WIEM: Woodward Robert Burns woodward robert burns (19171979), chemik amerykanski. Profesor Chemia,Stany Zjednoczone woodward robert burns (1917-1979). Woodward http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/004724.html
Extractions: Woodward Robert Burns (1917-1979), chemik amerykañski. Profesor Uniwersytetu Harvarda w Cambridge (od 1946), dyrektor Woodward Research Institute w Bazylei (od 1963). Cz³onek Royal Society w Londynie (od 1956) oraz 23 akademii nauk na ca³ym ¶wiecie. B³ona komórkowa, schemat Dokona³ syntezy chininy , patuliny, cholesterolu , kortizonu, lanosterolu, kwasu lizerginowego, strychniny rezerpiny chlorofilu kolchicyny , cefalosporyny, witaminy B12 (wraz z A. Eschenmoserem), prostaglandyny PGF Bada³ strukturê penicyliny , strychniny, patuliny, terramycyny, aureomycyny, cewiny, magnamycyny i innych. Prowadzi³ prace nad biogenez± alkaloidów indolowych, steroidów , makrolidów.
WOODWARD Robert Burns Last updated 26.05.2001 025259. Robert Burns Woodward byl americkýchemik, ijící v letech 1917 1979. V roce 1965 obdrel http://www.volny.cz/michal_bachman/wood.htm
O Webu Obrazová galerie. WÖHLER Friedrich, Obrazová galerie. woodward robert burns.ZAJCEV Alexander Michajlovic. ZIEGLER Karl. Alfred Nobel, ivot a práce. http://www.volny.cz/michal_bachman/o_webu.htm
Extractions: Last updated: 14.08.2002 21:50:00 Vznik webu Web o Nobelovi Zmìna Souèasnost ... Struktura webu Zárodek celého webu vznikl na konci kolního roku 1998/99, kdy jsem byl ákem 9. tøídy základní koly. Pøipravil jsem si tehdy na výzvu naeho chemikáøe referát o Alfredu Nobelovi (v angliètinì). Ten jsem pak v prváku na gymplu umístil na web a zaèal pøidávat dalí èlánky. Asi po roce pøibyl druhý web, speciálnì o Alfredu Nobelovi, kam jsem zaèal umisovat pøeklady èlánkù ze védských stránek Nobelovy nadace. Po necelých dvou letech jsem se rozhodl zmìnit design i architekturu stránek. Není to proto, e by mi pøipadal tento design hezèí, nýbr proto, e pøedelé stránky byly tvoøeny v programu Microsoft Publisher 2000, co bylo vzhledem k èasové nároènosti a nízké "inteligenci" tohoto programu pomìrnì nevyhovující. Pøeel jsem proto na (podle mého názoru) mnohem kvalitnìjí Front Page 2000 (i kdy má spoooustu odpùrcù), který poskytuje ji nìkolik pøedem nadefinovaných grafických návrhù, mezi které patøí i tento. Take pokud se nìkomu nový vzhled stránky nelíbí, musí se s tím smíøit, protoe stránka má èistì informaèní, nikoliv umìlecký charakter. Výhodou je naopak daleko snadnìjí monost aktualizací a jednoduí ovládání, co se doufám brzy projeví na obsahové kvalitì webu. Dalí výhodou je kompletní hypertextové propojení se stránkami o Nobelovi. Weby tak byly v podstatì slouèeny v jeden. Od 9. srpna 2002 do l
WOODWARD Robert Burns Last updated 19.02.2004 165927. Robert Burns Woodward byl americkýchemik, ijící v letech 1917 1979. V roce 1965 obdrel http://nobelsoftware.com/vedci/wood.htm
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Robert Burns Woodward - United States chemist honored for synthesizing complex organic compounds (1917-1979) Woodward chemist - a scientist who specializes in chemistry Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Robert Burns Woodward" in the definition: Burns
Biography Of Robert Burns Woodward ROBERT BURNS WOODWARD. Robert Burns Woodward was born in Boston onApril 10th, 1917, the only child of Margaret Burns, a native of http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Nobel/wo.htm
Extractions: Woodward was attracted to chemistry at a very early age, and indulged his taste for the science in private activities throughout the period of his primary and secondary education in the public schools of Quincy, a suburb of Boston. In 1933, he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , from which he was excluded for inattention to formal studies at the end ofthe Fall term, 1934. The Institute authorities generously allowed him to re-enroll in the Fall term of 1935, and he took the degrees of Bachelor of Science in 1936 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1937. Since that time he has been associated with Harvard University , as Postdoctoral Fellow (1937-1938), Member of the Society of Fellows (1938-1940), Instructor in Chemistry (1941-1944), Assistant Professor (1944-1946), Associate Professor (1946-1950), Professor (1950-1953), Morris Loeb Professor of Chemistry (1953-1960), and Donner Professor of Science since 1960. In 1963 he assumed direction of the Woodward Research Institute at Basel. He was a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966-1971), and he is a Member of the Board of Governors of the
