Extractions: Daniel Tsui shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics for using powerful magnets and extremely low temperatures to show that thin sheets of electrons behave as a frictionless superfluid on a macro scale. This discovery of a quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations is inspiring a new area of research that holds the promise of revolutionary technological applications. Tsui's achievements as an experimental physicist and a Princeton electrical engineering professor are all the more remarkable because he was born to illiterate peasants in rural Henan, China in 1939. Tsui began his academic career hoping to study medicine in Taiwan but was inspired to become a physicist by the Nobel Prize awarded in 1957 C N Yang and T D Lee. 8. An Wang
Extractions: ELECTRONICS AND FLUIDICS Electrooptical and Optoelectronic Devices Authors: Tsui, Daniel C.; PRINCETON UNIV NJ DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Abstract: Limitations: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Description: Final rept. 1 Aug 94-31 Jul 97 Pages: Report Date: 08 JUN 1998 Report number: Price: (46% savings) Shipping terms
KTH-EKOT Archives -- October 1998 (#6) till Professor Robert B. Laughlin, Stanford University, Professor Horst L. Störmer,Columbia University och Professor daniel C. tsui, Princeton University. http://segate.sunet.se/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9810&L=kth-ekot&F=&S=&P=555
TSUI HARK 2001 cinématographique fera daniel s Action Web tsui HARK (biography). http://www.ed-wood.net/tsui_hark.htm
Extractions: Meilleur metteur en scène de la planète ? The Butterfly Murders (1979) We're Going To Eat You (1980) Don't Play With Fire (1980) All The Wrong Clues (1981) Zu : Warriors From The Magic Moutain (1983) Si avec ce film Tsui Hark semble abandonner la folie furieuse d'Histoire de Cannibales et de l'Enfer des Armes, ce n'est vraiment qu'en apparence. Zu est un monument de délires visuels, un manga live bien souvent abstrait de part son déluge d'images incroyables montées à un rythme inhumain. 94 minutes qui impressionnent mille fois plus qu'un blockbuster hollywoodien de 2h30. Monstre cinématographique révolutionnaire, Zu ne ressemble à rien de connu dans notre univers. Symbiose entre kung fu délirant, effets visuels surréalistes, décors formidables, humour potache et autres explosions de féerie décalée, Zu est un fabuleux livre d'images, un fastueux résumé des merveilles des légendes asiatiques. Démons, vieux sages, disciples délurés, guerriers, amazones... Ils font tous partie de cette merveille absolue qui laisse le spectateur épuisé, tétanisé, dépassé mais au 7e ciel. Aces Go Places III (1984) Shangai Blues (1984) Working Class (1985) Peking Opera Blues (1986) Laser Man (1986) I Love Maria (1988) (co-réalisateur) A Better Tomorrow III (1989) The Master (1989) Swordsman (1990) Once Upon A Time In China (1991) The Banquet (1991) Once Upon A Time In China II (1992) Après avoir planté le décor et le Mythe avec le premier film, Tsui Hark fait exploser les dernières limites avec cette suite phénoménale qui reste à ce jour le meilleur segment de la saga. Jet Li est extraordinaire, encore plus que d'habitude sans doute. Le film est parfait, un grand Best Of de la magie du cinéma HK. C'est drôle, intelligent, politique, impressionnant, aérien, violent, émouvant, sublime... Deux heures emplies à ras-bord de grand spectacle et de féerie, le point limite du cinéma d'action à la fois divertissant, touchant et thématiquement très riche. De l'entertainment total mais avec un vrai scénario, de vrais morceaux de réflexions dedans, un film qui écrase toute la production hollywoodienne sans même le faire exprès. Chef-d'Oeuvre Absolu évidemment, et encore un de mes films favoris.
