2. Some Basic Ideas About Quantum Mechanics came first, and described the physics of very massive and very fast objects, thencame quantum Mechanics in the 1920 s to describe the physics of very small http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/semiconductors/theory/people/jenkins/mbody/mbody
Extractions: Modern physics is dominated by the concepts of Quantum Mechanics. This page aims to give a brief introduction to some of these ideas. Until the closing decades of the last century the physical world, as studied by experiment, could be explained according to the principles of classical (or Newtonian) mechanics: the physics of everyday life. By the turn of the century, however, the cracks were beginning to show and the disciplines of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics were developed to account for them. Relativity came first, and described the physics of very massive and very fast objects, then came Quantum Mechanics in the 1920's to describe the physics of very small objects. Neither of these theories provide an easy intuitive picture of the world, since they contradict the predictions of familiar Newtonian Mechanics in the regimes for which they were developed. Nevertheless, both schemes reproduce the Newtonian results when applied to the everyday world. In seeking to understand the physics of semiconductors at an atomic level we must start from a Quantum Mechanical viewpoint, since the entities with which we will be dealing (electrons, atoms, etc) are so very small....
Extractions: by Philip Walther, Jian-Wei Pan, Markus Aspelmeyer, Rupert Ursin, Sara Gasparoni, Anton Zeilinger We demonstrate the generation of four-photon entangled states and their subsequent utilization in pure four-particle interferometry. The observed interference fringes confirm the theoretical expectation that the de-Broglie wavelength of a four-photon state is one fourth of a single photon. This overcomes state-of-the-art two-particle interferometry and opens new possibilities in quantum metrology and in quantum imaging applications. The press-info (in german) as a pdf-file: Pressenotiz
Extractions: John Blanton Abstract: An exploration of the meaning of "reality" as it pertains to certain aspects of quantum physics is developed Implications of this concept of reality are explored through the writings of several authors on the subject. Particular attention is given to notable physical experiments that seem to confirm this strange concept of reality. 1. Introduction Although this paper deals with a subject solidly in the physical sciences. some preliminary discussion must be made of philosophy. Hopefully this discussion of philosophy will provide the proper background for understanding the dilemma posed by the problem being discussed. The human race, developing in the reasonably constant environment on this planet, acquired a brain with thought processes that were highly accommodated to the flood of information from the senses. Within the human thought processes this flood of information, in the form of photons into the eyes. sound vibrations into the ears, tactile sensations from the skin, came to represent the reality of the physical world. Along with this concept of reality. humans acquired. as part of their increasingly complex and useful thought processes some other concepts that helped them adapt and to prosper. One of the important concepts that the brain acquired was that of causality. Things happened for a reason. For example. I he house was at the edge of the village because your uncle had it there before going off to war/ The river was flooded because heavy rains increased the amount of water flowing down the channel. The boat floated because the water it displaced weighed more than the boat. This concept of causality was even extended to circumstances for which no direct cause was readily apparent. Perhaps a large rock well had been there for as long as anyone could remember, but people still believed that there was a time when it wasn't there and that something had caused it to be there. Some things could not be explained early on, but reasonable explanations were found later, leading to the conviction that, ultimate explanations would be found for all physical phenomena. The notion of causality was a useful one that would carry the human race well in the study of science right up to the point that people started to study the physical that existed beyond their basic senses.
Quantum Maniacs The society of physics students. Contains a listing of upcoming events, meetings, an officer listing, a lecture series, and links to resources. http://www.sou.edu/su/quantum/
Extractions: Welcome to the Southern Oregon University Chapter CLUB NEWS WINTER 2002 THU 3/14 It's time to pick a meeting time for spring quarter. Stop by the Physics/Engineering Study Room (SC 114) and put your initials in the calender on the dry-erase board where you are free. Also, don't forget that we will not be selling coffee during finals week. THU 3/14 Everyone is invited to attend the QM Lecture Series every wednesday at 3:30 after the QM meetings. Every week a science student will be giving a 15 to 30 minute presentation on a subject of their choice. The atmosphere is very informal and fun. Pending ICC funding, we will be offering a $10 appearance fee to any student that wants to give a talk. Check the QM Lecture page for the upcoming schedule of speakers. THU 3/14 The Quantum Maniacs web site is finally online! We hope that this can be a useful resource for all students that are interested in physics and engineering at SOU and beyond. Please e-mail the
The Collected Works Of Bert Schreiber (1924 -) Includes new theory of physics based on the theory of limits; the limits to physical measurement. quantum Quanta Theory The Theory of The Universe. Destroys all prior physics theories. http://web2.airmail.net/nptbs
Extractions: OF BERT SCHREIBER (1924 -) This website contains eight divisions. The main point herein is my NEW physics theory that destroys all previous physics theories and replaces them with one simple theory. In addition there were other (new) mathematical discoveries as side results from this theory. I, for all theoretical purposes, demolished the current immaculate mathematical theory and its current applications, especially in physics, in more ways than one. There are also what I call FUN PAPERS which are satires of the current scientific establishment. The first one is actually the first chapter in my book disguised in non-scientific lingo. The SIDE PAPERS contain a few short versions of some of the major discoveries that I made. The full proofs are in my book. Other papers of importance, especially the one on "the scientific method"[1.] and the paper [2.] following. Next is my "reward" called EASY MONEY II which has a very few of my discoveries (pro and con) that no one has been able to collect on. Maybe you can be the first one to collect the $2,000.00 per item as listed. Next are a few selected ARTICLES that were from the results of all of my works and experiences in life.