Robert Burns Woodward Robert Burns Woodward. Robert Burns Woodward (1917 1979). Americanchemist best known for his syntheses of complex organic substances http://www.nobel-winners.com/Chemistry/robert_burns_woodward.html
Extractions: Woodward was attracted to chemistry at an early age and entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1933. Involvement with chemistry at the expense of other subjects caused his suspension for a semester but also resulted in his collaboration on three research papers. Awarded the B.S. degree in 1936 and the Ph.D. degree a year later, he immediately became associated with Harvard, becoming professor (1950-60) and Donner professor of science (1960-79). He was uniquely honoured by the founding of the Woodward Research Institute in Basel, Switz., by the Ciba pharmaceutical company in 1963. He then directed research activities both in Cambridge and in Basel. Woodward was married in 1938 to Irja Pullman and in 1946 to Eudoxia Muller; he had three daughters and a son. Woodward's achievements in the field of structure determination were more than mere solutions of particular problems: they were demonstrations of new approaches and reasoning that have guided others and increased the power of the discipline. The structures of complex natural products deduced by Woodward include those of penicillin (1945), patulin (1948), strychnine (1947), oxytetracycline (1952), cevine (1954), carbomycin (1956), gliotoxin (1958), ellipticine (1959), calycanthine (1960), oleandomycin (1960), streptonigrin (1963), and tetrodotoxin (1964). His delineation of the structure of magnamycin revealed a previously unknown family of natural products, the macrolide antibiotics, for which he also proposed a mode of formation in nature. He also first proposed the correct biosynthetic pathway to the steroidal hormones in living organisms.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Robert Burns Woodward April 10 April 10 is the 100th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (101st in leap years). There are 265 days remaining. "April Tenth" is also a song by the band Garbage. It was released on the B-side of the "Shut Your Mouth" single from the beautifulgarbage album. The song is about the death of a fan. Click the link for more information. July 8 July 8 is the 189th day of the year (190th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 176 days remaining. 1099 - First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders mocked them. 1630 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony celebrates its first Thanksgiving Day.
Robert B. Woodward - Biography robert burns woodward was born in Boston on April 10th, 1917, the only child of Margaretburns, a native of Glasgow, and Arthur woodward, of English antecedents http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1965/woodward-bio.html
Extractions: Woodward was attracted to chemistry at a very early age, and indulged his taste for the science in private activities throughout the period of his primary and secondary education in the public schools of Quincy, a suburb of Boston. In 1933, he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , from which he was excluded for inattention to formal studies at the end ofthe Fall term, 1934. The Institute authorities generously allowed him to re-enroll in the Fall term of 1935, and he took the degrees of Bachelor of Science in 1936 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1937. Since that time he has been associated with Harvard University , as Postdoctoral Fellow (1937-1938), Member of the Society of Fellows (1938-1940), Instructor in Chemistry (1941-1944), Assistant Professor (1944-1946), Associate Professor (1946-1950), Professor (1950-1953), Morris Loeb Professor of Chemistry (1953-1960), and Donner Professor of Science since 1960. In 1963 he assumed direction of the Woodward Research Institute at Basel. He was a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966-1971), and he is a Member of the Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute of Science Woodward has been unusually fortunate in the outstanding personal qualities and scientific capabilities of a large proportion of his more than two hundred and fifty collaborators in Cambridge, and latterly in Basel, of whom more than half have assumed academic positions. He has also on numerous occasions enjoyed exceptionally stimulating and fruitful collaboration with fellow-scientists in laboratories other than his own. His interests in chemistry are wide, but the main arena of his first-hand engagement has been the investigation of natural products - a domain he regards as endlessly fascinating in itself, and one which presents unlimited and unparalleled opportunities for the discovery, testing, development and refinement of general principles.
