubs and country clubs, and for a
Extractions: Bach, Johann Sebastian Clementi, Muzio Cunningham, Michael G. Elgar, Edward ... Segall, Allan J. BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Works published by Skyline: Partita in G minor transcibed for harpsichord Partita in D minor transcribed for harpsichord CLEMENTI, MUZIO Works published by Skyline: Sonata in g minor , Opus 8, No. 1, arranged for flute, oboe clarinet and bassoon Sonata in G major, WO 14, arranged for flute, oboe clarinet and bassoon MICHAEL G. CUNNINGHAM Michael G. Cunningham. Professor of Theory and Composition. was born in what is now Warren. Michigan in 1937. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree (1959) from Wayne State University in Detroit, a Master of Music (1961) from the University of Michigan, and a Doctor of Music (1973) from Indiana University. Between 1967 and 1973 he taught theory and composition at universities in Michigan, California, Kansas and Indiana. Since 1973 he has been in residence at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. As a pianist, early in his career he accompanied show-business singers, was a pianist in Detroit area night clubs and country clubs, and for a while worked on a cruise ship. During the 1960s he had six years of extensive experience as the accompanist and composer for a Modern Dance company. He continues to make guest appearances in and about the Eau Claire area as a solo performer of both serious and popular piano literature. As an Educator he continues to teach ten theory and composition related subjects having developed text-workbooks in five of those areas. One.
Clementi Muzio Translate this page clementi muzio. italienischer Komponist und pianist. Geboren 23.01.1752in Rom Gestorben 10.03.1832 in Evesham (Worcstershire). lebte
Extractions: Gestorben: 10.03.1832 in Evesham (Worcstershire) lebte als berühmter Piansist den grössten Teil seines Lebens in England; komponierte 106 Klaviersonaten, das bis in die Gegenwart verbreitete Etüdenwerk "Gradus ad Parnassum" (1817) und 4 Symphonien. CD: Muzio Clementi, Sonaten in f-Moll op. 13, Nr. 6; g-Moll op.34 Nr. 2; F-Dur op. 33, Nr. 2; Präludien "alla Hayden" und "alla Mozart"; Capriccio op. 17; Fantasie über "Au claire de la lune". Andreas Staier, Hammerflügel Teldec/Warner Aktualisiert durch sieber-online am:
Pianist Frieda Valenzi, The Remington Story And Don Gabor As a pianist she always had a strong affinity for the works of the 1; Boris BlacherVariations on a Theme of muzio clementi; Arthur Bornschein Arabesques for
«Ciarlattano» Oder «Father Of The Pianoforte»? - Muzio Translate this page krankt das Nachleben von muzio clementi - einem Komponisten clementi, der zusammenmit Haydn federführend für öffentlichen Auftritt als pianist, wie Johann
Finished Symphonies - 96.05 had a more fortunate lifespan than muzio clementi. of manuscript from two large clementicollections, one in In 1969 the musicologist and pianist Pietro Spada
Extractions: N O composer had a more fortunate life-span than Muzio Clementi. He was born in Rome in 1752, two years after Bach's death, while Handel was still an active figure on the musical scene of London, where Clementi would spend much of his life; he died in 1832, a year before the birth of Brahms , just as Berlioz, Chopin Schumann , and Mendelssohn were getting their careers under way. In 1781 Clementi engaged in a piano competition with Mozart in Vienna, for the benefit of Emperor Joseph II; during the 1790s he shared the stage of London's Hanover Square Concert Rooms with the visiting Haydn ; in 1807, once again in Vienna, he carried on elaborate negotiations with Beethoven that resulted in his becoming the composer's principal English publisher; and on June 21, 1824, he attended the London debut of Franz Liszt . During most of his life he was more famous than Mozart, his reputation exceeded only by those of Haydn and Beethoven both of whom he not only was influenced by but also influenced. In addition, Clementi was one of the premier keyboard virtuosos and teachers of his day, and he ran a highly successful publishing firm that also manufactured pianos. At his death he was buried with high ceremony in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. Yet today Clementi's name is scarcely known. His monumental
Index Of People of snakes into Ireland; clementi, muzio Celebrated pianist Deathday;Cleveland, John - Poet Biography; Clifford, Anne - Countess
Extractions: Home About: The Book of Days Its Author This Site Our Staff ... Calendar of Days Indexes Search Site Links Contact Us To see an entry containing a given name, click on first letter of the last name. A B C D ... Z Calas, John - Broken on the wheel: Deathday Calhoun, John Caldwell - American statesman: Biography Birthday Callcott, Dr. John Wall - Musician: Deathday Callot, Jacques - Eminent engraver: Deathday Calmly, Dr. Edmund - Nonconformist divine: Birthday Deathday Calvert, Bernard: On his ride of 142 miles in one day Calvert, George - Lord Baltimore: Deathday Calvin, John - Theologian: Biography Cambrensis, Giraldus: Re the custom of wearing signs by Canterbury pilgrims Camden, William - English historical antiquary: Birthday Camerarius, Joachim - German Protestant scholar:
Extractions: Table of Contents / Innehåll Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Clemens Alexandrinus - Clément, Jacques - Clement, Knut Jungbohn - Clément, Ambroise - Clément, Jean Pierre - Clementi, Muzio - Clementi, Prospero, italiensk bildhuggare. Se Spani - Clementin, Niels - Clément's försök
Classical Net Review - Clementi - Symphonies The compositional stature of muzio clementi has never really The prime mover ofthe clementi revival, and Concerto, is the Italian pianist and musicologist
Extractions: Gradus ad Parnassum The prime mover of the Clementi revival, and soloist in this new recording of the Piano Concerto, is the Italian pianist and musicologist Pietro Spada, who over the years has devoted himself to the editing of Clementi's complete works. These three CDs provide ample justification for his efforts. Minuetto Pastorale Martin Anderson Search Reviews Back to the Review Index
Tony Silva, Pianist And Teacher Tony Silva, pianist and Teacher. 1 in b minor Scherzo No.2 in bflat minor Waltzes (complete) muzio clementi Sonata in f minor, Op.