Annual Research Review, 1999 J. LaCroix, Benjamin MW tsui, and Eric C. Frey Investigation of Hole Single PhotonEmission Computed Tomography daniel Wessell, Benjamin tsui, Eric Frey http://caddlab.rad.unc.edu/extras/RadResSym1999/Main.html
Extractions: Lynn A. Fordham1, M.D., Arthur S. Aylsworth, M.D.2, Stacey Lawrence, B.S.3 , Gary A. Bellus, M.D., Ph.D.4, Roger E. Stevenson, M.D.5, Thaddeus E. Kelly, M.D., Ph.D.6 Departments of Radiology 1 and Pediatrics 2, and the Neuroscience Center2, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , School of Medicine3; Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics4, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver; Greenwood Genetic Center5, Greenwood SC; Department of Pediatrics6, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
Extractions: List of Nobel Laureates supporting "Serageldin for UNESCO" Campaign Arber, Werner (Switzerland), Physiology or Medicine, 1978 Arrow, Kenneth (USA), Economic Sciences, 1972 Black, James Sir (UK), Medicine, 1988 Borlaug, Norman (USA), Peace, 1970 Boyer, Paul D. (USA), Chemistry, 1997 Charpak, Georges (France), Physics, 1992 Curl, Robert F. (USA), Chemistry, 1996 Dausset, Jean (France), Medicine or Physiology, 1980 Debreu, Gerard (USA), Economic Sciences, 1983 De Duve, Christian (Belgium), Physiology or Medicine, 1974 De Gennes, P.G. (France), Physics, 1991 Doherty, Peter (Australia), Physiology or Medicine, 1996 Ernst, Richard R. (UK), Chemistry, 1991 Gell-Mann, Murray (USA), Physics, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee (USA), Physics, 1979 Gorbachev, Mikhail (Russia), Peace, 1990 Gordimer, Nadine (South Africa), Literature, 1991 Jacob, François (France), Physiology or Medicine,1965 Kendall, Henry (USA), Physics, 1990 Klein, Lawrence (USA), Economic Sciences, 1980 Klitzing, Klaus von (Germany), Physics, 1985 Lederman, Leon M. (USA), Physics, 1988 Lehn, Jean-Marie (France), Chemistry, 1987
Truth Now William F. Sharpe E. Jack Steinberger P. Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P. Charles H. TownesP. daniel C. tsui P. Harold E. Varmus M. Robert W. Wilson P. Ahmed H. Zewail C. http://www.truth-now.com/nobel_laureates_dissent.htm
Extractions: The signers included Democrats and Republicans alike as well as several who have advised the federal government or played important roles in national security. Among them are Hans A. Bethe, an architect of the atom bomb; Walter Kohn, a former adviser to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon; Norman F. Ramsey, a Manhattan Project scientist who readied the Hiroshima bomb and later advised NATO; and Charles H. Townes, former research director of the Institute for Defense Analyses at the Pentagon and chairman of a federal panel that studied how to base the MX missile and its nuclear warheads.
20th Century Year By Year 1997 Germany, Columbia University, New York, NY and Bell Labs, NJ, USA b. 1949; and tsui,daniel C., USA, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, b. 1939 for http://www.multied.com/20th/1998.html
Global Exchange - Printer Friendly Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P. Charles H. Townes P. daniel C. tsui P. Harold E. VarmusM. Robert W. Wilson P. Ahmed H. Zewail C. Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company. http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/iraq/556.html.pf
Extractions: Forty-one American Nobel laureates in science and economics issued a declaration yesterday opposing a preventive war against Iraq without wide international support. The statement, four sentences long, argues that an American attack would ultimately hurt the security and standing of the United States, even if it succeeds. The signers, all men, include a number who at one time or another have advised the federal government or played important roles in national security. Among them are Hans A. Bethe, an architect of the atom bomb; Walter Kohn, a former adviser to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon; Norman F. Ramsey, a Manhattan Project scientist who readied the Hiroshima bomb and later advised NATO; and Charles H. Townes, former research director of the Institute for Defense Analyses at the Pentagon and chairman of a federal panel that studied how to base the MX missile and its nuclear warheads. In addition to winning Nobel prizes, 18 of the signers have received the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest science honor.
Extractions: Forty-one American Nobel laureates in science and economics issued a declaration yesterday opposing a preventive war against Iraq without wide international support. The statement, four sentences long, argues that an American attack would ultimately hurt the security and standing of the United States, even if it succeeds. The signers, all men, include a number who at one time or another have advised the federal government or played important roles in national security. Among them are Hans A. Bethe, an architect of the atom bomb; Walter Kohn, a former adviser to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon; Norman F. Ramsey, a Manhattan Project scientist who readied the Hiroshima bomb and later advised NATO; and Charles H. Townes, former research director of the Institute for Defense Analyses at the Pentagon and chairman of a federal panel that studied how to base the MX missile and its nuclear warheads. In addition to winning Nobel prizes, 18 of the signers have received the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest science honor.
