Nobel Prizes In Neuroscience Roger W. Sperry (USA) nobel Fnd. NPIA David H. Hubel (USA) nobel Fnd.NPIA torsten N. wiesel (Sweden) nobel Fnd. NPIA Sperry was
Extractions: Cajal and Golgi shared the Nobel Prize for their tremendous contribution to our understanding o the anatomical structure of the brain. Interestingly, they both had different theories about the nature of contacts between nerve cell. Despite this, each scientists produced a large body of work and refined techniques histological techniques impacted future generations of neuroanatomists. Some of this work is described in a previous feature article
Thorsten N. Wiesel Translate this page nobelpreis fuer Medizin 1981 (nobel Prize Medicine 1981) ThorstenN. wiesel, schwedischer Neurobiologe, geb. 3. Juni 1924.
Extractions: For Immediate Release: June 30, 1999 Population Council Elects Two New Trustees: Alaka Basu, Scientist and Indian Population Expert, and Dr. Torsten N. Wiesel, Former President of Rockefeller University and Nobel Prize Winner NEW YORK - Two new distinguished board members were elected at the 108th meeting of the Population Council's Board of Trustees: Alaka Basu, Senior Research Associate at Cornell University's Division of Nutritional Sciences, and a National Research Council Scholar-in-Residence, and Dr. Torsten N. Wiesel, immediate past president of Rockefeller University and winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1981. The Board of Trustees is composed of leaders in research, policy development, and business from 12 countries. Alaka Basu Ms. Basu obtained her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with Honors from the University of Bombay, India in 1971, and two Masters of Science, one in Biochemistry from University College of the University of London in 1973, and another in Medical Demography from the Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London in 1975. She also has a post-graduate diploma in Journalism from the Bombay College of Journalism, University of Bombay. In 1994, Ms. Basu received a mid-career Fellowship from the Population Council. Torsten N. Wiesel
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Medicine since 1901 Year Prize Winners Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Mechnikov, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard Dam, Henrik Carl Peter; Doisy, Edward Adelbert Erlanger, Joseph; Gasser, Herbert Spencer
Nobel-díjasok - Egészségügy + Üzlet Tematikus Portál Magyar, illetve magyar származású nobeldíjasok. Név. Kategória. Év. LénárdFülöp, fizikai, 1905. Gábor Dénes, fizikai, 1971. wiesel, Elie, béke, 1986.
Extractions: Élettani és orvosi Nobel-díjasok Magyar, illetve magyar származású Nobel-díjasok Név Kategória Év Lénárd Fülöp fizikai Bárány Róbert orvosi Zsigmondy Richárd kémiai Szent-Györgyi Albert orvosi Hevesy György kémiai Békésy György orvosi Wigner Jenõ fizikai Gábor Dénes fizikai Wiesel, Elie béke Polanyi, John C. kémiai Oláh György kémiai Harsányi János közgazd. Kertész Imre irodalmi Szoborparkjuk ( link>> ,,Az amerikai Paul C Lauterbur és az angol Peter Mansfield kapták az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat a mágneses rezonancián alapuló képalkotás (MRI) kifejlesztéséért, jelentette be hétfõn a svéd Nobel-testület. Kutatásaikra alapulva készültek késõbb a manapság az orvosi diagnosztikában használatos MR-vizsgálóberendezések, amelyek mágneses magrezonancia segítségével készítenek rendkívül részletes két-, sõt újabban háromdimenziós képeket a vizsgált emberi szervekrõl és szövetekrõl...'' link>> Kiosztották az orvosi Nobel-díjakat - 2002. október 7., hétfõ - Forrás:
BioFinder Kategorien Suche Wieschaus,Eric Autobiography; wiesel, torsten N. wiesel, torsten N. Addendum; Wilkins
Extractions: HOME START Personen Biologie Links in dieser Kategorie: 4000 Years of Women in Science Adrian, Edgar Douglas Albertus Magnus Albertus Magnus References ... Aldrovandi, Ulisse Italian web page Alfred Wegener in Greenland original document written by one of the participants in Alfred Wegener's expedition to Greenland in 1930 Altmann, Sidney Autobiography Anfinsen, Christian B. Anning, Mary Arber, Werner Autobiography Arrhenius, Svante Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David Banting, Frederick Grant ... Bishop, J. Michael Autobiography Black, James Autobiography Bloch, Konrad E. Blumberg, Baruch S. Autobiography Bordet, Jules Boveri, Theodor Bovet, Daniel Boyd-Orr of Brechin, John ... Cech, Thomas R. Autobiography Cesalpino, Andrea Italian web page Chain, Ernst Boris Claude, Albert Autobiography Cohen, Stanley Autobiography Cori, Gerty Theresa and Carl Ferdinand Cormack, Allan M. Cornforth, John Warcup Autobiography Cousteau, Jacques Crick, Francis Harry Compton Cuvier, Georges Dale, Henry Hallett ... Darwin, Charles Electronic Texts and Documents on Charles Darwin Dausset, Jean
Nobel Prices Related To Neuroscience To BioMag home page nobel prices related to neuroscience. 1981 David H. Hubel andTorsten N. wiesel, for their discoveries concerning visual system .
Extractions: To BioMag home page 1973 Physics: Brian David Josephson (Great Britain) "for his theoretical predictions of theproperties of a supercurrent through a barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects" 1991 Erwin Neher (Germany) Bert Sakmann (Germany) "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells" Alfred G. Gilman (USA) Martin Rodbell (USA) "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells" Send comments to Risto Ilmoniemi (
Committee On Human Rights: Nobel Laureates Appeal For Nguyen Dan Que Laureate. Charles H. Townes 1964 nobel Laureate in Physics. TorstenN. wiesel 1981 nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. cc His
University Of Chicago News: Nobel Laureates The nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981 with David H. Hubel, MD, andTorsten N. wiesel, MD for his discoveries concerning the functional
Nobelova Cena Ve Fyziologii Nebo MedicÃnÄ W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, torsten N. wiesel Sperry výzkum mozkových polokoulí;Hubel a wiesel pro práci na Edward B. Lewis, Christiane N ? ssleinVolhard
Extractions: vodn str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le Toto je seznam Nobelov½ch cen ve fyziologii nebo medicnÄ: Ronald Ross Niels Ryberg Finsen Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Robert Koch Camillo Golgi Santiago Ram � n y Cajal Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich Emil Theodor Kocher Albrecht Kossel Allvar Gullstrand Alexis Carrel Charles Robert Richet Robert B � r � ny Jules Bordet Schack srpen Steenberg Krogh Archibald Vivian kopec , Otto Fritz Meyerhof Frederick grant Banting John James Richard Macleod Willem Einthoven Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger pro objasÅovat Spiroptera karcinom a umÄle indukovat rakovina na bestii.
Resultados Nobel · Libros · Cultura Y Ciencia · Terra Translate this page nobel de Economía (53), nobel de Física (178), nobel de Literatura (107).nobel de Medicina (189), nobel de la Paz (128), nobel de Química (147).