Karl Popper, 1902--1994 Philosopher of science, author of quantum Theory and the Schism in physics http://www.santafe.edu/~shalizi/notebooks/popper.html
Extractions: Notebooks 14 Apr 2003 14:00 Austrian-English philosopher, dead, alas, just as I began these notebooks. methodologists as William Whewell and Claude Bernard (as Popper was among the first to admit), it was one of only three which, in this century, actual scientists have bothered to pay attention to, and easily the best of them, both in its intellectual quality and its effects. (The other two were the system of Kuhn, who set out to turn Popper upside down; and Machian positivism and its descendants, including the Vienna Circle of logical positivists psychoanalysis The Open Society and Its Enemies. Who should rule? but How can we correct mistakes of policy without violence? ; not How can we make people good or happy? but How can we minimize avoidable suffering? ; not What is the best state? but What can we do now to make things better? The virtues of democracy is that, of all known systems, it is the one where policy can be reformed most peacefully and most rationally, and the one which is least likely to inflict or condone needless or unequal suffering. As for the virtues of piece-meal social engineering and reform over the construction of Utopias and revolutions social democracy ; I would be happy to call myself a Left Popperian, if I thought anyone would get it.
Welcome To The Center For Quantum Devices Scientific research involving developing an understanding of the physics of new semiconductor crystals for applications. http://cqd.ece.nwu.edu/
Physics And Consciousness Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy_of_Science/physics/Folklore_and_Legends http://www.lecticom.com/physcon/index.html
Personal And Historical Perspectives Of Hans Bethe mathematics while focusing on the personal and historical perspectives of one ofthe principal architects of quantum theory whose career in physics spans 75 http://bethe.cornell.edu/
Extractions: Three Lectures by Hans Bethe IN 1999, legendary theoretical physicist Hans Bethe delivered three lectures on quantum theory to his neighbors at the Kendal of Ithaca retirement community (near Cornell University). Given by Professor Bethe at age 93, the lectures are presented here as QuickTime videos synchronized with slides of his talking points and archival material. Intended for an audience of Professor Bethe's neighbors at Kendal, the lectures hold appeal for experts and non-experts alike. The presentation makes use of limited mathematics while focusing on the personal and historical perspectives of one of the principal architects of quantum theory whose career in physics spans 75 years.
Rice Quantum Institute RQI performs research in molecular physics. Programs include clusters and nanostructures, surface and materials science, physics of ultracold atoms, electronic materials and devices, and laser development and applications. http://rqi.rice.edu/
Extractions: Peter J. Nordlander , Director Bruce R. Johnson, Executive Director Research Activities Pick a Topic Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory Metal Nanoshells Bose-Einstein Condensation Molecular Computing Wavelets in Quantum Mechanics Quantum Chemistry Condensed Matter LaserScience Terahertz Radiation Molecular Spectroscopy Biophysics Applied Physics Graduate Program Research Experience for Undergraduates
Quantum And Braided Spin The modern KaluzaKlein theories of unification of gauge fields and gravitation, the theories of grand unification and, more recently, superfield, super-string, membrane and conformal field theories have enhanced the role of the geometry of multidimensional spaces in fundamental theoretical physics. An analagous quantum geometry is explored in these online lectures. http://kaluza.physik.uni-konstanz.de/2MS/rosenb/rb/node1.html
Extractions: European Research Network Introduction Teams in the network Research objectives Links ... Midterm Report The recent years have seen the emergence of a new field of research dealing with information at the quantum level. Quantum physics is so radically different from classical physics that a slight modification of the present knowledge of transmitting and processing information is not justified. Rather, the radically new principles in the quantum field open up completely new schemes of information transfer and processing, thus enabling new forms of communication and enhanced computational power. The Physics of Quantum Information is a proposed European network within the TMR program of the European Commission. It will bring together for the first time all relevant European activities in the field of the physics of quantum information and to guarantee, through the training of young researchers, that European expertise is disseminated broadly among the next generation of scientists. [Back to index] Experimentalphysik, U. Wien, AT
Alexey Yamilov Home Page, Physics Department Of Queens College, City University A member of Condensed Matter Theory group in Queens College (CUNY). Interests include general questions of localization of light, polariton optics of disordered crystals and quantum heterostructures. http://forbin.qc.edu/Physics/gs/yamilov/yamilov.html
[quant-ph/9909086] Topics In Modern Quantum Optics This is the written version of lectures presented at the 17th Symposium on Theoretical physics covering various topics in quantum optics. http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9909086
Department Of Theoretical Physics, Uppsala University Research in classical and quantum field theories and dynamical systems; string theory and cosmology; condensed matter theory and mathematical physics; high energy, condensed matter, and mathematical physics; and quantum mechanics. http://www.teorfys.uu.se/
Student Understanding Of Quantum Mechanics A set of lectures and reports outlining methods of teaching introductory quantum mechanics to a wide range of students. http://www.physics.umd.edu/rgroups/ripe/perg/qm/
Extractions: PERG Info PERG materials PERG HOMEPAGE PER on the web ... Resources on the web The University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group is currently involved in two supported projects to study student understanding of quantum mechanics and to build a new course in introductory QM for scientists and engineers. Department of Education FIPSE grant 116B70186 Student Misconceptions on Classical Issues at the Boundary of Quantum Mechanics , E. F. Redish (18 April 97 APS/AAPT joint meeting ) Student Difficulties with Energy in Quantum Mechanics , E. F. Redish, Lei Bao and Pratibha Jolly ( 8 January 97 AAPT Winter Meeting). Student Difficulties with Quantum Mechanics , Lei Bao, Pratibha Jolly, and Edward F. Redish (8 August 96 AAPT Summer Meeting)