Extractions: Tony Silva, Pianist and Teacher Silva Piano Studio Home Studio Policy About Tony Silva Solo Repertoire Chamber Repertoire Concerto Repertoire Contact Information Solo Repertoire Tony Silva has accumulated an extensive repertoire spanning all major historical periods. A portion of his complete repertoire appears below. Johann Sebastian Bach
CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Biography Of Muzio Clementi The Classical Music Archives contains thousands of classical music files you can listen to at the click of your mouse. Most composers are represented. A search engine is included. clementi, muzio
Musica Viva: Musica Viva: The Encyclopedia Of Music Search results for clementimuzio . clementi, muzio. 1752 - 1832 Italianpianist, composer, music teacher, music publisher and instrument maker.
DW3 Classical Music Resources - Browse Resources Resources muzio clementi, Article in the New Grove Dictionary of Music andMusicians II. muzio clementi A Concise Chronology of His Life and Works,
Sheet Music Plus - Muzio Clementi Gradus Ad Parnassum muzio clementi 12 Sonatinas, Op. 36, 37, 38 Charles-Louis Hanon VirtuosoPianist In 6 - Carl Czerny School Of Velocity, Op. 299 -
Albert Wong: Clementi Piano Sonatas debut CD last year of Bachs WellTempered Clavier Book II, 11-year-old pianistAlbert Wong has chosen to record five of muzio clementi s greatest piano
Extractions: As a follow-up to his highly acclaimed debut CD last year of Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier Book II, 11-year-old pianist Albert Wong has chosen to record five of Muzio Clementi's greatest piano sonatas (the Sonata in B minor Op. 40, No. 2; Sonata D Major Op. 40, No. 3; Sonata C Major Op. 37, No. 1; Sonata B-flat Major Op. 24, No. 2 and Sonata A Major Op. 33, No. 1). The performances by this extremely talented piano prodigy are both elegant and sensitive, revealing the amazing capabilities of this young performer. "The Clementi sonatas challenge the performer to respond to a wide range of dramatic characteristics. Wong does a reasonably good job in meeting this challenge. He brings a sense of dignity to the more solemn moments, and captures much of the humor and playfulness that percolate throughout these scores. If Wong misses the more sophisticated corners of this wit, as well as the last degree of gravity in the darker sections, he may be forgiven. Albert Wong was 11 years old when he made this recording.
Chopin Jako Pianista Ries i Carl Czerny uczniowie Beethovena; Maria Szymanowska, Ignaz Moscheles,Johann Peter Pixis czy zazywajacy wciaz duzej slawy muzio clementi.
