Ting, Samuel Chad Chung ting, samuel Chad Chung. (1936). Americký fyzik, který je spoludritelemNobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1976 za objevení cástice http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Ting_Samuel.html
Extractions: Syn èínského profesora. Ve dvaceti se pøestìhoval z Èíny do USA, kde studoval na universitì v Michiganu, kde také v roce 1962 získal doktorát. Ting uèil na Columbijské universitì a stal se vedoucím skupiny "Atomic Facility" v Hamburgu. V roce 1967 vstupuje na pùdu Massachusetts Institute of Technology a o dva roky pozdìji se stává profesorem. V roce 1974 objevil Ting novou èástici J/psí. Bylo to v "Brookhaven National Laboratory" poblíe Uptonu, Long Island, stát New York. Èástice se jmenuje J/psí podle dvou pracovi, na kterých byla objevena. Je sloena z kvarku c a jeho antikvarku a tímto objevem byla podpoøen kvarkový model èástic. Za objev získal spolu s Burtonem Richterem (objevil èástici nezávisle ve Stanfordu) Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1976. V roce udìlení Nobelovy ceny pracoval S. Ting v komplexu laboratoøí CERN v enevì.
Tsinghua News --- Tsinghua University samuel ting. From http//almaz.com/nobel/physics/1976b.html. samuelCC ting. 1976 Nobel Laureate in Physics. for their pioneering work http://news.cic.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng_news.php?id=206
20th Century Year By Year 1976 BURTON, USA, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, b. 1931; ting,samuel CC, USA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA http://www.multied.com/20th/1976.html
ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos. ting, samuel CC (Estados Unidos). Por su trabajopionero en el descubrimiento de un nuevo tipo de particula elemental pesada. http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/fisica4.htm
Extractions: Inicio Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL FISICA Richter, Burton (Estados Unidos) Por su trabajo pionero en el descubrimiento de un nuevo tipo de particula elemental pesada. Centro del Acelerador Lineal de Stanford. Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos Ting, Samuel C.C. (Estados Unidos) Por su trabajo pionero en el descubrimiento de un nuevo tipo de particula elemental pesada. Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT). Cambridge, MA, USA Anderson, Philip W. (Estados Unidos) Por sus investigaciones teóricas fundamentales de la estructura electrónica de sistemas magnéticos y desordenados. Laboratorios Bell Telephone. Nurray Hill, NJ, Estados Unidos Mott, Nevill F. Por sus investigaciones teóricas fundamentales de la estructura electrónica de sistemas magneticos y desordenados. Universidad de Cambridge. Cambridge, Gran Bretaña
History For Sale - Science, Inventors Medical Autographs Autographs samuel CC ting INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED, samuelCC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - DOCUMENT 201762, $149.00. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=33&sort=1&signer=T
History For Sale - Science, Inventors Medical Autographs 1987 DOCUMENT 201336, $119.00. Autographs samuel CC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPHSIGNED, samuel CC ting - INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - DOCUMENT 201762, $149.00. http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=33&start=70&sort=&signer=&dp
Richter - Ting Burton Richter és samuel CC ting amerikai fizikusok kapták 1976ban a Nobel-díjat egy új típusú nehéz elemi részecske felfedezésében végzett http://www.szgti.bmf.hu/fizika/cern-sajatkezuleg/stdmod/nobel-prize/richter.htm
Extractions: It may come as little surprise that the majority are drawn from the fields of science and technology. It's the intellectually broad-shouldered area to which Asian Americans have contributed most remarkably so far so much so that some may be tempted to dismiss these as routine or pedestrian. That would be a shame. Each profiled scientist came by his light through long, uniquely lonesome and intensive effort, and each illuminates a uniquely exciting frontier of human thought.