Woodward, Robert Burns woodward, robert burns. R.B. woodward, 1966. b. April 10, 1917, Boston, Mass., U.S.d. July 8, 1979, Cambridge, Mass.), woodward, robert burns. R.B. woodward, 1966. By courtesy of the Harvard University News Service woodward was attracted to chemistry at an early age and entered the Massachusetts http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/644_32.html
Extractions: R.B. Woodward, 1966 By courtesy of the Harvard University News Service (b. April 10, 1917, Boston, Mass., U.S.d. July 8, 1979, Cambridge, Mass.), American chemist best known for his syntheses of complex organic substances, including quinine (1944), cholesterol and cortisone (1951), and vitamin B (1971). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1965. Woodward was attracted to chemistry at an early age and entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1933. Involvement with chemistry at the expense of other subjects caused his suspension for a semester but also resulted in his collaboration on three research papers. Awarded the B.S. degree in 1936 and the Ph.D. degree a year later, he immediately became associated with Harvard, becoming professor (1950-60) and Donner professor of science (1960-79). He was uniquely honoured by the founding of the Woodward Research Institute in Basel, Switz., by the Ciba pharmaceutical company in 1963. He then directed research activities both in Cambridge and in Basel. Woodward was married in 1938 to Irja Pullman and in 1946 to Eudoxia Muller; he had three daughters and a son. The chemistry of natural products served as the base for Woodward's broad engagement in organic chemistry. The first result of this involvement was a series of four papers (1940-42), based on work in the steroid field, delineating rules for the correlation of ultraviolet spectra with molecular structure. His early recognition that physical measurement had greater power than chemical reaction to reveal structural features led to his development of those rules
Chemistry 1965 LAUREATES, ARTICLES, EDUCATIONAL, The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1965. for his outstandingachievements in the art of organic synthesis . robert burns woodward. USA. http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1965/
Woodward, Robert Burns woodward, robert burns. woodward, robert burns 191780, American chemist and educator, b United Press International)woodward, robert burns (19171979) http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0852687
Extractions: Woodward, Robert Burns Woodward, Robert Burns, , American chemist and educator, b. Boston, grad. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (S.B., 1936; Ph.D., 1937). He taught at Harvard from 1938, becoming Donner professor of science there in 1960. He was one of the first to determine the structure of such organic chemical compounds as penicillin (1945), strychnine (1947), terramycin (1952), and aureomycin (1952). Woodward is best known for his chemical synthesis of the organic substances quinine (1944), patulin (1950), cholesterol (1951), cortisone (1951), strychnine, lysergic acid, lanosterol (1954), reserpine (1956), chlorophyll (1960), and tetracycline (1962). For this work in organic synthesis he was awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
Extractions: Select Search All Bartleby.com All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Woodward, Robert Burns
Robert Burns Woodward, April 10, 1917 July 8, 1979 | By Elkan Blout | Biograp robert burns woodward. April 10, 1917 July 8, 1979. By Elkan Blout. robert burns woodward WAS the preeminent organic chemist of the twentieth century. This opinion is shared by his colleagues, students, and by other distinguished chemists. http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/rwoodward.html
Extractions: R OBERT BURNS WOODWARD WAS the preeminent organic chemist of the twentieth century. This opinion is shared by his colleagues, students, and by other distinguished chemists. Bob Woodward was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and was an only child. His father died when Bob was less than two years old, and his mother had to work hard to support her son. His early education was in the Quincy, Massachusetts, public schools. During this period he was allowed to skip three years, thus enabling him to finish grammar and high schools in nine years. In 1933 at the age of 16, Bob Woodward enrolled in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study chemistry, although he also had interests at that time in mathematics, literature, and architecture. His unusual talents were soon apparent to the MIT faculty, and his needs for individual study and intensive effort were met and encouraged. Bob did not disappoint his MIT teachers. He received his B.S. degree in 1936 and completed his doctorate in the spring of 1937, at which time he was only 20 years of age. Immediately following his graduation Bob taught summer school at the University of Illinois, but then returned to Harvard's Department of Chemistry to start a productive period with an assistantship under Professor E. P. Kohler. He remained at Harvard until his death in 1979. Although Bob remained formally at Harvard for his entire professional life, he traveled extensively in order to lecture, receive awards, and sometimes to relax for a day or two with friends.
Woodward, R. B. (Robert Burns), 1917-1979. Papers Of Robert Burns Woodward : A HUGFP 68.xx. woodward, R. B. ( robert burns), 19171979. Papers of robert burns woodward an inventory. Harvard University Archives. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2003. Descriptive Summary. Repository Harvard University Archives http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hua06001.html
Robert Burns Woodward Winner Of The 1965 Nobel Prize In Chemistry robert burns woodward, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. robert burns woodward. 1965 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry submitted by Thomas) woodward, robert http://www.almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1965a.html
Extractions: Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors Robert Burns Woodward Biography (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar April in Chemistry (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar MIT Nobel Prize winners (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Prof. R B Woodward: Speaking on Cephalosporin C (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Robert Burns Woodward Nobel Lecture (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar R. B. Woodward and the Art of Organic Synthesis (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Ferrocene: Ironclad History or Rashomon Tale? by Pierre Laszlo and Roald Hoffmann (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar The Art and Science of Total Synthesis at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century by K. C. Nicolaou et al. (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Robert Burns Woodward BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS (submitted by Thomas Woodward, Robert Burns
Extractions: Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors Robert Burns Woodward Biography (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar April in Chemistry (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar MIT Nobel Prize winners (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Prof. R B Woodward: Speaking on Cephalosporin C (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Robert Burns Woodward Nobel Lecture (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar R. B. Woodward and the Art of Organic Synthesis (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Ferrocene: Ironclad History or Rashomon Tale? by Pierre Laszlo and Roald Hoffmann (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar The Art and Science of Total Synthesis at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century by K. C. Nicolaou et al. (submitted by Chinnappan Baskar Robert Burns Woodward BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS (submitted by Thomas Woodward, Robert Burns
Index Of Nobel Laureates In Chemistry Willstatter, Richard Martin, 1915. Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold, 1928. Wittig,Georg, 1979. woodward, robert burns, 1965. Wüthrich, Kurt, 2002. Zewail, AhmedH, 1999. http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/alpha.html
Robert Burns Woodward -- Encyclopædia Britannica continued. woodward, robert burns Encyclopædia Britannica Article. robert burnswoodward. MLA style robert burns woodward. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=79511&tocid=7998&query=tetrodotoxin&ct=