Extractions: Explorez ce site! Page d'accueil Recherche Plan du site Bulletin CyberSciences Forum de discussion - Environnement - Espace - Etre humain - Sciences de la Terre - Sciences de la vie - Sciences pures - Technologie Grands Dossiers Virus informatiques Biotechnologies Exploration spatiale Agro-alimentaire Automobiles Station spatiale Gratte-ciel NTIC Mission Pathfinder ABC des inforoutes Index Autres publications >>>> Abonnez-vous! Annoncez-vous chez nous! Retour vers l'accueil Explorez ce site! Page d'accueil Recherche Plan du site Bulletin CyberSciences Forum de discussion - Environnement - Espace - Etre humain - Sciences de la Terre - Sciences de la vie - Sciences pures - Technologie Grands Dossiers Virus informatiques Biotechnologies Exploration spatiale Agro-alimentaire Automobiles Station spatiale Gratte-ciel NTIC Mission Pathfinder ABC des inforoutes Index Autres publications >>>> Abonnez-vous!
EGAP > Mensaje A Graduados Translate this page A fines de 1998, leí una declaración de daniel C. Stanzione, Presidente de los RobertLaughlin (ahora en la Universidad de Stanford), y daniel tsui (ahora en http://www.sistema.itesm.mx/egap/mensaje_agraduados.html
The Nobel Prize In Physics 1998 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1998. New Forms of Quantum Fluid with FractionallyCharged Excitations . daniel C. tsui. USA. Princeton University Princeton, NJ. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/1998npphy.htm
Signal-to-noise Ratios, Performance Criteria, And Transformations Jock Mackay. R daniel Meyer. R. daniel Meyer. David S David Ruppert. Jerome Sacks.Anne C. Shoemaker. Ronald D. Snee. Kwok L. tsui. KwokLeung tsui. Neil R. Ullman.G http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=59261&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CFT
Searching Jenin Steinberger P Joseph H. Taylor Jr. P Charles H. Townes P daniel C.tsui P Harold E. Varmus M Robert W. Wilson P Ahmed H. Zewail C. http://www.searchingjenin.com/wire.php?articleid=20030308094712824
Extractions: October 17 Physics Nobel spotlights quantum effect Daniel C. Tsui, Horst L. Störmer, and Robert B. Laughlin won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery and explanation of the fractional quantum Hall effect. References: The announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physics can be found at http://www.nobel.se/announcement-98/physics98.html Further Readings: Anderson, P.W. 1997. When the electron falls apart. Physics Today (October):42. Collins, G.P. 1997. Fractionally charged quasiparticles signal their presence with noise. Physics Today (November):17. Daviss, B. 1998. Splitting the electron. New Scientist (Jan. 31):36. Eisenstein, J.P., and H.L. Störmer. 1990. The fractional quantum Hall effect. Science 248(June 22):1510. Kivelson, S., D.-H. Lee, and S.-C. Zhang. 1996. Electrons in Flatland. Scientific American (March):86. Peterson, I. 1996. Superfluidity finding earns physics Nobel. Science News 150(Oct. 19):247. Thomsen, D.E. 1984. Fractional Hall effect by electrons in chorus. Science News 126(Aug. 25):116.
Honorary Degrees great consequence. daniel C. tsui, Professor in the Department ofElectrical Engineering, Princeton University. Presentation by http://www.uchicago.edu/docs/education/record/1-6-00/456/degrees.html
Extractions: Honorary Degrees He has crossed disciplinary boundaries, set agendas, raised standards, and sharpened methods. He has changed the terms in which the predecessors and successors of the Achaemenids can be studied. He has been an acute critic, a generous colleague, and a vivid exponent to the larger reading public. He has shown a generation of scholars once isolated from each other that they are members of a common intellectual project of great consequence. Daniel C. Tsui, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University. Presentation by Thomas F. Rosenbaum, Professor in the Department of Physics, the James Franck Institute, and the College. Daniel Tsui is renowned for his ability to probe quantum behavior on a macroscopic scale and to choreograph interactions between electrons, discovering new ways to parse charge and spin. His work on the collective behavior of sheets of electrons has profoundly influenced the direction taken by condensed matter physics over the past two decades, and it has fostered fundamental connections to plasma physics and modern field theories. Professor Tsui combines the high art of materials science with the incisive insight of the best physics. His discovery of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect opened new experimental and theoretical vistas, and his experiments continue to reveal the essential quantum nature of materials. Professor Tsui is not only an extraordinary scientist, but also a widely admired individual, both for his human qualities and for the leadership role he has assumed in the community. He has bridged industry and academia, science and engineering. As one of our own (University of Chicago Ph.D., 1967), he embodies the pure dedication to scholarship to which we and our students aspire.
Vesmír - Kvantové Hallovy Jevy prekvapit dokonce i nekteré fyziky. Cenu dostali experimentátoriHorst L. Störmer a daniel C. tsui a teoretik Robert B. Laughlin. http://www.vesmir.cz/clanek.php3?CID=721