Extractions: In the crucial transition period from the initiative phase to the overall implementing phase of the Academy¡¯s Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), based on the experience of the KIP initiative phase, has attached great importance to the broad solicitation of suggestions on the overall implementing phase of the KIP with the aim at further clarifying its position in the National Innovation System and setting up goals and measures for the development and reform in the next few years. On 4th August 2000, an International Consultation Symposium on the Pilot Projects of the Knowledge Innovation Program was held at CAS. Several world famous scientists, the Nobel Prize winners Prof. Chen Ning Yang, Prof. Samuel C.C. Ting, Prof. Hartmut Michel, Prof. Rudolph A. Marcus as well as the Fields Prize winner Prof. Shing-Tung Yau, were invited to the Symposium. They are all CAS Foreign Members. CAS solicited their constructive comments on the Knowledge Innovation Program. During their stay in China, three of them gave special lectures at the CAS Innovation Strategic Forum. 1983 Fields Prize winner, Prof. Prof. Shing-Tung Yau from Harvard University lectured on ¡°The Mathematics in the 21
Samuel Worked to develop rocket engines for spaceships. samuel CC ting (1936)American physicist. Co-winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Physics. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/s/samuel.html
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result COLLABORATION = L3 Collaboration; SPOKESPERSON =ting, samuel~CC; SPKSEMAIL =david.stickland@cern.ch; URL = http//l3www.cern.ch/; RELATED ; EMAIL david http://usparc.ihep.su/spires/find/experiments/wwwupd?KEY=6793
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result D. Luckey, S. Nahn, H. Postema, J. Rodin, B. Smith, M. Steuer, F. Sticozzi, SMting, samuel CC ting (Spokesperson), JC Wang, YF Wang Florence U. and INFN http://usparc.ihep.su/spires/find/experiments/www2?expt=CERN-LEP-L3
Columbia University Nobel Laureates 33, Friedman, Milton, Economics, 1976, PhD 1946, 193741; 4345; 6465. 34,ting, samuel CC, Physics, 1976, 196467. 35, Penzias, Arno A. Physics, 1978,PhD 1962, http://c250.columbia.edu/c250_now/symposia/history_nobel_laureates.html
Extractions: var loaded_bol = false; Nobelist Field Prize Year CC AB Columbia PhD Columbia Faculty Roosevelt, Theodore Peace Millikan, Robert A. Physics PhD 1895 Butler, Nicholas Murray Peace PhD 1884 Langmuir, Irving Chemistry Eng. 1903 MA 1906 Morgan, Thomas Hunt Medicine Urey, Harold C. Chemistry Fermi, Enrico Physics Rabi. I. I. Physics PhD 1927 Muller, Hermann J. Medicine PhD 1927 Northrop, John Howard Chemistry PhD 1915 Yukawa, Hideki Physics Kendall, Edward C. Medicine PhD 1910 Kusch, Polykarp Physics Lamb, Willis E. Physics Cournand, Andre F. Medicine Richards, Dickinson W. Medicine Lee, Tsung-Dao Physics Lederberg, Joshua Medicine Mayer, Maria Goeppert Physics Bloch, Konrad E. Medicine PhD 1938 Townes, Charles H. Physics Schwinger, Julian S. Physics PhD 1939 Wald, George Medicine MA 1928 Luria, Salvador E. Medicine Kuznets, Simon S. Economics PhD 1926 Arrow, Kenneth J. Economics PhD 1951 Cooper, Leon N Physics PhD 1964 Stein, William H. Chemistry PhD 1938 Lorenz, Konrad Medicine Bohr, Aage Physics Rainwater, James Physics PhD 1939 Blumberg, Baruch S. Medicine Friedman, Milton Economics PhD 1946 Ting, Samuel C. C.
Taipei Times - Archives announced at a press conference yesterday that it will be joining the Alpha MagneticSpectrometer (AMS) project led by samuel CC ting (?), connecting http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/archives/2002/10/01/0000170245/print
Extractions: Tuesday, Oct 01, 2002,Page 2 Advertising National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) yesterday joined an international scientific research project aimed at looking for antimatter in space. The university announced at a press conference yesterday that it will be joining the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) project led by Samuel C.C. Ting (¤B»F¤¤), connecting itself to academic circles at the international level. NCKU president Kao Chiang ( °ª±j ) told those present that the university would invest abundant manpower and money toward the endeavor.