Extractions: Fryderyk Chopin nale¿a³ do najwybitniejszych pianistów swojej epoki. Najwiêksi wirtuozi i znawcy chylili czo³a przed Chopinem-pianist±, zdumiewaj±c siê maestri± i niepowtarzalnym urokiem jego gry, podobnie jak oryginalno¶ci± i g³êbi± jego muzyki. "Gra on zupe³nie tak, jak komponuje, to jest w sposób jedyny" - wyrazi³ swój podziw Robert Schumann , rówie¶nik Chopina. Jak naprawdê gra³ autor Etiudy Rewolucyjnej , nigdy siê nie przekonamy. Fonograf, pianola, nie mówi±c o nowszych metodach utrwalania muzyki, pojawi³y siê zbyt pó¼no, by zarejestrowaæ grê takich mistrzów fortepianu, jak Chopin czy Liszt . Pozostaje nam jedynie rekonstrukcja: próba "us³yszenia" gry Chopina w naszej wyobra¼ni, na podstawie licznych ¼róde³ po¶rednich - recenzji, wspomnieñ, ¶wiadectw uczniów. ¯ycie i twórczo¶æ Chopina przypad³y na okres najwiêkszej ekspansji fortepianu w dziejach muzyki. S± to nie tylko lata wielkich karier pianistycznych i powstawania wspania³ych dzie³ fortepianowych. To tak¿e czas ulepszania konstrukcji fortepianu i jego ostatecznego triumfu, a nawet hegemonii po¶ród instrumentów muzycznych ówczesnej Europy. Na prze³omie XVIII i XIX wieku "gor±czka fortepianu" ogarnia miasta i kraje; fortepian wypiera klawesyn, lepiej od niego odpowiadaj±c uczuciom i potrzebom estetycznym spo³eczeñstwa u progu epoki romantyzmu. Staje siê on wówczas niezast±pionym instrumentem domowym, doskonale te¿ sprawdza siê w sali koncertowej. Oko³o roku 1800 - wed³ug polskich ¼róde³ - "w ka¿dym uczciwym domu znajdowa³ siê fortepian choæby dla parady", a w
Beethoven Referenz Site Who's Who Translate this page (1805) (Bild) clementi, muzio (17521832) Musikverleger, Pianistund Komponist. Geboren in Rom. Übersiedelte um 1810 nach England.
Extractions: Die A B C D ... Z A ALBRECHTSBERGER, Johann Georg "Beethoven war immer durchaus eigensinnig und selbstwollend, so dass er manches durch eigene harte Erfahrung lernen musste, was er früher als Gegenstand des Unterrichts nie hat annehmen wollen." Bild AMENDA, Karl (1771-1836) Violinist und naher Freund. Bild ARTARIA, Carlo "...solche gegen Vorausbezahlung von zweihundertzwölf Gulden, rein und schön, auch mit einem zierlichen Titelblatte versehen, binnen sechs Wochen stechen zu lassen." "...der Preis eines vollständigen Exemplares 1 Dukaten ist..." Bild B BEETHOVEN, Johann van Bild BEETHOVEN, Kaspar Anton Karl van "Königin der Nacht." "So erwarte ich im vollen Vertrauen auf sein edles Herz, dass er die mir so oft gezeigte Liebe und Freundschaft auch bei meinem Sohn Karl haben wird." BEETHOVEN, Karl Van Bild BEETHOVEN, Ludewjik Van Bild BEETHOVEN, Nikolaus Johann van Bild Musikverleger, gegründet 1719 von B. C. Breitkopf in Leipzig. Gründete 1798 die "Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung", wo seine Werke regelmässig, wenn auch nicht immer wohlwollend behandelt wurden. Veröffentlichte die Werke Op. 6786. BRENTANO, Antonia
Annuaire great Jazz pianist-Autobiography,Transcriptions and more - Jazz piano legend
Extractions: Sommaire de l'annuaire ... cliquez ici Les nouveaux sites .. .cliquez ici Albeniz Isaac - Page sur Isaac Albeniz ( Piano bleu ) Antoine Hervé - Antoine Hervé - Pianiste jazz Bach Jean-Sébastien - Page sur Jean-Sébastien Bach( Piano bleu ) Bach-Archiv Leipzig - Site "Bach Archiv de Leipzig" en allemand et anglais, également site du musée Bach Beethoven - Page sur Beethoven (Piano bleu) Bojan Z - Site officiel du pianiste Bojan z Brahms Johannes - Page sur Johannes Brahms (Piano bleu) Brahmsmuseum Mürzzuschlag - site en allemand et anglais sur le musée Brahms : Brahms lebt! - In der einzigartigen Ausstellung 'Johannes Brahms auf Sommerfrische'. Tauchen Sie ein in die Faszinierenden Klangwelten der Brahmsschen Komponiersommer. Beim Klang des original Brahms-Flge Centre Chostakovitch - Paris - Association internationale et centre de documentation de musique contemporaine dédiée au compositeur russe Dimitri Chostakovich. Chick Corea - Site officiel du pianiste jazz Chick Corea Chopin Foundation of the United States - Chopin Foundation of the United States, Non profit organization..
Extractions: Le répertoire de piano bleu accueil annuaire Compositeurs réputés - compositeurs Piano bleu - Site pour les amateurs de piano : partitions inédites , informations sur les compositeurs, interprètes, annonces concerts,livres, disques, partitions.Piano bar rempli de fichiers midi,cartes