Science Summit Space Translate this page Rudolf L. Mößbauer (Deutschland, Physik, 1961), Prof. Ferid Murad(USA, Medizin, 1998), Prof. samuel CC ting (USA, Physik, 1976). http://www2.dlr.de/oeffentlichkeit/presse/scsummit.htm;internal&action=cd_framec
Extractions: Am "Science Summit Space" nehmen folgende Nobelpreisträger teil: Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Frankreich, Physik, 1997), Prof. Paul Crutzen (Niederlande, Chemie, 1995), Prof. Christian de Duve (Belgien, Medizin, 1974), Prof. Rudolf L. Mößbauer (Deutschland, Physik, 1961), Prof. Ferid Murad (USA, Medizin, 1998), Prof. Samuel C.C. Ting (USA, Physik, 1976). Das enge Zusammenwirken wissenschaftlich exzellenter Persönlichkeiten mit der Hochtechnologie Raumfahrt zeigt sich unter anderem in Experimenten, die Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji und Prof. Samuel Ting für die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) vorgeschlagen haben. Bei dem Vorschlag des Franzosen Tannoudji, der insbesondere über das "Kühlen und Fangen von Atomen durch Laserlicht" gearbeitet hat, sollen weltweite Standards zur Synchronisation von Uhren entwickelt werden. Prof. Ting wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Klaus Lübelsmeyer von der
Extractions: Looking at this Laboratory from the outside, we see, of course, a collection of distinguished scientists and many of us come to visit them. But the Lab as a lab looks like an enormous version of the instrument in the cafeteria that dispenses soft drinks. There are a large number of faucets. Out of some of them come neutrons, out of other come photons in a variety of wavelengths, and out of still others come protons or ions or electrons. Where once a young sergeant named Irving Berlin contemplated Army life and wrote "Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning," some 56 years later a young scientist named Samuel Ting from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, investigating the structure of matter, discovered a new particle. These men had two things in common: In their different ways, they were both interested in the eternal verities, and unlikely as it seems, they made their investigations at the same place.
TKK International Society Initiator Prof Yang Chen Ning Prof ting samuel CC Prof Lee Yuan Tseh, ProfTien Chang Lin Prof Wang Gungwu. Honorary Chairman Prof Lee Yuan Tseh. http://www.tkk.wspc.com.sg/tkk/society/gmember_eng.shtml
Extractions: Date: September 05, 1988 Nobelist Sam Ting says his CERN experiment is like the United Nationsexcept we get something done. Heres why GENEVA"I dont know what your rules are, the particle physicist Sam Ting tells. the officials from the Soviet Union as they drink coffee in his Geneva office. I dont even care. What I am saying is this: When the announcement of a discovery is made, the people on the podium are the people who get the. credit. If you want your scientists to get the credit they deserve, you will have to change your policies about not letting them work outside the Soviet Union. Obviously, the choice is up to younot to me. He smiles. 1 am just a scientist, a single professor at MIT For the first time in the meeting the Soviet delegation laughs. Whatever they think about their rules and Tings desire that they break them, the Soviets know that he is not just a scientist, a single prof essor at MIT the leader of the biggest and most costly scientific experiment ever attempted. Deep beneath the foothills of the mountains separating France and Switzerland, an enormous project is nearing completion a particle accelerator 27 kilometersnearly 17 milesaround. Known as LEP (Large Electron-Positron Colli der), the accelerator will house four of the most costly scientific experiments ever performed. Three of the experiments are sponsored byand receive most of their budget direction fromthe home institution, CERN, the 13-nation European Laboratory for Particle Physics. These experiments exemplify the large undertakings, now commonplace in science, that have come to be called Big Science.